Chapter 13.20


13.20.010    Creation of division.

13.20.020    Duties of director.

13.20.030    Water system.

13.20.040    Water service.

13.20.050    Rates and fees.

13.20.060    Billings and discontinuance of service.

13.20.070    Use after service is disconnected.

13.20.080    Access to premises.

13.20.090    Separation of utilities.

13.20.100    Water connections.

13.20.110    Water meters.

13.20.120    Service lateral.

13.20.130    Multiple connections.

13.20.140    Backflow prevention and cross-connection control rules and regulations.

13.20.150    Water only on connected premises.

13.20.160    Waste prohibited.

13.20.170    Fire hydrants.

13.20.180    Scarcity of water.

13.20.190    Permit for street excavations.

13.20.200    Barricades at excavations.

13.20.210    Excavation and backfill for pipelines and ground water – Gravel foundation for pipe.

13.20.220    Tunneling.

13.20.230    Water system extensions.

13.20.240    Addition of other facilities.

13.20.250    Developments within the city.

13.20.260    Applicability of water right requirements.

13.20.270    Conflicting ordinances repealed – Severability.

13.20.280    Penalty.

13.20.290    Right of entry.

13.20.300    Permit for sewer connection.

13.20.310    Permits to issue after compliance with rules/fees.

13.20.320    Payment of assessments required before issuance of permit.

13.20.330    Fees not waived by payment of assessments.

13.20.340    Inspection of sewer connections.

13.20.350    Permit for street excavations.

13.20.360    Barricades at excavations.

13.20.370    Excavation and backfill for pipelines and ground water – Gravel foundation for pipe.

13.20.380    Tunneling.

13.20.390    Repealed.

13.20.400    Standards and specifications for building sewer connections.

13.20.410    Sewer connection fee.

13.20.420    Reimbursement of sewer main line assessment charges.

13.20.430    User rate fee and charges.

13.20.440    Sewer service shall not be provided outside the corporate limits of the city without specific contracts.

13.20.450    Metering where water not supplied by city.

13.20.460    Direct connection from privy, cesspool or steam exhaust prohibited.

13.20.470    Repealed.

13.20.480    Sewer treatment plant charges for trucked-in waste.

13.20.490    Storm water, etc., prohibited in sanitary sewers.

13.20.500    Discharge of storm water, etc.

13.20.510    Water and waste prohibited in public sewers.

13.20.520    Grease, etc., interceptors may be required – Specifications.

13.20.530    Maintenance of grease, etc., treatment facilities.

13.20.540    Preliminary treatment facilities may be required – Specifications.

13.20.550    Maintenance of preliminary treatment facilities.

13.20.560    Control manhole for sampling and measurement of wastes.

13.20.570    Standards for measurements, tests and analyses.

13.20.580    Acceptance of industrial waste under special agreement.

13.20.590    Damaging or tampering with sewer structure, appurtenance, or equipment.

13.20.600    Notice to cease violations.

13.20.610    Repealed.

13.20.620    Sewer service lines.

13.20.010 Creation of division.

There is hereby created a water and wastewater division which shall be managed as provided herein. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.1); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.01)].

13.20.020 Duties of director.

The director of the water and wastewater division shall be responsible for the proper care and efficient operation of the water works system and wastewater (sewer) system. The director shall have charge of the city water tanks, water mains, fire hydrants, and all equipment and appurtenances of the water system. The director shall direct the laying of water mains, the installation of all services lines, and the regulation of the supply of water. The director shall inspect all plumbing installations, or provide for such inspection by other city personnel under the Utah Plumbing Code, and may condemn and order removed any plumbing installation or fixture which violates any provision of state law or city ordinance. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.2); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.02)].

13.20.030 Water system.

The water system constructed or otherwise acquired by the city to supply culinary water is the property of the city and shall be under the sole and exclusive control and jurisdiction of the city. The director may, and at the direction of the city council shall, make alterations and repairs to said system. The city council may also from time to time by resolution make such rules and regulations as it deems necessary for the operation and control of said system. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.3); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.03)].

13.20.040 Water service.

All connection to the city culinary water system will comply to the following conditions for water service:

A. Application for Water Service. Any person desiring, or who is required to secure, water service shall complete an application in writing on the form provided by the city. The applicant shall file an agreement with the city which shall be in substantially the following form:

The undersigned hereby applies to the Eagle Mountain City for water service at (address) and agrees to be governed by the rules, regulations, and ordinances applicable to the City water system. The undersigned further agrees to pay promptly, when due the rate fixed by the City for the use of such water service, and in the event of failure to pay for water service, the applicant agrees that the water service may be discontinued by the City.

All required fees shall be paid with the application.

B. Limit on Time for Connection. If a building is not constructed and a connection made to the city water system within one year of the date of the application for water service, the application shall be invalid and the connection fee forfeited. The city council may grant one one-year extension on the time limit for connection to the water system.

C. Water Connections Nontransferable. Water connections are dedicated to the property connected and shall not be transferred to a location different from that shown on the application for water service nor from where originally used nor may a larger water connection be subdivided into several smaller connections.

D. Temporary Service Disconnection and New Service Reconnect. When service is temporarily discontinued at the owner’s request, or when a home or business changes owners, a $25.00 service fee will be assessed when services are resumed or ownership transfers. This fee may be changed from time to time by resolution of the city council. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.4); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.04)].

13.20.050 Rates and fees.

The city council shall from time to time by resolution establish such rates and fees as it deems proper for the water service provided by the city and the uses made thereof by the users. In establishing rates, the city council may classify the type of service provided and the uses made of the water system and provide different rates for the classifications so made. All rates and fees promulgated by the city council shall be made public records, filed with the city recorder, and be available for inspection by any person during normal business hours. Each property connected to service shall be liable for the payment of all charges and each property owner accepts service on the terms required herein. Accounts for utility services shall be in the name of the property owner. [Ord. O-34-2021 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.5); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.05)].

13.20.060 Billings and discontinuance of service.

The city utility billing department shall provide a monthly statement to each account holder of water service. Said statement shall specify the amount to be paid for water service, the place of payment and the date due. If any person fails to pay the water charges by the date specified, they are subject to disconnection of utilities and collection of the delinquent amounts. The city will provide a final notice specifying a date of service discontinuance and total delinquent charges. If payment in full of the specified amount is not received before the date of service discontinuance, the city may shut off all water service to the premises involved. Additional fees or charges may be levied as specified in the consolidated fee schedule. Before water service to said premises shall again be provided, the full amount specified in the final notice must be paid in full to the city. [Ord. O-15-2023 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.6); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.06)].

