Article 2 Zoning Districts Revised 6/19 Revised 3/21
2.1 Establishment of Districts
In order to implement the Grand County General Plan and promote the purposes of this LUC, the following districts are established.
Base Zoning Districts |
Residential Zoning Districts |
Small Lot Residential |
Large Lot Residential |
RR |
Rural Residential |
Multi-family Residential |
RG |
Range and Grazing |
Nonresidential Zoning Districts |
NC |
Neighborhood Commercial |
GB |
General Business |
HC |
Highway Commercial |
RC |
Resort Commercial |
RS |
Resort Special |
LI |
Light industrial |
HI |
Heavy industrial |
Special Purpose and Overlay Zoning Districts (Article 4) |
Specially Planned Area |
AL |
Airport Limitation |
-PUD |
Planned Unit Development |
Water Source Protection District Overlay |
-OAO |
Overnight Accommodations Overlay |
2.2 Official Zoning Map
2.2.1 Map Adoption
The boundaries of the zoning districts set out herein are delineated upon the official Zoning Map of Grand County, Utah, an up-to-date copy of which shall be maintained in the office of the Zoning Administrator. Original copies of the official zoning map and all amendments thereto shall be maintained in the County Recorder’s office. In case of any dispute regarding the zoning classification of property subject to this LUC, the original map maintained by the County Recorder shall control.
2.2.2 Zoning Map Amendment (Rezoning)
No changes or amendments to the district boundaries shown on the official zoning map shall be made except in compliance and conformity with all procedures set forth in Section 9.2, Text and Zoning Map Amendments (Rezonings). If, in accordance with these procedures, changes or amendments are made to district boundaries, such changes or amendments shall be made promptly after official adoption of the change or amendment as provided for herein. The Zoning Administrator shall be responsible for the physical updating and amendment of the official zoning map.
2.2.3 Map Replacement
In the event that the official zoning map becomes damaged, destroyed, lost or difficult to interpret because of the nature or number of changes and additions, the County Commission may adopt a new official zoning map that shall supersede the prior map. The new official zoning map may correct drafting and clerical errors or omissions in the prior official zoning map, but no such corrections shall have the effect of amending this LUC or any subsequent amendment thereto without a duly noticed public hearing as provided herein. Unless the prior official zoning map has been lost or totally destroyed, the prior map or any significant parts thereof remaining shall be preserved, together with all available records pertaining to its adoption or amendment.
2.2.4 Interpretation of District Boundaries
The district boundary lines shown on the official Zoning Map are usually along streets, alleys, property lines or extensions thereof. Where uncertainty exists as to the boundaries of districts as shown on the official zoning maps, the following rules shall apply.
A. Boundaries indicated as approximately following streets, highways or alleys shall be construed to follow the centerline of such street, highway or alley.
B. Boundaries indicated as approximately following platted lot lines shall be construed as following such lines.
C. Boundaries indicated as approximately following municipal limits shall be construed as following the municipal limits.
D. Boundaries indicated as approximately following the centerline of irrigation ditches or drainage ways shall be construed to follow such centerline.
E. Boundaries indicated as parallel to or extensions of features indicated in this subsection shall be so construed. Distances not specifically indicated on the original Zoning Map shall be determined from the graphic scale on the Map.
F. Whenever any street, alley or other public way is vacated by official action of the County Commission the zoning district line adjoining each side of such street, alley or other public way shall be automatically extended to the centerline of such vacated street, alley or way, and all area so involved shall then and henceforth be subject to all regulations of the extended districts.
G. Where physical features of the ground are at variance with information shown on the official Zoning Map, or when there arises a question as to how or whether a parcel of property is zoned and such question cannot be resolved by the application of Section 2.2.4A through Section 2.2.4F, above, the property shall be considered as classified RG, Range and Grazing, temporarily, and subject to Section 9.2, Text and Zoning Map Amendments (Rezonings).
2.3 SLR, Small Lot Residential District
2.3.1 Purpose
The SLR, Small Lot Residential District is designed primarily to accommodate residential uses in small lot residential neighborhoods. In addition to the use and Lot Design Standards of this section, development in the SLR district shall be in compliance with all other applicable provisions of this LUC.
