Chapter 18.126


18.126.010    Policy and purpose.

18.126.020    Definitions, also located in the definitions section.

18.126.030    Applicability.

18.126.040    Outdoor lighting standards.

18.126.050    Prohibitions.

18.126.060    Exemptions.

18.126.070    Administration and enforcement.

18.126.010 Policy and purpose.

The purpose of this chapter is to provide regulations for residential, commercial, and public area outdoor lighting that will:

(1) Allow outdoor lighting appropriate to the need;

(2) Prevent light from shining onto adjacent properties, rights-of-way, or the night sky;

(3) Encourage energy conservation without decreasing safety, utility, security, and productivity;

(4) Enhance the livability and nighttime enjoyment of property in Crook County by minimizing the negative impacts exterior lighting can have on surrounding persons, properties, rights-of-way, and the environment;

(5) Establish guidelines for the installation and use of outdoor lighting that is controlled in such a way that it illuminates only the subject property and avoids illumination of surrounding properties, rights-of way, or the night sky;

(6) Further define lighting classified as a public nuisance. (Ord. 344 § 9 (Exh. H), 2024)

18.126.020 Definitions.

“Fully shielded” means a light fixture which has shielding applied in such a manner that all illumination emitted by the light fixture is projected below the horizontal plane, measured from the lowest point of the lowest light-emitting component.

“Glare” means light emitted from a light fixture which enters the eye directly or by reflection, causing visual discomfort and/or reduced visibility.

“Light fixture” means any electrical equipment which has been designed to provide illumination, including, but not limited to lighting used for safety, utility, security, productivity, or decorative purposes.

“Light trespass” means light emitted from a light fixture, which falls beyond the property on which it is installed.

“New light fixture” means a light fixture installed where there was previously no light fixture.

“Outdoor lighting” means any permanent or temporary light fixture installed outside the envelope of an enclosed structure.

“Replacement light fixture” means a light fixture installed in place of an existing light fixture. This does not include replacement of light-emitting components such as lightbulbs, lamps, fluorescent tubes, LEDs, or similar components, within existing light fixtures.

“Shielding” means an opaque material applied to a light fixture which serves to direct or contain illumination.

“Sky glow” means the brightening of the night sky caused by light directed or reflected upwards.

“Temporary lighting” means light fixtures which are not permanently installed and which are used not more than 90 days in any calendar year.

“Unshielded” means a light fixture which has no shielding to direct or contain illumination. (Ord. 344 § 9 (Exh. H), 2024)

18.126.030 Applicability.

Except as exempted by CCC 18.126.060, all outdoor lighting fixtures installed or replaced after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter shall conform to its provisions. This chapter applies to any property lying within unincorporated Crook County and within the urban growth boundary. (Ord. 344 § 9 (Exh. H), 2024)

18.126.040 Outdoor lighting standards.

(1) All non-exempt light fixtures shall be fully shielded.

(2) All non-exempt light fixtures shall be installed in such a manner as to prevent light trespass. (Ord. 344 § 9 (Exh. H), 2024)

18.126.050 Prohibitions.

(1) Laser Source Light. The use of laser source light or any similar high intensity light when projected beyond property lines or into the sky is prohibited.

(2) Searchlights. The operation of searchlights for purposes other than public safety or emergencies is prohibited, unless exempted by CCC 18.126.060. (Ord. 344 § 9 (Exh. H), 2024)

18.126.060 Exemptions.

The following light fixtures are exempt from compliance with the provisions of this chapter. These exemptions shall not prevent later adoption of standards that may address the retrofitting or removal of certain light fixtures:

(1) Outdoor light fixtures lawfully installed prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter are exempt from all such requirements except as follows:

(a) A light fixture directed onto a neighboring property or right-of-way such that the glare is declared a nuisance.

(b) A light fixture, or fixtures, located on property that is the subject of an application for a development permit.

(2) Motion detector lights which operate automatically for periods of less than five minutes.

(3) Low-intensity ornamental lighting such as pathway lights, post-cap lights, landscape lights, and cafe-style string lights.

(4) Any lighting used in support of search and rescue or other emergency response operations.

(5) Lighting necessary to support road work.

(6) Any lighting used in support of emergency repair, replacement, or protection of existing structures, utility facilities, or roadways; provided, that any permanently installed light fixtures comply with the provisions of this chapter after the emergency has passed.

(7) Lighting necessary to support permitted water-dependent or water-related uses, quarry and mining activities, or permitted uses on land located in the heavy industrial zone; however, all such lighting shall comply with the provisions of this chapter at the time of installation or replacement of a lighting fixture.

(8) Lighting associated with farming practices and agricultural use as defined in OAR 603-095-0010; however, permanent light fixtures on buildings, structures or poles associated with farm practices and agricultural use shall comply with the provisions of this chapter at the time of installation or replacement of a lighting fixture. For the purposes of this exemption, “farming practices” does not include farm stands or agri-tourism events or other commercial activities.

(9) Lighting associated with forest practices; however, permanent light fixtures on buildings, structures or poles associated with forest practices shall comply with the provisions of this chapter at installation or replacement.

(10) Airport lighting as required by state and/or federal law. All other airport lighting shall comply with the provisions of this chapter.

(11) Communication facility and/or tower lighting as required by state and/or federal law. All other communication facility lighting shall comply with the provisions of this chapter.

(12) Correctional facility lighting as required by state and/or federal law. All other correctional facility lighting shall comply with the provisions of this chapter.

(13) The following types of temporary lighting, used not more than 90 days in any calendar year:

(a) Temporary lighting for holiday decoration purposes.

(b) Temporary lighting associated with carnivals, fairs, or other permitted special events; however, permanent light fixtures located at dedicated special event sites shall conform to the standards of this chapter.

(c) Temporary lighting associated with permitted film productions.

(14) Lighting for U.S. flags intended to be properly displayed at night.

(15) Light fixtures used in support of private and public outdoor recreation facilities, outdoor performance areas, and other similar outdoor facilities, provided lighting is extinguished within one hour after the conclusion of the final event of the day.

(16) Lighting necessary to meet federal, state, or local historic preservation standards when such lighting cannot both serve the public need and comply with the standards of this chapter.

(17) Permitted exemptions to the requirements of this chapter for up to 30 days per calendar year.

(18) Street and/or pedestrian lighting located within a right-of-way; however, all lighting shall aspire to comply with the provisions of this chapter where practicable.

(19) Traffic control devices in compliance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.

(20) Sign lighting, which is subject to the standards found in this title. (Ord. 344 § 9 (Exh. H), 2024)

18.126.070 Administration and enforcement.

(1) Administration. For all new and existing outdoor light fixtures on property that is the subject of an application for a development permit, an applicant shall demonstrate the standards of this chapter are met.

(2) Enforcement. This chapter may be enforced pursuant to Chapter 1.12 CCC, Enforcement. Any non-exempt outdoor light fixture installed or replaced in violation of this chapter is a public nuisance and enforcement action may be taken pursuant to Chapter 1.12 CCC, Enforcement.

(3) The remedies provided in this chapter are not exclusive and shall not prevent the county from exercising any other remedy available under the law. (Ord. 344 § 9 (Exh. H), 2024)