Chapter 16.44
Article I. Improvements Generally
Article II. Road Design Standards
16.44.070 Compliance required.
16.44.080 Minimum standards established.
16.44.090 Implementation of requirements.
16.44.100 Additional design requirements.
16.44.110 Approval of variations.
16.44.130 Roads within an urban growth boundary.
16.44.140 Roads within one mile of and urban area boundary.
16.44.180 Minimum right-of-way and roadway width.
16.44.200 Road development requirements—Subdivisions.
16.44.210 Road development requirements—Partitions.
16.44.220 Road development requirements—Private.
16.44.240 Horizontal alignment.
Article III. Construction Standards
16.44.300 General specifications.
16.44.330 Handling of explosives.
16.44.340 Cooperation with utilities.
16.44.350 Temporary traffic control.
16.44.360 Clearing and grubbing.
16.44.380 Subgrade construction.
16.44.390 Surfacing requirements.
16.44.400 Permanent traffic control.
Article I. Improvements Generally
16.44.010 General.
The design, construction and use of right-of-way for subdivision road improvements shall be executed in accordance with the current adopted Jefferson County road standards. (Ord. O-160-2000 Exh. A § 10.1, 2000)
16.44.020 Surveying.
A. General. A registered land surveyor shall stake the horizontal alignments shown on the improvement plans on all roads prior to construction.
B. Cuts and Fills More Than One Foot. Sections with a cut or fill of more than one foot and any super-elevated sections shall be staked every fifty (50) feet or less with:
1. Clearing lath; and
2. Offset stakes marked with the offset distance and the cut or fill to the subgrade shoulder, except that offset stakes may be the same stakes as the clearing lath; and
3. Shoulder lath for the aggregate base.
C. Cuts and Fills Less Than One Foot. Sections with a cut or fill of less than one foot shall be staked every one hundred (100) feet or less with:
1. Clearing lath; and
2. Offset stakes marked with the offset distance and the cut or fill to the subgrade shoulder, except that offset stakes may be the same stakes as the clearing lath; and
3. Shoulder lath for the aggregate base, except that shoulder lath shall not exceed fifty (50) feet between laths in horizontal curves.
D. Curbs. Curb sections shall require offset hubs every twenty-five (25) feet with stakes marked with the offset distance and the cut or fill to the subgrade shoulder and the top of the curb.
E. Centerline Monuments. Centerline monuments as shown on Standard Specifications for Highway Construction current edition.
All caps shall be stamped to identify the monument (i.e., P.I., P.C., P.T., Int.) and carry the registration number of the surveyor setting the monument. (Ord. O-160-2000 Exh. A § 10.1, 2000)
16.44.030 Financial.
A. Fees. All plan review and field inspection costs shall be borne by the applicant. Such costs shall be based on a schedule of charges on file in the department of public works.
B. Bonds.
1. General. When in the opinion of the director of public works an existing public way is endangered by an applicant, said applicant shall be required to file an agreement and security with the county.
2. Type of Security. The applicant shall file with the agreement to assure full performance thereof, one of the following:
a. A survey bond executed by a surety company authorized to transact business in the state of Oregon in a form approved by the county; or
b. Cash.
3. Amount Required. Such assurance of full performance shall be for a sum approved by the director of public works as sufficient to cover the cost of improvements and repairs, including related engineering, inspection, and incidental expenses.
4. Default Status. If the applicant fails to carry out provisions of the agreement and the county has unreimbursed costs or expenses resulting from such failure, the county shall call on the bond or cash deposit for reimbursement. If the amount of the bond or cash deposit exceeds cost and expense incurred by the county, it shall release the remainder. If the amount of the bond or cash deposit is less then the cost and expense incurred by the county, the applicant shall be liable to the county for the difference.
5. The bond shall not be released by the county until one year from the improvement completion date specified by the applicant.
