Chapter 17.34
17.34.010 Description and purpose.
17.34.020 Permitted buildings and uses.
17.34.030 Buildings and uses permitted conditionally.
17.34.050 Building or structural height limitations.
17.34.070 Parking requirements.
17.34.010 Description and purpose.
The I-2 general industrial district is intended to create, preserve and enhance areas for manufacturing, industrial and related establishments, which create no obnoxious impact on abutting properties, but which are essential to the economy of the city and area, and because of their size, traffic generation, transportation needs, water and sewer requirements, and other characteristics need careful consideration as to location. To be consistent with sound planning practice, these districts will be conveniently located near planned or existing major highways and streets, sewer and water facilities and other commercial and industrial land uses. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.140), 1980].
17.34.020 Permitted buildings and uses.
A. Administration, educational, business offices and other related activities and facilities in conjunction with a permitted use.
B. Ambulance service.
C. Automobile, motorcycle, truck and equipment sales, service, repair and rental.
D. Automobile and truck service stations.
E. Bakery, wholesale and retail.
F. Blueprinting and photocopying.
G. Blacksmith shop.
H. Boat building, sales and repairs.
I. Cabinet shop.
J. Cafeteria, cafe or restaurant.
K. Ceramic products using only previously pulverized clay.
L. Cold and ice storage plants including storage and office.
M. Electronic or electro-mechanical equipment manufacture, assembly, testing and repair for items such as, but not limited to:
1. Radios and televisions.
2. Audio and phonographs.
3. Metering instruments.
4. Radar, infrared and ultraviolet equipment.
5. Coils, tubes, semi-conductors and other components.
6. Scientific and chemical instruments.
7. Computer items.
8. Data processing equipment systems.
9. Communications, navigation control, transmission and reception equipment, control equipment and systems, guidance equipment and systems.
N. Equipment sales, service, rental and repair.
O. Farm equipment sales, service, rental and repair.
P. Garment or clothing manufacturing.
Q. Glass assembly and manufacturing.
R. Manufacturing, assembly, fabricating or packaging of products from previously prepared materials such as cloth, plastic, paper, leather, precious or semi-precious metals or stones.
S. Lumber and building materials yards, not including concrete mixing.
T. Machine, metal and sheet metal shops.
U. Medical aids manufacturing such as artificial limbs, dentures, hearing aids and surgical instruments or dressings.
V. Musical instrument manufacturing.
W. Novelties manufacturing.
X. Optics (precision) manufacture and assembly.
Y. Parking lots and loading facilities.
Z. Pharmaceutical laboratories.
AA. Printing, publishing and book binding.
BB. Public and semi-public uses, buildings, utility uses, structures and yards.
CC. Radiator service and repair.
DD. Scientific research or experimental development of materials, methods or products including engineering and laboratory research.
EE. Service commercial uses such as banks, offices, refreshment stands, bars and taverns.
FF. Sign shops and signs.
GG. Storage buildings and mini-warehouse facilities.
HH. Storage buildings and warehouses for consumer goods.
II. Tire sales, repair and vulcanizing.
JJ. Trailer sales, storage and rental.
KK. Veterinary clinics and hospitals operated entirely within an enclosed building.
LL. Welding shops.
MM. Wholesale facilities for distribution of all standard types of prepared or packaged merchandise such as automobile supplies, drugs, electrical supplies, furniture, food products, hardware, leather goods, plumbing supplies, textiles and fabrics and general merchandise.
NN. Assembly, manufacture, or preparation of articles and merchandise from the following previously prepared types of textiles, tobacco, wax, wire, yarns and paint not employing a boiling process.
OO. Accessory uses and buildings customarily appurtenant to a permitted use, such as incidental storage when properly screened.
PP. Other uses similar to the above and keeping with the general industrial district purposes; provided, that the use is not harmful to persons living or working in the vicinity as determined by the city due to odor, smoke, dust, dirt, refuse, illumination, noise, vibration, appearance or hazard of fire or explosion.
QQ. Home occupations in residential dwellings only subject to EPMC 17.52.100. [Ord. 9-101 § 2, 1991; Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-55 § 1 (Exh. A § 6), 1981; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.141), 1980].
