Title 17
17.08 Amendments to the Code and Zone District Maps
17.16 General and Land Use Definitions Amended Ord. 3305
17.20 Procedures for Decision-Making – Legislative
17.24 Procedures for Decision-Making – Quasi-Judicial Amended Ord. 3305
17.32 Zones and Uses Amended Ord. 3305
17.36 Historic Sites and Overlay District Amended Ord. 3305
17.40 Protective Measures for Significant Wetlands, Riparian Corridors, and Protection Zones Amended Ord. 3305
17.44 Sensitive Lands Amended Ord. 3305
17.46 Floodplains and Floodways
17.48 Solar Access Requirements
17.52 Environmental Performance Standards
17.60 Manufactured/Mobile Home Regulations
17.64 Additional Yard Setback Requirements and Exceptions
17.68 Building Height Limitations – Exceptions
17.72 Landscaping and Screening
17.80 Off-Street Parking and Loading Requirements Amended Ord. 3305
17.84 Access, Egress, and Circulation
17.88 Signs Amended Ord. 3305
17.96 Site Development Review Amended Ord. 3305
17.100 Conditional Use Amended Ord. 3305
17.104 Nonconforming Situations
17.108 Variances Amended Ord. 3305
17.112 Established Area – Developing Area Classification
17.120 Home Occupations Amended Ord. 3305
17.124 Accessory Structures Amended Ord. 3305
17.132 Tree Removal Amended Ord. 3305
17.136 Land Division – Subdivision Amended Ord. 3305
17.140 Land Division – Land Partitioning – Lot Line Adjustment Amended Ord. 3305
17.144 Expedited Land Divisions
17.148 Planned Development Amended Ord. 3305