2.3.2 Allowed Uses
Uses are allowed in the SLR district in accordance with the Use Table of Section 3.1.
2.3.3 Lot Design Standards
All development in the SLR district shall be subject to the Lot Design Standards of Article 5.
2.3.4 District Standards
All principal structures in the SLR district shall comply with the following requirements:
2.4 LLR, Large Lot Residential District
2.4.1 Purpose
The LLR, Large Lot Residential District is designed primarily to accommodate residential uses in large lot residential neighborhoods. In addition to the use and Lot Design Standards of this section, development in the LLR, Large Lot Residential District shall be in compliance with all other applicable provisions of this LUC.
2.4.2 Allowed Uses
Uses are allowed in the LLR district in accordance with the Use Table of Section 3.1.
2.4.3 Lot Design Standards
All development in the LLR district shall be subject to the Lot Design Standards of Article 5.
2.4.4 District Standards
All principal structures in the LLR district shall comply with the following requirements:
2.5 RR, Rural Residential District
2.5.1 Purpose
The RR, Rural Residential District is designed primarily to accommodate residential uses in low density, rural neighborhoods. In addition to the use and Lot Design Standards of this section, development in the RR, Rural Residential District shall be in compliance with all other applicable provisions of this LUC.
2.5.2 Allowed Uses
Uses are allowed in the RR district in accordance with the Use Table of Section 3.1.
2.5.3 Lot Design Standards
All development in the RR district shall be subject to the Lot Design Standards of Article 5.
2.5.4 District Standards
All principal structures in the RR district shall comply with the following requirements:
2.6 MFR, Multi-family Residential District
2.6.1 Purpose
The purpose of this zone is to provide appropriate locations where medium to high density residential neighborhoods on lots of not less than 20,000 square feet may be established, maintained and protected. The regulations also permit the establishment of, with proper controls, the public and semipublic uses such as churches, schools, trails, parks and playgrounds, etc., which serve the requirements of families.
The MFR district is also intended to implement infill and to encourage affordable housing within the attached mapped areas marked as Exhibit “C” and titled MFR District Map. No other areas within Grand County will be considered for the MFR district.
2.6.2 Master Plan Requirement
The County Commission shall require a master plan of the development. The master plan shall be approved and filed with the ordinance as part of the approval. Such required plan and ordinance shall set forth the following:
A. A narrative addressing the proposed development explaining and tabulating the land uses by net acre, number of dwelling units by housing type, maximum building coverage by housing type, residential density, common area acreage, potential traffic generation, overall character and architectural style, the relationship of the proposed development to existing development in the area and other related development features;
B. A site plan prepared in accordance with the requirements of Section 9.17 shall be approved and filed with the findings of fact as part of the approval; including but not limited to, major roads, major utilities, existing and proposed land uses, entrance locations on existing roads, common area, landscaping plan and a conceptual drainage plan;
C. Lot design standards to be applicable within the proposed development;
D. Identification of site planning features designed to ensure compatibility between on-site residential and nonresidential uses, and with the surrounding neighborhood and land uses; and
E. Other relevant information as may be requested by the Zoning Administrator.
2.6.3 Allowed Uses
Uses are allowed in the MFR district in accordance with the Use Table of Section 3.1.
2.6.4 Lot Design Standards
All development in the MFR district shall be subject to the lot design standards of Article 5.
2.6.5 District Standards
All principal structures in the MFR district shall comply with the following requirements:
A. Multifamily structures shall be located no closer than 20 feet from any other structures;
B. The front of any structure shall not be located less than 25 feet from another structure or lot line.
2.6.6 Conditions of Approval
A. All MFR district development intended and approved for affordable housing purposes shall comply with the requirements of Section 6.14, Affordable Housing.
B. In approving the required master plan, the County may impose other conditions as it deems necessary to accomplish the purposes of this district, the LUC and the General Plan.
2.6.7 Compliance with Master Plan
All development in the MFR district shall comply with the master plan as approved and adopted by the decision-making body.