13.20.070 Use after service is disconnected.

It shall be unlawful for any person, after the water has been turned off from his premises on account of nonpayment of service fees or other violation of the rules, regulations, or ordinances pertaining to the water system, to turn on the water or allow it to be turned on or used without authorization from the city treasurer and the director of the water division. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.7); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.07)].

13.20.080 Access to premises.

Free access shall at all reasonable times be allowed to the director of the water division or other authorized person to all places supplied with service from the water system to examine the apparatus, the amount of water used, and the manner of use, and to perform such duties as they may have under this chapter. It shall be unlawful to obstruct in any way the ability of authorized personnel to gain access to the premises’ water meter. It shall also be unlawful to place any material in the water meter barrel without the written approval of the director of the water division. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.8); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.08)].

13.20.090 Separation of utilities.

It shall be unlawful for any person to place any utility within 10 feet of a water system line in a public right-of-way, except for right-angle crossings, without first obtaining approval from the city council. All right-angle crossings of water system lines shall be approved by the director of the water division who shall establish the conditions and standards under which such crossings may take place. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.9); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.09)].

13.20.100 Water connections.

Upon payment of the fee for a water connection in such amount as may be established from time to time by resolution of the city council, it shall be the responsibility of the water division to make such connection or connections, but only on condition that all applicable city ordinances and rules and regulations have been complied with; provided, however, the responsibility for providing labor and materials for water connections shall be governed by such policies and regulations as may be promulgated from time to time by the water division and such policies and regulation may require the person for whom the connection is made to make such connection under such supervision and standards as the division may require or to furnish all or a portion of the labor and materials necessary to make the connection. It shall be unlawful for any person to connect any water line with the public water main unless such person has received a permit to do so and unless such connection is inspected and approved by the director of the water division or other authorized city inspector. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.10); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.10)].

13.20.110 Water meters.

All structures, dwelling units, and establishments using water from the city culinary water sys-

tem must have such number and size of water meters connected to their system as are necessary to meet the requirement of the Utah Plumbing Code. Meters will be furnished by the city at the expense of the property holder, at the city’s cost for said meter. Meter readings shall be taken at regular intervals as determined by the director of the division and shall be submitted to the city treasurer for the purpose of making necessary billings for water service. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.11); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.11)].

13.20.120 Service lateral.

A separate and independent service lateral for water service shall be provided for every building used as a dwelling except in cases of undue hardship where the city council deems it necessary to make an exception. The water user shall bear full responsibility for the upkeep and maintenance of all water system lines and fixtures beyond the water meter. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.12); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.12)].

13.20.130 Multiple connections.

From and after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, all dwelling units and premises under separate ownership shall be served by individual water meters except in cases of undue hardship or in planned unit developments when approved by the city council. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.13); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.13)].

13.20.140 Backflow prevention and cross-connection control rules and regulations.

This section enacts the cross-connection control and backflow prevention requirements applicable to the water system which is owned and operated by the city.

A. Definitions.

1. “Approved backflow assembly” means a backflow assembly accepted by the Utah State Drinking Water Division as meeting an applicable specification or as suitable for the proposed use.

2. “Auxiliary water supply” means any water supply on or available to the premises other than the city’s public water supply. These auxiliary waters may include water from another public potable water supply or any natural source, such as a well, spring, river, stream, harbor, irrigation water, “used water” storage tanks or reservoirs which may or may not originate within the city. These waters may be contaminated or polluted or they may be objectionable and constitute an unacceptable water source over which the city does not have authority for sanitary control.

3. “Backflow” means the reversal of the normal flow of water caused by either back-pressure or back-siphonage.

4. “Backflow prevention assembly” means an assembly or means designed to prevent backflow. Specifications for backflow prevention assemblies are contained within the Utah Plumbing Code, Chapter 10 (Appendix J), and the Cross-Connection Control Program of Utah. All backflow prevention assemblies must be approved by the Utah State Drinking Water Division prior to installation. A listing of these approved backflow prevention assemblies may be found in the Cross-Connection Control Program for Utah.

5. “Back-pressure” means the flow of water or other liquids, mixtures, or substances under pressure into the distribution pipes of a potable water supply system from any source or sources other than the intended source.

6. “Back-siphonage” means the flow of water or other liquids, mixtures, or substances into the distribution pipes of a potable water supply system from any source other than the intended source, caused by the reduction of pressure in the potable water supply system.

7. “City” means Eagle Mountain City.

8. “Contamination” means an impairment of the quality of the potable water supply by sewage, industrial fluids or waste liquids, irrigation or other nonpotable water, compounds or other materials to a degree which creates an actual or potential hazard to the public health through poisoning or through the spread of disease.

9. “Cross-connection” means any physical connection or arrangement of piping or fixtures between two otherwise separate piping systems, one of which contains potable water and the other water from a non-city source or nonpotable water or storage tanks or reservoirs of questionable safety, through which, or because of which, backflow may occur into the potable water system, including any temporary connections, such as swing connections, removable sections, four-way plug valves, spools, dummy sections of pipe, swivel or change-over devices or sliding multiport tubes.

10. “Cross-connection – containment” means the installation of an approved backflow assembly at the water service connection to any user’s premises where it is physically and economically infeasible to find and permanently eliminate or control all actual or potential cross-connections within the user’s water system, or the installation of an approved backflow prevention assembly on the service line leading to and supplying a portion of a user’s water system where there are actual or potential cross-connections which cannot be effectively eliminated or controlled at the point of the cross-connection (isolation).

11. “Cross-connection – controlled” means a connection between a potable water system and water from a non-city source or a nonpotable water system with an approved backflow prevention assembly properly installed and maintained so that it will continuously afford the protection commensurate with the degree of hazard.

12. “Division director” or “director” is vested with the authority and responsibility for the implementation of the city’s cross-connection control program.

13. “User” means a dwelling or other service connected to the city water system regardless of the location within or outside the boundary of the city.

B.    1. An approved backflow prevention assembly shall be installed on each service line to a user’s water system, at or near the property line, or immediately inside the building being served, but in all cases before the first branch line leading off the service line, whenever the city determines that such is necessary for protection of the water supply or in the best interest of the users of the city’s water supply system.

2. The type of protective assembly required under this subsection B shall depend upon the degree of hazard which exists at the point of cross-connection, i.e., whether direct or indirect, as defined in the Utah Plumbing Code.

3. All presently installed backflow prevention assemblies which do not meet the requirement of this section but were approved assemblies for the purposes described herein at the time of installation and which have been properly maintained shall, except for the inspection and maintenance requirements listed in subsection F of this section, be excluded from the requirements of these rules so long as the city believes that they will satisfactorily protect the public water system. Whenever the existing assembly is moved from the present location or requires more than minimum maintenance or when the city finds that the maintenance of this assembly constitutes a hazard to health, the unit shall be replaced by the user with an approved backflow prevention assembly meeting the requirements of this chapter.

