Chapter 15.240


15.240.010    Purpose.

15.240.020    General provisions.

15.240.030    Preliminary plan consideration – Step one.

15.240.040    Final plan consideration – Step two.

15.240.050    Enforcement.

15.240.060    Middle housing land divisions.

15.240.010 Purpose.

The city’s planned unit development regulations are intended to:

A. Encourage comprehensive planning in areas of sufficient size to provide developments at least equal in the quality of their environment to traditional lot-by-lot development and that are reasonably compatible with the surrounding area; and

B. Provide flexibility in architectural design, placement and clustering of buildings, use of open space and outdoor living areas, and provision of circulation facilities, parking, storage and related site and design considerations; and

C. Promote an attractive, safe, efficient and stable environment which incorporates a compatible variety and mix of uses and dwelling types; and

D. Provide for economy of shared services and facilities; and

E. Implement the density requirements of the comprehensive plan and zoning districts through the allocation of the number of permitted dwelling units based on the number of bedrooms provided. [Ord. 2822 § 1 (Exh. A), 2-5-18; Ord. 2451, 12-2-96. Code 2001 § 151.225.]

15.240.020 General provisions.

A. Ownership. Except as provided herein, the area included in a proposed planned unit development must be in single ownership or under the development control of a joint application of owners or option holders of the property involved.

B. Processing Steps – Type III. Prior to issuance of a building permit, planned unit development applications must be approved through a Type III procedure and using the following steps:

1. Step One – Preliminary Plans. Consideration of applications in terms of on-site and off-site factors to assure the flexibility afforded by planned unit development regulations is used to preserve natural amenities; create an attractive, safe, efficient, and stable environment; and assure reasonable compatibility with the surrounding area. Preliminary review necessarily involves consideration of the off-site impact of the proposed design, including building height and location.

2. Step Two – Final Plans. Consideration of detailed plans to assure substantial conformance with preliminary plans as approved or conditionally approved. Final plans need not include detailed construction drawings as subsequently required for a building permit.

C. Phasing. If approved at the time of preliminary plan consideration, final plan applications may be submitted in phases. If preliminary plans encompassing only a portion of a site under single ownership are submitted, they must be accompanied by a statement and be sufficiently detailed to prove that the entire area can be developed and used in accordance with city standards, policies, plans and ordinances.

D. Lapse of Approval. If the applicant fails to submit material required for consideration at the next step in accordance with the schedule approved at the previous step or, in the absence of a specified schedule, within one year of such approval, the application as approved at the previous step expires. If the applicant fails to obtain a building permit for construction in accordance with the schedule as previously approved, or in the absence of a specified schedule, within three years of a preliminary plan approval, preliminary and final plan approvals expire. Prior to expiration of plan approval at any step, the hearing authority responsible for approval may, if requested, extend or modify the schedule, providing it is not detrimental to the public interest or contrary to the findings and provisions specified herein for planned unit developments. Unless the preliminary plan hearing authority provides to the contrary, expiration of final plan approval of any phase automatically renders all phases void that are not yet finally approved or upon which construction has not begun.

E. Resubmittal Following Expiration. Upon expiration of preliminary or final plan approval, a new application and fee must be submitted prior to reconsideration. Reconsideration shall be subject to the same procedures as an original application.

F. Density. Except as provided in NMC 15.302.040 relating to subdistricts, dwelling unit density provisions for residential planned unit developments shall be as follows:

1. Maximum Density.

a. Except as provided in adopted refinement plans, the maximum allowable density for any project shall be as follows:


Density Points


175 density points per gross acre, as calculated in subsection (F)(1)(b) of this section


310 density points per gross acre, as calculated in subsection (F)(1)(b) of this section


640 density points per gross acre, as calculated in subsection (F)(1)(b) of this section


310 density points per gross acre, as calculated in subsection (F)(1)(b) of this section