6. The bonds shall not be released by the county until county inspectors have inspected the improvements and approved them in writing. (Ord. O-160-2000 Exh. A § 10.3, 2000)
16.44.040 Indemnification.
Licensee shall be responsible and liable for all injuries to other persons or property resulting from any negligence or otherwise tortuous acts or omissions of licensee, its servants or agents. Licensee shall indemnify the county and hold it harmless against any and all claims, demands, lawsuits, injuries, damages or costs, including litigation costs, which the county may sustain by reason of any such acts or omissions. (Ord. O-160-2000 Exh. § 10.4, 2000)
16.44.050 Insurance.
Licensee shall procure and continue to carry during the term of this license, public liability and property damage insurance with a responsible company, with limits of not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000.00) combined single limit. (Ord. O-160-2000 Exh. A § 10.5, 2000)
16.44.060 Design tolerances.
The director of public works may approve variations in the improvements plans, without the need for a variance, up to plus or minus ten (10) percent of the standard or design tentatively approved, provided:
A. There is no adverse impact to the public in allowing the variations;
B. The variation promotes the intent and purposes of the ordinances; and
C. There are practical difficulties that will create an unreasonable construction expense, however, the variation will result in a significant public benefit. (Ord. O-160-2000 Exh. A § 10.6, 2000)
Article II. Road Design Standards
16.44.070 Compliance required.
All road construction shall be in compliance with the design standards set forth in this chapter. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.4.001, 1997)
16.44.080 Minimum standards established.
The design standards contained within this chapter are the minimum standards governing the design of roads and other improvements and facilities. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.4.002, 1997)
16.44.090 Implementation of requirements.
It is the duty of the public works director or his or her authorized representative, to implement the provisions and requirements of these standards in such a way as to carry out their intent and purpose. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.4.003, 1997)
16.44.100 Additional design requirements.
The public works director may impose additional design requirements as are reasonably necessary to protect the interests of the public. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.4.004, 1997)
16.44.110 Approval of variations.
The planning director or hearing body may approve proposed variations in the improvement standards of this chapter at the same time a tentative plat application is reviewed without the need for a variance to the standards provided the planning director or hearings body finds, after consultation with the Jefferson County public works director, that:
A. There is no adverse impact to the public in allowing the variations;
B. The variation promotes the intent and purposes of the standards; and
C. There are practical difficulties that will create an unreasonable construction expense. This item shall be considered only if the variance will not result in the sacrifice of a significant public benefit. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.4.005, 1997)
16.44.120 Roads.
A. The location, width and grade of streets shall be considered in their relation to existing and planned streets, topographical conditions, public convenience and safety, and the proposed use of land to be served by the roads. The street system shall assure an adequate traffic circulation system for all modes of transportation, including pedestrians, bicycles, and automobiles, with intersection angles, grades, tangents and curves appropriate for the traffic to be carried, considering the terrain.
B. Roads in subdivisions shall be dedicated to the public, unless located in a destination resort, planned community or planned or cluster development, where roads may be privately owned. Planned developments shall include public roads where necessary to accommodate present and future through traffic.
C. Adoption of a road into the county road system shall be at the discretion of the Jefferson County board of county commissioners in accordance with ORS 378.016(2)(c) and the current Jefferson County zoning ordinance. To be considered for adoption into the county road system, a road or system of roads must be contiguous with the existing county road system through connection with either an existing county or state road and comply, to the satisfaction of the Jefferson County director of public works director, in all respects to the design standards set forth in this article and the construction standards set forth in Article III of this chapter.
D. Cul-de-sac roads, when allowed, shall be dedicated to the public, will not be eligible for adoption into the county road system, will be considered (in terms of maintenance) a private road and shall comply in all respects to the standards for private roads set forth in this article and Article III of this chapter. Cul-de-sacs shall be designed to AASHTO standards.
E. Roads in partitions shall be dedicated to the public as public access roads or under certain conditions be allowed as private roads where a flag lot or preexisting easement cannot meet current access width standards. See Section 16.44.280(G) of this chapter. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.4.006, 1997)
16.44.130 Roads within an urban growth boundary.
Roads within an urban growth boundary (UGB) shall conform in all respects to the design and construction specification of the city contained within the UGB boundary, and shall be subject to review and approval of that city’s director of public works and Jefferson county director of public works. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.4.007, 1997)
16.44.140 Roads within one mile of and urban area boundary.
At the discretion of the Jefferson County director of public works, design and construction standards and specifications may be modified to accommodate future reconstruction to UGB standards.
