Chapter 15.440


Article I. Off-Street Parking Requirements

15.440.010    Required off-street parking.

15.440.020    Parking area and service drive design.

15.440.030    Parking spaces required.

15.440.040    Parking requirements for uses not specified.

15.440.050    Common facilities for mixed uses.

15.440.060    Parking area and service drive improvements.

15.440.070    Parking tables and diagrams.

15.440.075    Residential garage standards.

15.440.080    Off-street loading.

Article II. Bicycle Parking

15.440.090    Purpose.

15.440.100    Facility requirements.

15.440.110    Design.

Article III. Private Walkways

15.440.120    Purpose.

15.440.130    Where required.

15.440.140    Private walkway design.

Article I. Off-Street Parking Requirements

15.440.010 Required off-street parking.

A. Off-street parking shall be provided on the lot or development site for all R-1, C-1, M-1, M-2 and M-3 zones. In all other zones, the required parking shall be on the lot or development site or within 400 feet of the lot or development site which the parking is required to serve. All required parking must be under the same ownership as the lot or development site served except through special covenant agreements as approved by the city attorney, which bind the parking to the lot or development site.

1. In cases where the applicant is proposing off-street parking, refer to subsection (F) of this section for the maximum number of parking spaces.

B. Off-street parking is required pursuant to NMC 15.440.030 in the C-2 district.

1. In cases where the applicant is proposing off-street parking, refer to subsection (F) of this section for the maximum number of parking spaces.

C. Off-street parking is not required in the C-3 district, except for:

1. Dwelling units meeting the requirements noted in NMC 15.305.020.

2. New development which is either immediately adjacent to a residential district or separated by nothing but an alley.

3. In cases where the applicant is proposing off-street parking, refer to subsection (F) of this section for the maximum number of parking spaces.

D. Within the C-4 district, the minimum number of required off-street parking spaces shall be 50 percent of the number required by NMC 15.440.030, except that no reduction is permitted for residential uses. For maximum number of off-street parking spaces refer to subsection (F) of this section.

E. All commercial, office, or industrial developments that have more than 20 off-street parking spaces and that have designated employee parking must provide at least one preferential carpool/vanpool parking space. The preferential carpool/vanpool parking space(s) must be located close to a building entrance.

F. Maximum Number of Off-Street Automobile Parking Spaces. The maximum number of off-street automobile parking spaces allowed per site equals the minimum number of required spaces, pursuant to NMC 15.440.030, multiplied by a factor of:

1. One and one-fifth spaces for uses fronting a street with adjacent on-street parking spaces; or

2. One and one-half spaces for uses fronting no street with adjacent on-street parking; or

3. A factor determined according to a parking analysis. [Ord. 2889 § 2 (Exh. B § 35), 12-6-21; Ord. 2862 § 1 (Exh. A § 2), 6-15-20; Ord. 2851 § 1 (Exh. A § 2), 1-21-20; Ord. 2810 § 2 (Exhs. B, C), 12-19-16; Ord. 2763 § 1 (Exh. A § 15), 9-16-13; Ord. 2564, 4-15-02; Ord. 2561, 4-1-02; Ord. 2451, 12-2-96. Code 2001 § 151.610.]

Penalty: See NMC 15.05.120.

15.440.020 Parking area and service drive design.

A. All public or private parking areas, parking spaces, or garages shall be designed, laid out and constructed in accordance with the minimum standards as set forth in NMC 15.440.070.

B. Groups of three or more parking spaces, except those in conjunction with a single-family detached dwelling, duplex dwelling, triplex dwelling, quadplex dwelling, townhouse dwelling or cottage cluster project on a single lot, shall be served by a service drive so that no backward movement or other maneuvering of a vehicle within a street, other than an alley, will be required. Service drives shall be designed and constructed to facilitate the flow of traffic, provide maximum safety in traffic access and egress and maximum safety of pedestrian and vehicular traffic on the site, but in no case shall two-way and one-way service drives be less than 20 feet and 12 feet, respectively. Service drives shall be improved in accordance with the minimum standards as set forth in NMC 15.440.060.

C. Gates. A private drive or private street serving as primary access to more than one dwelling unit shall not be gated to limit access, except as approved by variance.

