Chapter 17.56
17.56.010 Description and purpose.
17.56.020 General plan of streets and highways.
17.56.030 Planned highway right-of-way lines.
17.56.040 Dedication of lands for streets and highways.
17.56.050 Building setback lines.
17.56.010 Description and purpose.
It is impractical, by reason of cost and safety, to make every new or existing street in the city wide enough and safe enough to accommodate both neighborhood and arterial traffic volumes and congestion. The general plan of streets and roads has therefore assigned a classification designation to each roadway based upon existing or planned future use. This classification plan is the basis upon which regulations and standards in this chapter are based. The purpose of this chapter is to require standards of land use and improvements adequate to meet existing and future pedestrian, vehicular and utility requirements for the health, safety and general welfare of the residents of adjoining property and the city. It is also the purpose of this chapter to keep the cost of acquiring lands, the movement of buildings, inconvenience to residents and movement of utility services to a minimum through these standards. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (11.010), 1980].
17.56.020 General plan of streets and highways.
The classification of streets and roads in and adjacent to the city of Eagle Point will be shown and designated upon maps hereto made a part of this title by reference and titled “City of Eagle Point General Plan of Streets and Highways.” The original of this plan, including any changes or amendments thereto, shall be kept on file in City Hall. In the absence of a city general plan, EPMC 17.56.030 shall apply. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (11.020), 1980].
17.56.030 Planned highway right-of-way lines.
A. Establishment of Right-of-Way Lines. A planned right-of-way line is hereby established for the various categories of highways and streets shown on the general plan of streets and highways, as established in the following categories:
1. Expressways and limited access arterials: 60 feet from and parallel with the centerline of such expressway or arterial.
a. Highway 62: 85 feet from and parallel with the centerline of the highway as established by the site plan committee.
2. Major arterials: 50 feet from and parallel with the centerline of such street.
3. Minor arterials: 35 to 40 feet from and parallel with the centerline of such street as established by the site plan committee.
a. Linn Road: from the urban growth boundary to Buchanan:
i. Thirty feet north from and parallel with the centerline of Linn Road.
ii. Forty feet south from and parallel with the centerline of Linn Road.
b. Loto Street: from Buchanan Street to Royal Avenue: 35 feet from and parallel with the centerline of Loto Street.
c. Napa-Nova Street: from Royal Avenue to Main Street by way of Napa-Nova Streets: 35 feet from and parallel with the centerline of Napa-Nova Streets.
d. Main Street: from Royal Avenue to Buchanan Street: 40 feet from and parallel with the centerline of Main Street.
e. Buchanan Avenue and extension: from Linn Road north to the edge of the urban growth boundary.
f. Barton Lane: from Crater Lake Highway to Reese Creek Road.
g. Reese Creek Road: from the Brownsboro Highway to 1,400 feet north of Barton Lane.
h. Stevens Road: from its westerly connection to Main Street east to the urban growth boundary.
i. Stevens Road extension: from existing Stevens Road westerly and northerly to Jason Street.
j. Nick Young Road – Old Highway – Royal Avenue: from the west urban growth boundary northeasterly to the east urban growth boundary.
k. Riley Road: from Stevens Road south to Alta Vista.
l. Riley Road Extension No. 1: from Stevens Road north and easterly to the Brownsboro Highway.
m. Riley Road Extension No. 2: from Riley Road Extension No. 1 to Royal Avenue.
n. Shasta Avenue: from Alta Vista Road to the Stevens Road extension.
o. Alta Vista Road: from Highway 62 easterly to Riley Road.
p. Alta Vista Road extension: from Alta Vista Road easterly and northerly to Riley Road.
q. Bigham-Brown Road Extension: from Alta Vista northerly to a terminus of Stevens Road.
4. Collector streets: 30 feet from and parallel with the centerline of such street.
a. Platt Avenue: from Jason Street to the High School.
5. Local or minor streets: 20 to 30 feet from and parallel with the centerline of such streets as established by the site plan committee.
B. Centerlines. The centerline shall be:
1. The officially surveyed line; or
2. A centerline established on a precise plan by the city engineer.
In the event of conflict between subsections (B)(1) and (2) of this section, the line described by the city engineer shall govern. In all other cases a line midway between properties abutting the right-of-way shall be the centerline for the purposes of this title. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (11.030), 1980].
17.56.040 Dedication of lands for streets and highways.
No building permit or certificate of occupancy shall be issued, or construction be authorized, for the development of lands abutting any public street or highway shown on the general plan of streets and highways as herein adopted or planned highway right-of-way lines until and unless the right-of-way for such public street or highway has been dedicated to or vested in the city of Eagle Point. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (11.040), 1980].
17.56.050 Building setback lines.
A. Establishment of Setback Lines. A planned building setback line is hereby established on expressway, limited access arterials, major arterials and minor arterials as shown on the general plan of streets and highways of the city of Eagle Point. These building setback lines shall be measured from the centerlines of said streets.
B. Location of Setback Lines. Where there is a planned street or highway right-of-way line established by this title, the setback distances shall be measured from such planned highway right-of-way line rather than from the actual property line. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-55 § 1 (Exh. A § 24), 1981; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (11.050), 1980].