Chapter 17.80
17.80.015 Applicability of provisions.
17.80.020 General provisions. Amended Ord. 3307
17.80.030 Minimum off-street parking requirements. Amended Ord. 3307
17.80.040 Modification to parking requirements.
17.80.050 Parking dimension standards.
17.80.060 On-site vehicle stacking areas required for drive-in use.
17.80.066 Use of recreational vehicles related to nonresidential uses.
17.80.070 Loading/unloading driveways required on site.
17.80.080 Off-street loading spaces.
17.80.090 Off-street loading dimensions.
17.80.010 Purpose.
(1) The purpose of these regulations is to establish parking areas having adequate capacity and which are appropriately located and designed to minimize any hazardous conditions on site and at access points.
(2) The parking requirements are intended to provide sufficient parking in close proximity to the various uses for residents, customers, and employees, and to establish standards which will maintain the traffic-carrying capacity of nearby streets. (Ord. 2875 § 1.114.010, 2003)
17.80.015 Applicability of provisions.
(1) The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all development including the construction of new structures, the remodeling of existing structures (see SHMC 17.96.020) and to a change of use which increases the on-site parking or loading requirements or which changes the access requirements.
(2) Where the provisions of Chapter 17.96 SHMC, Site Development Review, do not apply, the director shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny a plan submitted under the provisions of this chapter. No notice is required. The decision may be appealed as provided by SHMC 17.24.310(1).
(3) The applicant shall submit a site plan which includes:
(a) The location of the structures on the property and on the adjoining property;
(b) The delineation of individual parking and loading spaces and their dimensions;
(c) The location of the circulation area necessary to serve the spaces;
(d) The location of the access point(s) to streets, to accessways and to properties to be served;
(e) The location of curb cuts;
(f) The location and dimensions of all landscaping, including the type and size of plant material to be used, as well as any other landscape material incorporated into the overall plan;
(g) The proposed grading and drainage plans; and
(h) Specifications as to signs and bumper guards. (Ord. 2875 § 1.114.015, 2003)
17.80.020 General provisions. Amended Ord. 3307
(1) Parking Dimensions. The minimum dimensions for parking spaces are:
(a) Nine feet wide and 18 feet long for a standard space;
(b) Eight feet wide and 15 feet long for a compact space;
(c) Eight feet wide and 22 feet long for parallel spaces;
(d) As required by applicable state of Oregon and federal standards for designated disabled person parking spaces; and
(e) Special provisions for side-by-side parking for single-family dwellings (attached and detached) and duplexes:
(i) The total unobstructed area for side-by-side parking spaces for single-family dwellings (attached and detached) and duplexes shall still be 18 feet by 18 feet (two nine-foot by 18-foot standard spaces together), but the improved portion may be 16 feet in width centered within the 18 feet for the purposes of the surface (paving) requirements of this chapter and, if the spaces are adjacent or close to the street, driveway approach width.
(ii) This does not apply to single parking spaces by themselves or rows of parking spaces that exceed two spaces. This only applies to two standard space parking areas where the spaces are adjacent to each other along the long side.
(2) Building Permit Conditions. The provision and maintenance of off-street parking and loading spaces are the continuing obligations of the property owner:
(a) No building or other permit shall be issued until plans are presented to the director to show that property is and will remain available for exclusive use as off-street parking and loading space; and
(b) The subsequent use of property for which the building permit is issued shall be conditional upon the unqualified continuance and availability of the amount of parking and loading space required by this code.
(3) Parking Requirements for Unlisted Uses.
(a) Upon application and payment of fees, the director, as provided by SHMC 17.24.090(1), may rule that a use, not specifically listed, is a use similar to a listed use and that the same parking standards shall apply. No notice need be given. The decision may be appealed as provided by SHMC 17.24.310(1). The ruling on parking area requirements shall be based on findings that the following criteria are satisfied:
(i) The use is similar to and of the same general type as a listed use;
(ii) The use has similar intensity, density, and off-site impact as the listed use; and
(iii) The use has similar impacts on the community facilities as the listed use;
(b) This section does not authorize the inclusion of a use in a zoning district where it is not listed, or a use which is specifically listed in another zone or which is of the same general type and is similar to a use specifically listed in another zoning district; and
(c) The director shall maintain a list of approved unlisted use parking requirements which shall have the same effect as an amendment to this chapter.
