Title 18


Division I. General Provisions

18.05    General Provisions and Procedures

18.10    Definitions

18.15    Supplementary Provisions

Division II. Zone Districts and Regulations

18.20    Purpose and Tables

18.25    AG-2 Agricultural Two Acre Zone

18.30    AG-1 Agricultural One Acre Zone

18.35    R-H Residential Half Acre Zone

18.40    R-C Residential Cottage Zone

18.45    C-1 Commercial Zone

18.50    P-F Public Facilities Zone

18.55    LI-1 Light Industrial Zone

18.57    City Center Zone

18.58    R-M Residential Multifamily Zone

18.59    Planned Development Overlay Zone (PD)

Division III. Review Procedures

18.60    Permitted Use Review Process

18.65    Conditional Use Review Process

18.70    Appeals and Review Process

Division IV. Development Regulations

18.75    Nonconforming Uses

18.80    Home/Premises Occupations

18.85    Low Power Radio and Cellular Towers

18.90    Temporary Uses

18.95    Commercial RV Parks or Campgrounds

18.100    Off-Street Parking

18.105    Signs and Outdoor Advertising

18.110    Open Pit Extraction of Earth Products

18.115    Commercial Developments

18.118    Commercial Outdoor Lighting

18.120    Sensitive Lands Regulations

18.125    Residential Outdoor Lighting

Division V. Administration

18.130    Planning Commission

18.140    Amendments

18.145    Penalties