Chapter 17.40
17.40.050 Yard and height requirements.
17.40.080 Other required conditions.
17.40.010 Purpose.
The purpose of this district is to recognize, preserve and enhance publicly owned recreation, open space, educational and cultural areas, facilities and services, to protect the natural and scenic resources, and to ensure adequate provision for open spaces consistent with the policies of the city. [Ord. 89-O-446 § 1.]
17.40.020 Permitted uses.
The following uses are permitted:
A. Government structures including offices, fire stations, police stations;
B. Publicly owned parks and/or recreation facilities, including recreational parks, swimming pools, tennis courts, playgrounds, campgrounds, and picnic areas;
C. Community centers;
D. Public schools;
E. Public golf courses;
F. Public museums, art galleries, libraries and information centers;
G. Water-dependent or water-related uses only to be located within shorelands boundary;
H. Wireless communication facilities, pursuant to Chapter 17.164 BMC, in conjunction with an existing tower operated by a public entity;
I. Existing airport facilities including expansion and accessory uses intended for the convenience of airport customers such as restaurants, car rentals, or retail shops subject to Chapter 17.76 BMC, Airport Approach (AA) Overlay Zone. [Ord. 13-O-707 § 2; Ord. 99-O-446.GG § 2; Ord. 99-O-446.EE § 2; Ord. 89-O-446 § 1.]
17.40.030 Accessory uses.
Accessory uses and facilities incidental and customarily appurtenant to a permitted use, including renovation, rehabilitation, replacement, repair, improvement and other similar construction and/or reconstruction activities of existing or new buildings and structures. [Ord. 89-O-446 § 1.]
17.40.040 Conditional uses.
The following conditional uses may be permitted subject to a conditional use permit:
A. Utilities and services, including storage or repair yards, warehouses or similar uses totally enclosed within a building or contained within a minimum eight-foot-high, sight-obscuring fence;
B. Caretaker, night watchman or park host residence;
C. The use of a recreational vehicle (RV) for a caretaker, night watchman or park host residence in compliance with criteria below:
1. RV must be parked on a dust-free, asphaltic or concrete surface or other materials approved by the site plan committee;
2. Adequacy of sewer, water, and storm drainage must be reviewed and approved by the city;
3. RV must be sited in compliance with property line setbacks pursuant to BMC 17.40.050;
4. All storage must be entirely within an enclosed accessory structure except for items such as outdoor furniture;
5. Applicant shall subscribe to a scheduled waste collection service and provide garbage receptacles on the property;
6. Caretaker residences shall be limited to one per discrete parcel, unless otherwise approved by the planning commission;
D. Amateur radio facilities, accessory to a dwelling, subject to the provisions of BMC 17.124.230. [Ord. 16-O-752 § 3; Ord. 14-O-731 § 2; Ord. 01-O-446.LL § 2; Ord. 99-O-446.EE § 2; Ord. 93-O-446.P § 2; Ord. 89-O-446 § 1.]
17.40.050 Yard and height requirements.
A. The minimum front yard shall be 20 feet.
B. The minimum side yard shall be 10 feet.
C. The minimum street side yard shall be 15 feet.
D. The minimum rear yard shall be 15 feet.
E. Maximum building height shall be 40 feet, except as provided in BMC 17.128.030. [Ord. 98-O-446.DD § 9; Ord. 89-O-446 § 1.]
17.40.060 Signs.
Signs shall be permitted in accordance with Chapter 17.88 BMC. [Ord. 89-O-446 § 1.]
17.40.070 Parking.
Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 17.92 BMC. [Ord. 89-O-446 § 1.]
17.40.080 Other required conditions.
Site plan approval required as provided in Chapter 17.80 BMC. [Ord. 89-O-446 § 1.]