Chapter 10.08
10.08.010 Powers of city council.
10.08.020 Existing signs and signals.
10.08.030 Authority of police and fire officers.
10.08.040 Duty to obey traffic signs and signals.
10.08.050 Vehicles stopping at stop signs.
10.08.060 Stop when traffic obstructed.
10.08.070 Violation – Penalty.
10.08.010 Powers of city council.
After approval by the Oregon State Highway Commission where such approval is required by the motor vehicle laws of Oregon, the council shall designate by resolution the following traffic controls which shall become effective upon installation of appropriate traffic signs, signals, marking, or devices:
A. The parking and standing of vehicles by:
1. Classifying portions of streets and alleys upon which either parking or standing, or both, shall be prohibited, or prohibited during certain hours.
2. Establishing the time limit for legal parking in limited parking areas.
3. Designating on each side of a block where required not more than two loading zones.
4. Establishing bus stops, bus stands, taxicab stands, and stands for other passenger common carrier vehicles.
5. Designating the location of passenger loading zones for use in front of the entrance to any hotel, auditorium, theater, church, school, or public building.
6. Designating the angle of parking if other than parallel to the curb.
7. Designating city-owned or leased lots or property on which public parking will be permitted.
B. The operation of vehicles on through streets and one-way streets by:
1. Designating where traffic control signals shall be placed and the time of operation of such signals.
2. Designating and marking of intersections where U-turns are prohibited and the times when such prohibitions shall apply.
3. Designating and marking of crosswalks at intersections where deemed necessary for pedestrian safety.
C. Truck routes.
D. Streets where trucks, machinery, or any other large or heavy vehicles, exceeding specified weights shall be prohibited. Such vehicles may, however, be operated on such streets for the purpose of delivering or picking up materials or merchandise, but then only by entering such streets at the intersection nearest the destination of the vehicle and proceeding no farther than the nearest intersection. [Ord. 2011-03 § 4; Ord. 6-1 § 5, 1969].
10.08.020 Existing signs and signals.
All official traffic signs and signals existing at the time of the enactment of the ordinance codified in this title, such as stop signs, caution signs, slow signs, no-reverse-turn signs, signs designating time limits for parking or prohibiting parking, lines painted or marked on streets or curbs designating parking areas or spaces, markers designating loading zones, and all other official traffic signs or signals erected, installed or painted for the purpose of directing, controlling, and regulating traffic are hereby approved. [Ord. 2011-03 § 5; Ord. 6-1 § 6, 1969].
10.08.030 Authority of police and fire officers.
A. It shall be the duty of the police department through its officers to enforce the provisions of this title.
B. In the event of a fire or other emergency, officers of the police department may direct traffic as conditions may require to expedite traffic or to safeguard pedestrians, notwithstanding the provisions of this title.
C. When at the scene of a fire, members of the fire department may direct traffic or assist the police in directing traffic. [Ord. 2011-03 § 6; Ord. 6-1 § 7, 1969].
10.08.040 Duty to obey traffic signs and signals.
A. No driver of any vehicle shall disobey the instructions of any traffic signs, signal, marker, barrier, or parking meter placed in accordance with the motor vehicle laws of Oregon or this title, including those erected by any authorized public utility department of the city, or other authorized person, unless it is necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or when otherwise directed by a police officer.
B. No unauthorized person shall move, remove, deface, tamper with or alter the position of any such sign, signal, marker, barrier or barricade. [Ord. 2011-03 § 7].
10.08.050 Vehicles stopping at stop signs.
When stop signs are erected at or near the entrance to any intersection, every driver of a vehicle approaching such signs shall come to full stop before entering any crosswalk or intersection, except when directed to proceed by a police officer or traffic control signal. [Ord. 2011-03 § 8].
10.08.060 Stop when traffic obstructed.
No driver shall enter an intersection or a marked crosswalk unless there is sufficient space on the opposite side of the intersection or crosswalk to accommodate the vehicle he is operating without obstructing the passage of other vehicles or pedestrians, notwithstanding any traffic control sign indication to proceed. [Ord. 2011-03 § 9].
10.08.070 Violation – Penalty.
The penalty for violation of any provisions of this title shall constitute a Class D traffic infraction traffic violation with the minimum bail amount of $142.00, plus all applicable fees and assessments. [Ord. 2011-03].