2.7 RG, Range and Grazing District
2.7.1 Purpose
The RG, Range and Grazing District is designed to accommodate agricultural and agriculture-related, and low density residential development uses in those parts of the county with limited public services. In addition to the use and lot design standards of this section, development in the RG, Range and Grazing District shall be in compliance with all other applicable provisions of this LUC.
2.7.2 Allowed Uses
Uses are allowed in the RG district in accordance with the Use Table of Section 3.1.
2.7.3 Lot Design Standards
All development in the RG district shall be subject to the lot design standards of Article 5.
2.7.4 District Standards
All principal structures in the RG district shall comply with the following requirements:
2.8 NC, Neighborhood Commercial District
2.8.1 Purpose
The NC, Neighborhood Commercial District is designed to accommodate neighborhood retail uses serving the immediate surrounding residential neighborhood. Neighborhood retail uses provide daily and frequently-bought items. In addition to the use and lot design standards of this section, development in the NC, Neighborhood Commercial District shall be in compliance with all other applicable provisions of this LUC.
2.8.2 Allowed Uses
Uses are allowed in the NC district in accordance with the Use Table of Section 3.1.
2.8.3 Lot Design Standards
All development in the NC district shall comply with the lot design standards of Article 5.
2.8.4 District Standards
All development in the NC district shall comply with the following requirements:
A. Utilize non-reflective siding materials on all wall facades;
B. Be placed on a slab-on-grade or perimeter foundation;
C. Have a minimum 24 foot wall dimension;
D. Screen rooftop mechanical equipment and trash receptacles from view off-site;
E. Break-up long, flat facades over 40 feet in length to avoid presenting a “backside” to neighboring properties by incorporating recesses, off-sets, angular forms or windows, display cases, porches, balconies or other features to provide a visually interesting shape; and
F. Utilize earth-tone colors on all structures to minimize contrast with the surrounding landscape.
2.9 GB, General Business District
2.9.1 Purpose
The GB, General Business District is designed to accommodate a wide variety of commercial activities, to make Grand County a more attractive and energetic place to live, work and shop and to enhance the economic development of Grand County. In addition to the use and lot design standards of this section, development in the GB, General Business District shall be in compliance with all other applicable provisions of this LUC.
2.9.2 Allowed Uses
Uses are allowed in the GB district in accordance with the Use Table of Section 3.1.
2.9.3 Lot Design Standards
All development in the GB district shall comply with the lot design standards of Article 5.
2.9.4 District Standards
All development in the GB district shall comply with the following requirements:
A. Utilize non-reflective siding materials on all wall facades;
B. Be placed on a slab-on-grade or perimeter foundation;
C. Have a minimum 24 foot wall dimension;
D. Screen rooftop and ground-mounted mechanical equipment from view off-site;
E. Break-up long, flat facades over 40 feet in length to avoid presenting a “backside” to neighboring properties by incorporating recesses, off-sets, angular forms or recessed windows, display cases, porches, balconies or other features to provide a visually interesting shape; and
F. Utilize earth-tone colors on all structures to minimize contrast with the surrounding landscape.
2.10 HC, Highway Commercial District
2.10.1 Purpose
The HC, Highway Commercial District is designed to accommodate commercial activities that are dependent upon vehicular activity. In addition to the use and lot design standards of this section, development in the HC, Highway Commercial District shall be in compliance with all other applicable provisions of this LUC.
2.10.2 Allowed Uses
Uses are allowed in the HC district in accordance with the Use Table of Section 3.1.
2.10.3 Lot Design Standards
All development in the HC district shall comply with the lot design standards of Article 5.
2.10.4 District Standards
All development in the HC district shall comply with the following requirements:
A. Utilize non-reflective siding materials on all wall facades; and
B. Utilize earth-tone colors on all structures to minimize contrast with the surrounding landscape.
2.11 RC, Resort Commercial District Revised 6/19
2.11.1 Purpose
The RC, Resort Commercial District is intended to promote site design concepts that implement the Moab/Grand County North Gateway Plan (Gateway Plan), an amendment to the Grand County General Plan. The district is designed to create a positive first impression of the city of Moab and Grand County and to encourage mixed residential and commercial development, including resort guest- and local-oriented commercial uses in an urban setting. In addition to the use and lot design standards of this section, development in the RC District shall be in compliance with all other applicable provisions of this LUC.
