Chapter 17.70


17.70.010    Off-street loading.

17.70.020    Off-street parking.

17.70.030    Design requirements.

17.70.010 Off-street loading.

A. In all districts (except those specifically excepted and noted), for each use for which a building is to be erected or structurally enlarged, off-street loading berths shall be provided to comply with the following requirements:

1. Commercial, industrial, and public utility uses which have a gross area of 5,000 square feet or more shall provide off-street truck loading or unloading berths in accordance with the following table:

Square Feet of Floor Area

Number of Berths Required

Less than 5,000


5,001 to 30,000


30,001 to 100,000


100,001 and over


2. Office buildings, hotels, motels, hospitals, institutions, schools, public buildings, recreational or entertainment facilities, and any similar use which has a gross floor area of 30,000 square feet or more shall provide off-street truck loading or unloading berths in accordance with the following table:

Square Feet of Floor Area

Number of Berths Required

Less than 30,000


30,001 to 100,000


100,001 and over


B. A loading berth shall be a minimum of 35 feet long and have a height clearance of 14 feet. Where the vehicles generally used for loading and unloading exceed these dimensions, the required length of these berths shall be increased.

C. If loading space has been provided in connection with an existing use or is added to an existing use, the loading space shall not be eliminated if elimination would result in less loading space than is required to adequately handle the needs of the particular use.

D. Off-street parking areas used for loading and unloading shall not be counted as required loading spaces and shall not be used for loading and unloading operations except during periods of the day when not required for parking needs. [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].

17.70.020 Off-street parking.

A. Off-street parking spaces shall be provided for any expansion or new building, structure or use in accordance with the requirements herein.

B. Number of Parking Spaces Required. The number of off-street parking spaces required shall be as set forth in the following schedule:

1. Residential.



1. One- and two-family dwelling

Two-car garage per dwelling unit

2. Multiple-family dwelling

2-1/2 off-street parking spaces per dwelling unit

3. Rooming or boarding houses, bed and breakfast establishment, residential hotel

One space for each guest accommodation plus one additional space for the owner/operator

4. Senior citizen housing, specifically for persons 55 years of age or older

Two-car garage per dwelling unit

2. Commercial Residential.



1. Hotel and motel

One space per guest room or suite plus one additional space for the owner or manager

2. Club, lodge

Spaces to meet the combined requirements of the uses being conducted such as restaurants, auditoriums, etc.

3. Bed and breakfast establishment

One space for each guest accommodation plus one additional space for the owner/operator

3. Institutions.



1. Welfare, homeless, or correctional institutions

One space per five beds for patients or inmates

2. Convalescent hospital, nursing home, rest home, home for the aged, congregate care, sanitarium, residential facility, residential home

One space per two beds for patients or residents

4. Places of Public Assembly.



1. Church

One space per four seats or eight feet of bench length in the main auditorium

2. Library, reading room, museum, art gallery

One space per 400 square feet of floor area

3. Preschool nursery, kindergarten

Two spaces per teacher

4. Elementary or junior high school

Three spaces per classroom

5. High school

Eight spaces per classroom

6. Business, dancing, trade, technical or similar schools, classrooms or training centers

Two spaces per each teaching station plus one space for every two students of design capacity

7. Auditorium or other place of public assembly

One space per four seats or eight feet of bench length. If no other seats are provided, one space per 100 sq. ft. of floor area

8. Recreation hall within apartment complex or planned unit development

One space per 200 sq. ft. of floor area

5. Commercial Amusement.



1. Stadium, arenas, theater

One space per four seats or eight feet of bench length

2. Bowling alley

Eight spaces per lane

3. Dance hall, skating rink

One space per 100 sq. ft. of floor area

4. Golf course

Five spaces per hole

6. Commercial.1



1. Retail store (except as provided in row 2 of this table)

One space per 200 sq. ft. of floor area

2. Retail store exclusively handling bulky merchandise such as automobiles, mobiles, furniture and large appliances

One space per 600 sq. ft. of floor area

3. Service or repair shop

One space per 300 sq. ft. of floor area

4. Bank, office (except medical and dental)

One space per 300 sq. ft. of floor area

5. Medical or dental office

Three spaces per each practitioner plus one for each two employees

6. Mortuary

12 spaces plus four spaces for each room in excess of two which can be used as a parlor or chapel

7. Eating or drinking establishment

One space per three seats or one space per 100 sq. ft. of floor space, whichever is greater

8. Open air market, used car sales lot

One space for 1,500 sq. ft. of land area

9. Mini-storage facilities

One space for every 1,000 sq. ft. of storage area plus one space for every 200 feet of office area

10. Mobile vendor/food truck site

Two spaces for each approved mobile vendor or food truck, or one space per three seats if seating is provided, whichever is greater

1. Property within the downtown parking district (DPD) which cannot meet these standards may apply to follow the standards in RRMC 17.70.030.

