Chapter 17.20


17.20.010    Purpose.

17.20.020    Permitted uses.

17.20.030    Accessory uses.

17.20.040    Conditional uses.

17.20.050    Development standards.

17.20.060    Landscaping.

17.20.070    Signs.

17.20.080    Supplementary regulations and exceptions.

17.20.090    Off-street parking and loading.

17.20.100    Design standards.

17.20.110    Repealed.

17.20.120    Conflicts.

    Prior legislation: Ords. 84-2, 89-11, 90-11, 91-4, 91-8, 92-8, 94-12, 95-15, 97-12, 98-13, 2003-08, 2005-14, 2009-02, 2009-05, 2010-06, 2012-06, 2014-08, 2014-10, 2014-16, 2016-20, 2017-09, 2019-02, 2019-05, 2019-21, 2019-23, 2019-24 and 2020-03.

17.20.010 Purpose.

The multiple-unit residential (RM) zone allows and encourages higher-density residential uses that blend a range of housing types with the surrounding neighborhood, in a compact, aesthetic, and walkable development pattern. (Ord. 2023-04 § 12; Ord. 2020-10 § 1)

17.20.020 Permitted uses.

A. Attached single-unit dwellings;

B. Attached single-unit dwellings developments;

C. Detached single-unit dwelling, including manufactured home, prefabricated dwelling, and tiny house, if located on a lawfully created lot with an area of 10,000 square feet or less that existed on September 9, 2020, and if developed under the standards set forth for single-unit dwellings within the R1 zone;

D. Detached single-unit dwelling, including manufactured home, if existing on or if a building permit was applied for before September 9, 2020, and remains valid, and if developed under the standards set forth for single-unit dwellings within the R1 zone;

E. Community or market gardens not larger than 12,500 square feet, subject to the provisions of LCMC 17.80.080;

F. Cottage housing developments, subject to the provisions of LCMC 17.80.120;

G. Duplexes;

H. Multi-unit dwellings;

I. Residential facilities;

J. Residential homes;

K. Structures used temporarily on the site and only during construction of a permitted or conditional use for which a building permit has been issued, but not exceeding six months;

L. Tiny house developments, subject to the provisions of LCMC 17.80.040(C);

M. Transportation uses;

N. Repealed by Ord. 2024-06;

O. Single-room occupancy with as many units and/or structures, or combination thereof, per lot or parcel to meet the minimum density requirement in LCMC 17.20.050. There is no maximum to the number of units per structure;

P. Emergency shelters, subject to LCMC 17.80.220 and as defined in LCMC 17.08.010. (Ord. 2024-06 § 9; Ord. 2023-26 § 10; Ord. 2022-25 §§ 17, 18; Ord. 2021-14 § 1; Ord. 2020-10 § 1)

17.20.030 Accessory uses.

A. Animals and gardens, subject to the provisions of LCMC 17.80.080;

B. Bed and breakfast accommodations, subject to the provisions of LCMC 17.80.060;

C. Home occupations, subject to the provisions of LCMC 17.52.010(E);

D. Offices incidental to and necessary for the operation of the allowed primary use;

E. Off-street parking areas directly related to the allowed primary use, subject to the provisions of Chapters 17.55 and 17.56 LCMC;

F. Other accessory uses, accessory buildings, or accessory structures customarily related to or associated with the primary use;

G. Repealed by Ord. 2023-24;

H. Family child care home;

I. Special event as accessory to a conditional use allowed in the zone, provided the allowed conditional use has conditional use approval;

J. Accessory dwelling units, subject to the provisions of LCMC 17.80.110. (Ord. 2024-06 § 10; Ord. 2023-24 § 10; Ord. 2022-38 § 6; Ord. 2022-25 § 19; Ord. 2020-10 § 1)

17.20.040 Conditional uses.

A. Assisted living facilities;

B. Community meeting buildings or fraternal and social organizations;

C. Educational institutions;

D. Government buildings;

E. Places of worship;

F. Primary, elementary, junior high or high schools; nursery schools; kindergartens;

G. Radio and television transmitters or towers;

H. Recreation centers, public parks, playgrounds, and similar public-owned recreational areas;

I. Wireless communications facilities;

J. Child care centers;

K. Docks, subject to the provisions of LCMC 17.44.040. (Ord. 2022-38 § 7; Ord. 2022-25 § 20; Ord. 2020-10 § 1)

17.20.050 Development standards.



Attached single-unit dwellings, residential facilities, and residential homes

Attached single-unit dwellings developments5


Multi-unit dwellings

Conditional uses


Min. lot width



25 feet

25 feet

Not applicable


Min. lot area (square feet)







