Chapter 18.50


18.50.010    Permitted uses.

18.50.020    Conditional uses.

18.50.030    Limitations on use.

18.50.010 Permitted uses.

In a POS zone no permanent structures may be built, with the exception of utility facilities. The following uses are permitted outright (no development permit required):

(1) Farming, including crop cultivation, truck gardening or plant nursery enterprises and livestock grazing. [Ord. 514 § 3.80, 2001].

18.50.020 Conditional uses.

In a POS zone the following uses and their accessory uses are permitted after review by the planning commission pursuant to the mini-hearing process listed in Chapter 18.100 PRMC and PRMC 18.110.020:

(1) Natural areas including wildlife refuges.

(2) Outdoor recreational facilities.

(3) Construction, reconstruction, or widening of highways, roads, bridges or other transportation projects, that are not improvements designated in the transportation system plan or not designed and constructed as part of a subdivision or planned development subject to site plan and/or conditional use review, shall comply with the transportation system plan and applicable standards, and shall address the following criteria. For state projects that require an environmental impact statement (EIS) or environmental assessment (EA), the draft EIS or EA shall be reviewed and used as the basis for findings to comply with the following criteria:

(a) The project is designed to be compatible with existing land use and social patterns, including noise generation, safety, and zoning.

(b) The project is designed to minimize avoidable environmental impacts to identified wetlands, wildlife habitat, air and water quality, cultural resources, and scenic qualities.

(c) The project preserves or improves the safety and function of the facility through access management, traffic calming, or other design features.

(d) The project includes provisions for bicycle and pedestrian circulation as consistent with the comprehensive plan and other requirements of this title.

(4) If review under this section indicates that the use or activity is inconsistent with the transportation system plan, the procedure for a plan amendment shall be undertaken prior to or in conjunction with the conditional permit review.

(5) Construction of new utility facilities, including transmission lines and towers, necessary for public service. Transmission towers will be under 200 feet. [Ord. 514 § 3.81, 2001].

18.50.030 Limitations on use.

In the POS zone the following limitations shall apply:

(1) No use shall be allowed which would create a hazard to public health, life, or property at the site or in a floodplain area either upstream or downstream from the site; and in addition all uses must be in accordance with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Federal Insurance Administration’s floodplain regulations.

(2) No more of a lot’s existing vegetation shall be cleared from an area zoned POS than is necessary for uses permitted in PRMC 18.50.010 and 18.50.020.

(3) Construction activities in and adjacent to the setback area shall occur in such a manner so as to avoid unnecessary excavation and/or removal of existing vegetation beyond that required for the facilities indicated in subsection (2) of this section. Where vegetation removal beyond that allowed in subsection (2) of this section cannot be avoided, the site shall be replanted during the next replanting season to avoid sedimentation. The vegetation shall be of indigenous species in order to maintain the natural character of the area.

(4) The following uses and activities are excepted from the standards in this section:

(a) Commercial forest practices regulated by the Oregon Forest Practices Act;

(b) Vegetation removal necessary to provide water access for a water-dependent use;

(c) Removal of dead or diseased vegetation that poses a safety or health hazard;

(d) Removal of vegetation necessary for the maintenance or replacement of structural shoreline stabilization. [Ord. 514 § 3.82, 2001].