(4) Existing and New Uses. At the time of erection of a new structure or at the time of enlargement or change in use of an existing structure within any district, off-street parking spaces shall be as provided in accordance with SHMC 17.80.030, and:
(a) In case of enlargement of a building or use of land existing on the date of adoption of the ordinance codified in this code, the number of additional parking and loading spaces required shall be based only on floor area or capacity of such enlargement; and
(b) If parking space has been provided in connection with an existing use or is added to an existing use, the parking space shall not be eliminated if the elimination would result in less space than is specified in the standards of this section when applied to the entire use.
(5) Change in Use.
(a) When an existing structure is changed in use from one use to another use as listed in SHMC 17.80.030, and the parking requirements for each use are the same, no additional parking shall be required; and
(b) Where a change in use results in an intensification of use in terms of the number of parking spaces required, additional parking spaces shall be provided in an amount equal to the difference between the number of spaces required for the existing use and the number of spaces required for the more intensive use.
(6) Shared Parking in Commercial Districts.
(a) Owners of two or more uses, structures, or parcels of land may agree to utilize jointly the same parking and loading spaces when the peak hours of operation do not overlap;
(b) Satisfactory legal evidence shall be presented to the director in the form of deeds, leases, or contracts to establish the joint use; and
(c) If a joint use arrangement is subsequently terminated, or if the uses change, the requirements of this code thereafter apply to each separately.
(7) Visitor Parking in Multidwelling Unit Residential Districts.
(a) Multidwelling units with more than 10 required parking spaces shall provide parking for the use of guests of residents (visitors) of the complex; and
(b) Visitor parking shall consist of 15 percent of the total required parking spaces and shall be centrally located within or evenly distributed throughout the development. Required bicycle parking facilities shall also be centrally located within or evenly distributed throughout the development.
(8) Location of Required Parking.
(a) Off-street parking spaces for single-dwelling unit – detached, duplex dwellings and single-dwelling – attached dwellings shall be located on the same lot with the dwelling; and
(b) Off-street parking lots for uses not listed above shall be located not further than 200 feet from the building or use they are required to serve, measured in a straight line from the building with the following exceptions:
(i) Shared parking areas, as provided by subsection (6) of this section, for commercial uses which require more than 40 parking spaces may provide for the spaces in excess of the required 40 spaces up to a distance of 300 feet from the commercial building or use; and
(ii) Industrial and manufacturing uses which require in excess of 40 spaces may locate the required spaces in excess of the 40 spaces up to a distance of 300 feet from the building.
(9) Mixed Uses. Where several uses occupy a single structure or parcel of land or a combination of uses are included in one business, the total off-street parking spaces and loading area is the sum of the requirements of the several uses, computed separately unless the peak hours of use do not overlap.
(10) Choice of Parking Requirements. When a building or use is planned or constructed in such a manner that a choice of parking requirements could be made, the use which requires the greater number of parking spaces shall govern.
(11) Availability of Parking Spaces. Required parking spaces shall:
(a) Be available for the parking of operable passenger automobiles of residents, customers, patrons, and employees only;
(b) Not be used for storage of vehicles or materials or for the parking of trucks used in conducting the business or use; and
(c) Not be rented, leased, or assigned to any other person or organization.
(12) Parking Lot Landscaping. Parking lots shall be landscaped in accordance with the requirements in Chapter 17.72 SHMC.
(13) Designated Parking for the Handicapped. All parking areas shall be provided with the required numbers and sizes of disabled person parking spaces as specified by applicable state of Oregon and federal standards. All disabled person parking spaces shall be signed and marked on the pavement as required by these standards.
(14) Designated Parking for Compact Vehicles. All parking spaces designated for compact vehicles shall be signed or labeled by painting on the parking space.
(15) Bicycle Parking.
(a) One lockable bicycle parking space shall be provided within a rack for the following:
(i) Four or more dwelling units in one building: one space per dwelling unit;
(ii) Commercial development: 10 percent of vehicular parking spaces;
(iii) Civic uses: 20 percent of vehicular parking spaces; and
(iv) Industrial development: five percent of vehicular parking spaces;
(b) Bicycle parking areas shall be provided at locations within 50 feet of primary entrances to structures. Where possible, bicycle parking facilities shall be placed under cover. Bicycle parking areas shall not be located within parking aisles, landscape areas, or pedestrian ways; and
(c) Residential complexes with less than four dwelling units do not need bicycle racks.
(16) Lighting. Any lights provided to illuminate any public or private parking area or vehicle sales area shall be so arranged as to direct the light away from any adjacent residential district, and shall not create a hazard for drivers in public streets.
