Chapter 17.18


17.18.010    Purpose and locational criteria.

17.18.020    Permitted uses.

17.18.030    Accessory uses.

17.18.040    Conditional uses.

17.18.050    Restrictions.

17.18.060    Maximum building height.

17.18.070    Lot/setback other requirements.

17.18.075    Landscaping.

17.18.080    Signs.

17.18.090    Off-street parking and loading.

17.18.100    Design features.

17.18.010 Purpose and locational criteria.

A. The vacation rental zone is provided to facilitate lodging alternatives for vacationers in areas in close proximity to the community’s attractions and recreation uses. The zone is intended to provide a location for vacation use in a mixed use setting which is less commercial than the recreation-commercial zone but which has sufficiently sized public facilities and services to accommodate the intensity of short-term rental use. While the VR zone permits residential use, it is intended for use in discrete geographic areas devoted to short-term rentals or as a transition between commercial zones and purely residential zones, and therefore facilitates the protection and stability of established neighborhoods.

B. The vacation rental zone authorizes short-term rentals as a principal use. This zone would be appropriate for discrete geographic areas where tourist accommodations would not disrupt established residential neighborhoods. Owing to the increased intensity of use, VR-zoned areas must be in close proximity to the community’s attractions and recreation uses; further, such areas must be served with the full complement of public facilities and services, including specifically sewer. This zone is appropriate in proximity to commercial zones, existing multi-unit residential development, as well as a transition between commercial zones and established single-unit residential zones. (Ord. 2023-24 § 6; Ord. 2014-21 § 2)

17.18.020 Permitted uses.

The following uses are permitted:

A. Single-unit dwellings and duplexes;

B. Attached single-unit dwellings or attached single-unit dwelling developments when developed in accordance with the attached single-unit dwellings or attached single-unit dwellings developments standards, respectively, specified in LCMC 17.20.050;

C. Bed and breakfast accommodations, subject to the standards set forth in LCMC 17.80.060;

D. Short-term rentals, subject to LCMC 17.80.050 and to the license requirements of Chapter 5.14 LCMC;

E. Manufactured homes and prefabricated structures;

F. A recreational vehicle used during construction of a permitted use for which a building permit has been issued, but not exceeding one year;

G. Community gardens and market gardens not larger than 12,500 square feet, in accordance with the standards of LCMC 17.80.080;

H. Public parks, playgrounds and other similar publicly owned recreation areas;

I. Essential emergency communications, early warning and associated emergency facilities;

J. Transportation uses, defined in Chapter 17.08 LCMC;

K. Four-flat dwellings, subject to the provisions of LCMC 17.80.150;

L. Residential homes;

M. Single-room occupancy with one such structure allowed per lot or parcel and a maximum of six single-occupancy room units in the structure;

N. Emergency shelters, subject to LCMC 17.80.220 and as defined in LCMC 17.08.010;

O. Mobile home parks or manufactured dwelling parks subject to the provisions of LCMC 17.80.040. (Ord. 2024-06 § 8; Ord. 2023-26 § 8; Ord. 2023-24 § 7; Ord. 2022-41 § 2; Ord. 2022-36 § 2; Ord. 2022-25 §§ 12, 13; Ord. 2022-15 § 9; Ord. 2019-24 § 6; Ord. 2019-02 § 2; Ord. 2017-09 § 3; Ord. 2014-21 § 2)

17.18.030 Accessory uses.

The following accessory uses are permitted:

A. Home occupations, subject to the provisions of LCMC 17.52.010;

B. Gardens and animals, subject to the provisions of LCMC 17.80.080;

C. Accessory dwelling units, subject to the provisions of LCMC 17.80.110;

D. Other accessory uses and accessory buildings and structures customarily appurtenant to a permitted use;

E. Family child care home;

F. Special event as accessory to a conditional use allowed in the zone, provided the allowed conditional use has conditional use approval. (Ord. 2022-38 § 5; Ord. 2022-25 § 14; Ord. 2020-03 § 5; Ord. 2014-21 § 2)

17.18.040 Conditional uses.

The following conditional uses may be permitted subject to a receipt of a conditional use permit:

A. Places of worship, and accessory uses set forth in LCMC 17.80.160(A);

B. Public or private schools (kindergarten through twelfth grade, educational institutions, nursery schools and child care centers);

C. Community meeting buildings, fraternal and social organizations, and recreation centers;

D. Public or private golf courses, except driving ranges or miniature courses operated as a business;

E. Repealed by Ord. 2023-26;

F. Temporary real estate offices in legally recorded subdivisions;

G. Cemeteries;

H. Utility substations, but not wireless communications facilities;

I. Radio or television transmitters or towers, but not wireless communications facilities;

J. Government buildings;

K. Hospitals, sanitariums, rest homes, nursing homes and assisted living facilities. (Ord. 2023-26 § 9; Ord. 2022-25 § 15; Ord. 2019-21 § 3; Ord. 2014-21 § 2)

17.18.050 Restrictions.

No development shall occur unless all city services are available. (Ord. 2014-21 § 2)

17.18.060 Maximum building height.

The maximum building height shall be 35 feet, except as provided in LCMC 17.52.190 and 17.52.200. (Ord. 2014-21 § 2)

17.18.070 Lot/setback other requirements.

The minimum requirements for the VR zone shall be as follows:



Lot Area

Lot Width

Lot Depth

Front Setback(3)

Side Setback

Street Side Setback(3)

Rear Setback

Maximum Building Coverage(5)


5,000 sq. ft.

50' detached;

35' attached




or 0' for common wall of attached dwellings




(1)    Repealed by Ord. 2023-24.

(2)    Repealed by Ord. 2023-24.

(3)    The front and street side setbacks shall be increased to a minimum of 20 feet in front of a garage/carport and/or driveway entrance to a garage/carport. The increase in setback shall not apply to portions of the dwelling that are below or to the side of the garage/carport or driveway entrance. The increase in setback shall not apply to any portion of the dwelling above the garage/carport that is cantilevered (i.e., supported only by the wall of the structure from which it projects), provided the lowest point of the cantilever is a minimum of seven feet above grade. On corner lots, the clear-vision area requirement of LCMC 17.52.060 shall apply.

(4)    For existing lots between 3,000 sq. ft. and 4,000 sq. ft., maximum building coverage shall be 40 percent. For existing lots less than 3,000 sq. ft., maximum building coverage shall be 50 percent.

(5)    See definition of “building coverage” in Chapter 17.08 LCMC.

(Ord. 2023-24 § 8; Ord. 2022-15 § 10; Ord. 2014-21 § 2)

17.18.075 Landscaping.

Landscaping shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 17.55 LCMC. (Ord. 2020-13 § 3)

17.18.080 Signs.

Signs shall be allowed subject to the provisions of Chapters 9.34 and 17.72 LCMC. (Ord. 2020-14 § 7; Ord. 2014-21 § 2)

17.18.090 Off-street parking and loading.

Off-street parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 17.56 LCMC. (Ord. 2014-21 § 2)

17.18.100 Design features.

All single-unit dwellings (site-built, modular and manufactured homes) to be constructed or located in the VR zone shall use at least two of the following design features on the front of the dwelling:

A. Dormers;

B. Gables;

C. Recessed entries;

D. Covered porch entries;

E. Cupolas;

F. Pillars or posts;

G. Bay or bow windows;

H. Eaves (minimum six-inch projection);

I. Off-sets on building face or roof (minimum 16 inches). (Ord. 2023-24 § 9; Ord. 2022-25 § 16; Ord. 2014-21 § 2)