Chapter 17.407
17.407.050 Development requirements.
17.407.070 Conditions of approval.
17.407.080 Modification of an approved PUD.
17.407.010 Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter is to provide flexibility in code regulations in order to encourage creative land development in the form of planned unit developments (PUDs). The flexibility granted from code regulations must result in a development that has more amenities, incorporates sustainable design elements or other special features, and is generally better planned than a similar development built to regular code standards. [Ord. 521-2013 § 3 (Exh. A)].
17.407.020 Objectives.
Planned unit development proposals shall consider the following objectives:
A. Site and building design elements incorporating innovative architectural or environmental features, a mix of land uses and building types, open space amenities, and efficient use of land.
B. Land development that respects, preserves, and incorporates natural features and conditions and does not adversely impact environmentally sensitive areas.
C. Site and building design that is compatible with adjacent properties and the nearby area. [Ord. 521-2013 § 3 (Exh. A)].
17.407.030 Guidelines.
A. Relationship to Standards of the Underlying Zone District. In cases of conflict between standards of the underlying zone and the planned unit development provisions, the planned unit development standards shall apply.
B. Lot Requirements. Except where specified, the minimum lot area, width, frontage, and yard requirements otherwise applicable to individual buildings in a zone do not apply to a planned unit development in the same zone. Applicants for a planned unit development may request flexibility to these standards to better fit the proposed development.
C. Public Open Space. The city may request dedication of public open space in lieu of park system development charges. The land must be reasonably suited for use as a public park or for recreation purposes, consistent with the Dundee parks and open space plan.
D. Ownership. The site for a planned unit development must be under single ownership and/or unified control.
E. Where Permitted. Planned unit developments are permitted in residential zones. [Ord. 521-2013 § 3 (Exh. A)].
17.407.040 Permitted uses.
The following uses are permitted in a planned unit development:
A. Residential uses.
B. Recreational facilities.
C. Parks and open space.
D. Schools, libraries, community buildings, and churches.
E. Commercial uses identified as permitted uses in the CBD zone, provided:
1. Commercial uses shall be designed to be an integral part of the planned unit development and shall primarily serve the needs of residents of the planned unit development.
2. Commercial uses shall not have an adverse effect on nearby residential uses, and shall provide adequate vehicular and pedestrian access.
3. In residential areas, commercial uses and their required parking areas shall not exceed one acre per 100 dwelling units. [Ord. 521-2013 § 3 (Exh. A)].
17.407.050 Development requirements.
Applications for planned unit development must demonstrate compliance with the following development requirements:
A. Development Standards. All planned unit developments must comply with the applicable development requirements of DMC Division 17.300.
B. Preservation of Natural Features. To the maximum extent possible, natural or unique features of the land shall be preserved through the plan and design of the planned unit development.
C. Residential Density. Permitted residential density of a planned unit development shall be calculated as follows:
1. Determine the total gross site area (GSA).
2. Multiply the GSA by 0.85 to determine the net site area (NSA).
3. Subtract any proposed commercial areas or nonresidential uses from the NSA to determine the net developable site area (NDSA). Open space areas do not have to be subtracted for this calculation.
4. Determine the maximum allowable residential density by zone by multiplying the NDSA as follows:
a. R-1 zone = NDSA x five units per acre.
b. R-2 zone = NDSA x seven units per acre.
c. R-3 zone = NDSA x 10 units per acre.
D. Site Arrangement. All residential buildings in a planned unit development shall be located adjacent to an open space area or recreational facility. Where this is not possible, an accessible walkway to such facilities must be provided from each residential building.
E. Building Setbacks. Structures located around the perimeter of a planned unit development must be set back 20 feet. Detached structures on individual lots within a planned unit development must be set back five feet from each property line. All garage structures opening onto a public street must be set back 20 feet.
F. Common Open Space. A minimum of 20 percent of the gross acreage of the planned unit development site must be devoted to open space, outdoor recreational areas, or outdoor recreational facilities. At least half of the designated open space area shall have slopes of less than 10 percent.