2.11.2 Allowed Uses
Uses are allowed in the RC district in accordance with the Use Table of Section 3.1.
2.11.3 Lot Design Standards
All development in the RC district shall comply with the lot design standards of Article 5.
2.11.4 District Standards Revised 6/19
All development in the RC district shall comply with the following standards.
A. Residential Uses
Within 200 feet of the Highway 191 rights-of-way, residential uses shall only be allowed above the first floor. The first floor shall be reserved for non-residential uses within 200 feet of the Highway 191 rights-of-way.
B. Building Design
All land uses and structures shall:
1. Utilize indigenous, regional architectural styles and materials for all structures – use of standard corporate image architecture is prohibited. The architectural style of all structures shall be complementary to that of other structures in the area or vicinity.
2. Exhibit a unity of design for buildings within multi-building complexes through the use of similar elements such as rooflines, materials, window arrangement, sign location, and details.
3. Incorporate, within all walls over 100 feet in length, at least 4 recesses, off-sets, balconies, angular forms and other features within each 100 foot length to provide a visually interesting shape.
4. Utilize medium to darker earth tones and non-reflective materials on all structures, including roofs, to minimize contrast and blend with the surrounding natural landscape without calling undue attention to the development.
C. Site Design
1. Comply with the mandatory build-to line requirements of Article 5, Lot Design Standards. For purposes of this section, the setback line shall be considered to be the mandatory build-to line defined on the Gateway Build-to Line Map, which is available for public review in the County Building Department.
2. Provide public trails and/or sidewalks along all street frontages and as necessary to implement the trails plan illustrated on the Gateway Plan’s Future Land Use Plan. Trails and sidewalks shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of Section 7.4, Sidewalks and Trails.
3. Each lot shall include open space intended for use by all occupants of a development. This space may include recreation-oriented areas. In no case shall open space be less than 25 percent of the total lot area.
4. Minimize new highway access points in accordance with the requirements of a site specific UDOT permit to be obtained for each new use or change in use.
5. Provide cross or through-access connections to adjacent areas, where possible
D. Parking Lots
Design parking areas so as to provide reasonable connectivity via cross access easements between adjacent parking areas on other sites, without encouraging through traffic
E. Landscaping
In addition to the requirements of Section 6.4, Landscaping and Screening, the following standards shall apply:
1. Landscape Parking Lot Buffer
Maintain a minimum 35-foot depth landscape setting where parking occurs between a building and Highway 191 or its frontage roads.
2. Break-Up Large Parking Areas
Break-up large parking areas into smaller areas with intermittent landscaping and/or buildings.
3. Rights-of-way Landscaping
Landscaping of all street and highway rights-of-way contiguous to the proposed development site not used for street pavements, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, or driveways shall be required. Within private property, street trees shall be provided as required by Section 6.4.3E. Any landscape areas in the public rights-of-way shall comply with the criteria of the Utah Department of Transportation.
F. Signage
All signs shall comply with the requirements of Section 6.5. [Ord. 588, 2019.]
G. Infrastructure
All infrastructure, including roads, drainage, and water and sewer facilities shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the Moab City Design Standards and Public Improvement Specifications, September 1999, or the most recent version of said document.
2.12 RS, Resort Special District Revised 3/21
2.12.1 Purpose
The RS, Resort Special District is specifically designed to implement the Scenic Resource Protection District, codified in Section 4.8. In addition to the use and Lot Design Standards of this section, development in the RS District shall be in compliance with all other applicable provisions of this LUC.
This zone is intended to be the preferred zone for the area defined in the boundary map in Section 4.8.2 for parcels with access that adjoins US Highway 191 and Utah State Route 313.
2.12.2 Allowed Uses
Uses are allowed in the RS district in accordance with the Use Table of Section 3.1.
2.12.3 Lot Design Standards
All development in the RS district shall comply with the lot design standards of Article 5.
2.12.4 District Standards Revised 3/21
All development in the RS district shall comply with the development standards of Section 4.8.4.
A. General Standards
The following standards shall be administered in accordance with the goals, objectives and policies of the Scenic Resource Protection District, including the specific development standards found therein.
