Chapter 12.15
12.15.020 Permit and fee required.
12.15.030 Permittee’s responsibilities.
12.15.050 Violation and penalty.
12.15.010 Generally.
No entity or person shall dig or excavate in or upon any street or alley of the city of Brookings; change, alter, or destroy the surface of any such street or alley; obstruct the reasonable use of such street or alley by the public or the regular flow of vehicular or pedestrian travel over and upon such street or alley; or cause, or attempt to cause, any or all of the same to be done by any other person, firm, or corporation, employee, agent, or representative whomsoever, without first having an approved public works permit. [Ord. 12-O-704 § 2.]
12.15.020 Permit and fee required.
A public works permit and inspection fee are required as provided under Chapter 12.45 BMC. Engineered documents will also require a public works plan review fee. Fees are determined as provided under Chapter 1.10 BMC. [Ord. 12-O-704 § 2.]
12.15.030 Permittee’s responsibilities.
Permittee is required to follow all the terms and provisions as provided under BMC Title 18. [Ord. 12-O-704 § 2.]
12.15.040 Prohibited.
It shall be unlawful for any person owning, controlling, using, or operating any water main, irrigation, or drainage pipeline or ditch, flume, or other structure to permit any water from such water main, pipeline, ditch, flume, or other structure to flow, waste, or seep into any street or alley of the city of Brookings in such manner as to damage or injure such street or alley, or as to interfere with traffic thereon. [Ord. 12-O-704 § 2.]
12.15.050 Violation and penalty.
A violation of any section of this chapter shall be punishable as provided under Chapter 1.05 BMC. [Ord. 12-O-704 § 2.]
Prior legislation: Ord. 71-O-221.