(17) Final Building Inspection. Required parking spaces shall be completely improved to city standards and available for use at the time of the final building inspection.
(18) Plan, Building Permit Prerequisite. A plan drawn to scale, indicating how the off-street parking and loading requirement is to be fulfilled, shall accompany the request for a building permit or site development review permit in accordance with SHMC 17.96.180(11).
(19) Measurement for Required Parking. Unless otherwise specified, where square feet are specified, the area measured shall be gross floor area under the roof measured from the faces of the structure, excluding only space devoted to covered off-street parking or loading.
(20) Employees. Where employees are specified, the employees counted are the persons who work on the premises including proprietors, executives, professional people, production, sales, and distribution employees during the largest shift at peak season.
(21) Fractions. Fractional space requirements shall be counted as a whole space.
(22) On-Street Parking. Parking spaces in a public street or alley shall not be eligible as fulfilling any part of the parking requirement except as otherwise provided in this code.
(23) Preferential Long-Term Carpool/Vanpool Parking. Parking lots providing in excess of 20 long-term parking spaces shall provide preferential long-term carpool and vanpool parking for employees, students, or other regular visitors to the site. At least five percent of total long-term parking spaces shall be reserved for carpool/vanpool use. Preferential parking for carpools/vanpools shall be closer to the main entrances of the building than any other employee or student parking, other than disabled person parking spaces. Preferential carpool/vanpool parking spaces shall be full size parking spaces. Preferential carpool/vanpool spaces shall be clearly designated for use only by carpools or vanpools between 7:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. (Ord. 3264 § 2 (Att. A), 2021; Ord. 3181 § 4 (Att. C), 2015; Ord. 2875 § 1.114.020, 2003)
17.80.030 Minimum off-street parking requirements. Amended Ord. 3307
Note: some use classifications listed below indicate additional bicycle parking requirements beyond the requirements of SHMC 17.80.020(15).
(1) Residential.
(a) Bed and breakfast, boarding house, homestay – One space per bedroom.
(b) Caretaker – Two off-street spaces for each dwelling unit.
(c) Duplexes – Two off-street spaces for each duplex. No more than two spaces are required for one duplex on a single lot.
(d) Group care – One space per three residential beds plus one space for each employee on largest shift.
(e) Group residential – One space for each guest room plus one space for each employee on largest shift.
(f) Mobile home park – Two off-street spaces for each dwelling unit.
(g) Multiple dwelling (also see SHMC 17.80.020(7)):
(i) Studio – One space for each unit.
(ii) One bedroom – One and one-half spaces for each unit.
(iii) More than one bedroom per unit – Two spaces for each.
(h) Single-dwelling units, attached – Two off-street spaces for each dwelling unit.
(i) Single-dwelling units, detached – Two off-street spaces for each dwelling unit or pair of dwelling units as allowed by the zoning district. No more than two spaces are required for one detached single-family dwelling on a single lot, or two detached single-family dwellings on a single lot.
(2) Civic.
(a) Community parks and recreation – As required by facilities provided.
(b) Cultural exhibits and library – one space per 400 feet of gross floor area; one and one-half bicycle spaces per 1,000 square feet.
(c) Child care center – five spaces plus one space per classroom.
(d) Hospitals – one and one-half spaces per bed.
(e) Lodge, fraternal, and civic assembly – one space for every four fixed seats or every eight feet of bench length or one space for every 100 square feet of floor area in the assembly area if there are no fixed seats.
(f) Long-term care facility, nursing home – one space for every four rooms.
(g) Public agency administrative service – one space for every 350 square feet of service gross floor area.
(h) Public safety services – one space for every employee of the largest shift plus one space per 350 square feet of gross floor area accessible to the public or other nonemployee use.
(i) Religious assembly – one space for every three fixed seats or every six feet of bench length in the assembly area or every 50 square feet of floor space in the assembly area where there are no permanent seats, whichever is greater.
(j) Schools:
(i) Preschool/kindergarten – five spaces plus one per classroom.
(ii) Elementary, junior high school or equivalent private or parochial school – one and one-half spaces for every employee, plus one space for 100 square feet of floor area in the auditorium or other assembly or one space for each eight seats, whichever is greater; six bicycle spaces per classroom.
(iii) Senior high and equivalent private or parochial school – one and one-half spaces for each employee, plus one space for each six classroom seats, and one space for each 100 square feet of floor area or one space for each eight seats in the auditorium or other assembly room, whichever is greater; two bicycle spaces per classroom.