D. In the AI airport industrial district and AR airport residential district, taxiways may be used as part of the service drive design where an overall site plan is submitted that shows how the circulation of aircraft and vehicles are safely accommodated, where security fences are located, if required, and is approved by the fire marshal, planning director, and public works director. The following submittal must be made:

1. A drawing of the area to be developed, including the probable location, height, and description of structures to be constructed; the location and description of a security fence or gate to secure the aircraft operations areas of off-airport property from the other nonsecured pedestrian/auto/truck areas of on-airport property; the proposed location of the proposed taxiway access in accordance with FAA specifications (refer to Federal Aviation Administration Advisory Circular No. 150/5300-13 regarding airport design, and AC/5370-10B regarding construction standards for specifications that should be used as a guideline); and the identification of the vehicular traffic pattern area clearly separated from aircraft traffic. Once specific buildings have been designed, FAA Form 7460-1, Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration, must be submitted to the City of Newberg, the private airport owner, and the FAA for airspace review. [Ord. 2889 § 2 (Exh. B § 36), 12-6-21; Ord. 2880 § 2 (Exh. B § 44), 6-7-21; Ord. 2670, 5-7-07; Ord. 2647, 6-5-06; Ord. 2451, 12-2-96. Code 2001 § 151.611.]

Penalty: See NMC 15.05.120.

15.440.030 Parking spaces required.


Minimum Parking Spaces Required

Residential Types

Dwelling, multifamily and multiple single-family dwellings on a single lot


Studio or one-bedroom unit

Two-bedroom unit

Three- and four-bedroom unit

Five- or more bedroom unit

1 per dwelling unit

1.5 per dwelling unit

2 per dwelling unit

0.75 spaces per bedroom

• Unassigned spaces

If a development is required to have more than 10 spaces on a lot, then it must provide some unassigned spaces. At least 15 percent of the total required parking spaces must be unassigned and be located for convenient use by all occupants of the development. The location shall be approved by the director.

• Visitor spaces

If a development is required to have more than 10 spaces on a lot, then it must provide at least 0.2 visitor spaces per dwelling unit.

• On-street parking credit

On-street parking spaces may be counted toward the minimum number of required spaces for developments required to have more than 10 spaces on a lot. The on-street spaces must be directly adjoining and on the same side of the street as the subject property, must be legal spaces that meet all city standards, and cannot be counted if they could be removed by planned future street widening or a bike lane on the street.

• Available transit service

At the review body’s discretion, affordable housing projects may reduce the required off-street parking by 10 percent if there is an adequate continuous pedestrian route no more than 1,500 feet in length from the development to transit service with an average of less than one hour regular service intervals during commuting periods or where the development provides its own transit. A developer may qualify for this parking reduction if improvements on a proposed pedestrian route are made by the developer, thereby rendering it an adequate continuous route.

Commercial neighborhood district (C-1)

1 for each dwelling

Dwelling, single-family

2 for each dwelling unit on a single lot

Dwelling, duplex

1 for each dwelling unit

Dwelling, triplex

1 for each dwelling unit

Except that conversion of a detached single-family dwelling to a triplex dwelling shall not be subject to this requirement

Dwelling, quadplex

1 for each dwelling unit

Except that conversion of a detached single-family dwelling to a quadplex dwelling shall not be subject to this requirement

Dwelling, townhouse

1 for each dwelling unit

Dwelling, cottage

1 for each dwelling unit

Fraternities, sororities, cooperatives and dormitories

1 for each three occupants for which sleeping facilities are provided

Hotels, motels, motor hotels, etc.

1 for each guest room

Rooming or boarding houses

1 for each guest room

Special needs housing

1 space per 3 beds or actual parking needs as demonstrated through a parking analysis.

Institutional Types

Churches, clubs, lodges

1 for every 4 fixed seats or every 8 feet of bench length or every 28 sq. ft. where no permanent seats or benches are maintained – in main auditorium (sanctuary or place of worship)

Continuing care retirement community not including nursing care

1 space per living unit

Day care facility

1 space per employee plus 1 space per 10 children/adults cared for

Family child care homes

No off-street parking other than for the required dwelling

Hospitals (including accessory retail wholly contained within a hospital building)

2 spaces for each 1,000 gross sq. ft.

Libraries, museums, art galleries

1 for each 250 sq. ft. of gross floor area

Medical/dental offices and laboratories

3.5 spaces for each 1,000 gross sq. ft.

