Chapter 17.102
17.102.030 Conformance required.
17.102.050 Pre-existing approvals.
17.102.010 Title.
The official name of this title is “the city of Dundee development code.” It may be referred to as “development code” and “code.” [Ord. 521-2013 § 3 (Exh. A)].
17.102.020 Purpose.
This code is enacted to:
A. Implement the goals and policies of the city of Dundee comprehensive plan;
B. Provide methods of administering and enforcing city land use standards and procedures, consistent with state requirements; and
C. Promote the public health, safety, and general welfare of the community. [Ord. 521-2013 § 3 (Exh. A)].
17.102.030 Conformance required.
The use of all land, as well as the construction, reconstruction, enlargement, structural alteration, movement, use, or occupation of any structure within the city of Dundee shall conform to the requirements of this code. [Ord. 521-2013 § 3 (Exh. A)].
17.102.040 Savings clause.
Should any section, clause, or provision of this code be declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the decision shall not affect the validity of the code as a whole or of the remaining sections. Each section, clause, and phrase is declared severable. [Ord. 521-2013 § 3 (Exh. A)].
17.102.050 Pre-existing approvals.
A. Developments and uses for which city approvals were granted prior to the effective date of this code or subsequent amendment thereof may occur pursuant to such original approvals until the expiration of such approval. Modifications to those approvals shall be subject to the provisions of this code.
B. Per ORS 92.040(3), the provisions of this code in effect at the time of subdivision tentative plat approval shall apply to subsequent construction on the property for the five-year period following the preliminary plat approval date, unless a different period is specified in the amending ordinance or the applicant elects for the current code provisions to apply. [Ord. 521-2013 § 3 (Exh. A)].