Chapter 17.405


17.405.010    Purpose.

17.405.020    Procedure.

17.405.030    Criteria.

17.405.040    Transportation planning rule compliance.

17.405.050    Record of amendments.

17.405.010 Purpose.

The purpose of this chapter is to provide standards and procedures for legislative and quasi-judicial amendments to this code and zoning map. Amendments may be necessary from time to time to reflect changing community conditions, to correct mistakes, or to address changes in the law. [Ord. 521-2013 § 3 (Exh. A)].

17.405.020 Procedure.

A. Except for corrections, amendments to development code or comprehensive plan text are legislative actions. Text amendments can be initiated by the city council or planning commission.

B. Amendments to the zoning map or comprehensive plan map that are initiated by a property owner and affect either a single property or a group of five or fewer properties and that affect three or fewer acres are processed as Type IV quasi-judicial actions.

C. Amendments to the zoning map or comprehensive plan map that affect more than three acres and/or more than five properties with different owners are processed as Type V legislative actions.

D. Amendments to the zoning map or comprehensive plan map that are initiated by the city council or planning commission are processed as Type V legislative actions. [Ord. 521-2013 § 3 (Exh. A)].

17.405.030 Criteria.

Approval of an ordinance amending the zoning map, comprehensive plan map, comprehensive plan, or development code shall be based on the following:

A. Zoning Map Amendment. Proposals for a zoning map amendment must comply with the following criteria:

1. The proposal must be consistent with the comprehensive plan map (the comprehensive plan map may be amended concurrently with proposed changes in zoning).

2. The site(s) must be appropriate for the proposed change, in terms of purpose of the proposed zone, topography, access, and required size and dimensions.

3. Public facilities are available, or can be readily made available, to adequately serve the permitted and conditional uses of the proposed zone.

4. The amendment must conform to the transportation planning rule provisions under DMC 17.405.040.

B. Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment. Proposals for an amendment to the comprehensive plan must comply with the following criteria:

1. The supply of vacant land in the proposed designation is inadequate to accommodate development during the next five years, or the site is not physically or locationally suited to the requirements of the existing designation;

2. The supply of vacant land in the existing designation remains adequate after the proposed change to accommodate development during the next five years;

3. The proposal is consistent with applicable comprehensive plan goals and policies, statewide planning goals, and Oregon Administrative Rules.

C. Development Code Amendment. Proposals for a development code amendment must comply with applicable comprehensive plan goals and policies, statewide planning goals, and Oregon Administrative Rules.

D. Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Proposals for a comprehensive plan amendment must comply with applicable statewide planning goals and Oregon Administrative Rules and Revised Statutes. [Ord. 521-2013 § 3 (Exh. A)].

17.405.040 Transportation planning rule compliance.

Proposals to amend the comprehensive plan or zoning map shall be reviewed to determine whether they significantly affect a transportation facility pursuant to OAR 660-012-0060 (Transportation Planning Rule – TPR). Where the city council, in consultation with the applicable roadway authority, finds that a proposed amendment would have a significant effect on a transportation facility, the city shall work with the roadway authority and applicant to modify the request or mitigate the impacts in accordance with the TPR and applicable law. [Ord. 521-2013 § 3 (Exh. A)].

17.405.050 Record of amendments.

The city planning official shall maintain a record of amendments to the text of this code and the zoning map in a format convenient for public use. In the case of a map amendment, the map shall be made part of the ordinance. [Ord. 521-2013 § 3 (Exh. A)].