7. Industrial.



1. Manufacturing establishment

Two spaces for every three employees on the two adjacent shifts or one space for every 500 sq. ft. of floor area, whichever is greater

2. Wholesale establishment, warehouse, freight depot

Two spaces for every three employees on two adjacent shifts or one space for every 1,000 sq. ft., whichever is greater

8. Other uses not specifically listed above shall furnish parking as required by the planning commission. In determining the off-street parking requirements for said uses, the planning commission shall use the above requirements as a general guide, and shall determine the minimum number of parking spaces required to avoid undue interference with the public use of streets and alleys.

C. More Than One Use. Where more than one use is included within any one building or on any single parcel, the parking requirements shall be the sum total of the requirements of the various uses; provided, however, where the operation of these different uses is such that the hours of operation or uses complement each other insofar as the parking demand is concerned, the planning commission may authorize a reduction in these requirements.

D. Areas needed to meet the parking requirements of a particular building or use shall not be transformed or changed to another type of use, or transferred to meet the parking requirements of another building or use until the parking required for the original user of said parking area is provided at another location.

E. Any building or use requiring five-tenths or more of a parking space shall be deemed to require the full space.

F. Uses within existing buildings in the downtown parking district shall provide as many off-street parking spaces as possible on site, and pay the equivalent off-street parking utility fee in lieu of providing the remaining off-street parking spaces. [Ord. 24-427-O § 4; Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].

17.70.030 Design requirements.

A. Size and Access.

1. Each off-street parking space shall be not less than nine feet wide and 20 feet long, exclusive of access drives or aisles, and shall be of usable shape and conditions.

2. At the planning commission’s discretion, up to 40 percent of the off-street parking requirement can be met with compact car spaces, which are a minimum of eight feet wide and 16 feet long, and each space must be signed as a “Compact Car Only” space.

3. Accessible parking spaces shall be provided in compliance with ORS 447.233. Specifically, at least one van accessible space (nine feet wide by 20 feet long, with an adjacent access aisle that is at least six feet wide) shall be provided for every eight accessible spaces required.

B. There shall be adequate provision of ingress and egress to all parking spaces. Where parking spaces do not abut on a public street or alley, there shall be paved access drives not less than 12 feet in width for one-way traffic or 18 feet in width for two-way traffic, leading to the parking and loading spaces.

C. Surfacing. Areas used for standing and maneuvering of vehicles shall have durable surfaces maintained adequately for all-weather use, and adequately drained. Loose material that can migrate into city streets is not acceptable without a 12-foot apron of a durable surface. Such durable surface shall apply to all zoning districts. In addition, commercial and industrial zones shall be adequately drained to avoid flow of water across sidewalks.

D. Lighting. Any lighting used to illuminate any off-street parking area shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from the adjoining premises.

E. Multiple Dwelling Parking Spaces. Parking spaces for other than one- and two-family dwellings shall be designed so that no backing movements or other maneuvering within a street other than an alley shall be required.

F. Service Drives. Service drives shall have a minimum vision clearance area formed by the intersection of the driveway center line, the street right-of-way line, and a straight line joining said lines through points 20 feet from their intersection.

G. Parking Spaces. Parking spaces along the outer boundaries of a parking lot shall be contained by a curb or a bumper rail so placed to prevent a motor vehicle from extending over an adjacent property or a street.

H. Residential District Off-Street Parking or Loading. In any residential district the off-street parking or loading areas shall not be located in a required front yard.

I. Parking Layout and Design. The distances required for various parking layouts and designs shall be per the following diagram:

J. Joint and Cross Access.

1. Adjacent commercial or office properties classified as major traffic generators (i.e., shopping plazas, office parks), shall provide a cross access drive and pedestrian access to allow circulation between sites.