Roads in zones contiguous to the UGB of Madras, Culver or Metolius may be required to be constructed in accordance with Section 16.44.130 if in the opinion of the director of public works said roads would become connected to the UGB road system. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.4.008, 1997)
16.44.150 Existing roads.
Whenever existing roads, adjacent to or within a tract, are of inadequate width to accommodate the increase in traffic expected from the subdivision or partition or by the current county roadway network plan, any additional rights-of-way required to meet current standards shall be provided at the time of the land division by the applicant. During consideration of the tentative plan for the subdivision or partition, the planning director or hearings body together with the public works director shall determine whether improvements to existing streets adjacent to or within the tract are required. If so determined, such improvements shall be required as a condition of approval for the tentative plan. Improvements to adjacent streets shall be required where traffic on such streets will be directly affected by the proposed subdivision or partition. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.4.009, 1997)
16.44.160 Continuation roads.
Subdivision or partition roads which constitute the continuation of roads in contiguous territory shall be aligned so that their centerlines coincide. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.4.010, 1997)
16.44.170 Frontage roads.
If a land division abuts or contains an existing or proposed collector or arterial street, the planning director or hearings body may require frontage roads, reverse frontage lots or parcels with suitable depth, screen planting contained in a nonaccess reservation along the rear or side property line, or other treatment necessary for adequate protection of residential properties and to afford separation of through and local traffic. Provision may be made for emergency access. All frontage roads shall comply with applicable standards of Table A of this chapter. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.4.011, 1997)
16.44.180 Minimum right-of-way and roadway width.
The street right-of-way and roadway surfacing widths shall be in conformance with Table A of this chapter.
Additional right-of-way may be required if necessary to contain the limits of cuts, fills, and structural improvements. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.4.012, 1997)
16.44.190 Road design.
The design of roads covered by this chapter is to be prepared by a registered professional engineer and shall at a minimum conform to the design standards for new or existing roads set forth in Table A of this chapter and shall otherwise conform with AASHTO standards. Base and pavement dimensions set forth in Table A may be increased by the director of public works if necessitated by anticipated traffic volumes or geotechnical considerations. The public works director may allow lesser structural standards if the developer provides a twenty (20) year minimum life design meeting AASHTO or ODOT criteria, developed and stamped by a licensed professional engineer. Said design must be based on geotechnical testing on site, and use traffic loads consistent with the ultimate development of the road system. The adequacy of existing structural sections and the required structural modifications to the existing structural section(s) required to meet a twenty (20) year design life for the ultimate traffic load shall be in accordance with the Asphalt Institute Manual Series No. 16 or Manual Series No. 17. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.4.013, 1997)
16.44.200 Road development requirements—Subdivisions.
A. All roads in new subdivisions shall either be constructed to Table A standards for inclusion in the county maintained system or the subdivision shall be part of a special road district or a homeowners association in a planned unit development, or cluster development, which includes an agreement for the maintenance of the roads, acceptable to the public works director. In no case shall the section for noncounty maintained roads be less than one and one-half inches of asphalt concrete pavement Class B, three inches of crushed aggregate top course and four inches of crushed aggregate base course.
B. Improvements of Public Rights-of-Way.
1. The developer of a subdivision or partition will be required to improve all public ways that are adjacent to or within the land development.
2. All improvements within public rights-of-way shall conform to the standards designated in this chapter for the applicable road classification.