(iv) Commuter-type college – one space for every full-time equivalent student; four bicycle spaces per classroom.
(v) Resident-type college – one space for every three full-time equivalent students; one bicycle space for every four full-time equivalent students.
(vi) Commercial or business school – one space for every full-time equivalent student; two bicycle spaces per classroom.
(k) Transitional care facility – one space for every four occupants.
(3) Commercial.
(a) Agricultural sales – one space per 400 square feet of gross floor area, but not less than four spaces for each establishment. (Including nurseries and greenhouses.)
(b) Agricultural services – one space per 400 square feet of gross floor area, but not less than four spaces for each establishment.
(c) Amusement enterprises – one space per 300 square feet of gross floor area, plus one space for every two employees, or one space per three seats if theater; one bicycle space for each 20 percent of vehicular parking spaces.
(d) Animal sales and/or services:
(i) Auction – one space per 50 square feet of gross floor area.
(ii) Grooming – one space per 400 square feet of gross floor area.
(iii) Kennels – one space per employee.
(iv) Veterinary – one space per 300 square feet of gross floor area.
(e) Boat and/or marine equipment sales, service, storage, rental or repair – one space per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area, but not less than four spaces for each establishment.
(f) Boat moorage facility – one-half parking space per slip.
(g) Building maintenance service – one space for each 500 square feet of gross floor area, but not less than three spaces for each establishment.
(h) Bus/train stations/terminals – one space per each employee on the largest shift plus spaces for visitors and long term.
(i) Business equipment sales and service, business support services, communication services – one space per 350 square feet of gross floor area.
(j) Construction sales and services – one space per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area.
(k) Consumer repair services – one space per 500 square feet of gross floor area.
(l) Convenience sales and personal services – one space per 400 square feet of gross floor area, but not less than four spaces per each establishment.
(m) Eating and/or drinking establishments – one space per 50 square feet of establishment’s dining area plus one space for every two employees.
(n) Entertainment, adult – one space per two seats.
(o) Equipment (small) sales, rentals and repairs – one space per 500 square feet of gross floor area.
(p) Explosives storage – one space for every employee on the largest shift or one space for each 1,500 square feet, whichever is larger.
(q) Financial, insurance and real estate – one space per 350 square feet of gross floor area.
(r) Food and beverage retail sales – one space per 200 square feet of gross floor area, plus one space for every two employees.
(s) Funeral and interment services:
(i) Crematory and undertaking – one space per each four seats or eight feet of bench length or one space per 60 square feet where there are no fixed seats.
(ii) Interring and cemeteries – exempt.
(t) Gasoline stations – one space for each employee on the largest shift.
(u) General retail sales – one space for each 400 square feet of gross floor area, but not less than four spaces for each establishment.
(v) Houseboat – one space per slip/connection facility.
(w) Laundry service – one space per 500 square feet of gross floor area, but not less than three spaces for each establishment.
(x) Medical and dental service – one space per 200 square feet of gross floor area.
(y) Motor vehicle and equipment:
(i) Cleaning – one space per 500 square feet of gross floor area.
(ii) Fleet storage – one space per each employee on the largest shift or one space per 1,500 square feet, whichever is larger.
(iii) Repairs – heavy and light equipment – one space per 500 square feet of gross floor area, but not less than three spaces for each establishment.
(iv) Sales, rental – farm equipment, heavy and light equipment – one space per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area, but not less than four spaces for each establishment.
(v) Storage – nonoperating vehicles – one space for each employee on largest shift.
(vi) Storage – recreational vehicles and boats – one space for each employee on largest shift.
(vii) Boat, trailer and/or recreational vehicle equipment sales, service and repairs – one space per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area, but not less than four spaces for each establishment.
(z) Offices – one space for each 350 square feet of services gross floor space.
(aa) Participant sports and recreation:
(i) Indoor – one space per 300 square feet of gross floor area.
(ii) Outdoor – one space per 100 square feet, plus one space for every two employees.
(bb) Personal service facilities – one space per 500 square feet of gross floor area.
(cc) Produce sales – one space per 200 square feet of retail space with a minimum of four spaces per business.
(dd) Research services or laboratories – one space for each employee on the largest shift or one space per 500 square feet, whichever is larger.
(ee) Retail sales – bulky merchandise (e.g., furniture, appliances) – one space for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area but not less than 10 spaces for each establishment.
