Chapter 3.4
Vehicle and Bicycle Parking


3.4.100    Purpose

3.4.110    Applicability

3.4.120    Vehicle Parking Standards

3.4.130    Vehicle and Bicycle Parking Standards

3.4.100 Purpose

Chapter 3.4 provides vehicle and bicycle parking standards. The design of parking areas is critically important to the viability of commercial uses, pedestrian and driver safety, the efficient and safe operation of adjoining streets, and community image and livability. The parking requirements are intended to be flexible. The standards provide for the number of parking spaces and for the location, size, and design of parking areas to ensure such areas can be accessed safely and efficiently.

3.4.110 Applicability.

A.    Where Parking Regulations Apply. The regulations of this Chapter apply to all parking areas in all zones, at all times, whether parking is required by this Code or put in for the convenience of property owners or users.

B.    Occupancy. All required parking areas must be developed in accordance with the requirements of this Code prior to occupancy of any structure on the subject site. Where landscaping, screening or other improvements are required pursuant to this Code, all such improvements must be installed and approved by the City Administrator prior to occupancy.

C.    Calculations of Amounts of Required and Allowed Parking.

1.    When computing parking spaces based on floor area, the area used for storage, mechanical, equipment rooms or similar spaces are not counted.

2.    The number of parking spaces is computed based on the primary uses on the site except as stated in subsection 3, below. When there are two or more separate primary uses on a site, the minimum and maximum parking for the site is the sum of the required or allowed parking for the individual primary uses.

3.    When more than 20 percent of the floor area on a site is in an accessory use, the required or allowed parking is calculated separately for the accessory use. An example would be a 10,000 square foot building with a 7,000 square foot warehouse and a 3,000 square foot accessory retail area. The minimum and maximum parking would be computed separately for the retail and warehouse uses.

D.    Use of Required Parking Spaces. Except as otherwise provided by this section, required parking spaces must be available for residents, customers, or employees of the use. Fees may be charged for the use of required parking spaces. Required parking spaces may not be assigned in any way to a use on another site, except for shared parking pursuant to Section 3.4.120.C.

E.    Proximity of Parking to Use. Required parking spaces for residential uses must be located on the site of the use or on a parcel or tract owned in common by all the owners of the properties that will use the parking area. Required parking spaces for nonresidential uses must be located on the site of the use or in a parking area that has its closest pedestrian access point within 500 feet of the site.

F.    Improvement of Parking Areas. Motorized vehicle parking is allowed only on streets with an improved shoulder of sufficient width; within garages, carports, and other approved structures; and on driveways or parking lots that have been developed in conformance with this Code. For applicable design standards, see Chapter 2 requirements for block layout and building orientation, Chapter 3.2 Access and Circulation, Chapter 3.3 Landscaping and Screening, and Chapter 3.5 Public Facilities.

3.4.120 Vehicle Parking Standards.

The minimum number of required off-street vehicle parking spaces shall be determined based on the standards in Table 3.4.120. There is no minimum number of off-street parking spaces required in the Main Street Commercial Subdistrict, however, the “maximum parking” standards of this Chapter apply.

A.    Minimum Standards

Table 3.4.120 – Vehicle Parking – Minimum Standards Option

The number of required off-street vehicle parking spaces shall be determined in accordance with the following standards. Off-street parking spaces may include spaces in garages, carports, parking lots, and/or driveways if vehicles are not parked in a vehicle travel lane (including emergency or fire access lanes). Credit shall be allowed for “on-street parking”, as provided in Section 3.4.120 B.

Residential Uses

Single Family detached housing

2 parking spaces for each home on an individual lot

Two- and three-family housing

1.5 spaces per dwelling unit

Multi-family housing including apartments, single family attached housing, retirement facilities or similar facilities.

1.5 spaces per dwelling unit

Rooming and boarding houses

1 space per guest room + employee parking

Manufactured Home Parks

2 parking spaces for each manufactured home

Commercial Uses

Auto, boat or trailer sales, retail nurseries and similar uses

1 space per 1,000 sq. ft. of gross land area, and

1 space per 5,000 sq. ft. of gross land area (after 1st 10,000 sq. ft. of gross land area); and

1 space per 2 employees

Retail, professional & personal services

1 space per 350 sq. ft. of gross floor area.


Medical/Dental offices – 1 space/350 sq. ft. of gross floor area;

General Offices – 1 space/450 sq. ft. of gross floor area

Bulk retail sales

Bulk sales - Furniture, appliances or similar

1 space per 750 sq. ft. of gross floor area

Hotels and motels

One space for each guest room, plus one space for the manager

Restaurants, bars and similar eating establishments

1 space per 4 seats or


1 space per 100 sq. ft. gross floor area, whichever is less

Theaters, auditoriums, gymnasiums and similar assembly uses

1 space/4 seats

Industrial Uses

Industrial uses, except warehousing

1 space/2 employees on the largest shift or for each 700 sq. ft. of gross floor area, whichever is less, plus one space per company vehicle


1 space/ 1,000 sq. ft. of gross floor area or for each 2 employees, whichever is greater, plus one space per company vehicle

Public Utilities (not including business offices)

1 space/ 2 employees on the largest shift, plus one space per company vehicle; a minimum of two spaces is required.