3. A bond, in a form approved by the public works director and the county counsel, shall be provided to Jefferson County in an amount equal to one hundred thirty-five (135) percent of the estimated costs of the road and utility improvements for the subdivision or partition. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.4.014, 1997)
16.44.210 Road development requirements—Partitions.
Roadway improvements within a partition which connect to a road maintained by a public agency shall be constructed prior to final approval of the partition, depending on the parcel size as follows:
A. Access for partitions larger than five acres shall be classified as follows:
1. Serving and/or with the potential of serving only a single parcel from a public maintained road:
a. Driveway;
2. Serving and/or with the potential of serving only two parcels from a public maintained road:
a. Driveway with the portion common to both parcels located on a right-of-way, minimum fifty (50) feet in width, dedicated to the public;
3. Serving and/or with the potential of serving only three to five parcels:
a. Private road, twenty (20) feet wide conforming to Section 16.44.210(B), (C) and (D), located on a right-of-way, minimum of fifty (50) feet in width and dedicated to the public for portions common to more than one parcel,
b. Driveway at the lot line of individual parcels;
4. Serving and/or with the potential of serving six or more parcels:
a. Road standards in accordance with Table A of this chapter.
B. For a parcel size of five acres or less, the road standards used shall be in accordance with Table A of this chapter. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.4.015, 1997)
16.44.220 Road development requirements—Private.
A. Roads in planned unit developments and cluster developments shall be constructed with the following minimum roadway widths:
Private Road Widths (residential) |
Less than 20 residential units in development |
20 or more units in development |
Road with separate bike path |
20' |
24' |
Road with bike path included |
24' |
28' |
B. Minimum radius of curvature, one hundred (100) feet;
C. Maximum grade, twelve (12) percent;
D. Minimum structural section shall include ODOT standard E-11 macadam asphalt over six inches of crushed aggregate with all materials and installation in conformance with ODOT specifications.
E. At least one road name sign will be provided at each intersection for each road;
F. The subdivision shall be part of a special road district or a homeowners association in a planned unit development or cluster development. The landowner’s road maintenance responsibility shall be defined in an agreement acceptable to the public works director. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.4.016, 1997)
16.44.230 Improvement plans.
A. Copies of the improvement plans shall be submitted for review in accordance with the schedule set forth in the Jefferson County zoning ordinance.
B. A complete final set of certified Mylar improvement plans and computer file (on a 3.5", 1.44 mb disc in DXF format), approved by the public works director, shall be required prior to the signing of the final series partition subdivision map. The same shall be required for any road prior to acceptance into the county road system. The improvement plans and DXF file shall become the property of the county and will remain at the public works department.
C. Each sheet shall be drafted in permanent ink on twenty-four (24) by thirty-six (36) inch Mylar, bear the stamp and signature of the registered engineer, include a title block which shall be located on the bottom edge or at the lower right hand comer of the sheet and unless approved by the public works director prior to beginning work:
1. Sheet 1 shall be a cover sheet and shall include:
a. Project title;
b. Location map;
c. Vicinity map;
d. Legend;
e. Signature box with spaces provided for county approval and for approval by all affected cities, utility companies and irrigation districts;
f. Plan sets including five or more sheets shall include an index on the cover sheet.
2. Line types for existing items shown on the plans shall be dashed lines .3 mm in width or less. Line types for design items shall be solid lines 0.5 mm or heavier. Road centerline shall be standard long and short dash line type, 0.7 mm in width.
3. All plan views and maps shall include a clearly marked north arrow.
4. Scales shall be clearly indicated in the title block of each sheet. Detail drawings which are drawn at a scale other than the scale indicated on the sheet shall have the detail title and scale as indicated below:
Detail |
Scale 1"=X' |
5. Unless approved by the public works director, details, typical sections, materials tables and similar detail drawings shall be drafted on a sheet separate from the title or plan and profile sheets.
6. Plan and profile sheets shall be split horizontally at the midpoint of the usable area outside the title block. Plan view scale shall be fifty (50) feet to the inch, profile view shall be fifty (50) feet to the inch horizontal and five feet to the inch vertical.
