Chapter 17.50
17.50.040 Special use standards.
17.50.060 Site development standards.
17.50.070 Signs and lighting of premises.
17.50.090 Hydrologist, soil engineer, engineer, and/or geologist.
17.50.010 Purpose.
This district is designed to encourage industrial uses which add to the employment and economic base of the city with sound industrial development by providing a protective environment exclusively for such development. To assure that current siting standards established by this title are met, any of the following are subject to Chapter 17.115 RRMC, Site Design Review: all new industrial development, an expansion of use in an industrial zone, a change of use, or a use that has been abandoned for a period of over one year. [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].
17.50.020 Permitted uses.
The following uses are permitted outright:
A. Public and Institutional Uses.
1. Transportation facilities; includes construction, operation, and maintenance of facilities located within right-of-way controlled by a public agency, consistent with the transportation system plan.
2. Utility structures and facilities, city-planned projects; i.e., utilities identified by an adopted city master plan or development review approval.
B. Commercial Uses.
1. Self-service storage, commercial.
C. Industrial Uses and Employment Uses.
1. Freight terminals, including loading docks, storage, warehousing, wholesale distribution, cold storage; except self-service storage or mini-storage warehouses. [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].
17.50.030 Conditional uses.
The following uses and accessory uses are permitted when authorized in accordance with Chapter 17.100 RRMC:
A. Residential Uses.
1. Household solar panels.
B. Public and Institutional Uses.
1. Emergency services; includes police, fire, ambulance;
2. Public works utilities storage yards; includes vehicle and equipment storage, maintenance, and repair;
3. Railroad facilities;
4. Solid waste disposal or recycling, except as accessory to permitted use;
5. Utility structures and facilities, regional projects; project is not part of an adopted city master plan or development review approval;
6. Wireless communication facilities.
C. Commercial Uses.
1. Automotive repair and service, includes fueling station, car wash, tire sales and repair or replacement, painting, and other repair for automobiles, motorcycles, aircraft, boats, RVs, trucks, etc.
D. Industrial Uses and Employment Uses.
1. Beverage and bottling facility, except as allowed for commercial uses;
2. Finished textile and leather products manufacture;
3. Food processing, including canning, freezing, drying and similar food processing and preserving;
4. Marijuana wholesale businesses, including large scale indoor or outdoor processing and production;
5. Metal plating;
6. Metal manufacture, welding;
7. Wood products manufacture, such as sawmills, paper and allied products, and secondary wood products; except artisanal and light manufacture uses. [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].
17.50.040 Special use standards.
The following uses are permitted when found to be in compliance with their relevant special standards criteria, contained in Chapter 17.105 RRMC and/or their specific standards within this chapter.
A. Commercial Uses.
1. Mobile vendors, subject to the same standards throughout all zones, as stated in RRMC 17.65.160. [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].
17.50.050 Accessory uses.
The following uses are permitted as accessory to an existing use in the M-1 district:
A. Commercial Uses.
1. Automotive electric vehicle charger;
2. Lumber yard and similar sales of building or contracting supplies, or heavy equipment;
3. Offices, such as banks, financial, and professional offices.
B. Industrial Uses and Employment Uses.
1. Dwelling for a caretaker or watchman;
2. Metal/shipping cargo container.
C. Other Uses.
1. Solar panels (for incidental use). [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].
17.50.060 Site development standards.
A. There shall be area or width requirements as required under the off-street loading and parking requirements or requirements for conditional use.
B. There shall be yard requirements when a lot or parcel adjoins a residential district, in which case, a front, side, and rear yard of not less than 10 feet shall be required.
C. Maximum building height is 40 feet.
D. All industrial development must connect with the city water and sewer systems, in conformance with city regulations. City water and sewer lines will be extended, at the property owner’s expense, to the proposed development. If necessary, the property owner, at his own expense, will also extend water and sewer main lines.
E. Site and building must be reviewed and approved by the Rogue River fire marshal.
F. Loading and unloading areas shall be off of the public right-of-way. Loading and unloading areas shall be located so that turning movements necessary to maneuver on or about the off-street loading space shall be made off of the public right-of-way.
G. Materials shall be stored and grounds shall be maintained in a manner which will not attract or aid the propagation of insects or rodents or otherwise create a health hazard.
H. All trash containers will be fully enclosed.
I. Service activities, processing and storage on property abutting or facing a residential zone shall be wholly within an enclosed building or screened from view from the residential zone by a permanently maintained, sight-obscuring fence at least six feet in height.
J. A minimum 10-foot landscaped buffer zone shall be developed and maintained by the property owner adjacent to any public street.
K. Operations shall produce no or insignificant air discharge and be able to obtain a special letter of minimal source permit from the state of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality.
L. Open operations on the site may be required to be paved with a dust free and adequately drained durable surface of asphaltic concrete or Portland cement concrete or other approved material.
M. Vegetative screens or buffers shall be required to minimize drift onto abutting properties.
N. Points of access from a public street to properties in the M-1 district shall be so located as to minimize traffic on residential streets.
O. Building entrances or other openings adjacent to or across the street from a residential zone shall be prohibited if they cause glare, excessive noise or otherwise adversely affect land uses in the residential zone.
P. The public road adjacent to any new development area will be improved by the property owner to meet city standards. Any developer working in any public right-of-way within the city limits shall provide the city with a certificate of insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 naming the city as an additional insured. Public utilities are exempt from this subsection.
Q. Operations must demonstrate by noise production methods that they shall not exceed DEQ standards set forth in OAR 340-35, Oregon State Noise Control Regulations for Industry and Commerce.
R. No emission or odorous matter shall be produced in such a manner as to cause a public nuisance or contribute to a condition of air pollution. An odor nuisance may be measured as an emission that occurs for sufficient duration or frequency that two measurements made within a period of one hour, separated by not less than 15 minutes, are equal to or greater than a Scentometer No. 0 or equivalent dilution measured at the property line.
S. Operations shall not exceed the normal range of domestic quality wastewater. All wastewater shall be discharged into a wastewater collection system.
T. The development site, its operations and improvements thereon shall discharge all stormwater into a stormwater collection system. There shall be no contamination of stormwater from solid or other wastes. Oil skimmers, grease traps, or other approved methods are required in all on-site catch basins.
U. Convenient and sanitary means for collection and disposal of all solid wastes shall be provided on each development site, in a location adequately screened from view beyond the boundary of the development site. There shall be no hazardous wastes collected or stored within the development site.
V. All new development shall be required to pave with asphalt or concrete any nonpaved portion of public right-of-way to meet the pavement of the existing street for the entire frontage of the property being developed. [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].
17.50.070 Signs and lighting of premises.
A. All signs located within the M-1 industrial general district shall comply with Chapter 17.85 RRMC.
B. Outdoor lighting standards and fixtures for illumination of premises shall be so designed and installed that direct rays are not toward or parallel with a public street or highway or directed toward any residential uses. [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].
17.50.080 Off-street parking.
All uses shall provide off-street parking and loading facilities as required in Chapter 17.70 RRMC except when located within a special district organized to provide common public parking areas. [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].
17.50.090 Hydrologist, soil engineer, engineer, and/or geologist.
Any developer developing in the city limits may be required to pay for a state of Oregon licensed hydrologist, soil engineer, engineer, and/or geologist who is hired by the city to review the development plans to ensure that all requirements and specifications of the city are met. [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].