Nursing homes, homes for the aged, group care homes, asylums, etc.

1 for each 3 beds


Colleges – “commuter” type, 1 for every full-time equivalent student (plus 1/2 of the requirements for accessory buildings, i.e., 1.-E* and 3.-G(1)**)


Colleges – “resident” type, 1 for every 3 full-time equivalent students (plus 1/2 of the requirements for accessory buildings, i.e., 1.-E* and 3.-G(1)**)


Elementary or junior high, 1-1/2 for each teaching station plus 4 for every classroom, or 1 for every 42 sq. ft. of seating area where there are no fixed seats in an auditorium or assembly area


High schools, 1-1/2 for each teaching station, plus 8 for every classroom, or 1 for every 28 sq. ft. of seating area where there are no fixed seats in an auditorium or assembly area


Colleges – commercial or business, 1 for every 3 classroom seats (plus 1/2 of the requirements for accessory buildings, i.e., 1.-E* and 3.-G(1)**)

Welfare or correctional institutions

1 for each 5 beds

Commercial Types

Barber and beauty shops

1 for each 75 sq. ft. of gross floor area

Bowling alleys

6 for each bowling lane

Establishments or enterprises of a recreational or an entertainment nature:

Establishments for the sale and consumption on the premises of food and beverages with a drive-up window

1 for each 75 sq. ft. of gross floor area

Establishments for the sale and consumption on the premises of food and beverages without a drive-up window

1 for each 100 sq. ft. of gross floor area

Participating type, e.g., skating rinks, dance halls

1 for each 75 sq. ft. of gross floor area

Spectator type, e.g., auditoriums, assembly halls, theaters, stadiums, places of public assembly

1 parking space for each 4 seats

Office buildings, business and professional offices

1 for every 400 sq. ft. of gross floor area


1 for each 150 sq. ft. of gross floor area

Retail establishments, except as otherwise specified herein

1 for each 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area

Retail stores handling bulky merchandise, household furniture, or appliance repair

1 for each 600 sq. ft. of gross floor area

Industrial Types

Except as specifically mentioned herein, industrial uses listed as permitted in the M districts: M-1, M-2, M-3, and M-4

1 for each 500 sq. ft. of gross floor area

Aircraft storage hangars up to 3,600 sq. ft. each enclosed hangar area

None (parking occurs in hangar)

Aircraft storage hangars over 3,600 sq. ft. each enclosed hangar area

1 for every 700 sq. ft. of hangar area over 3,600 sq. ft.

Aircraft hangars intended for repair and maintenance operations

1 for each 5,000 sq. ft. of hangar, plus 1 for each 500 sq. ft. of shop area, plus 1 for each 400 sq. ft. of office area

Laboratories and research facilities

1 for each 300 sq. ft. of gross floor area

Machinery or equipment

1 for each 400 sq. ft. of gross sales floor area

Wholesale and storage operations

1 for each 700 sq. ft. of gross floor area


*    “1-E” refers to fraternities, sororities, cooperatives and dormitories that require one parking space for each three occupants for whom sleeping facilities are provided.

**    “3.-G(1)” refers to establishments or enterprises of a recreational or an entertainment nature (spectator type, e.g., auditoriums, assembly halls, theaters, stadiums, places of public assembly) that require one parking space for each four seats.

[Ord. 2928 § 1 (Exh. A-1 § 4), 9-3-24; Ord. 2889 § 2 (Exh. B § 37), 12-6-21; Ord. 2880 § 2 (Exh. B § 45), 6-7-21; Ord. 2862 § 1 (Exh. A § 2), 6-15-20; Ord. 2763 § 1 (Exh. A § 16), 9-16-13; Ord. 27301 § 1 (Exh. A (13)), 10-18-10; Ord. 2720 § 1(19), 11-2-09; Ord. 2710 § 1, 3-2-09; Ord. 2647, 6-5-06; Ord. 2550, 5-21-01; Ord. 2451, 12-2-96. Code 2001 § 151.612.]

Penalty: See NMC 15.05.120.

15.440.040 Parking requirements for uses not specified.

The parking space requirements for buildings and uses not set forth herein shall be determined by the director through a Type I procedure. Such determination shall be based upon the requirements for the most comparable building or use specified herein. [Ord. 2451, 12-2-96. Code 2001 § 151.613.]