7. Plan views shall show:
a. Centerline alignment showing point of curvature and point of tangency stationing, delta, radius, arc length, short tangent, for all curves, and bearing and distance of all tangents;
b. Dimensioning necessary to survey and relocate the roadway;
c. Dimensioned right-of-way lines as shown on the final plat;
d. Location and description of monuments found or set on the right-of-way line;
e. Existing easement and recording references;
f. Type, location and size of all existing and proposed drainage and irrigation structures and utilities within the right-of-way;
g. Location and type of all existing and proposed signs and barricades;
8. Profile views shall show:
a. Centerline grades and vertical curves, complete with point of intersection elevation and stationing, length of vertical curves and percent grade of vertical tangents;
b. Original ground at centerline extending five hundred (500) feet past the construction limits and original ground at ditch lines if a significant traverse slope exists;
c. Curb profiles, where curbs are required;
d. Superelevation transition diagrams for horizontal curves if curbs are not required;
e. Type, location, size, flow and finished grade elevations of all existing and proposed drainage and irrigation structures and utilities within the right-of-way.
9. Structural section sheets shall include but not be limited to:
a. Width, depth and type of base layer(s);
b. Width, depth and type of paving;
c. Curbs, if required;
d. Side slopes;
e. Ditch section;
f. Crown slope; and
g. Utilities.
10. Structural and detail plans of all structures, including, but not limited to, bridges, drainage structures, irrigation structures and sewer lines stamped by a registered engineer.
11. The developer shall submit, with his or her proposed improvement plans, an itemized construction cost estimate. This estimate shall include all related roadwork and affected utility installation and/or related relocation.
12. Any other information required by the public works director, planning director, or hearing body. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.4.017, 1997)
16.44.240 Horizontal alignment.
A. Horizontal curve and tangent distance shall meet or exceed minimum standards in Table A of this chapter.
B. The centerline of road improvements shall coincide with the centerline of the right-of-way unless an eccentric right-of-way is required to contain the limits of cuts and fills.
C. Superelevation shall be designed in accordance with AASHTO specifications with the maximum superelevation being six percent. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.4.018, 1997)
16.44.250 Vertical alignment.
A. Vertical curves shall be designed to be consistent with and complimentary to the horizontal curves. Vertical curves shall be designed in accordance with AASHTO standards.
B. Maximum percent of grade shall be as shown in Table A of this chapter. Minimum grade shall be one percent for all roads, unless a drainage plan is submitted to and approved by the public works director.
C. Angle points shall not be allowed on grade breaks over one percent. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B 1.4.019, 1997)
16.44.260 Intersections.
A. All intersections shall be planned for through traffic on the road with the greatest projected average daily traffic (ADT). The side road shall be at right angle to the main road. Horizontal and vertical alignment for an intersection shall be as shown in ODOT Drawing No. 2-4.3
B. Intersecting roads, including driveways to commercial and industrial properties, shall be separated by the least of the following distances when the through road is:
1. Arterial, five hundred (500) feet;
2. Collector, three hundred (300) feet;
3. Local, one hundred (100) feet;
4. Industrial park, two hundred fifty (250) feet; and
5. Primary access, two hundred fifty (250) feet.
To be measured between intersecting centerlines of the roads and/or driveways. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.4.020, 1997)
16.44.270 Drainage.
A. Minimum Requirements. Drainage facilities shall be designed and constructed to receive and transport at least a fifty (50) year storm frequency of all surface drainage water coming to and passing through the development. The public works director may require additional capacity if failure of the drainage structure would adversely impact highways, railroads, or emergency services or facilities. The system shall be designed for maximum allowable development of the drainage area served by the drainage facility.
B. Road culverts shall be corrugated metal pipe with a minimum design life of fifty (50) years. All cross culverts shall be eighteen (18) inches in diameter or larger. Where unusual site conditions warrant, and fifty (50) year storm flow would not cause backflooding, twelve (12) inch diameter culvert may be approved in advance at the discretion of the public works director. Culverts shall be placed in natural drainage areas and shall provide positive drainage.
C. Driveway culverts, where required, shall be twelve (12) inches in diameter or larger and shall be sized such that the culvert will not impede the flow of a fifty (50) year storm.