Open space may include pedestrian walkways, bicycle trails, natural or landscaped buffer areas, sports fields, outdoor recreational facilities and buildings, and similar areas reserved for common use. Streets and parking areas shall not be considered open space. A bond may be required as assurance that any improvements, buildings, or structures required in the common open space are completed.
G. Ratio of Privately Maintained Open Space to Dwelling Units. If areas of open space within the planned unit development will be privately maintained, the planned unit development must contain sufficient area to provide a minimum of 50 residential dwelling units.
H. Circulation.
1. All streets within a planned unit development shall be public streets. Local streets within the planned unit development may be designed and built to the Local Street I standard in DMC 17.305.030.
2. Pedestrian and bike paths shall be integrated throughout the site, into open space areas, and with roadways to provide a safe, efficient, interconnected transportation network. Pedestrian and bike paths shall be clearly marked and signed, and have adequate crossing facilities where necessary. Roads shall be planned and designed to minimize block length throughout the development.
I. Off-Street Parking. Off-street parking shall be provided as required in Chapter 17.304 DMC. Additional off-street parking may be required if warranted to mitigate for reduced lot sizes, additional traffic volumes, or related issues. Required parking within a planned unit development may be clustered.
J. Utilities. Utilities must meet the standards and requirements in Chapter 17.305 DMC.
K. Homeowners Association. A homeowners association, or similar entity acceptable to the city, is required for maintenance of all common areas or facilities within a planned unit development. The homeowners association must abide by the following principles:
1. A homeowners association shall be formed before approval of a final plat or certificate of occupancy.
2. Membership shall be mandatory for each property owner within the planned unit development.
3. Open space restrictions of the planned unit development shall be valid in perpetuity.
4. The homeowners association shall be responsible for liability insurance, applicable taxes, and maintenance of recreational and other common facilities.
5. Property owners shall pay their prorated share of common costs, or the assessment levied by the homeowners association shall become a lien on their property.
6. The homeowners association shall be able to adjust the assessment as needed.
7. A public hearing before the planning commission is required for any change in open space within the planned unit development or for dissolution of the homeowners association. [Ord. 521-2013 § 3 (Exh. A)].
17.407.060 Process.
Planned unit developments that are also subdivisions shall be processed according to the applicable subdivision requirements in Chapter 17.403 DMC. Other planned unit developments shall be processed using the Type III procedure in DMC 17.401.040.
Planned unit development applications must include the following information in addition to information required by either Chapter 17.403 DMC for subdivisions, or DMC 17.401.040 for Type III applications:
A. Written response to the development requirements listed in DMC 17.407.050.
B. Written response addressing the following items. Maps or other visual representations may be used to convey the required information as appropriate.
1. Proposed Uses in the Planned Unit Development. This may include types and locations of residential uses, commercial uses, recreational space or facilities, open space, and public or semi-public uses. Uses should be clearly identified, along with any conditions or limitations of the proposed uses.
2. Location and dimensions of all proposed buildings and structures, along with setback dimensions.
3. Architectural renderings of proposed residential and commercial buildings and structures.
4. Landscaping plan in conformance with Chapter 17.302 DMC.
5. Statement of public and private improvements to be made or installed, including streets, sidewalks, pedestrian and bicycle paths and trails, lighting, landscaping, tree planting, and the timeline of such improvements. Public improvements shall be made in conformance with Chapter 17.305 DMC.
6. Statement of ownership and maintenance for all open space areas and commonly owned facilities. [Ord. 521-2013 § 3 (Exh. A)].
17.407.070 Conditions of approval.
The planning commission may impose reasonable conditions of approval for a planned unit development in order to protect natural resources and to ensure compatibility with adjacent uses and compliance with development code standards. [Ord. 521-2013 § 3 (Exh. A)].
17.407.080 Modification of an approved PUD.
A new public hearing before the planning commission shall be required if any of the following changes are proposed to an approved planned unit development site plan:
A. An increase or decrease in the number of dwelling units.
B. An increase or decrease in the area devoted to open space, recreational space, or recreational facilities. [Ord. 521-2013 § 3 (Exh. A)].