4. No water service connection to any premises shall be installed by any user of the city’s potable water system or maintained by the user unless the water supply is protected as required by state laws, regulations and codes, and the provisions of this chapter. Service of water to any premises shall be discontinued by the user if a backflow prevention assembly required for control of backflow and cross-connections is not installed, tested and maintained, or if it is found that a backflow prevention assembly has been removed or bypassed, or if an unprotected cross-connection exists on the premises. Service will not be resumed by any user until such conditions or defects are corrected, and the city shall not furnish potable water to the premises of any user known by the city to be lacking suitable backflow prevention assemblies.

5. The user’s system shall be open for inspection at all reasonable times to authorized representatives of the city to determine whether cross-connections or other structural or sanitary hazards, including violation of this chapter, exist. When such a condition becomes known, the city shall deny or immediately discontinue service to the premises by providing a physical break in the service line until the customer has corrected the condition in conformance with the state statutes and city regulations.

C. If, in the judgment of the director, an approved backflow prevention assembly is required at the user’s private water system for the protection of the public potable water distribution system from contamination or pollution due to the backflow or contaminants through water service connections, the city or its designated agent shall give notice in writing to such user to install an approved backflow prevention assembly at a specific location or locations on his/her premises. Within 10 days after receipt of written notice, the user shall install such approved assembly at the user’s own expense, and failure, refusal or inability on the part of the user to install, have tested, and/or maintain said assembly shall constitute grounds for discontinuing water service to the premises until such requirements are met.

D. The building official shall have the responsibility to review building plans and inspect plumbing as it is installed and to prevent cross-connections from being designed and built into structures which will connect to the water system. Where the review of building plans suggests or indicates potential for a cross-connection being made an integral part of the plumbing system, the building inspector shall require such cross-connections to either be eliminated or provided with an approved backflow prevention assembly in accordance with the plumbing code.

E. When employed by the user or the city to test, repair, overhaul and/or maintain backflow prevention assemblies, a backflow assembly technician shall have the responsibility and obligation:

1. To ensure that acceptable testing equipment and procedures are used for testing, repairing, or overhauling backflow prevention assemblies.

2. To make reports of such testing and/or repair to the user and the city, such reports to include the list of materials or replacement parts used.

3. To ensure that replacement parts are equal in quality to parts originally supplied by the manufacturer of the assembly being repaired.

4. To not change the design, material, or operational characteristics of the assembly during repair or maintenance.

5. To perform the work and be responsible for the competence and accuracy of all tests and reports.

6. To ensure that his license is current, and that the testing equipment being used is acceptable to the state of Utah and the city and is in proper operating condition.

7. To report a failing assembly to the city within five working days from the date the failure was detected. Failure to do so may be grounds for revocation of the technician’s certification.

8. To be equipped with and be competent in the use of all necessary tools, gauges, and other equipment necessary to properly test, repair, and maintain backflow prevention assemblies.

9. To tag each double check valve, pressure vacuum breaker, reduced pressure backflow assembly and air gaps, showing the serial number, date tested and by whom. The technician’s license number must also be on such tag.

10. In the case of a user requiring a commercially available technician, any certified technician is authorized to make the test and report the results of the same to the user and the city. If such a commercially tested assembly is in need of repair, the same shall be performed by a plumber licensed pursuant to Utah statutes.

F.    1. It is the duty and responsibility of the user at any premises where backflow prevention assemblies are installed to have certified inspections and operational tests made at least once per year at the user’s expense. In those instances where the city deems the hazard to be great, it may require certified inspections and tests at more frequent intervals. All inspections and tests shall be performed by a certified backflow assembly technician, licensed through the state of Utah, and shall be made in accordance with the standards set forth by the Utah State Drinking Water Division.

2. Backflow prevention assemblies shall be installed in water supply lines to provide at least the degree of protection provided in the Utah Plumbing Code, Chapter 10 (Appendix J). All backflow prevention assemblies shall be exposed for easy observation and be readily accessible.

3. All backflow prevention assemblies installed in a potable water supply system for protection against backflow shall be maintained in good working condition by the user or other person or persons having control of such assemblies. The Utah State Drinking Water Division and the city may inspect such assemblies, and if found to be defective or inoperative, shall require the replacement thereof. No assembly shall be removed from use, relocated, or another assembly substituted without the approval of the city.

4. Each user shall cause all backflow prevention assemblies to be tested within 10 working days of installation.

5. No backflow prevention assembly shall be installed so as to create a safety hazard, i.e., installed over an electrical panel, steam pipes, boilers, pits, or above ceiling level.

G.    1. The city shall discontinue service to any user in violation of the regulations set forth herein.

2. If the city has reason to believe that an imminent danger to the public health, safety or welfare exists because of a violation of the regulations herein, the director shall disconnect service to the user in violation without notice.

3. If the public health, safety or welfare is not in imminent danger because of a violation of the rules, the director shall provide written notice of violation to each user in violation of the regulations herein and provide that service will be terminated 10 days from the date of the notice unless the user complies with the terms of the regulations herein.

4. If a user believes that the notice of violation is issued in error or that the user is in compliance with the regulations, the user may appeal the notice of violation by filing a notice of appeal with the city within 10 days of receipt of the notice.

5. The city council or its designated hearing appeal officer shall hear all appeals filed under the provision of subsection (G)(4) of this section within 30 days of receipt of the notice of appeal and render a decision within 10 days of the close of such hearing. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.14); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.14)].

13.20.150 Water only on connected premises.

It shall be unlawful for any water user to permit any person from other premises, or unauthorized persons, to use or obtain water regularly from his premises or water fixtures, either outside or inside his building. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.15); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.15)].

13.20.160 Waste prohibited.

It shall be unlawful for any water user to waste water, or allow it to be wasted, by imperfect stops, taps, valves, leaky joints or pipes, or allow tanks or water troughs to leak or overflow or to wastefully run water from hydrants, faucets, or stops or through basins, water closets, urinals, sinks, or apparatus or to use water in violation of the rules, regulations, or ordinances for controlling the city water system. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.16); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.16)].

13.20.170 Fire hydrants.

All public fire hydrants shall be under the control of and shall be kept in good repair by the water division as required by the city fire department. No other person shall open or operate any fire hydrant or attempt to draw water therefrom without a permit from the water division director. All water drawn from a fire hydrant for other than fire protection and city uses shall be sold at the established rate. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.17); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.17].