As per required findings


As per required findings


As per required findings

b. Density point calculations in the following table are correlated to dwellings based on the number of bedrooms, which for these purposes is defined as an enclosed room which is commonly used or capable of conversion to use as sleeping quarters. Accordingly, family rooms, dens, libraries, studies, studios, and other similar rooms shall be considered bedrooms if they meet the above definitions, are separated by walls or doors from other areas of the dwelling and are accessible to a bathroom without passing through another bedroom. Density points may be reduced at the applicant’s discretion by 25 percent for deed-restricted affordable dwelling units and/or middle housing dwelling units as follows:


Density Point Table 

Dwelling Type

Density Points:

Standard Dwelling

Density Points:

Income-Restricted Affordable Dwelling Unit

Studio and efficiency












Four or more bedrooms



Duplex, triplex or quadplex dwellings shall be counted as a single dwelling unit, inclusive of all bedrooms in the combined dwelling units, for purposes of calculating density points. Four townhouse dwellings or cottage dwellings shall count as one standard dwelling, inclusive of all bedrooms in the combined dwelling units.

The density points in the right-hand column are applicable to income-restricted affordable dwelling units, provided the dwelling units meet the affordability criteria under NMC 15.242.030 regarding affordable housing requirements for developments using the flexible development standards.

2. Approved Density. The number of dwelling units allowable shall be determined by the hearing authority in accordance with the standards set forth in these regulations. The hearing authority may change density subsequent to preliminary plan approval only if the reduction is necessary to comply with required findings for preliminary plan approval or if conditions of preliminary plan approval cannot otherwise be satisfied.

3. Easement Calculations. Density calculations may include areas in easements if the applicant clearly demonstrates that such areas will benefit residents of the proposed planned unit development.

4. Dedications. Density calculations may include areas dedicated to the public for recreation or open space.

5. Cumulative Density. When approved in phases, cumulative density shall not exceed the overall density per acre established at the time of preliminary plan approval.

G. Buildings and Uses Permitted. Buildings and uses in planned unit developments are permitted as follows:

1. R-1, R-2, R-3 and RP Zones.

a. Buildings and uses permitted outright or conditionally in the use district in which the proposed planned unit development is located.

b. Accessory buildings and uses.

c. Dwellings, single, manufactured, and multifamily.

d. Convenience commercial services which the applicant proves will be patronized mainly by the residents of the proposed planned unit development.

2. C-1, C-2 and C-3 Zones.

a. When proposed as a combination residential-commercial planned unit development, uses and buildings as listed in subsection (G)(1) of this section and those listed as permitted outright or conditionally in the use district wherein the development will be located.

b. When proposed as a residential or commercial planned unit development, uses and buildings as permitted outright or conditionally in the use district wherein the development will be located.

3. M-1, M-2 and M-3 Zones. Uses and buildings as permitted outright or conditionally in the use district wherein the development will be located.

4. M-4 Zone. Uses and buildings as permitted outright or conditionally in the use district wherein the development will be located. Proposed sites, structures and uses must work together to support a common theme, product or industry. Applicants for an industrial planned development in M-4 must demonstrate conformance with any adopted master plan for the subject area and provide a plan describing how the proposed structures and uses will work together to support a common theme, product or industry. Prior to subdivision, covenants must limit occupancy to the types of industrial and related uses identified in the development plan.

H. Professional Coordinator and Design Team. Professional coordinators and design teams shall comply with the following:

1. Services. A professional coordinator, licensed in the State of Oregon to practice architecture, landscape architecture or engineering, shall ensure that the required plans are prepared. Plans and services provided for the city and between the applicant and the coordinator shall include:

a. Preliminary design;

b. Design development;

c. Construction documents, except for single-family detached dwellings and duplexes in subdivisions; and

d. Administration of the construction contract, including, but not limited to, inspection and verification of compliance with approved plans.

2. Address and Attendance. The coordinator or the coordinator’s professional representative shall maintain an Oregon address, unless this requirement is waived by the director. The coordinator or other member of the design team shall attend all public meetings at which the proposed planned unit development is discussed.