1. Developers shall show how projects protect the natural appearance of the open desert views, the clear night sky and the natural appearance of steep slopes and visible mesas. To this end, projects will be evaluated on the basis of site plan, lighting plan, form, color, texture, and visibility from high public use areas.
2. Public trails and recreational parking areas shall be dedicated in accordance with adopted plans.
[Ord. 621, 2021.]
2.13 LI, Light Industrial District
2.13.1 Purpose
The LI, Light industrial District is designed to accommodate a wide variety of light industrial and light manufacturing activities and to enhance the economic development of Grand County. In addition to the use and Lot Design Standards of this section, development in the LI, Light industrial District shall be in compliance with all other applicable provisions of this LUC.
2.13.2 Allowed Uses
Uses are allowed in the LI district in accordance with the Use Table of Section 3.1.
2.13.3 Lot Design Standards
All development in the LI district shall be subject to the Lot Design Standards of Article 5.
2.13.4 District Standards
All development in the LI district shall comply with the following requirements:
2.14 HI, Heavy Industrial District
2.14.1 Purpose
The HI, Heavy industrial District is designed to accommodate the heavy industrial and manufacturing activities that are not compatible with most other residential, commercial or industrial uses and to enhance the economic development of Grand County. In addition to the use and Lot Design Standards of this section, development in the HI, Heavy industrial District shall be in compliance with all other applicable provisions of this LUC.
2.14.2 Allowed Uses
Uses are allowed in the HI district in accordance with the Use Table of Section 3.1.
2.14.3 Lot Design Standards
All development in the HI district shall be subject to the Lot Design Standards of Article 5.
2.14.4 District Standards
All development in the HI district shall comply with the following requirements:
A. Minimum Contiguous District Area: 20 Acres
B. Landscaping Plan
1. A landscaped strip of lawn, shrubs and/or trees at least 10 feet in width shall be provided along the rights-of-way line that borders development in the HI district.
2. At least 15 percent of the entire developed site shall be landscaped in planting beds, preferably with low water use Xeriscape plants.
3. A landscaping plan shall illustrate the location and sizes of all plants and planting areas and shall include a sprinkler or irrigation plan.
C. Storage
1. All junk, partially or completely dismantled automobiles, salvage materials, debris, or unsightly materials, and all solid waste storage facilities shall be stored in an enclosed building or within an enclosure surrounded by a landscaped buffer in accordance with the requirements of this LUC.
2. All material stored outside shall be screened from view off site by a wall not less than 8 feet in height.
3. No material or merchandise shall be stored to a height of more than the height of the effective screening.
4. Maintenance equipment may be stored outside of the buildings, but only in a location approved by the Zoning Administrator.
5. In no case shall accesses to the storage facility be less than 15 feet in width.
D. Maintenance of Premises
1. No excessive dust, odor, smoke or intermittent light or noise shall be emitted which is discernable beyond the zone boundary limits, except that which emanates from movement of automobiles.
2. The premises shall be maintained in such a manner as to avoid unreasonable interference with adjacent uses and to avoid public nuisances.
3. All requirements as to maintenance of landscaping, off-road parking and vacant or common areas, and as to ingress and egress, shall run with the land and be binding on successors, owners and tenants.
E. Vehicular Access
No part of any vehicular access shall be located closer than 100 feet, as measured along the property line, from the corner of the property which is formed by the intersection of 2 roads; except that the County Commission may permit a lesser distance if it can be shown that a lesser distance will not increase traffic congestion or hazards.
F. Development Time
1. The improvements as shown by any approved final site plan shall be started within a period of 12 months after such plan is approved by the County Commission, and shall be completed and ready for occupancy within a period of 24 months from the date the permit is issued.
2. The completion date may be extended by 12 additional months if the approved final site plan includes 30 acres or more.
3. When more than one (1) stage of development is shown on any approved final site plan, a first stage completion will satisfy the completion and ready for occupancy requirement.
4. Separate Building Permits shall be issued for each stage construction; history of compliance with all operating requirements during previous stage(s) operation(s) will dictate whether or not Building Permits are issued.
5. The County Commission may reclassify the entire parcel into another zone, if actual development is not completed within the specified time.