Division 17.100. Introduction and General Provisions

Chapter 17.101


17.101.010    Introduction.

17.101.010 Introduction.

The city of Dundee development code (“code”) is administered by the city administrator who acts as planning official, or by a planning official designated by the city administrator.

This code regulates land use and development within the city of Dundee, and is organized as follows:

DMC Division 17.100 describes the title, purpose, organization and general administration of the code. DMC Division 17.100 explains how the city interprets and enforces the code, and how the city will handle nonconforming situations.

DMC Division 17.200 sets forth the land uses allowed in the city’s zoning districts, and the lot and development standards for each use or zone, consistent with the city of Dundee comprehensive plan.

DMC Division 17.300 sets forth the city’s site development and land division standards related to street access; pedestrian and vehicle circulation; parking; landscaping, screening, fences and walls; outdoor lighting; transportation improvements; water, sanitary sewer, and storm drainage improvements; utility requirements; and signs.

DMC Division 17.400 sets forth the city’s land use application requirements and review procedures, including procedures for site development review, land divisions, property line adjustments, conditional use permits, zoning amendments, variances, and planned unit developments.

DMC Division 17.500 contains definitions and other exhibits that the city uses in interpreting and administering this code. [Ord. 521-2013 § 3 (Exh. A)].