(ff) Scrap operations and recycling center – one space per each employee, but not less than five spaces for each establishment.
(gg) Shopping centers/plazas – based upon highest possible use.
(hh) Spectator sports and entertainment – one space per six seats or 12 feet of bench length.
(ii) Studios – one space per employee plus one space per 350 square feet for retail sales areas.
(jj) Transient lodging and associated uses – one space for each room plus one space for each two employees on largest shift:
(i) Restaurant/lounge – one space per 100 square feet of seating area.
(ii) Banquet/meeting rooms – one space per 200 square feet of seating area.
(kk) Travel trailer park – one and one-half spaces per trailer pad.
(4) Industrial.
(a) Auction sales, services and repairs – one space for each employee on the largest shift and one space per 1,000 square feet of show area.
(b) Hazardous waste collection/treatment, solid waste/trash transfer station – one space for each employee on the largest shift.
(c) Manufacturing, production, processing and assembling – one space per employee of the largest shift.
(d) Mini warehouse – one space for every 200 square feet of gross office floor area, plus two spaces for a caretaker residence.
(e) Natural mineral resource development – one space for each employee on the largest shift.
(f) Wholesaling, storage, and distribution – one space for each 1,000 square feet of gross floor area within warehouse (plus one space per 700 square feet of patron serving area and one space per 200 square feet of office area).
(g) Wrecking yard – one space per employee on largest shift plus one space per 5,000 square feet of storage area. (Ord. 3305 § 2 (Att. A), 2024; Ord. 3264 § 2 (Att. A), 2021; Ord. 2875 § 1.114.030, 2003)
17.80.040 Modification to parking requirements.
The provisions of this section as to number of spaces may be modified by the approval authority as follows:
(1) Compact Car Spaces. Up to 40 percent of the required parking spaces may be compact spaces.
(2) Group Care Residential Facilities, Group Residential and Residential Homes. The approval authority may, upon request, allow a reduction in the number of required off-street parking spaces in housing developments for elderly or handicapped persons if such reduction is deemed appropriate after analysis of the size and location of the development, resident auto ownership, number of employees, and possible future conversion to other residential uses. Notice of the decision shall be given as provided by SHMC 17.24.120 and the decision may be appealed as provided by SHMC 17.24.310(1).
(3) Conversion of Existing Required Parking for Transit Supportive Facilities.
(a) Applicability. This allowance applies to all uses where a minimum amount of parking is required and where the site is located adjacent to a street with existing or planned transit service.
(b) Up to 10 percent of existing required parking spaces may be converted at a ratio of one parking space for each 100 square feet of transit facility.
(c) Required elements:
(i) A transit facility must be located adjacent to a street with transit service. The facility should be located between the building and front property line, within 20 feet of an existing transit stop.
(ii) A transit facility shall include a covered waiting or sitting area. (Ord. 2875 § 1.114.040, 2003)
17.80.050 Parking dimension standards.
(1) Accessibility.
(a) Each parking space shall be accessible from a street or right-of-way, and the access shall be of a width and location as described by SHMC 17.84.070 and 17.84.080 as applicable.
(b) All parking spaces shall be independently functional. This means the vehicle in the parking space is not dependent on another vehicle moving to get to the street or right-of-way from the parking space. For example, a two-vehicle garage with a garage opening and driveway, both 18 feet in width, can only count as two parking spaces (not four), since the vehicles in the garage cannot get to the street without the ones in the driveway moving out of the way.
(2) Table of Standards.
(a) Minimum standards for a standard parking stall’s length and width, aisle width, and maneuvering space shall be determined from the Table of Standards for Parking Spaces, Figure 14, below. Figure 14 includes the spaces identified by SHMC 17.80.020(1)(a) through (1)(c) and other spaces if spaces larger than the minimum required are desired.
(b) The width of each parking space includes the striping which separates each space as measured from the center of any shared stripe.