D. The gradeline of ditches shall be constructed such that ditches and culverts shall share common flowlines.
E. A minimum of one foot of cover shall be required for all culverts.
F. Culverts over sixty (60) feet in length and/or having over four feet of cover shall be considered storm sewers and shall be designed and installed in accordance with ODOT storm sewer standards.
G. Drainage Plans. A complete set of drainage plans including hydraulic and hydrologic calculations shall be incorporated in all road improvement plans.
H. Culverts shall be installed in accordance with ODOT standard specifications. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.4.021, 1997)
16.44.280 Access.
A. Permit Required. Access onto public right-of-way or change in type of access shall require a permit from the office of the planning director. Access shall be denied at locations that do not meet minimum sight distance and spacing standards.
B. Access Restrictions and Limitations. Residential access onto arterials and collectors shall not be permitted within one hundred (100) feet of an intersection or the maximum obtainable on the parcel, whichever is less.
C. Loop driveways shall not be permitted on arterials or major collectors. Loop driveways shall not be permitted on minor collectors or local roads if the interval between access points of the loop driveway, intersections, or driveways to adjacent parcels is less than one hundred (100) feet.
D. In no case shall the interval between driveway access points be less than seventy-five (75) feet.
E. Commercial and Industrial Access. Requirements for commercial and industrial access will be determined by the public works director in accordance with Section 16.44.260 of this chapter. Safety improvements, including left turn lanes, acceleration lanes, and traffic separation may be required.
F. Sight Distance. Sight distance shall meet AASHTO standards.
G. Access shall be classified as follows:
1. Serving and/or with the potential of serving only a single parcel from a public maintained road:
a. Driveway;
2. Serving and/or with the potential of serving only two parcels from a public maintained road:
a. Driveway with the portion common to both parcels located on a right-of-way, minimum fifty (50) feet in width and dedicated to the public;
3. Serving and/or with the potential of serving only three to five parcels:
a. Private road twenty (20) feet wide conforming to Section 16.44.210(B), (C) and (D), located on a right-of-way, minimum of fifty (50) feet in width, dedicated to the public for portions common to more than one parcel,
b. Driveway at the lot line of individual parcels;
4. Serving and/or with the potential of serving only six or more parcels:
a. Road standards in accordance with Table A of this chapter. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.40.22, 1997)
16.44.290 Driveways—Private.
A. Access Width. The following are the width and grade requirements for driveways:
Type |
Width (in feet) |
Grade (%) |
Min. |
Max. |
Desired |
Max. |
Residential |
12 |
20 |
8 |
12 |
Agricultural |
20 |
40 |
10 |
14 |
Commercial/ industrial |
35 |
60 |
6 |
10 |
B. Driveways shall be constructed in such a manner that water, aggregate or any other substance that is hazardous to the traveling public will not enter onto the public roadway from the driveway.
C. Construction of the driveway shall be in accordance with the ODOT Standard Specifications and ODOT Drawing No. 2077B for approaches.
D. Driveways in excess of one hundred fifty (150) feet in length from the public road to the structure(s) served by the driveway shall be provided with an approved turnaround conforming to the current edition of the AASHTO publication “A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets.”
E. Driveways in excess of one hundred fifty (150) feet in length from the public road to the structure(s) served by the driveway shall be constructed with a minimum of five compacted inches of crushed rock meeting ODOT materials standards. Additional depth may be required by the public works director if soils conditions dictate additional depth to provide all-weather access.