15.440.050 Common facilities for mixed uses.

A. In the case of mixed uses, the total requirements for off-street parking spaces shall be the sum of the requirements for the various uses. Off-street parking facilities for one use shall not be considered as providing parking facilities for any other use except as provided below.

B. Joint Uses of Parking Facilities. The director may, upon application, authorize the joint use of parking facilities required by said uses and any other parking facility; provided, that:

1. The applicant shows that there is no substantial conflict in the principal operating hours of the building or use for which the joint use of parking facilities is proposed.

2. The parking facility for which joint use is proposed is no further than 400 feet from the building or use required to have provided parking.

3. The parties concerned in the joint use of off-street parking facilities shall evidence agreement for such joint use by a legal instrument approved by the city attorney as to form and content. Such instrument, when approved as conforming to the provisions of the ordinance, shall be recorded in the office of the county recorder and copies of the instrument filed with the director.

C. Commercial establishments within 200 feet of a commercial public parking lot may reduce the required number of parking spaces by 50 percent. [Ord. 2451, 12-2-96. Code 2001 § 151.614.]

15.440.060 Parking area and service drive improvements.

All public or private parking areas, outdoor vehicle sales areas, and service drives shall be improved according to the following:

A. All parking areas and service drives shall have surfacing of asphaltic concrete or Portland cement concrete or other hard surfacing such as brick or concrete pavers. Other durable and dust-free surfacing materials may be approved by the director for infrequently used parking areas. All parking areas and service drives shall be graded so as not to drain stormwater over the public sidewalk or onto any abutting public or private property.

B. All parking areas shall be designed not to encroach on public streets, alleys, and other rights-of-way. Parking areas shall not be placed in the area between the curb and sidewalk or, if there is no sidewalk, in the public right-of-way between the curb and the property line. The director may issue a permit for exceptions for unusual circumstances where the design maintains safety and aesthetics.

C. All parking areas, except those required in conjunction with a single-family detached, duplex, triplex, quadplex or townhouse dwelling, or cottage cluster project, shall provide a substantial bumper which will prevent cars from encroachment on abutting private and public property.

D. All parking areas, including service drives, except those required in conjunction with single-family detached, duplex, triplex, quadplex or townhouse dwellings or cottage cluster projects, shall be screened in accordance with NMC 15.420.010(B).

E. Any lights provided to illuminate any public or private parking area or vehicle sales area shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from any abutting or adjacent residential district.

F. All service drives and parking spaces shall be substantially marked and comply with NMC 15.440.070.

G. Parking areas for residential uses shall not be located in a required front yard, except as follows:

1. Single-family detached, duplex, triplex, quadplex, and townhouse dwellings: parking is authorized in a front yard on a service drive which provides access to an improved parking area outside the front yard.

H. A reduction in size of the parking stall may be allowed for up to a maximum of 30 percent of the total number of spaces to allow for compact cars. For high turnover uses, such as convenience stores or fast-food restaurants, at the discretion of the director, all stalls will be required to be full-sized.

I. Affordable housing projects may use a tandem parking design, subject to approval of the community development director.

J. Portions of off-street parking areas may be developed or redeveloped for transit-related facilities and uses such as transit shelters or park-and-ride lots, subject to meeting all other applicable standards, including retaining the required minimum number of parking spaces. [Ord. 2889 § 2 (Exh. B §§ 38 – 40), 12-6-21; Ord. 2880 § 2 (Exh. B §§ 46 – 48), 6-7-21; Ord. 2810 § 2 (Exhs. B, C), 12-19-16; Ord. 2730 § 1 (Exh. A (14)), 10-18-10; Ord. 2628, 1-3-06; Ord. 2505, 2-1-99; Ord. 2451, 12-2-96. Code 2001 § 151.615.]

Penalty: See NMC 15.05.120.

15.440.070 Parking tables and diagrams.

The following tables provide the minimum dimensions of public or private parking areas:

Diagram 1


Table of Dimensions (In Feet) 

Basic Stall

Back to Back


Angle – °




D (One-Way)

E (Two-Way)

















































Diagram 2


1.    Bumpers must be installed where paved areas abut street right-of-way (except at driveways).

2.    No stalls shall be such that cars must back over the property line to enter or leave stall.

3.    Stalls must be clearly marked and the markings must be maintained in good condition.

4.    The sketches show typical situations to illustrate the required standards. For further information or advice, contact the community development department at 537-1210.