3. Design Team Designation. Except as provided herein, a design team, which includes an architect, a landscape architect, engineer, and land surveyor, shall be designated by the professional coordinator to prepare appropriate plans. Each team member must be licensed to practice the team member’s profession in the State of Oregon.

4. Design Team Participation and Waiver. Unless waived by the director upon proof by the coordinator that the scope of the proposal does not require the services of all members at one or more steps, the full design team shall participate in the preparation of plans at all three steps.

5. Design Team Change. Written notice of any change in design team personnel must be submitted to the director within three working days of the change.

6. Plan Certification. Certification of the services of the professionals responsible for particular drawings shall appear on drawings submitted for consideration and shall be signed and stamped with the registration seal issued by the State of Oregon for each professional so involved. To assure comprehensive review by the design team of all plans for compliance with these regulations, the dated cover sheet shall contain a statement of review endorsed with the signatures of all designated members of the design team.

I. Modification of Certain Regulations. Except as otherwise stated in these regulations, fence and wall provisions, general provisions pertaining to height, yards, area, lot width, frontage, depth and coverage, number of off-street parking spaces required, and regulations pertaining to setbacks specified in this code may be modified by the hearing authority, provided the proposed development will be in accordance with the purposes of this code and those regulations. Departures from the hearing authority upon a finding by the engineering director that the departures will not create hazardous conditions for vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Nothing contained in this subsection shall be interpreted as providing flexibility to regulations other than those specifically encompassed in this code.

J. Lot Coverage. Maximum permitted lot and parking area coverage as provided in this code shall not be exceeded unless specifically permitted by the hearing authority in accordance with these regulations.

K. Height. Unless determined by the hearing authority that intrusion of structures into the sun exposure plane will not adversely affect the occupants or potential occupants of adjacent properties, all buildings and structures shall be constructed within the area contained between lines illustrating the sun exposure plane (see Appendix A, Figure 8 and the definition of “sun exposure plane” in NMC 15.05.030). The hearing authority may further modify heights to:

1. Protect lines of sight and scenic vistas from greater encroachment than would occur as a result of conventional development.

2. Protect lines of sight and scenic vistas.

3. Enable the project to satisfy required findings for approval.

L. Dedication, Improvement and Maintenance of Public Thoroughfares. Public thoroughfares shall be dedicated, improved and maintained as follows:

1. Streets and Walkways. Including, but not limited to, those necessary for proper development of adjacent properties. Construction standards that minimize maintenance and protect the public health and safety, and setbacks as specified in NMC 15.410.050, pertaining to special setback requirements to planned rights-of-way, shall be required.

2. Notwithstanding subsection (L)(1) of this section, a private street may be approved if the following standards are satisfied.

a. An application for approval of a PUD with at least 50 dwelling units may include a private street and the request for a private street shall be supported by the evidence required by this section. The planning commission may approve a private street if it finds the applicant has demonstrated that the purpose statements in NMC 15.240.010(A) through (D) are satisfied by the evidence in subsections (L)(2)(a)(i) through (v) of this section.

i. A plan for managing on-street parking, maintenance and financing of maintenance of the private street, including a draft reserve study showing that the future homeowners association can financially maintain the private street;

ii. A plan demonstrating that on- and off-street parking shall be sufficient for the expected parking needs and applicable codes;

iii. Proposed conditions, covenants and restrictions that include a requirement that the homeowners association shall be established in perpetuity and shall continually employ a community management association whose duties shall include assisting the homeowners association with the private street parking management and maintenance, including the enforcement of parking restrictions;

iv. Evidence that the private street is of sufficient width and construction to satisfy requirements of the fire marshal and city engineer; and

v. The PUD shall be a Class I planned community as defined in ORS Chapter 94.

b. If the PUD is established, the homeowners association shall provide an annual written report on the anniversary date of the final approval of the PUD approval to the community development director that includes the following:

i. The most recent reserve study.

ii. The name and contact information for the retained community management association.

iii. A report on the condition of the private street and any plans for maintenance of the private street.