13.20.180 Scarcity of water.

In times of scarcity of water, whenever it shall in the judgment of the mayor and city council to be necessary, the mayor shall by proclamation limit the use of water for other than domestic purpose to such extent as may be necessary for the public good. It shall be unlawful for any person by himself, family, servants, or agents to violate any proclamation made by the mayor in pursuance of this section. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.18); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.18)].

13.20.190 Permit for street excavations.

It shall be unlawful for any person to start any excavation in any public street before first obtaining a written permit from city office and posting proper bond. Caution must be taken to prevent the destruction or disturbance of any gutter, drain, gas, water, or other pipe or conduit or the injury or destruction of property of any kind. The Blue Stake Center must be called and utilities marked, as well as city utilities.

The city regulates opening of streets. All cuts and openings in city streets shall be backfilled with suitable material compacted to a minimum of 96 percent of the maximum dry density in not more than eight-inch lifts. The asphalt shall be sawcut along the trench line and the new asphalt shall be placed a minimum of four inches thick in two lifts. Prior to placing asphalt, the edge shall be covered with a tackifier coat. Asphalt specifications shall be as directed by the city engineer. During cold or inclement weather, the asphalt cut and placement may be prohibited but in no case shall asphalt be placed when the current temperature is less than 50 degrees Fahrenheit or expected to be less than that during the 72 hours following placement. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.19); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.19)].

13.20.200 Barricades at excavations.

It shall be unlawful for any person to fail or neglect to maintain proper and sufficient barricades and signals at or near every excavation mentioned in this title so as to give warning of a protection against accident. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.20); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.20)].

13.20.210 Excavation and backfill for pipelines and ground water – Gravel foundation for pipe.

A. Ground Water. Trenches shall be kept free from water during excavation, fine grading, pipe laying, jointing and embedment operations. Where the trench bottom is mucky or otherwise unstable due to ground water, and in cases where the static ground water elevation is above the bottom of any trench or bell hole excavation, such ground water shall be lowered to the extent necessary to keep the trench free from water and the trench bottom stable when the work within the trench is in progress. Surface water shall be prevented from entering trenches.

B. Excavation for Pipelines. Excavation shall be made to the lines and grades shown on the plans and to include clearance for forms, bracing and supports. All suitable excavated material shall be used in backfilling, preparing subgrades or filling depressions as directed. Unsuitable material shall be disposed of in an approved manner. Typical trench cross-sections shall be shown on the plans. Pipeline trenches shall not be excavated further in advance of pipe laying than that distance of pipe which can be placed in one day. No trench containing pipe shall be left open for more than two laying lengths of pipe or more than 40 feet, whichever is less, during times when workmen are not present. An unattended open trench shall be provided with an exit ramp so that animals or children will not be trapped in the trench.

If the natural foundation material is distributed or loosened during excavation, it shall be compacted or otherwise prepared as directed by the engineer. No extra compensations shall be allowed the contractor for such work.

When unsuitable material or rocks larger than 12 inches are encountered, additional excavation shall be made to at least six inches below the grade line. Suitable material shall be emplaced and compacted as required by the city engineer.

C. Gravel Foundation for Pipe. In areas where the trench foundation does not afford a sufficiently solid foundation to support the pipe at the correct alignment and grade, the foundation shall be excavated and replaced with crushed rock or gravel of one-inch maximum size. The gravel shall be deposited over the entire trench width in six-inch maximum layers. Each layer shall be compacted by an approved method. In addition, the material shall be brought to grade, to produce a uniform and continuous support for the pipe.

D. Backfilling. Pipe shall be backfilled per the manufacturer’s recommendations so as to protect the pipe from damage. Unless otherwise recommended, select backfill material containing no rocks larger than two inches shall be placed around pipe, to a depth of at least six inches over the top of the pipe. After being protected by select backfill material, pipelines may be backfilled with the suitable material by approved means which will not damage or displace the pipe.

Trenches shall be filled to or above the existing grade, or to the grade shown on the plans. Backfill shall be compacted in areas such as driveways, road and highway crossings, sidewalks, and other areas where settlement of the material cannot be tolerated. Compaction shall be achieved by mechanical tamping of eight-inch horizontal lifts. Water consolidation shall not be substituted for mechanical compaction unless the engineer determines that the pipe may be damaged or displaced by mechanical compacting. In that case, water compacting may be used in the lower half of the backfill. Compaction of backfill, when required, shall be to at least 95 percent of maximum density per ASTM D698 or AASHTO T99. In areas where compaction is not required, the trench backfill shall be consolidated by flooding, jetting, wheel rolling, or other approved means to lessen subsequent backfill settlement.

The contractor shall be responsible for satisfactory repair of all facilities damaged by settlement of trenches, and for damage to roads and highways, structures, pole lines, etc., caused by settlement. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.21); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.21)].

13.20.220 Tunneling.

Jacking or wet boring methods of tunneling are generally preferred over excavation, and are generally required for installing water lines and some other utilities under Utah state highways. Tunneling will be required in cases of installation under and not parallel to paved surfaces, except where not feasible because of soil, work conditions, other utilities, substructure or other conditions. Jetting with water or compressed air shall be used only where authorized by the engineer.

Utah Department of Transportation requirements shall be complied with when tunneling or excavating within a state highway right-of-way. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.22); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.22)].

13.20.230 Water system extensions.

All extensions to the existing water system which are not covered by regulations in the approval of subdivisions and large-scale developments shall comply with the provisions of this section.

A. Any person desiring to extend the water system may make application to the city council. Such application shall be considered by the city council on a case-by-case basis and the council shall approve such applications if (1) the proposed extension is to be constructed consistent with the city’s extension standards, (2) there is adequate reserve water available to supply said need, and (3) the existing distribution system is adequate to supply the needed water to the point of beginning of the extension.

B. The application shall contain a description of the proposed extension accompanied by a map showing the location thereof. Detailed engineering drawings showing the location and size of all lines, mains, service laterals, appurtenant facilities, anticipated water pressures and fire flows shall be included. The application shall also include an extension agreement signed by the applicant in a form approved by the city council by which the applicant agrees to construct the facilities, both on-site and off-site, and accepts the conditions agreeing to reimbursement as outlined in subsection F of this section.

C. Before any such application is approved, the city council shall refer it to the water division director for his review and comment. The application may also be referred to the planning commission and the city engineer for similar review and recommendation.

D. The design, location, materials and methods and standards of construction of water line extension shall be in accordance with city standards and specifications as approved by the city council.

E. The city council may require the construction of oversized and off-site facilities as a condition of the approval of any application governed by this section.