Table of Dimensions (In Feet) 

Stall Width with Corresponding Aisle Width

Stall Width = X







Aisle Width = Y







Diagram 3


1.    Bumpers must be installed where paved areas abut street right-of-way (except at driveways).

2.    No stalls shall be such that cars must back over the property line to enter or leave stall.

3.    Stalls must be clearly marked and the markings must be maintained in good condition.

4.    The sketches show typical situations to illustrate the required standards. For further information or advice, contact the planning department.

[Ord. 2451, 12-2-96. Code 2001 § 151.616.]

15.440.075 Residential garage standards.

A. Single-car garages for residential uses shall have a minimum inside width of 10 feet by 20 feet.

B. Two-car garages for residential uses shall have a minimum inside width of 20 feet by 20 feet.

C. Three-car garages for residential uses shall have a minimum inside width of 30 feet by 20 feet. [Ord. 2880 § 2 (Exh. B § 49), 6-7-21.]

15.440.080 Off-street loading.

A. Buildings to be built or substantially altered which receive and distribute materials and merchandise by trucks shall provide and maintain off-street loading berths in sufficient number and size to adequately handle the needs of the particular use.

1. The following standards shall be used in establishing the minimum number of berths required:

Gross Floor Area of the Building in Square Feet

No. of Berths

Up to 10,000


10,000 and over


2. A loading berth shall contain a space 10 feet wide and 35 feet long and have a vertical clearance of 14 feet. Where the vehicles generally used for loading and unloading exceed these dimensions, the required length of these berths shall be increased.

3. Additional off-street loading requirements within the C-4 district are described in NMC 15.352.040(H)(7).

4. Where a facility includes an aircraft hangar, the off-street loading requirement is not required since loading may occur through the hangar doors.

B. The following provisions shall apply to off-street loading facilities:

1. The provision and maintenance of off-street loading space is a continuing obligation of the property owner. No building permit shall be issued until plans are presented that show property that is and will remain available for exclusive use as off-street loading space. The subsequent use of property for which the building permit is issued shall be conditional upon the unqualified continuance and availability of the amount of loading space required by this code. Should the owner or occupant of any building change the use to which the building is put, thereby increasing off-street loading requirements, it shall be unlawful and a violation of this code to begin or maintain such altered use until such time as the increased off-street loading requirements are met.

2. Owners of two or more buildings may agree to utilize jointly the same loading spaces when the hours of operation do not overlap; provided, that satisfactory legal evidence is presented to the city attorney in the form of deeds, leases or contracts to establish the joint use.

3. A plan drawn to scale, indicating how the off-street loading requirements are to be fulfilled, shall accompany an application for a building permit.

4. Design Requirements for Loading Areas.

a. Areas used for standing and maneuvering of vehicles shall have durable and dustless surfaces of asphaltic concrete or portland cement concrete, maintained adequately for all-weather use and so drained as to avoid flow of water across the sidewalks.

b. Loading areas adjacent to residential zones designed to minimize disturbance of residents.

c. Artificial lighting which may be provided shall be so deflected as not to shine or create glare in any residential zone or on any adjacent dwelling.

d. Access aisles shall be of sufficient width for all vehicular turning and maneuvering.

e. Vision clearance standards as identified in NMC 15.410.060 shall apply. [Ord. 2647, 6-5-06; Ord. 2564, 4-15-02; Ord. 2451, 12-2-96. Code 2001 § 151.617.]

Penalty: See NMC 15.05.120.

Article II. Bicycle Parking

15.440.090 Purpose.

Cycling is a healthy activity for travel and recreation. In addition, by maximizing bicycle travel, the community can reduce negative effects of automobile travel, such as congestion and pollution. To maximize bicycle travel, developments must provide effective support facilities. At a minimum, developments need to provide a secure place for employees, customers, and residents to park their bicycles. [Ord. 2564, 4-15-02; Ord. 2518, 9-21-99. Code 2001 § 151.625.1.]

15.440.100 Facility requirements.

Bicycle parking facilities shall be provided for the uses shown in the following table. Fractional space requirements shall be rounded up to the next whole number.


