Chapter 2.120


2.120.010    Ad hoc committee purpose.

2.120.020    Powers and duties.

2.120.030    City oversight.

2.120.040    Limitations.

2.120.010 Ad hoc committee purpose.

The city authorizes the creation and maintenance of volunteer ad hoc committees as may be necessary to coordinate volunteer efforts for projects and events throughout the city, including but not limited to the Helper Arts Festival, Helper Light Parade and beautification of the city’s parks. [Ord. 2014-6 § 1].

2.120.020 Powers and duties.

Volunteer committees shall be comprised of persons with interests in the volunteer opportunities associated with the committees, to facilitate and coordinate the projects and events throughout the city. [Ord. 2014-6 § 2].

2.120.030 City oversight.

The mayor and council shall appoint no less than one council member liaison to provide general oversight to each ad hoc committee. Ad hoc committees must coordinate with the council member liaison to obtain approval and authorization before taking any actions, including, but not limited to, the following:

A. Encumbering and/or expending city monies;

B. Coordinating fundraising efforts;

C. Seeking advertisement for any events;

D. Establishing event dates; or

E. Meeting with any press regarding city business, events or fundraising. [Ord. 2014-6 § 3].

2.120.040 Limitations.

No ad hoc committee member shall have the authority to speak or issue a statement publicly on behalf of the city, to conduct business on behalf of or for the city or to contractually obligate the city. [Ord. 2014-6 § 4].