Public and Institutional Uses

Child care centers having 13 or more children

1 space/ 2 employees; a minimum of 2 spaces is required

Churches and similar places of worship

1 space/ 4 seats

Retirement center or assisted living complex

1 space/ 2 patient beds or 1 space/ apartment unit, or combination thereof.

Schools, elementary and junior high

1.5 spaces/ classroom, or the requirements for assembly uses as set forth herein, whichever is greater

Exceptions or Unspecified Uses: Where an exception to parking standard is requested or a use is not specifically listed in this table, parking requirements shall be determined by the City. The City may determine the number of parking spaces based on either (1) existing parking standards from another city or professional organization or (2) a parking analysis submitted by the applicant for the proposed development.

B.    Credit for On-Street Parking. Within the Commercial District, the City may allow a credit for available on-street parking adjacent to the development. The amount of required off-street parking shall be reduced by one space for every on-street parking space adjacent to the development. On-street parking shall follow the established configuration of existing on-street parking, except that angled parking may be allowed for some streets, where permitted by City and the applicable roadway authority. The following constitutes an on-street parking space:

1.    Parallel parking, each 22 feet of uninterrupted curb;

2.    Diagonal, each with 9 feet of curb

3.    90-degree (perpendicular) parking, each with 9 feet of curb;

4.    Curb space must be connected to the lot which contains the use;

5.    Parking spaces that would not obstruct a required clear vision area, nor any other parking that violates any law or street standard; and

6.    On-street parking spaces credited for a specific use may not be used exclusively by that use but shall be available for general public use at all times.

C.    Parking Location and Shared Parking.

1.    Location. Vehicle parking is allowed only on approved parking shoulders (streets), within garages, carports and other structures, or on driveways or parking lots that have been developed in conformance with this Code. Specific locations for parking are indicated in Chapter 2 for some land uses. (See also, Chapter 3.2 - Access and Circulation).

2.    Off-site parking. Except for single family dwellings, the vehicle parking spaces required by this Chapter may be located on another parcel of land, provided the parcel is within 500 feet of the use it serves. The distance from the parking area to the use shall be measured from the nearest parking space to a building entrance following a sidewalk or other pedestrian route. The right to use the off-site parking must be evidenced by a recorded deed, lease, easement, or similar written instrument.

3.    Mixed uses. If more than one type of land use occupies a single structure or parcel of land, the total requirements for off-street automobile parking shall be the sum of the requirements for all uses, unless it can be shown that the peak parking demands are actually less (i.e., the uses operate on different days or at different times of the day). In that case, the total requirements shall be reduced accordingly.

4.    Shared parking. Required parking facilities for two or more uses, structures, or parcels of land may be satisfied by the same parking facilities used jointly, to the extent that the owners or operators show that the need for parking facilities does not materially overlap (i.e., uses primarily of a daytime versus nighttime nature), and provided that the right of joint use is evidenced by a recorded deed, lease, contract, or similar written instrument establishing the joint use.

5.    Availability of facilities. Owners of off-street parking facilities may post a sign indicating that all parking on the site is available only for residents, customers and/or employees, as applicable. Signs shall conform to the standards of Chapter 3.6, Section 3.6.100.

D.    Exceptions and/or Reductions: An applicant may propose a parking standard that is different than those listed in Table 3.4.120 for review and action by the City Planner through a Type II procedure or by the Planning Commission as part of a Type III procedure. The applicant’s proposal shall consist of a written request with an explanation why the parking space reduction is appropriate for the proposed use(s). The City may require a parking analysis prepared by a qualified professional. The parking analysis shall assess the average parking demand for existing and proposed uses on the site, proposed # of parking spaces and opportunities for shared parking. The City may approve the proposal or a partial reduction in the number of parking spaces, if it finds (1) the applicant will provide an adequate number of parking spaces to serve the proposed uses, (2) the proposal will not negatively impact on-street parking for other uses in the area and (3) the proposal will not create traffic circulations problems or safety hazards on adjacent streets.

E.    Maximum Number of Parking Spaces. The number of off-street parking spaces provided shall not exceed the required minimum number of spaces required by this Section by more than 25%. Spaces provided on-street do not apply towards the maximum number of allowable spaces. Parking spaces provided through “shared parking” also do not apply toward the maximum number.

F.    Parking Stall Standard Dimensions and Compact Car Parking. All off-street parking stalls shall conform to City standards for surfacing, storm water management and striping, and provide dimensions in accordance with the following Figure 3.4.120.F and Table 3.4.120.F.

Figure 3.4.120.F – Parking Stall Dimensions

Table 3.4.120.F
Minimum Parking Space and Aisle Dimensions Angle




Stall Width


Curb Length



Aisle Width (D)


Aisle Width (D)

Stall Depth (E)




8 ft.

7 ft. 6 in.

22 ft. 6 in

19 ft. 6 in.

12 ft.

12 ft.

24 ft.

24 ft.

8 ft.

7 ft. 6 in.




9 ft.

7ft. 6 in.

18 ft.