F. Upon completion of an extension, the applicant’s share of the actual cost of making such extension shall be determined by the city engineer from as-built drawings to be provided by the applicant. Whenever an extension of a water main benefits property which is adjacent to the extension or extended from the end of an existing extension, other than that which is owned by the applicant, the city will enter a deferred credit on its books and records in the amount of the actual prorated cost of extension across the front of said benefited property and shall reimburse the applicant, his assignees or successors, upon collection by the city of charges assessed against such benefited property as service connections are made. All such reimbursements shall extend for a period determined by the city council from the date of the completion of the extension and acceptance by the city, or until the initial prorated cost of the extension along the frontage not owned by the applicant shall have been refunded.

A water main extension charge for each and every subsequent service connection to an extension under the provisions of this section shall be paid before such service connection is made, except for frontage owned by the applicant at the time of the application. The water main extension charge is separate and is in addition to any service connection charge required by the city.

The amount of an extension charge to benefited property shall be determined by the city council. All necessary fire hydrants and appurtenances that are provided in making the extension shall be included in determining reimbursement.

All extension charges levied for purposes of reimbursement shall be determined using the costs for installing water mains of eight inches in diameter. Where the city requires that the extension be made using larger lines, the difference between the cost of installing an eight-inch water line and the size required by the city shall not be subject to reimbursement by the property owners which are served by said extension. All cost for the line size over eight inches shall be borne by the city upon approval of the city council. All main water line extensions become the property of the city upon acceptance by the city. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.23); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.23)].

13.20.240 Addition of other facilities.

The addition of culinary water storage facilities, pumps, water sources, or other major appurtenance shall comply with the provisions of this section.

A. Any person desiring to construct a water storage facility, pump, water source or other major appurtenance to the city’s water system may make application to the city council. Such application shall be considered by the city council on a case-by-case basis and the council shall approve such applications if (1) the proposed addition is to be constructed consistent with city standards, (2) there is adequate reserve water available to supply said need or a new source is provided, and (3) the existing distribution system is adequate to supply said water to the point of new facilities.

B. The application shall contain a description of the proposed water storage facility, pump, water source or other major appurtenance accompanied by a map showing the location thereof. Detailed engineering drawings showing the location and size of the water storage facility, pump, water source or other major appurtenance and connections of these improvements to the existing city water facilities and area to be served shall be included. The application shall also include a major water system agreement signed by the applicant in a form approved by the city council by which the applicant agrees to construct the water storage facility, pump, water source or other major appurtenance and any on-site or off-site connecting water lines, and accepts the conditions agreeing to reimbursement as outlined in subsection F of this section.

C. Before any such application is approved, the city council shall refer it to the water division director for his review and comment. The application may also be referred to the planning commission and the city engineer for similar review and recommendation.

D. The design, location, materials and methods and standards of construction of water storage facilities, pumps, water sources or other major appurtenances shall be in accordance with city standards and specifications as approved by the city council.

E. The city council may require the construction of oversized water storage facilities, pumps, water sources or other major appurtenances as a condition of the approval of any application governed by this section.

F. Upon completion of a water storage facility, pump, water source or other major water appurtenance the applicant’s share of the actual cost of construction shall be determined by the city engineer from as-built drawings to be provided by the applicant. Whenever the construction of a water storage facility, pump, water source or other major appurtenance benefits property which has been identified by the city prior to its construction, other than that which is owned by the applicant, the city will enter a deferred credit on its books and records in the amount of the actual prorated cost of construction of the water storage facility, pump, water source or other major appurtenance on an acreage basis for said benefited property and shall reimburse the applicant, his assignees or successors, upon collection by the city of charges assessed against such benefited property as service connections are made. All such reimbursements shall extend for a period to be determined by the city council from the date of the completion of the construction and acceptance by the city, or until the initial prorated cost for the construction of the water storage facility, pump, water source, or other major appurtenance benefiting identified acreage not owned by the applicant shall have been refunded.

A major water system improvement charge for each and every subsequent service connection in the area identified as receiving water storage facilities, pumps, water sources or other appurtenances benefiting from this construction under the provisions of this section shall be paid before such service connection is made, except for acreage owned by the applicant at the time of the application. The major water system improvement charge is separate and is in addition to any service connection charge required by the city.

All major water system improvement charges levied for purposes of reimbursement shall be determined by the city council. At the option of the city, the water storage facilities, pumps, water sources and/or other major appurtenances shall become the property of the city. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.24); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.24)].

13.20.250 Developments within the city.

The city does not have sufficient water rights to supply the needs of new connections within the city limits and, therefore, those who apply for new connections to the city water system will be required to convey to the city municipal use water rights sufficient to accommodate the needs of the new connections.

A. Amount of Water Required. All persons desiring to connect to the city’s water system within the city limits shall convey to the city title to water rights capable of use in the city water system in the amounts set forth in Table 16.35.130(a), Residential Water Right Requirements. All rights shall be approved for municipal use without conditions of approval for municipal use which are beyond the normal control of the city, and shall be conveyed in accordance with this section.

B. Additional Requirements. In addition to furnishing water rights, the developer/owner may be required to pay all costs required to construct the needed facilities to supply, store and distribute the water to the developer’s project. Items of construction may include, but not be limited to, wells, storage reservoirs, spring development, pumps, pressure regulating stations, distribution lines, etc.

C. Time of Conveyance. The conveyance of title to required water rights shall be prior to recordation of a subdivision plat or record of survey approval by the city council of the site plan for single-owner multifamily projects, or for the development approval of nonresidential properties, at any time prior to the issuance of a building permit for the proposed nonresidential use. [Ord. O-60-2024 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. O-08-2004 § 1; Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.25); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.25)].

13.20.260 Applicability of water right requirements.

Water right requirements of EMMC 13.20.250 shall apply to all nonresidential properties which have not transferred water rights to the city for nonresidential development and where no building permit has been issued as of the date of the enactment of the ordinance codified in this section and shall apply to all residential developments which receive preliminary plat approval from the planning commission of Eagle Mountain City after April 1, 2004.

All residential developments receiving preliminary plat approval from the planning commission of Eagle Mountain City prior to April 1, 2004, shall be required to transfer water rights to the city as provided by EMMC 13.20.250 and this section in effect at the date of preliminary approval of the subdivision plat, record of survey, or site plan for single-owner multifamily projects. [Ord. O-08-

2004 § 1; Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.26); Ord. 00-05 § 1; Ord. 99-03 § 1].

13.20.270 Conflicting ordinances repealed – Severability.

All ordinances, regulations, resolutions, and parts thereof which are in conflict with the provisions of this chapter, to the extent of such conflict, are hereby repealed. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this chapter is for any reason held to be invalid, such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this chapter. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.27); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.27)].

