Chapter 17.44
17.44.050 Yard, height and lot coverage requirements.
17.44.080 Other required conditions.
17.44.010 Purpose.
This district is intended to provide for the location of small businesses and services in residential areas of the city. The businesses are intended to be limited in size and to hours of operation to serve the convenience retail needs of the neighborhood residents and to fit into the residential patterns of development without creating land use, architectural or traffic conflicts. New C-1 districts shall be so located to serve approximately 1,000 families within a one-half-mile radius where analysis of residential population demonstrates that such facilities are or will be required and shall be situated along a collector street. [Ord. 89-O-446 § 1.]
17.44.020 Permitted uses.
The following uses are permitted:
A. Existing residential uses, without any increases in density;
B. Grocery stores, including garden supplies;
C. Barber and/or beauty shop. [Ord. 89-O-446 § 1.]
17.44.030 Accessory uses.
Any uses, buildings or structures customarily appurtenant to a permitted use, such as incidental storage facilities are permitted. [Ord. 89-O-446 § 1.]
17.44.040 Conditional uses.
The following conditional uses may be permitted subject to a conditional use permit:
A. Residential dwelling units not on the ground floor of a building;
B. Conversion of an existing dwelling unit to a permitted use;
C. Restaurants, including the sale of alcoholic beverages on the premises, but not including dancing or entertainment;
D. Amateur radio facilities, accessory to a dwelling, subject to the provisions of BMC 17.124.230. [Ord. 16-O-752 § 3; Ord. 89-O-446 § 1.]
17.44.050 Yard, height and lot coverage requirements.
A. The minimum front yard shall be 20 feet, and said yard area shall be appropriately landscaped and maintained.
B. The minimum side and rear yard shall be 10 feet when abutting an “R” district and such side or rear yard shall be increased by one-half foot for each foot the building height exceeds 20 feet. Said yard area shall be appropriately landscaped and maintained.
C. Maximum building height shall be 30 feet, except as provided in BMC 17.128.030.
D. The maximum lot coverage by buildings and structures shall not exceed 35 percent of the total lot area. [Ord. 89-O-446 § 1.]
17.44.060 Signs.
Signs shall be permitted in accordance with Chapter 17.88 BMC. [Ord. 89-O-446 § 1.]
17.44.070 Parking.
Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 17.92 BMC. [Ord. 89-O-446 § 1.]
17.44.080 Other required conditions.
A. Site plan approval required as provided in Chapter 17.80 BMC.
B. Except for off-street parking and loading facilities, all uses shall be conducted wholly within an enclosed building.
C. Items produced or wares and merchandise handled shall be limited to those sold at retail on the premises.
D. All businesses shall be conducted from a structure placed on a permanent foundation unless specifically exempted by the provisions of this or other city ordinances. [Ord. 00-O-446.JJ § 3; Ord. 89-O-446 § 1.]