17.34.030 Buildings and uses permitted conditionally.
The planning commission may grant a conditional use permit in accordance with the standards and procedure set forth in Chapter 17.84 EPMC for any such other buildings or uses as the commission determines to be in keeping with the district purposes. Such other uses shall not have any different or more detrimental effect upon the adjoining neighborhood areas or zones that provide specifically for the use as a permitted use. In addition, the following conditional uses are authorized:
A. Asphalt mixing and processing.
B. Bulk meat processing and sales.
C. Concrete mixing and processing and storage of sand, gravel, shale, stone, loam, dirt and other earth products and aggregate resources.
D. Food and wood products and manufacturing.
E. Fuel, inflammable liquids.
F. Residential uses related to the operation of permitted industrial uses for plant personnel.
G. Industrial site use when the proposed building or structures are located within 1,000 feet of the boundaries of any residential zone or educational institution.
H. Explosive manufacturing.
I. Wrecking and used parts recycling facilities.
J. Buildings or structures over 100 feet in height.
K. Service stations for automobiles and trucks.
L. Planned unit developments subject to the provisions of Chapter 17.76 EPMC. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-55 § 1 (Exh. A § 6), 1981; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.142), 1980].
17.34.040 Yard regulations.
In the I-2 district, each lot shall have yards of the following size unless otherwise provided for through Chapter 17.52 EPMC, Special Uses, General Provisions and Exceptions, Chapter 17.56 EPMC, Street Dedication and Building Setback Requirements, or Chapter 17.60 EPMC, Site Plan and Landscape Approval:
A. Front yard setback: 35 feet. Exception: parking area setback, five feet.
1. When adjacent to a residential zone: 50 feet.
B. Side Yard Setback.
1. Commercial or industrial adjacent zone: 10 feet.
2. When adjacent to a residential zone: 100 feet.
C. Street side yard setback: 35 feet. Exception: parking area setback, five feet.
D. Rear Yard Setback.
1. Commercial or industrial adjacent zone: 20 feet.
2. When adjacent to a residential zone: 100 feet.
E. Screening from adjacent property with landscaping and/or fencing is required, except as may be approved by the site plan committee. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.143), 1980].
17.34.050 Building or structural height limitations.
In the I-2 district, height of building or structures shall not exceed 125 feet, except when a structure abuts a residential zone. The maximum building or structure height abutting a residential zone shall not be greater than that height permitted in the abutting residential zone for a distance of 500 feet.
Structures exceeding 100 feet necessary for use with permitted or conditional uses may be permitted when approved by the site plan committee under Chapter 17.60 EPMC. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.144), 1980].
17.34.060 Lot regulations.
A. Area and Dimensions. In the I-2 district, the minimum lot area for 70 percent of the lots shall be at least 43,560 square feet. The other 30 percent of the lots shall be at least 22,000 square feet.
B. Coverage and Density Requirements. In the I-2 district, there are no lot coverage and density requirements, except as provided in the yard regulations and off-street parking and loading requirements. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.145), 1980].
17.34.070 Parking requirements.
Off-street parking and loading requirements for uses in the I-2 district shall be provided as prescribed in Chapter 17.72 EPMC. In no event shall there be less than adequate parking and loading facilities to serve all employees, customers and service needs of each use. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.146), 1980].
17.34.080 Fences and walls.
In the I-2 district, solid fences and walls shall not exceed three and one-half feet in height above the sidewalk grade, within the front yard setback area or street side yard setback area. Vision clearance shall be required on all corner lots. On an interior lot, a wall, fence or hedge not more than 10 feet in height may be located anywhere on the lot to the rear of the required front yard or street side yard setback line. When an I-2 district adjoins a residential district, the planning commission may require that a fence, wall or hedge be erected along and immediately adjacent to the abutting property line that is the zone boundary. The planning commission or site plan committee may make this requirement in the approval of the site plan as required by Chapter 17.60 EPMC. All fences, walls and hedges shall be properly constructed, maintained, trimmed and kept in good condition and repair. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.147), 1980].