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
Parallel |
8′0″ |
18.0 |
12.0 |
22.0 |
20.0 |
20° |
8′0″ |
13.6 |
11.0 |
23.4 |
24.6 |
8′6″ |
14.1 |
11.0 |
24.9 |
25.1 |
9′0″ |
14.6 |
11.0 |
26.3 |
25.6 |
9′6″ |
15.1 |
11.0 |
27.8 |
26.1 |
10′0″ |
15.5 |
11.0 |
29.2 |
26.5 |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
30° |
8′0″ |
16.0 |
11.0 |
16.0 |
27.0 |
8′6″ |
16.4 |
11.0 |
17.0 |
27.4 |
9′0″ |
16.8 |
11.0 |
18.0 |
27.8 |
9′6″ |
17.3 |
11.0 |
19.0 |
28.3 |
10′0″ |
17.7 |
11.0 |
20.0 |
28.7 |
45° |
8′0″ |
18.4 |
14.0 |
11.3 |
32.4 |
8′6″ |
18.7 |
13.5 |
12.0 |
32.2 |
9′0″ |
19.1 |
13.0 |
12.7 |
32.1 |
9′6″ |
19.4 |
13.0 |
13.4 |
32.4 |
10′0″ |
19.8 |
13.0 |
14.1 |
32.8 |
60° |
8′0″ |
19.7 |
19.0 |
9.2 |
38.7 |
8′6″ |
20.0 |
18.5 |
9.8 |
38.5 |
9′0″ |
20.3 |
18.0 |
10.4 |
38.3 |
9′5″ |
20.5 |
18.0 |
11.0 |
38.5 |
10′0″ |
20.8 |
18.0 |
11.5 |
38.8 |
70° |
8′0″ |
19.8 |
20.0 |
8.5 |
39.8 |
8′6″ |
20.1 |
19.5 |
9.0 |
39.6 |
9′0″ |
20.4 |
19.0 |
9.6 |
39.4 |
9′6″ |
20.6 |
18.5 |
10.1 |
39.1 |
10′0″ |
20.9 |
18.0 |
10.6 |
38.9 |
80° |
8′0″ |
19.2 |
25.0 |
8.1 |
44.2 |
8′6″ |
19.3 |
24.0 |
8.6 |
43.3 |
9′0″ |
19.4 |
24.0 |
9.1 |
43.4 |
9′6″ |
19.5 |
24.0 |
9.6 |
43.5 |
10′0″ |
19.6 |
24.0 |
10.2 |
43.6 |
90° |
8′0″ |
18.0 |
26.0 |
8.0 |
44.0 |
8′6″ |
18.0 |
25.0 |
8.5 |
43.0 |
9′0″ |
18.0 |
24.0 |
9.0 |
42.0 |
9′6″ |
18.0 |
24.0 |
9.5 |
42.0 |
10′0″ |
18.0 |
24.0 |
10.0 |
42.0 |
Compacts: |
45° |
7′6″ |
16.0 |
11.0 |
10.5 |
27.0 |
60° |
7′6″ |
16.7 |
14.0 |
8.6 |
30.7 |
75° |
7′6″ |
16.8 |
17.4 |
7.8 |
32.2 |
90° |
7′6″ |
15.0 |
20.0 |
7.5 |
35.0 |
The above table provides the minimum dimensions of public or private parking areas, based on the diagram, where:
“A” equals the parking angle,
“B” equals the clear stall width,
“C” equals the minimum stall depth,
“D” equals the minimum clear aisle width,
“E” equals the stall distance at bay side, and
“F” equals the minimum clear bay width.
All parking facilities shall meet these minimum standards.
(3) Aisle Width. Aisles accommodating two-direction traffic, or allowing access from both ends shall be a minimum of 24 feet in width.
(4) Angle Parking. Angle parking is permitted in accordance with Figure 14.
(5) Structured Parking.
(a) Vehicle height clearance for structured parking must be at least seven and one-half feet for the entry level (to accommodate vans and vanpool parking) and six and three-fourths feet for all other levels;
(b) A warning bell or other signal must be provided for exits from parking structures that cross public sidewalks where a standard vision clearance area cannot be provided; and
(c) Required bicycle parking for uses served by a parking structure must provide for covered bicycle parking unless the structure will be more than 100 feet from the primary entrance to the building.
(6) Service Drive.
(a) Excluding single-dwelling units and duplex residences, except as provided by Chapter 17.84 SHMC and SHMC 17.152.030(16), groups of more than two parking spaces shall be served by a service drive so that no backing movements or other maneuvering within a street or other public right-of-way would be required; and
(b) Service drives shall be designed and constructed to facilitate the flow of traffic, provide maximum safety of traffic access and egress, and maximum safety of pedestrians and vehicular traffic on the site.
(7) Street Access. Each parking or loading space shall be accessible from a street and the access shall be of a width and location as described in this code.
(8) Parking Space Configuration. Parking space configuration, stall, and access aisle size shall be in accordance with the minimum standard.
(9) Parking Space Markings.