2. A system of joint use driveways and cross access easements shall be established wherever feasible and shall incorporate the following:

a. A continuous service drive or cross access corridor extending the entire length of each block served to provide for driveway separation consistent with the access management classification system and standards.

b. A design speed of 10 mph and a maximum width of 20 feet to accommodate two-way travel aisles designated to accommodate automobiles, service vehicles, and loading vehicles.

c. Stub-outs and other design features to make it visually obvious that the abutting properties may be tied in to provide cross-access via a service drive.

d. A unified access and circulation system plan for coordinated or shared parking areas is encouraged.

3. Pursuant to this section, property owners shall:

a. Record an easement with the deed allowing cross access to and from other properties served by the joint use driveways and cross access or service drive.

b. Record an agreement with the deed that remaining access rights along the roadway will be dedicated to the city of Rogue River and preexisting driveways will be closed and eliminated after construction of the joint-use driveway.

c. Record a joint maintenance agreement with the deed to the subject property defining maintenance responsibilities of property owners.

4. The city of Rogue River may reduce required separation distance of access points where they prove impractical, provided all of the following requirements are met:

a. Joint access driveways and cross access easements are provided in accordance with this section.

b. The site plan incorporates a unified access and circulation system in accordance with this section.

c. The property owner enters into a written agreement with the city of Rogue River, recorded with the deed to the subject property, that preexisting connections on the site will be closed and eliminated after construction of each side of the joint use driveway.

5. The city of Rogue River may modify or waive the requirements of this section where the characteristics or layout of abutting properties would make development of a unified or shared access and circulation system impractical.

K. Access Connection and Driveway Design.

1. Driveways shall meet the following standards:

a. If the driveway is a one-way in or one-way out drive, then the driveway shall be a minimum width of 12 feet and shall have appropriate signage designating the driveway as a one-way connection.

b. For two-way access, the lane or driveway shall have a minimum width of 18 feet.

c. Commercial and industrial uses shall have two lanes, with a width of 10 to 14 feet per lane.

2. Driveway approaches must be designed and located to provide an exiting vehicle with an unobstructed view of cross-traffic. Construction of driveways along acceleration or deceleration lanes and tapers shall be avoided due to the potential for vehicular weaving conflicts.

3. The length of driveways shall be designed in accordance with the anticipated storage length for entering and exiting vehicles to prevent vehicles from backing into the flow of traffic on the public street or causing unsafe conflicts with on-site circulation.

L. Requirements for Phased Development Plan. All access must be internalized using the shared circulation system of the principal development or retail center. Driveways shall be designed to avoid queuing across surrounding parking and driving aisles.

M. Nonconforming Access Features. Legal access connections in place as of September 29, 2005, that do not conform with the standards in this chapter are considered nonconforming features and shall be brought into compliance with applicable standards under the following conditions:

1. When new access connection permits are requested; or

2. Change in use, a commercial or industrial use that has been abandoned for a period of one year or more, or enlargements or improvements that will increase trip generation.

N. Reverse Frontage.

1. Lots that front on more than one street shall be required to locate motor vehicle accesses on the street with the lower functional classification.

2. When a residential subdivision is proposed that would abut an arterial, it shall be designed to prevent driveway access to the arterial. A berm or buffer yard may be required at the rear of through lots to buffer residences from traffic on the arterial. The berm or buffer yard shall not be located within the public right-of-way.

O. Drive-Through Stacking Requirements. Drive-through window stacking shall allow a minimum of 100 feet for each service window.

1. “Stacking” means the location in which vehicles await service as measured from the back edge of the sidewalk along the arterial or collector street to the service window as measured from the most direct driving route. Where the site abuts an unimproved arterial or collector street, the stacking distance is to be measured using future street standards (sidewalk location, etc.).

2. Stacking need not be in a straight line. Plans shall include painting lanes on the site for circulation and posting directional signs.

P. Bicycle Parking. The following special minimum standards shall be considered as supplemental requirements for the number of required bicycle parking spaces:

1. Multifamily Residences. Every residential use of four or more dwelling units shall provide at least one sheltered bicycle parking space for each unit. Sheltered bicycle parking spaces may be located within a garage, storage shed, basement, utility room or similar area. In those instances in which the residential complex has no garage or other easily accessible storage unit, the required bicycle parking spaces shall be sheltered under an eave, overhang, an independent structure, or similar cover.

2. Parking Lots. All public and commercial parking lots and parking structures shall provide a minimum of one bicycle parking space for every 20 motor vehicle parking spaces. [Ord. 23-418-O § 124 (Exh. A-4)].