Minimum Number of Bicycle Parking Spaces Required

New multiple dwellings, including additions creating additional dwelling units

One bicycle parking space for every four dwelling units

New commercial, industrial, office, and institutional developments, including additions that total 4,000 square feet or more

One bicycle parking space for every 10,000 square feet of gross floor area. In C-4 districts, two bicycle parking spaces, or one per 5,000 square feet of building area, must be provided, whichever is greater

Transit centers and park and ride lots

Four spaces or one per 10 vehicle spaces, whichever is greatera + b


Two bicycle parking spaces within 50 feet of each developed play-ground, ball field, or shelter

Transit stops

Two spacesa


a.    Short-term bicycle parking is parking intended to be used for durations less than two hours. Short-term bicycle parking shall consist of a stationary rack or other approved structure to which the bicycle can be locked securely and shall be located within 50 feet of the main building entrance or one of several main entrances, and no further from an entrance than the closest automobile parking space. Shelter or cover may be required for a specified percentage of short-term parking.

b.    Long-term bicycle parking is parking intended to be used for durations over two hours. Long-term parking shall consist of a lockable enclosure, a secure room in a building on-site, monitored parking, or another form of fully sheltered and secure parking.

[Ord. 2862 § 1 (Exh. A § 3), 6-15-20; Ord. 2564, 4-15-02; Ord. 2518, 9-21-99. Code 2001 § 151.625.2.]

15.440.110 Design.

A. Bicycle parking facilities shall consist of one or more of the following:

1. A firmly secured loop, bar, rack, or similar facility that accommodates locking the bicycle frame and both wheels using a cable or U-shaped lock.

2. An enclosed locker.

3. A designated area within the ground floor of a building, garage, or storage area. Such area shall be clearly designated for bicycle parking.

4. Other facility designs approved by the director.

B. All bicycle parking spaces shall be at least six feet long and two and one-half feet wide. Spaces shall not obstruct pedestrian travel.

C. All spaces shall be located within 50 feet of a building entrance of the development.

D. Required bicycle parking facilities may be located in the public right-of-way adjacent to a development subject to approval of the authority responsible for maintenance of that right-of-way. [Ord. 2518, 9-21-99. Code 2001 § 151.625.3.]

Article III. Private Walkways

15.440.120 Purpose.

Sidewalks and private walkways are part of the city’s transportation system. Requiring their construction is part of the city’s plan to encourage multimodal travel and to reduce reliance on the automobile. Considerable funds have and will be expended to install sidewalks along the streets in the city. Yet there is little point to this expense if it is not possible for people to walk from the sidewalk to the developments along each side. The following requirements are intended to provide safe and convenient paths for employees, customers, and residents to walk from public sidewalks to development entrances, and to walk between buildings on larger sites. [Ord. 2619, 5-16-05; Ord. 2513, 8-2-99. Code 2001 § 151.620.1.]

15.440.130 Where required.

Private walkways shall be constructed as part of any development requiring Type II design review, including mobile home parks. In addition, they may be required as part of conditional use permits or planned unit developments. In the airport industrial (AI) district and residential (AR) district, on-site walks are not required in aircraft operations areas, such as parking aprons, taxiways, and runways. [Ord. 2647, 6-5-06; Ord. 2619, 5-16-05; Ord. 2513, 8-2-99. Code 2001 § 151.620.2.]

15.440.140 Private walkway design.

A. All required private walkways shall meet the applicable building code and Americans with Disabilities Act requirements.

B. Required private walkways shall be a minimum of four feet wide.

C. Required private walkways shall be constructed of portland cement concrete or brick.

D. Crosswalks crossing service drives shall, at a minimum, be painted on the asphalt or clearly marked with contrasting paving materials or humps/raised crossings. If painted striping is used, it should consist of thermoplastic striping or similar type of durable application.

E. At a minimum, required private walkways shall connect each main pedestrian building entrance to each abutting public street and to each other.

F. The review body may require on-site walks to connect to development on adjoining sites.

G. The review body may modify these requirements where, in its opinion, the development provides adequate on-site pedestrian circulation, or where lot dimensions, existing building layout, or topography preclude compliance with these standards. [Ord. 2619, 5-16-05; Ord. 2513, 8-2-99. Code 2001 § 151.620.3.]


    Code reviser’s note: Ordinance 2730 sets out amendments to this section without accounting for prior amendments from Ordinance 2710. The code reflects the intended amendments of both ordinances.