F. Driveway entrance shall be shaped to run off from the surface of the public road into the drainage system.
G. Drainage shall conform to the requirements of Section 16.44.270 of this chapter. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.4.023, 1997)
Article III. Construction Standards
16.44.300 General specifications.
Unless otherwise detailed in this chapter, all roadway excavation, fill construction, subgrade preparation, installation of drainage facilities, aggregate base, surfacing, prime coats and paving will be done in accordance with the 1991 Edition of Oregon State Highway Division Standard Specifications for Highway Construction, hereinafter referred to as the general specifications. Whenever these specifications refer to the state, they shall be taken to mean the county, the appropriate county address, and likewise, reference to the commission shall be taken to mean the board of county commissioners, reference to the engineer shall be taken to mean the public works director and reference to contractor shall be taken to mean the owner and/or developer. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.5.001, 1997)
16.44.310 Testing.
All testing shall conform to methods described in AASHTO Materials, Part II, Tests, 1993 Edition. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.5.002, 1997)
16.44.320 Inspection.
The department of public works shall be notified two working days in advance of the time for subgrade inspection, two working days in advance of the time for base inspection and two working days in advance of the time for paving inspection. Each stage of construction must be inspected and approved prior to the commencement of the next stage of construction. The final inspection shall be requested seven working days in advance. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.5.003, 1997)
16.44.330 Handling of explosives.
In the handling of explosives, the contractor must comply with federal, state and local laws, and the county will in no way be responsible for any noncompliance therewith or for damages to property or injury to persons resulting from accidental or premature explosions. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.5.004, 1997)
16.44.340 Cooperation with utilities.
The contractor shall, at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of performing any work in the immediate vicinity of utility lines, contact the utilities to request the location and marking of buried utility facilities. The county is covered by the Central Oregon Utility Coordinating Council, which has been set up on a one-call system for notifying all owners of work being performed in the vicinity of their facilities. The one-call system telephone number is (503)389-6676. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.5.005, 1997)
16.44.350 Temporary traffic control.
A. Temporary protective and directional measures for traffic control shall be in conformance with the Federal Highway Administration current Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
B. The contractor shall be required to allow one-way traffic through the project during working hours. One-way traffic operation will not be permitted until such time as the contractor has labor, equipment and materials on the project necessary to proceed without delaying the work. Once one-way traffic is established, the contractor shall perform the construction work in a continuous and efficient manner.
C. If work is to be conducted in a location which could impact the operation of public services such as schools, police, or fire department, the contractor shall contact such agency(s) and coordinate activities in such a manner as to minimize conflict.
D. The contractor/developer shall have a person on the job site during working hours and on-call at all other times, who shall have the responsibility to maintain all directional and warning devices in proper position. The county public works department ((541)475-4459) shall be provided with the name and telephone number of said person. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.5.006, 1997)
16.44.360 Clearing and grubbing.
All work shall be performed in accordance with Section 201 of the general specifications supplemented and/or modified as follows:
The right-of-way shall be cleared of all fixed objects. However, in developments where traffic safety would not create a hazard, the right-of-way shall be cleared a minimum of forty (40) feet or four (4) feet beyond the edge of the shoulder or curb line of the finished road.
(Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.5.007, 1997)
16.44.370 Dust control.
A. The work shall consist of the furnishing and applying of water for the alleviation or prevention of dust nuisance in accordance with Section 233 of the general specifications.
B. Responsibility for dust abatement will be the contractor’s.
C. Watering beyond the requirements of the general specifications will be done when so ordered by the public works director.
D. The contractor be responsible for the water source. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.5.008, 1997)
16.44.380 Subgrade construction.
All work shall be performed in accordance with Section 203 of the general specifications, supplemented and/or modified as follows:
Excavated materials not required for filling/ backfilling or materials which are deemed not suitable (by the Public Works Director) for filling and backfilling, within the limits of the project, will be classed as excess materials and shall become the property of the contractor at the point of excavation and shall be disposed of by the contractor at a location and in a manner satisfactory to the Public Works Department. In the event rock is encountered in excavation, the rock will be excavated to a depth not less than six inches below subgrade, and then backfilled with suitable free draining material.
Material shall be considered unsuitable for fill, subgrade, shoulders and other uses if it contains organic matter, soft spongy earth or other material of such nature that compaction to the specified density is unobtainable.
No material having a maximum dimension of three inches or more shall be considered suitable for fill material in the top one foot of subgrade, including the fill side slopes.
Compaction shall be a minimum of ninety-five percent of the relative maximum density within the top two feet of the subgrade prism, ninety percent of the relative maximum density below the top two feet. Compaction density shall be determined by AASHTO modified proctor.
(Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.5.009, 1997)
16.44.390 Surfacing requirements.
A. Aggregate Base.
1. Crushed aggregate meeting the requirements of Section 703.07 of the general specifications shall be used.
2. All work shall be performed in accordance with Section 304 of the general specifications.
B. Asphalt Prime Coat. For all roadway sections using an asphalt penetration macadam, an asphalt prime coat will be applied to the aggregate base in accordance with Section 408 of the general specifications. The oil will be CRS-2 as specified in Section 702 of the general specifications. The application rate of the oil shall be 0.60 gallons per square yards. Aggregate shall be applied over the prime coat and shall be three-fourths inch to one-half inch as specified in Section 703.12 of the general specifications; and shall be applied approximately at the rate of 0.01 cubic yards per square yard.
C. Asphalt Penetration Macadam. When an oil mat is placed, it shall be applied in accordance with Section 406 of the general specifications. It shall be equal to or greater than a type 0-11 penetration macadam as shown in ODOT standard drawing 1833.
D. Asphaltic Concrete Pavement. Where asphaltic concrete pavement is required, it shall be placed in accordance with Section 403 of the ODOT general specifications. The asphalt cement shall be AR-2000. The class of asphaltic concrete shall be Class C. A mix design shall be submitted at least one week prior to paving.
E. Tack Coat. When a tack coat is required by the public works director, the tack coat shall be applied in conformance with Section 407 of the ODOT general specifications.
F. Portland Cement Concrete Pavement. When portland cement concrete pavement is used, it shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the publications of the Portland Cement Association. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.5.010, 1997)
16.44.400 Permanent traffic control.
Signing and striping in accordance with MUTC and ODOT standards shall be procured and installed at the expense of the developer in accordance with a signing and stripping plan submitted and approved by the public works director prior to beginning installation. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.5.011, 1997)
16.44.410 Final cleanup.
A. Final cleanup shall consist of pulling the shoulders and dressing of the earthwork side slopes.
B. Any material pulled on to the pavement is to be broomed off. The roadway side slopes are to be raked to remove all equipment tracks and berms. (Ord. O-66-97 Exh. B § 1.5.012, 1997)
Road Type(5) |
Right-of-Way Width |
Pavement Width |
Turn Lane Width |
Pave-ment Type |
Base Depth(6) |
Max. Grade |
Design Speed |
Min. Tan-gent |
Min. Curve |
Urban Growth Boundaries(2) |
Rural Areas |
Major Collector |
60-80' |
36' |
N.A. |
3"AC |
10" |
8% |
(See Note #3) |
Minor Collector |
60' |
28' |
N.A. |
3"AC |
8" |
8% |
(See Note #4) |
Minor Collector |
Low Volume |
(<1,000 ADT) |
60' |
24' |
N.A. |
2"AC |
10" |
10% |
(See Note #4) |
Local |
60' |
22' |
N.A. |
2"AC |
8" |
10% |
(See Note #4) |
Local |
Low Volume |
(<250 ADT) |
60' |
20' |
N.A. |
2"AC |
6" |
10% |
(See Note #4) |
Agricultural/ Recreational Land Access(<100 ADT) |
50' |
18' |
N.A. |
2"AC |
6" |
12% |
(See Note #4) |
Industrial |
Collector |
60' |
40' |
14' |
3"AC |
12" |
6% |
(See Note #3) |
Local |
60' |
38' |
N.A. |
3"AC |
10" |
6% |
(See Note #3) |
(1) These general standards may be supplemented by construction design standards adopted by the public works department of the county (or city in UAB). |
(2) The design and construction standards of the city contained within the UAB shall govern. |
(3) Design shall be in accordance with Oregon Department of Transportation design standards. |
(4) Design shall be in accordance with AASHTO design standards. |
(5) See county road classification map for classification of existing roads. |
(6) Additional depth may be required by the public works director if warranted to address heavy traffic or geotechnical considerations (based on CBR or R value). |