15 ft.

12 ft.

12 ft.

24 ft.

24 ft.

17 ft.

14 ft.




9 ft.

7 ft. 6 in.

12 ft. 6 in.

10 ft. 6 in.

12 ft.

12 ft.

24 ft.

24 ft.

19 ft.

16 ft.




9 ft.

7 ft. 6 in.

10 ft. 6 in.

8 ft. 6 in.

18 ft.

15 ft.

24 ft.

24 ft.

20 ft.

16 ft. 6 in.




9 ft.

7 ft. 6 in.

9 ft.

7 ft. 6 in.

24 ft.

22 ft.

24 ft.

24 ft.

19 ft.

15 ft.

    See also, Chapter 2 - Land Use District standards; Chapter 3.2 - Access and Circulation; Chapter 3.3 - Landscaping; Chapter 3.5 – Public Facilities.

G.    American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Parking Requirements. Parking shall comply with ADA requirements, including, but not limited to, the minimum number of spaces for automobiles, van-accessible spaces, location of spaces relative to building entrances, accessible routes between parking areas and building entrances, identification signs, lighting, and other design and construction requirements.

3.4.130 Bicycle Parking Requirements

A.    Standards. Bicycle parking spaces shall be provided with a new development and where a change of use occurs. The minimum number of required bicycle spaces is provided in Table 3.4.130.A.

B.    Design.

1.    Bicycle parking shall consist of staple-design steel racks or other City-approved racks, lockers, or storage lids providing a safe and secure means of storing a bicycle.

2.    All spaces should be sheltered under an eave, overhang, or an independent structure, except those located in a public right-of-way or park.

3.    Bicycle parking should be conveniently located with respect to both the street right-of-way and at least one building entrance (e.g., no farther away than the closest parking space). It should be incorporated whenever possible into building design and coordinated with the design of street furniture when it is provided.

4.    Bicycle parking areas should be clearly marked and reserved for bicycle parking only.

Table 3.4.130.A
Minimum Required Bicycle Parking Spaces


Minimum Number of

Bicycle Parking Spaces


a. Less than 4 dwelling units.

b. 4-10 dwelling units

c. 11+ dwelling units


a. No bicycle spaces required.

b. 1 bicycle space per 2 dwelling units

c. 1 bicycle space per dwelling unit (see B-1 below)


2 bicycle spaces per primary use, or

1 per 10 vehicle spaces, whichever is greater


2 bicycle spaces per primary use, or

1 bicycle space per 20 vehicle spaces, whichever is greater

Community Service

2 bicycle spaces


2 bicycle spaces per acre – minimum 4 spaces


2 bicycle spaces per classroom

Government Facilities, Institutional Uses and Places of Worship

2 bicycle spaces per primary use or

1 bicycle space per 20 vehicle spaces,

whichever is greater

Other Uses

2 bicycle spaces per primary use or

1 bicycle space per 20 vehicle spaces,

whichever is greater

C.    Hazards. Bicycle parking shall not impede or create a hazard to pedestrians or vehicles and shall be located so as to not conflict with the vision clearance standards of Chapter 3.2, Section 3.2.120.M.

D.    Lighting, Visibility and Security. Bicycle parking should be visible to cyclists from street sidewalks or building entrances, so that it provides sufficient security from theft and damage. Bicycle parking should be at least as well-lit as vehicle parking areas.

E.    Options for Storage. Bicycle parking requirements for long-term and employee parking can be met by providing a bicycle storage room, bicycle lockers, racks, or other secure storage space inside or outside of the building;

F.    Special Standards for Multi-Family Residential Uses and Main Street Commercial Subdistrict.

1.    Multi-Family Residences. Multi-family residential units, with 10 or more dwelling units, shall provide at least one sheltered bicycle parking space for each dwelling unit. Sheltered bicycle parking spaces may be located within a garage, storage shed, basement, utility room or similar area. In those instances, in which the residential complex has no garage or other easily accessible storage unit, the bicycle parking spaces may be sheltered from sun and precipitation under an eave, overhang, or an independent structure.

2.    Main Street Commercial Subdistrict. Within the Main Street Commercial Subdistrict, bicycle parking for customers should be provided along the street at a rate of at least one space per use. Individual uses may provide their own parking, or spaces may be clustered to serve up to six (6) bicycles. Bicycle parking spaces should be located in front of the stores along the street, either on the sidewalks or in specially constructed areas such as pedestrian curb extensions. Inverted "U" style racks are recommended. Bicycle parking shall not interfere with pedestrian passage, leaving a clear area of at least 36 inches between bicycles and other existing and potential obstructions.

G.    Exemptions. This section does not apply to single-family and duplex housing, home occupations, and agricultural uses.

1.    Reduction in Number of Required Bicycle Parking Spaces. The City Planner may approve a reduction in the number of required bicycle parking spaces, if the applicant can demonstrate that the proposed use would be reasonably anticipated to generate a lesser need for bicycle parking.

2.    Exemption from Bicycle Parking Requirement. The City may exempt other uses upon finding that, due to the nature of the use or its location, it is unlikely to have any patrons or employees arriving by bicycle.