Min. density


15 dwelling units per net acre2,3


15 dwelling units per net acre2,3

Not applicable


Max. building height (see also LCMC 17.52.190 and 17.52.200)








Primary buildings

35 feet

35 feet

35 feet

40 feet

35 feet



Accessory buildings, structures, uses

25 feet

25 feet

25 feet

25 feet

25 feet


Min. building setbacks (except garage/carport entrances)4








Front porch

5 feet

5 feet

5 feet

5 feet

5 feet



Front wall

5 feet

5 feet

5 feet

5 feet

10 feet



Side interior

5 feet, but 0 feet for attached walls

5 feet, except 0 feet for attached walls

5 feet

5 feet

10 feet



Side street

5 feet

5 feet

5 feet

5 feet

10 feet




5 feet

5 feet

5 feet

5 feet

15 feet


Min. setbacks for garage/carport entrances (attached or detached)








Front-loaded access

Must not project beyond front street-facing wall of dwelling

Must not project beyond front street-facing wall of dwelling

Must not project beyond front street-facing wall of dwelling

Not permitted

Not permitted



Side-loaded access

Must not project beyond side street-facing wall of dwelling

Must not project beyond side street-facing wall of dwelling

Must not project beyond side street-facing wall of dwelling

Must not project beyond side street-facing wall of primary building

Not permitted



Rear-loaded access

3-foot minimum from rear property line

3-foot minimum from rear property line

3-foot minimum from rear property line

3-foot minimum from rear property line

3-foot minimum from rear property line


Max. building coverage







Usable open space

None required

None required

None required


None required

1A minimum of 75 square feet of usable open space per dwelling unit must be installed as follows:

i.    Usable open space must be designed for passive or active recreational use and may include usable floor area in the development’s recreation building or club house. Usable open space must be located outside of required setbacks and required parking areas.

ii.    Private decks, balconies, or patios for individual units may count towards the usable open space square footage provided the deck, balcony, or patio is at least 48 square feet in area with a minimum depth of five feet.

iii.    Other than private decks, balconies, or patios for individual units, usable open space must be connected to primary building entrances by an on-site ADA-accessible walkway. The square footage area of on-site ADA-accessible walkways can count towards the minimum usable open space square footage requirement if they provide at least one connection to each other, to the public right-of-way, or to the development’s parking area.

iv.    Usable open space that is not a private deck, balcony, or patio for an individual unit is allowed to count towards the minimum landscape percentage requirement in Chapter 17.55 LCMC provided the space meets the landscaping requirements in Chapter 17.55 LCMC.

v.    Usable open space that is not a private deck, balcony, or patio for an individual unit must include at least one amenity for users such as seating, trash/recycling bins, dog waste stations, or play equipment – all of which must coordinate with and complement the development.

2Where the minimum density calculation results in a fraction that is 0.50 or above, the fraction is rounded up to the next whole number. Where a minimum density calculation results in a fraction that is less than 0.50, the fraction is rounded down to the preceding whole number.

3Example: 50,000 gross square feet less 1,200 square feet for significant wetlands and right-of-way dedication equals 48,800 net square feet. 48,800 divided by 43,560 = 1.12 acres x 15 = 16.8 or 17 dwelling units minimum density.

4Refer to LCMC 17.52.160(B) for setback requirements for accessory buildings.

(Ord. 2022-38 § 8; Ord. 2022-25 § 21; Ord. 2020-10 § 1)

17.20.060 Landscaping.

Landscaping shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 17.55 LCMC. (Ord. 2020-10 § 1)

17.20.070 Signs.

Signs shall be allowed in accordance with Chapters 9.34 and 17.72 LCMC. (Ord. 2020-10 § 1)

17.20.080 Supplementary regulations and exceptions.

Supplementary regulations and exceptions shall be adhered to in accordance with Chapter 17.52 LCMC. (Ord. 2020-10 § 1)

17.20.090 Off-street parking and loading.

Off-street parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 17.56 LCMC. (Ord. 2020-10 § 1)

17.20.100 Design standards.

Design standards shall be adhered to in accordance with Chapter 17.74 LCMC. (Ord. 2020-10 § 1)

17.20.110 Restrictions.

Repealed by Ord. 2023-04. (Ord. 2020-10 § 1)

17.20.120 Conflicts.

If conflicts occur between the requirements of this chapter and any other rules or regulations, the strictest requirement shall apply. (Ord. 2020-10 § 1)