Chapter 42

Article I. In General

42-1—42-35.    Reserved.

Article II. Department of Community Development

42-36—42-80.    Reserved.

Article III. Downtown Development Authority

42-81.    Definitions.

42-82.    Determination of necessity.

42-83.    Creation of authority.

42-84.    Powers generally.

42-85.    Board of trustees.

42-86.    Director; bond.

42-87.    Fiscal year; adoption of budget; financial reports; audit.

42-88.    Description of downtown district.

42-89.    Dissolution date.

42-90—42-125.    Reserved.

Article IV. Economic Development Corporation

42-126—42-175.    Reserved.

Article V. Housing Commission

42-176.    Created.

42-177.    Composition; terms; compensation; removal.

42-178.    Powers and duties.

42-179.    Accountability to council; annual report; other reports.

42-180.    Personnel and staff.

42-181—42-220.    Reserved.

Article VI. Blighted Areas

42-221—42-238.    Reserved.

Article VII. Rehabilitation Agreements

42-239.    Purpose.

42-240.    Condemned buildings ineligible for permits.

42-241.    Rehabilitation agreements.

42-242.    Termination of rehabilitation agreement.


Cross reference—Administration, ch. 2; buildings and building regulations, ch. 22; environment, ch. 58; fire prevention and protection, ch. 62; historical preservation, ch. 74; subdivisions, ch. 106; taxation, ch. 110.

State law reference—Housing and slum clearance projects, MCL 125.651 et seq., MSA 5.3011 et seq.; housing corporation law, MCL 125.601 et seq., MSA 5.3057(1) et seq.; urban redevelopment corporations, MCL 125.901 et seq., MSA 5.3058(1) et seq.; rehabilitation of blighted areas, MCL 125.71 et seq., MSA 5.3501 et seq.