3. Easements. As are necessary for the orderly extension of public utilities and bicycle and pedestrian access.

M. Underground Utilities. Unless waived by the hearing authority, the developer shall locate all on-site utilities serving the proposed planned unit development underground in accordance with the policies, practices and rules of the serving utilities and the Public Utilities Commission.

N. Usable Outdoor Living Area. All dwelling units shall be served by outdoor living areas as defined in this code. Unless waived by the hearing authority, the outdoor living area must equal at least 10 percent of the gross floor area of each unit. So long as outdoor living area is available to each dwelling unit, other outdoor living space may be offered for dedication to the city, in fee or easement, to be incorporated in a city-approved recreational facility. A portion or all of a dedicated area may be included in calculating density if permitted under these regulations.

O. Site Modification. Unless otherwise provided in preliminary plan approval, vegetation, topography and other natural features of parcels proposed for development shall remain substantially unaltered pending final plan approval.

P. Completion of Required Landscaping. If required landscaping cannot be completed prior to occupancy, or as otherwise required by a condition of approval, the director may require the applicant to post a performance bond of a sufficient amount and time to assure timely completion.

Q. Design Standards. The proposed development shall meet the design requirements for multifamily residential projects identified in NMC 15.220.060. A minimum of 40 percent of the required points shall be obtained in each of the design categories. [Ord. 2889 § 2 (Exh. B § 8), 12-6-21; Ord. 2880 § 2 (Exh. B §§ 9, 10), 6-7-21; Ord. 2822 § 1 (Exh. A), 2-5-18; Ord. 2763 § 1 (Ord. 2889 § 2 (Exh. B §), 12-6-21; Exh. A §§ 9, 10), 9-16-13; Ord. 2730 § 1 (Exh. A § 9), 10-18-10; Ord. 2720 § 1(4), 11-2-09; Ord. 2505, 2-1-99; Ord. 2451, 12-2-96. Code 2001 § 151.226.]

15.240.030 Preliminary plan consideration – Step one.

A. Preapplication Conference. Prior to filing an application for preliminary plan consideration, the applicant or coordinator may request through the director a preapplication conference to discuss the feasibility of the proposed planned unit development and determine the processing requirements.

B. Application. An application, with the required fee, for preliminary plan approval shall be made by the owner of the affected property, or the owner’s authorized agent, on a form prescribed by and submitted to the director. Applications, accompanied by such additional copies as requested by the director for purposes of referral, shall contain or have attached sufficient information as prescribed by the director to allow processing and review in accordance with these regulations. As part of the application, the property owner requesting the planned development shall file a waiver stating that the owner will not file any demand against the city under Ballot Measure 49, approved November 6, 2007, that amended ORS Chapters 195 and 197 based on the city’s decision on the planned development.

C. Type III Review and Decision Criteria. Preliminary plan consideration shall be reviewed through the Type III procedure. Decisions shall include review and recognition of the potential impact of the entire development, and preliminary approval shall include written affirmative findings that:

1. The proposed development is consistent with standards, plans, policies and ordinances adopted by the city; and

2. The proposed development’s general design and character, including but not limited to anticipated building locations, bulk and height, location and distribution of recreation space, parking, roads, access and other uses, will be reasonably compatible with appropriate development of abutting properties and the surrounding neighborhood; and

3. Public services and facilities are available to serve the proposed development. If such public services and facilities are not at present available, an affirmative finding may be made under this criterion if the evidence indicates that the public services and facilities will be available prior to need by reason of:

a. Public facility planning by the appropriate agencies; or

b. A commitment by the applicant to provide private services and facilities adequate to accommodate the projected demands of the project; or

c. Commitment by the applicant to provide for offsetting all added public costs or early commitment of public funds made necessary by the development; and

4. The provisions and conditions of this code have been met; and

5. Proposed buildings, roads, and other uses are designed and sited to ensure preservation of features, and other unique or worthwhile natural features and to prevent soil erosion or flood hazard; and

6. There will be adequate on-site provisions for utility services, emergency vehicular access, and, where appropriate, public transportation facilities; and

7. Sufficient usable recreation facilities, outdoor living area, open space, and parking areas will be conveniently and safely accessible for use by residents of the proposed development; and

8. Proposed buildings, structures, and uses will be arranged, designed, and constructed so as to take into consideration the surrounding area in terms of access, building scale, bulk, design, setbacks, heights, coverage, landscaping and screening, and to assure reasonable privacy for residents of the development and surrounding properties.