13.20.280 Penalty.

Any person or entity violating any of the rules, regulations, or ordinances controlling the water system shall forfeit all payments made and the right to the use of said service, and service to the premises of such user shall be discontinued. In addition to the foregoing penalty, any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.28); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.28)].

13.20.290 Right of entry.

A. Whenever necessary to make an inspection to enforce any of the provisions of this chapter or whenever the director or his authorized representative has reasonable cause to believe that there exists in any building or upon any premises any condition which makes such building or premises unsafe as defined in the State Uniform Plumbing Code, the director or his authorized representative may enter such building or premises at all reasonable times to inspect the same or to perform any duty imposed upon the director by the uniform code; provided, that if such building or premises be occupied, the director shall first make a reasonable effort to locate the owner or other persons having charge or control of the building or premises and demand entry. If such entry is refused the director or his authorized representative shall have recourse to every remedy provided by law to secure entry.

B. No owner or occupant or any other person having charge, care or control of any building or premises shall fail or neglect after proper demand is made as herein provided to properly permit entry therein by the director or his authorized representative for the purpose of inspection and examination pursuant to this chapter. Any person violating this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

C. Violation and Penalties. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to violate any provision of this chapter. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.30); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.30)].

13.20.300 Permit for sewer connection.

Permits for sewer service connection shall be issued after review and approval of all required construction specifications and plans, the prepayment of all inspection fees and upon payment of the required connection fees at the time of application for a building permit. An approved connection to the sewer system shall be required prior to issuing a certificate of occupancy, except in cases where the city permits septic systems. Where septic systems are permitted by the city, all applicable state and county permits and approvals for the septic system shall be required prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. All other applications for a permit for a sewer connection must be made in writing to the city recorder by the owner of the premises or his authorized agent, and must be accompanied by a plan showing the cause of the connection, its size and location. The application and plan, together with hookup fee, shall be deposited with the city recorder. If the plan in all things shall conform to the ordinances of the city, then the application shall be granted, subject to the provisions of this title. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.31); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.31)].

13.20.310 Permits to issue after compliance with rules/fees.

Permits to make connections with sewer will be issued only when the plumbing in the house or building to be connected is in accordance with the regulations and provisions of the Utah Plumbing Code. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.32); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.32)].

13.20.320 Payment of assessments required before issuance of permit.

If the property to be drained by the proposed private drain has ever been assessed for the construction of said drain or its connections with any public sewer, no permit shall be issued until all assessments due have been paid.

When the special assessment for sewer improvement for the property proposed to be connected has not been paid by the abutter, but was paid by the city, no permit for a sewer connection shall be issued until the city has been reimbursed. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.33); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.33)].

13.20.330 Fees not waived by payment of assessments.

The payment of any of the above assessments does not in any way relieve the owner from the payment of other fees mentioned in this code. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.34); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.34)].

13.20.340 Inspection of sewer connections.

Inspection of the sewer connection, or connection to any sewage disposal unit, shall be inspected by the city and the city inspector shall be notified at least 48 hours in advance by the plumber that the connection is complete and ready for inspection. The entire length of the sewer shall be fully exposed. No backfilling shall be done until the inspection is made and work accepted. If any portion of the work is not done in accordance with this title and the instructions of the plumbing inspector, it shall be rectified promptly. [Amended during 2008 codification; Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.35); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.35)].

13.20.350 Permit for street excavations.

It shall be unlawful for any person to start any excavation in any public street before first obtaining a written permit from city office and posting proper bond. Caution must be taken to prevent the destruction or disturbance of any gutter, drain, gas, water, or other pipe or conduit or the injury or destruction of property of any kind. The Blue Stake Center must be called and utilities marked, as well as city utilities.

The city regulates the opening of streets. All cuts and openings in city streets shall be backfilled with suitable material compacted to a minimum of 96 percent of the maximum dry density in not more than eight-inch lifts. The asphalt shall be sawcut along the trench line and the new asphalt shall be placed a minimum of four inches thick in two lifts. Prior to placing asphalt, the edge shall be covered with a tackifier coat. Asphalt specifications shall be as directed by the city engineer. During cold or inclement weather, the asphalt cut and placement may be prohibited but in no case shall asphalt be placed when the current temperature is less than 50 degrees Fahrenheit or expected to be less than that during the 72 hours following placement. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.36); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.36)].

13.20.360 Barricades at excavations.

It shall be unlawful for any person to fail or neglect to maintain proper and sufficient barricades and signals at or near every excavation mentioned in this title so as to give warning of a protection against accident. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.37); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.37)].

13.20.370 Excavation and backfill for pipelines and ground water – Gravel foundation for pipe.

A. Ground Water. Trenches shall be kept free from water during excavation, fine grading, pipe laying, jointing and embedment operations. Where the trench bottom is mucky or otherwise unstable due to ground water, and in cases where the static ground water elevation is above the bottom of any trench or bell hole excavation, such ground water shall be lowered to the extent necessary to keep the trench free from water and the trench bottom stable when the work within the trench is in progress. Surface water shall be prevented from entering trenches.

B. Excavation for Pipelines. Excavation shall be made to the lines and grades shown on the plans and to include clearance for forms, bracing and supports. All suitable excavated material shall be used in backfilling, preparing subgrades or filling depressions as directed. Unsuitable material shall be disposed of in an approved manner. Typical trench cross-sections shall be shown on the plans. Pipeline trenches shall not be excavated further in advance of pipe laying than that distance of pipe which can be placed in one day. No trench containing pipe shall be left open for more than two laying lengths of pipe or more than 40 feet, whichever is less, during times when workmen are not present. An unattended open trench shall be provided with an exit ramp so that animals or children will not be trapped in the trench.

If the natural foundation material is distributed or loosened during excavation, it shall be compacted or otherwise prepared as directed by the engineer. No extra compensations shall be allowed the contractor for such work.

When unsuitable material or rocks larger than 12 inches are encountered, additional excavation shall be made to at least six inches below the grade line. Suitable material shall be emplaced and compacted as required by the Eagle Mountain city engineer.

C. Gravel Foundation for Pipe. In areas where the trench foundation does not afford a sufficiently solid foundation to support the pipe at the correct alignment and grade, the foundation shall be excavated and replaced with crushed rock or gravel of one-inch maximum size. The gravel shall be deposited over the entire trench width in six-inch maximum layers. Each layer shall be compacted by an approved method. In addition, the material shall be brought to grade to produce a uniform and continuous support for the pipe.