(a) Except for single-dwelling units and duplexes, any area intended to be used to meet the off-street parking requirements as contained in this chapter shall have all parking spaces clearly marked; and
(b) All interior drives and access aisles shall be clearly marked and signed to show direction of flow and maintain vehicular and pedestrian safety.
(10) Parking and Load Area Surface Requirements.
(a) Except for uses as authorized in subsections (10)(b) and (c) of this section, all areas used for the parking or storage or maneuvering of any vehicle, boat, or trailer shall be improved with asphalt or concrete surfaces or other similar type materials approved by the city.
(b) Nonresidential parking areas to be used primarily for nonpublic uses such as employee parking, business vehicles, and construction equipment may be gravel-surfaced when authorized by the approval authority at the time the site development approval is given. The director may require that the property owner enter into an agreement to pave the parking area: (1) within a specified period of time after establishment of the parking area; or (2) if there is a change in the types or weights of vehicles utilizing the parking area; or (3) if there is evidence of adverse effects upon adjacent roadways, watercourses, or properties. Such an agreement shall be executed as a condition of approval of the plan to establish the gravel parking area. Gravel-surfaced parking areas may only be permitted consistent with the following:
(i) Gravel parking areas shall not be permitted within 20 feet of any residentially zoned area;
(ii) Gravel parking areas shall not be allowed within 25 feet of any improved public right-of-way;
(iii) A paved driveway of at least 25 feet in length shall connect a gravel parking area with any public street providing access to the gravel area; and
(iv) Gravel parking areas shall not be allowed within 50 feet of any significant wetland or riparian corridor.
(c) Parking areas to be used in conjunction with a temporary use may be gravel when authorized by the approval authority at the time the permit is approved. The approval authority shall consider the following in determining whether or not the gravel parking is warranted:
(i) The request for consideration to allow a parking area in conjunction with the temporary use shall be made in writing concurrently with the temporary use application;
(ii) The applicant shall provide documentation that the type of temporary use requested will not be financially viable if the parking space surface area requirement is imposed; and
(iii) Approval of the gravel parking area will not create adverse conditions affecting safe ingress and egress when combined with other uses of the property.
(d) Any area where harmful soil contamination could reasonably be expected shall be protected with appropriate surface cover and collection devices.
(11) Access Drives.
(a) Access drives from the street to off-street parking or loading areas shall be designed and constructed to facilitate the flow of traffic and provide maximum safety for pedestrian and vehicular traffic on the site;
(b) The number and size of access drives shall be in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 17.84 SHMC, Access, Egress, and Circulation;
(c) Access drives shall be clearly and permanently marked and defined through use of rails, fences, walls, or other barriers or markers on frontage not occupied by service drives;
(d) Access drives shall have a minimum vision clearance as provided in Chapter 17.76 SHMC, Visual Clearance Areas;
(e) Access drives shall normally be improved with an asphalt or concrete surface or other similar type material approved by the city; and
(f) Where more public harm would occur than good, the director can waive some hard surface requirements on access drives.
(12) Wheel Stops. Parking spaces along the boundaries of a parking lot or adjacent to interior landscaped areas or sidewalks shall be provided with a wheel stop at least four inches high located three feet back from the front of the parking stall. The front three feet of the parking stall may be concrete, asphalt or low-lying landscape material that does not exceed the height of the wheel stop. This area cannot be calculated to meet landscaping or sidewalk requirements.
(13) Drainage. Hard surface off-street parking and loading areas shall be drained in accordance with specifications approved by the city engineer to ensure that ponding does not occur:
(a) Except for single-dwelling units and duplexes, off-street parking and loading facilities shall be designed to avoid flow of water across public sidewalks.
(b) In most cases oil/water separators will be required as part of a parking lot drainage system.
(14) Lighting. Artificial lighting on all off-street parking facilities shall be designed to direct all light away from surrounding residences and so as not to create a hazard to the public use of any road or street.
(15) Signs. Signs which are placed on parking lots shall be as prescribed in Chapter 17.88 SHMC, Signs.
(16) Maintenance of Parking Areas. All parking lots shall be kept clean and in good repair at all times. Breaks in paved surfaces shall be repaired promptly and broken or splintered wheel stops shall be replaced so that their function will not be impaired.