D. Conditions. Applications may be approved subject to conditions necessary to fulfill the purpose and provisions of these regulations. [Ord. 2822 § 1 (Exh. A), 2-5-18; Ord. 2693 § 1 (Exh. A(6)), 3-3-08; Ord. 2612, 12-6-04; Ord. 2451, 12-2-96. Code 2001 § 151.227.]

15.240.040 Final plan consideration – Step two.

A. Application. An application, with the required fee, for final plan approval shall be submitted in accordance with the provisions of this code, and must be in compliance with all conditions imposed and schedules previously prescribed.

B. Referral. Referral of final plans and supportive material shall be provided to appropriate agencies and departments.

C. Decision Type I Procedure. The final plan consideration shall be reviewed through the Type I procedure. Upon receipt of the application and fee, final plans and required supportive material, the director shall approve, conditionally approve or deny the application for final plan approval. The decision of the director to approve or deny the application shall be based on written findings of compliance or noncompliance with approved preliminary plans and city standards, plans, policies and ordinances. Minor variations from approved preliminary plans may be permitted if consistent with the general character of the approved preliminary plans.

D. Conditions. Applications may be approved subject to such conditions as are necessary to fulfill the purpose and provisions of this code.

E. Performance Agreement.

1. Preparation and Signatures. A duly notarized performance agreement binding the applicant, and the applicant’s successors in interest, assuring construction and performance in accordance with the approved final plans shall be prepared by the city and executed by the applicant and city prior to issuance of a building permit.

2. Return. Unless an executed copy of the agreement is returned to the director within 60 days of its delivery to the applicant, final plan approval shall expire, necessitating the reapplication for final plan reapproval.

3. Filing. The director shall file a memorandum of the performance agreement with the Yamhill County recorder.

4. Improvement Petitions and Dedications. Improvement petitions and all documents required with respect to dedications and easements shall be submitted prior to completion of the agreement.

5. Project Changes. The director may permit project changes subsequent to execution of the agreement upon finding the changes substantially conform to final approved plans and comply with city standards, plans, policies and ordinances. Other modifications are subject to reapplication at the appropriate step.

6. Compliance. Compliance with this section is a prerequisite to the issuance of a building permit.

F. Early Issuance of Building Permits Based on Substantial Completion. A planned unit development containing residential and commercial units where 60 percent or more of the PUD is residential, may seek early issuance of building permits prior to recordation of a final plat for substantial completion of public improvements pursuant to NMC 15.235.060.

1. Regardless of early issuance of building permits, certificate of occupancy shall not be issued prior to completion of all public improvements. [Ord. 2916 § 1 (Exh. A § 4), 6-5-23; Ord. 2822 § 1 (Exh. A), 2-5-18; Ord. 2451, 12-2-96. Code 2001 § 151.228.]

15.240.050 Enforcement.

Upon the applicant’s violation of or failure to comply with any of the provisions of the performance contract or final approved plan, the city may, in its discretion, invoke the enforcement procedures provided in the agreement or under applicable law. [Ord. 2822 § 1 (Exh. A), 2-5-18; Ord. 2451, 12-2-96. Code 2001 § 151.229.]

15.240.060 Middle housing land divisions.

Middle housing land divisions proposed as part of a planned unit development shall follow the lot requirements set forth in NMC 15.405.050 and 15.410.080. [Ord. 2912 § 1 (Exh. A § 10), 5-1-23.]