Chapter 8.25
Smoke Free Facilities


8.25.010    Definitions.

8.25.015    Purpose.

8.25.020    Smoking prohibited at City owned facilities.

8.25.025    Removal from premises.

8.25.030    Severability.

8.25.010 Definitions.

A. “City owned facilities” means all City owned buildings including, but not limited to, City Hall, the City Public Works Shop, the library, the Central Linn Rec Center, the interior of all Pioneer Park facilities and structures, the water treatment plant, and the north and south wastewater treatment plants. It does not include public streets or public sidewalks within the City.

B. “Smoking” means inhaling, exhaling, vaping, burning, or carrying a lit cigar, cigarette, electronic cigarette, pipe, hookah and/or any other smoke producing device. Any other individual devices or individual means that produce smoke is also prohibited. [Ord. 746, 2014.]

8.25.015 Purpose.

The purpose is to ensure a safe, clean environment for patrons, guests, residents, employees and other visitors to the City to participate in civic matters and other governmental purposes of the City by controlling smoking. [Ord. 746, 2014.]

8.25.020 Smoking prohibited at City owned facilities.

Smoking shall be prohibited from all City owned facilities as described in BMC 8.25.010(A). Smoking outdoors on City owned property is only prohibited as allowed by State law. [Ord. 746, 2014.]

8.25.025 Removal from premises.

Any City official or designated representative of the City shall have the authority to direct any person to leave City owned facilities who fails to discontinue prohibited behavior. [Ord. 746, 2014.]

8.25.030 Severability.

If any section of this chapter, or any portion thereof, is held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction or State administrative agency, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions thereof, except as otherwise provided for herein. [Ord. 746, 2014.]