Chapter 2.05
City Administrator
2.05.010 Appointment – Qualifications – Duties.
2.05.010 Appointment – Qualifications – Duties.
There is hereby established the office of City Administrator, whose qualifications, term, powers and duties shall be as follows:
A. Qualifications. The City Administrator shall be the administrative head of the government of the City. She/he shall be chosen by the Council without regard to political considerations and solely on the basis of executive and administrative qualifications. She/he shall have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university or experience in city management. She/he need not be a resident of the City or of the state at the time of his/her appointment. Before taking office, she/he shall give a bond in such amount and with surety as may be approved by the Council. The premiums on such bond shall be paid by the City.
B. Term. The City Administrator shall serve for an indefinite term and may be removed at the pleasure of the Council.
C. Powers and Duties. The powers and duties of the City Administrator shall be as follows:
1. She/he shall devote his/her entire time to the discharge of his/her official duties, attend all meetings of the Council unless excused therefrom by the Council or the Mayor, keep the Council advised at all times of the affairs and needs of the City and make reports as requested by the Council.
2. She/he shall see that ordinances are enforced and that the provisions of all franchises, leases, contracts, permits and privileges granted by the City are observed. Except as provided in BMC 2.05.010(A), she/he shall approve all bonds of City officers and bonds for licenses, contracts and proposals.
3. a. Except as provided in subsections (C)(3)(b) and (c) of this section, the City Administrator shall hire all City employees and nonelective City officials; exercise general supervision over them and their work; and assign all duties to be performed by City employees and nonelective City officials.
Selection of employees and nonelective City officials shall be made upon basis of merit and fitness alone. She/he may appoint such advisory boards as he/she may deem desirable to advise or assist him/her in his work; but the members of such boards shall receive no compensation as Board members.
b. She/he shall have no control over the City Council or City Attorney.
c. Prior to the removal of a nonelective City officer, the City Administrator shall review the matter with the City Council.
4. She/he shall act as Purchasing Agent for the City.
5. She/he shall perform the duties of Budget Officer and shall be responsible for preparing and submitting the Budget Committee annual budget estimates and such reports as that body requests.
6. She/he shall supervise the operation of all public utilities owned and operated by the City and shall have general supervision over all City property.
7. She/he shall perform the functions of City Recorder and shall keep an accurate record of the Council proceedings in a book provided for that purpose, and countersign all instruments and writings authorized by the City or by the laws of the state.
8. She/he shall act as Business Agent for the City Council and shall act as negotiator in business contracts; intergovernmental cooperation; and leases, franchises, permits and privileges which affect the City, and may request Council authorization for professional assistance when it appears advisable.
9. She/he shall work for the long-range development and orderly growth of the City.
10. She/he shall perform such other duties as the City Council directs.
D. Seats at Council Meetings. The City Administrator shall sit with and take part in the discussion of all matters coming before the Council, but shall have no vote on questions before it.
E. Administrator Pro-Tem. Whenever the City Administrator is temporarily disabled from acting as administrator, or whenever his/her office is vacant, the Mayor may appoint an Administrator Pro-Tem, who shall possess the powers and duties of the Administrator. No Administrator Pro-Tem, however, may appoint or remove a nonelective City officer or employee except with the approval of five members of the Council.
F. Ineligible Persons. Neither the City Administrator’s spouse nor any person related to the Administrator or his/her spouse by consanguinity or affinity within the third degree may hold any appointive office or employment with the City.
G. Vacancy of Office. During any vacancy in the office of City Administrator or Administrator Pro-Tem, all the powers of the Administrator shall be vested in the City Council.
H. Council Ratification. Any exercise of the power or duty delegated to or vested in the City Administrator by this chapter which may be questioned or challenged on the basis of invalid delegation of powers by the City Council may be ratified by appropriate motion, resolution, or ordinance of the Council and thereupon have the full force and effect of Council action.
[Ord. 555 § 1, 1984; 1981 Compilation § 1-11.1.]