D. Backfilling. Pipe shall be backfilled per the manufacturer’s recommendations so as to protect the pipe from damage. Unless otherwise recommended, select backfill material containing no rocks larger than two inches shall be placed around pipe, to a depth of at least six inches over the top of the pipe. After being protected by select backfill material, pipelines may be backfilled with the suitable material by approved means which will not damage or displace the pipe.

Trenches shall be filled to or above the existing grade, or to the grade shown on the plans. Backfill shall be compacted in areas such as driveways, road and highway crossings, sidewalks, and other areas where settlement of the material cannot be tolerated. Compaction shall be achieved by mechanical tamping of eight-inch horizontal lifts. Water consolidation shall not be substituted for mechanical compaction unless the engineer determines that the pipe may be damaged or displaced by mechanical compacting. In that case, water compacting may be used in the lower half of the backfill. Compaction of backfill, when required, shall be to at least 95 percent of maximum density per ASTM D698 or AASHTO T99. In areas where compaction is not required, the trench backfill shall be consolidated by flooding, jetting, wheel rolling, or other approved means to lessen subsequent backfill settlement.

The contractor shall be responsible for settlement of trenches, and for damage to roads and highways, structures, pole lines, etc., caused by settlement. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.38); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.38)].

13.20.380 Tunneling.

Jacking or wet boring methods of tunneling are generally preferred over excavation, and are generally required for installing water lines and some other utilities under Utah state highways. Tunneling will be required in cases of installation under and not parallel to paved surfaces, except where not feasible because of soil, work conditions, other utilities, substructure or other conditions. Jetting with water or compressed air shall be used only where authorized by the engineer.

Utah Department of Transportation requirements shall be complied with when tunneling or excavating within a state highway right-of-way. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.39); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.39)].

13.20.390 Privies, cesspools and septic tanks prohibited within city boundaries.

Repealed by Ord. O-25-2018. [Ord. O-07-2015 § 2 (Exh. A); Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.40); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.40)].

13.20.400 Standards and specifications for building sewer connections.

A building sewer or sewer connection shall be deemed that part of the piping extending from the building drain to its connection with the main sewer.

It shall be unlawful for any person to construct or attach any private drain with the public sewers of the city, except under full compliance with the provisions of this chapter.

All sewer connections or building sewers shall be not less than four inches nor more than six inches in diameter.

A. Polyvinyl Chloride Sewer Pipe. PVC sewer pipe and fittings shall be of type and source approved by the Utah Plumbing Code. Approved pipe presently includes ASTM 3033 (SDR 41) and ASTM 3034 (SDR 34). Pipe shall be schedule 40. Joints shall be bell and spigot, ASTM 3040 (SDR 34), four inches for service connections.

PVC sewer pipe and fitting shall not be used in any reach of pipe that will carry acid or corrosive wastes, unless such pipe is of a type approved by the Utah Plumbing Code for such application.

B. Concrete Sewer Pipe. Due to the tendency of concrete to be attacked by chemical combinations produced by wastewater, concrete sewer pipe will normally not be approved for use in sewers where the pipe is installed to minimum grade.

If concrete sewer pipe is approved for use, it shall conform to ASTM C14, Class 3, for diameters 18 inches or less. Reinforced concrete sewer pipe and fittings shall conform to ASTM C76, Class 2, for diameters 21 inches or larger, as well as for smaller diameters where required by the engineer. Joints shall be of the bell and spigot rubber gasket design conforming to ASTM C443.

C. Other Pipe Materials. Pipe and fitting constructed of materials other than those specified above may be used if approved by the engineer and the Utah Plumbing Code. Any such pipe shall comply with the applicable ASTM designation.

D. Manholes. Precast concrete manhole sections shall conform to ASTM C478 for eccentric cone and to ASTM C76 for cylindrical sections. Concrete bases for manholes shall be cast in place or precast conforming to Section 9.050 of the Eagle Mountain City Construction Standards and Specifications. Other manhole materials, such as preformed fiberglass, may be approved by the engineer. Concrete stabilization rings shall be Class A concrete.

Manholes shall conform to all requirements of the state of Utah and the city.

E. Service Connections. Service lines shall be constructed of substantial materials approved by the Utah Plumbing Code for the particular application. Minimum pipe size shall be four-inch diameter. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.41); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.41)].

13.20.410 Sewer connection fee.

The schedule of charges to be imposed for sewer connections shall be set by the city council from time to time by resolution. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.42); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.42)].

13.20.420 Reimbursement of sewer main line assessment charges.

When a main line or trunk line has been installed at the expense of some third party other than the owner of adjacent property to the street or easement in which a main or trunk line has been extended, is connected to by the adjacent property developer and an assessment is made against the property benefited by the main line, the third party who advanced the cost of installing the main or trunk line shall be entitled to reimbursement for that portion of the expense incurred by him which is actual cost of extension with a maximum reimbursement not to exceed the actual cost incurred by the developer in making the main line extension go past the property of the developer who subsequently connects on the main or trunk line. Extension reimbursements shall not be paid after the expiration of 10 years from the original date of installation of the main or trunk line.

Third party other than owner of adjacent property to the street or easement in which a main or trunk line has been extended shall file a report of actual cost of such main line extension with the city. The report shall be the basis for assessment made against the property benefited by main line extension.

Before any sewer connection request by adjacent property is approved, such assessment made against the property shall be paid to the city. Such payment shall be made to the party entitled to such payment by the city. A fee in the amount established by the city will be collected by the city for the administration of the fund transfer.

In no event shall the right of reimbursement exceed the amount of actual cost of extension. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.43); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.43)].

13.20.430 User rate fee and charges.

From time to time, as deemed necessary by the city council, rates and connection fees can or will be amended by city council resolution. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.44); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.44)].

13.20.440 Sewer service shall not be provided outside the corporate limits of the city without specific contracts.

The rates to be charged such concerns shall be negotiated on an individual basis and covered by a written contract between the industrial user and the city. Existing contracts with such concerns shall continue in force until such time as they may be renegotiated. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.45); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.45)].

13.20.450 Metering where water not supplied by city.

Any person or firm using water which is not furnished to them from the city water system and which water is discharged by the said person or firm into the city sewer system may, at their own expense, and under the supervision of the city, install a meter either on the water supply or in the sewer line and shall be charged for service. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.46); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.46)].

13.20.460 Direct connection from privy, cesspool or steam exhaust prohibited.

No privy, vault, cesspool, exhaust from steam engine or blowoff from a steam boiler shall be connected directly with a sewer. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.47); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.47)].

13.20.470 Discharging waste from cesspools and septic tanks at sewage treatment plant.

Repealed by Ord. O-25-2018. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.48); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.48)].

