Chapter 17.42
17.42.010 Description, purpose and application.
17.42.020 Location and changes in location.
17.42.040 Permitted buildings and building uses.
17.42.010 Description, purpose and application.
The FP floodplain overlay district designates areas which are subject to inundation by flooding or coverage by surface water as designated by the city’s ordinance establishing regulations to prevent flood damage. The purpose in establishing this district is to minimize property loss, danger of injury and health hazards by the location of flood hazard areas and the development of standards of land use in these areas. The district shall be applied in any zone to cover any area subject to flooding or coverage by surface water, as determined by the most reliable data available to the city.
An additional purpose is to provide minimum standards for the use of real property in the FP floodplain overlay district which will provide protection to residents and minimize the impact to properties when flooding occurs.
The provisions and requirements of the FP floodplain overlay district apply in addition to the provisions and requirements of the basic district.
In those instances where there is a conflict between the provisions and requirements in the FP overlay district and the provisions and requirements of the basic district, the provisions and requirements of the overlay district supersede. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.180), 1980].
17.42.020 Location and changes in location.
The location of areas subject to flooding are located on the 1980 Zoning Map of the City of Eagle Point.
The city council shall determine those areas which, because of construction activities or changes in water drainages, shall be additionally designated or removed from designation as FP floodplain areas. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.181), 1980].
17.42.030 Permitted uses.
In any zone where the zone symbol “FP” is located, only the following land uses are permitted, if said uses are permitted in such zone classification:
A. Parking area, private.
B. Parking area, public.
C. Parks, playgrounds, golf course, or driving ranges.
D. Feeding, breeding and management of livestock and dairy cattle.
E. Raising and harvesting crops.
F. Other agricultural or horticultural uses or any combination thereof.
G. Walkways, bike paths and roadways.
H. Public utilities approved by the city engineer.
I. Uses as approved under Chapter 15.20 EPMC, Flood Hazard Prevention. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.182), 1980].
17.42.040 Permitted buildings and building uses.
In any zone also designated FP, the following buildings only are permitted:
A. Accessory building normal and incidental to the uses provided in EPMC 17.42.030.
B. Uses normally permitted in the basic zone classification upon approval by the city engineer only where it appears no hazard to property, person or health would exist or be created by reason of such building and building use.
C. Buildings and structures as approved under Chapter 15.20 EPMC, Flood Hazard Prevention. [Ord. 9-62A § 1, 1982; Ord. 9-52 § 1 (3.183), 1980].