(17) Grade Separation Protection. Where a parking area or other vehicle area has a drop-off grade separation, the property owner shall install a wall, railing, or other barrier which will prevent a slow-moving vehicle or driverless vehicle from escaping such area and which will prevent pedestrians from walking over drop-off edges. (Ord. 3264 § 2 (Att. A), 2021; Ord. 2875 § 1.114.050, 2003)
17.80.060 On-site vehicle stacking areas required for drive-in use.
(1) All uses providing drive-in services as defined by this code shall provide on the same site an area for inbound vehicles as follows:
Use |
Reservoir Requirement |
Automated teller machines |
50 feet/service terminal |
Drive-in banks |
150 feet/service terminal |
Drive-in restaurants (espresso, fast food) |
200 feet |
Drive-in cleaners, repair services, pharmacies, etc. |
50 feet |
Drive-in theaters |
200 feet |
Drive-up telephones |
50 feet |
Gasoline service |
75 feet between curb cut and nearest pump |
Mechanical car washes |
75 feet/washing unit |
Parking facilities: Attendant parking Free flow entry Manual ticket dispensing Ticket dispense entry |
100 feet 25 feet/entry driveway 100 feet/entry driveway 50 feet/entry driveway |
(2) The approval authority may, upon request, allow a reduction in the amount of vehicle stacking area if such a reduction is deemed appropriate after analysis of the size and location of the development, limited services available, etc.
(3) Stacking lanes must be designed so that they do not interfere with parking and vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle circulation. Stacking lanes for uses selling food must provide at least one clearly marked parking space per service window for the use of vehicles waiting for an order to be filled. (Ord. 2875 § 1.114.060, 2003)
17.80.065 Storage related to residential uses and use of recreational vehicles related to residential uses.
Boats, trailers, campers, camper bodies, travel trailers, recreation vehicles, or commercial vehicles in excess of three-fourths-ton capacity may be stored on a property in a residential zone or other property with a lawful residential use subject to the following:
(1) No such unit shall be parked in a visual clearance area of a corner lot or in the visual clearance area of a driveway which would obstruct vision from an adjacent driveway or street;
(2) No such unit, regardless of whether or not it is within a building, shall be used for any living purposes except that one camper, house trailer or recreational vehicle may be used for sleeping purposes only by friends, relatives, or visitors on land entirely owned by or leased to the host person for a period not to exceed 14 days in one calendar year; provided, that such unit shall not be connected to any utility, other than temporary electricity hookups; and provided, that the host person shall receive no compensation for such occupancy or use.
(a) This provision does not apply to lawful land uses that specially allow occupancy of a recreational vehicle, such as travel trailer parks per the Development Code or per ORS Chapter 197;
(3) Any such unit visible from a public right-of-way shall have current state license plates or registration and must be kept in mobile condition; and
(4) The property shall have a lawful principal use. (Ord. 3197 § 2 (Att. A), 2015; Ord. 2875 § 1.114.065, 2003)
17.80.066 Use of recreational vehicles related to nonresidential uses.
Except where specifically allowed by the Development Code (e.g., travel trailer parks) and per ORS Chapter 197, use of recreational vehicles for any living purposes is prohibited on property with nonresidential zoning or without a lawful residential use. Parking or storage is possible given compliance with the St. Helens Municipal Code. (Ord. 3197 § 2 (Att. A), 2015)
17.80.070 Loading/unloading driveways required on site.
A driveway designed for continuous forward flow of passenger vehicles for the purpose of loading and unloading passengers shall be located on the site of any school or other meeting place which is designed to accommodate more than 25 people at one time. (Ord. 2875 § 1.114.070, 2003)
17.80.080 Off-street loading spaces.
Buildings or structures to be built or altered which receive and distribute material or merchandise by truck shall provide and maintain off-street loading and maneuvering space as follows:
(1) Every commercial or industrial use having floor area of 10,000 square feet or more shall have at least one off-street loading space on site; and
(2) If loading dock is proposed, it must meet the standards in SHMC 17.80.090, Off-street loading dimensions. (Ord. 2875 § 1.114.080, 2003)
17.80.090 Off-street loading dimensions.
(1) Each loading berth shall be approved by the city engineer as to design and location.
(2) Each loading space shall have sufficient area for turning and maneuvering of vehicles on the site, and:
(a) At a minimum, the maneuvering length shall not be less than twice the overall length of the longest vehicle using the facility site.
(3) Entrances and exits for the loading areas shall be provided at locations approved by the city engineer in accordance with Chapter 17.84 SHMC.
(4) Screening for off-street loading facilities is required and shall be the same as screening for parking lots in accordance with Chapter 17.72 SHMC. (Ord. 2875 § 1.114.090, 2003)