13.20.480 Sewer treatment plant charges for trucked-in waste.

Trucked-in waste shall not be permitted in the city sewage system without a written permit first obtained from the director. Charges for trucking in sewage shall be as established by the city council.

No recreational vehicle sewerage dumping shall be allowed except at the wastewater treatment plant. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.49); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.49)].

13.20.490 Storm water, etc., prohibited in sanitary sewers.

No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any storm water, surface water, ground water, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, cooling water, or unpolluted industrial process waters to any sanitary sewer. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.50); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.50)].

13.20.500 Discharge of storm water, etc.

Storm water and all other unpolluted drainage shall be discharged to such sewers as are specifically designated as combined sewers or storm sewers, or to a natural outlet approved by the director. Industrial cooling water or unpolluted process waters may be discharged, on approval of the director, to a storm sewer, combined sewer or natural outlet. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.51); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.51)].

13.20.510 Water and waste prohibited in public sewers.

Except as hereinafter provided, no person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any of the following described waters or wastes to any public sewer:

A. Any liquid or vapor having a temperature higher than 150 degrees Fahrenheit.

B. Any water or waste which may contain more than 20 parts per million, by weight, of fat, oil, or grease.

C. Any gasoline, benzene, naptha, fuel oil, or other flammable or explosive liquid, solid, or gas.

D. Any garbage.

E. Any ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, feathers, tar, plastic, wood, paunch manure, or any other solid or viscous substances capable of causing obstruction to the flow in sewers or other interference with the proper operation of the sewage works.

F. Any waters or wastes having a pH lower than six or higher than eight and five-tenths, or having any other corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazard to structures, equipment, and personnel of the sewage works.

G. Any waters or waste containing a toxic or poisonous substance in sufficient quantity to injure or interfere with any sewage treatment process, constitute a hazard to humans or animals, or create any hazard in the receiving waters of the sewage treatment plant.

H. Any waters or wastes containing suspended solids of such character and quantity that unusual attention or expense is required to handle such materials at the sewage treatment plant.

I. Any noxious or malodorous gas or substances capable of creating a public nuisance. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.52); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.52)].

13.20.520 Grease, etc., interceptors may be required – Specifications.

Grease, oil, and sand treatment facilities shall be provided when, in the opinion of the director, they are necessary for the proper disposal of liquid wastes containing grease in excessive amounts, or any flammable wastes, sands, and other harmful ingredients; except that such facilities shall not be required for private living quarters or dwelling units. All required facilities shall be of a type and capacity approved by the director, and shall be located as to be readily and easily accessible for cleaning and inspection.

Grease and oil traps and treatment facilities shall be constructed of impervious materials capable of withstanding abrupt and extreme changes in temperature. They shall be of substantial construction, or watertight, and equipped with easily removable covers which when bolted in place shall be gastight and watertight. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.53); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.53)].

13.20.530 Maintenance of grease, etc., treatment facilities.

Where installed, all grease, oil and sand treatment facilities shall be maintained by the owner, at his expense, in continuously efficient operation at all times. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.54); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.54)].

13.20.540 Preliminary treatment facilities may be required – Specifications.

The admission into the public sewers of any waters or wastes (A) having a five-day biochemical oxygen demand greater than 300 parts per million by weight, or (B) containing more than 350 parts per million by weight of suspended solids, or (C) containing any quantity of substances having the characteristics prohibited herein, or (D) exceeding the average daily sewage flow of the city, shall be subject to the review and approval of the director. Where necessary, in the opinion of the director, the owner shall provide, at his expense, such preliminary treatment as may be necessary to (1) reduce the biochemical oxygen demand to 300 parts per million and the suspended solids to 350 parts per million by weight, or (2) reduce objectionable characteristics or constituents to within the maximum limits allowable, or (3) control the quantities and rates of discharge of such waters or wastes. Plans, specifications, and any other pertinent information relating to proposed preliminary treatment facilities shall be submitted for the approval of the director and of the Water Quality Board of the state of Utah, and no construction of such facilities shall be commenced until said approvals are obtained in writing. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.55); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.55)].

13.20.550 Maintenance of preliminary treatment facilities.

Where preliminary treatment facilities are provided for any waters or wastes, they shall be maintained continuously in satisfactory and effective operation by the owner at his expense. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.56); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.56)].

13.20.560 Control manhole for sampling and measurement of wastes.

When required by the director, the owner of any property served by a building sewer carrying industrial wastes shall install a suitable control manhole in the building sewer to facilitate observance, sampling, and measurement of the wastes. Such manhole, when required, shall be accessible and safely located, and shall be constructed in accordance with plans approved by the director. The manhole shall be installed by the owner at the owner’s expense, and shall be maintained by him so as to be safe and accessible at all times. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.57); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.57)].

13.20.570 Standards for measurements, tests and analyses.

All measurements, tests, and analyses of the characteristics of waters and wastes to which reference is made herein shall be determined in accordance with “Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater” and shall be determined at the control manhole required by the director, or on suitable samples taken at said manhole and tested, provided by the city. In the event that no special manhole has been required, the control manhole shall be considered to be the nearest downstream manhole in the public sewer to the point at which the building sewer is connected. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.58); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.58)].

13.20.580 Acceptance of industrial waste under special agreement.

No statement contained in this chapter shall be construed as preventing any special agreement or arrangement between the city and any industrial concern whereby an industrial waste of unusual strength or character may be accepted by the city for treatment, subject to payment therefor by the industrial concern. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.59); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.59)].

13.20.590 Damaging or tampering with sewer structure, appurtenance, or equipment.

No unauthorized person shall maliciously, willfully, or negligently break, damage, destroy, uncover, deface, or tamper with any structure, appurtenance, or equipment which is a part of the municipal sewage works. Any person violating this provision shall be subject to immediate arrest under charge of disorderly conduct. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.60); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.60)].

13.20.600 Notice to cease violations.

Any person found to be violating any provision herein shall be served by the city with written notice stating the nature of the violations and providing a reasonable time limit for the satisfactory correction thereof; not to exceed 30 days, however. The offender shall, within the period of time stated in such notice, or prior to the expiration of 30 days from notice, permanently cease all violations. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.61); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.61)].

13.20.610 Use of city sewer system mandatory.

Repealed by Ord. O-25-2018. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.62); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.62)].

13.20.620 Sewer service lines.

The city shall maintain and repair all collection mains; however, it shall be the responsibility of resident to maintain sewer service lines from building to the right-of-way. [Ord. O-01-2004 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.63); Ord. 002 § 1 (Exh. A § 4.63)].