Chapter 3.08


3.08.010    Objective.

3.08.020    Scope.

3.08.030    General provisions.

3.08.040    Purchasing thresholds and requirements.

3.08.050    Sealed bid requirements.

3.08.060    Cooperative purchasing contracts.

3.08.070    Exceptions.

3.08.080    Approval and payment.

3.08.090    Ethics and conduct.

3.08.100    Record keeping.

3.08.110    Policy review.

3.08.010 Objective.

The purpose of this chapter is to establish guidelines for the procurement of goods and services to ensure that purchases are made in a cost-effective and efficient manner while maintaining transparency and accountability. [10/9/24 Policy § 1.]

3.08.020 Scope.

This chapter applies to all departments and employees of Mayfield Town involved in the purchasing process. [10/9/24 Policy § 2.]

3.08.030 General provisions.

A. All purchases must comply with applicable laws and regulations.

B. Purchases should be made with consideration of quality, cost, and timeliness.

C. Conflict of interest must be avoided in all purchasing activities. [10/9/24 Policy § 3.]

3.08.040 Purchasing thresholds and requirements.

A. Purchases Less Than $1,000.

1. No bids are required for purchases costing less than $1,000.

2. Employees are encouraged to seek competitive prices when feasible to ensure the best value for the town.

B. Purchases Between $1,000 and $4,999.

1. For purchases costing $1,000 or more but less than $5,000, a minimum of two or three telephone, catalog, or verbal bids must be obtained.

2. Documentation of the bids received, including the name of the vendor, the date of the bid, and the quoted price, must be maintained for record-keeping purposes.

C. Purchases of $5,000 or More.

1. For purchases costing $5,000 or more, a minimum of two or three written or advertised bids must be obtained.

2. Written bids should be submitted in a sealed format and opened at a specified date and time.

3. Advertised bids should be publicly announced in a manner that ensures adequate competition, such as through local newspapers, the town’s website, or other appropriate media. [10/9/24 Policy § 4.]

3.08.050 Sealed bid requirements.

A. Sealed bids are required for purchases costing $10,000 or more, or for any procurement that the town manager deems necessary to ensure fairness and transparency.

B. A formal invitation to bid (ITB) must be prepared, detailing the specifications, requirements, and evaluation criteria for the procurement.

C. The ITB must be publicly advertised in a manner that ensures adequate competition, such as through local newspapers, the town’s website, or other appropriate media.

D. Bidders must submit their bids in a sealed envelope, clearly marked with the bid number and the date and time of the bid opening.

E. Bids will be opened publicly at the specified date and time, and a record of all bids received will be maintained.

F. The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, or to the bidder that provides the best value to the town based on the evaluation criteria specified in the ITB. [10/9/24 Policy § 5.]

3.08.060 Cooperative purchasing contracts.

A. Purchases made through cooperative purchasing contracts administered by the State of Utah Division of Purchasing are exempt from the bidding requirements outlined in MMC 3.08.040.

B. Departments are encouraged to utilize these cooperative purchasing contracts when they provide the best value and meet the town’s needs.

C. Documentation of the use of cooperative purchasing contracts must be maintained, including the contract number and the terms of the purchase. [10/9/24 Policy § 6.]

3.08.070 Exceptions.

A. In cases of emergency where immediate procurement is necessary to prevent a significant disruption of town services or to protect public health and safety, the bidding requirements may be waived with the approval of the town manager or their designee.

B. Sole-source purchases, where only one supplier is available, must be justified and documented, and approval must be obtained from the town manager. [10/9/24 Policy § 7.]

3.08.080 Approval and payment.

A. All purchases must be approved by the appropriate department head or their designee.

B. Invoices must be reviewed and approved for payment in accordance with the town’s financial procedures. [10/9/24 Policy § 8.]

3.08.090 Ethics and conduct.

A. Employees involved in the procurement process must adhere to the highest standards of ethical conduct.

B. Any potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed and managed in accordance with the town’s ethics policy. [10/9/24 Policy § 9.]

3.08.100 Record keeping.

All documentation related to bids, approvals, and purchases must be retained in accordance with the town’s record retention policy. [10/9/24 Policy § 10.]

3.08.110 Policy review.

This policy shall be reviewed periodically and updated as necessary to ensure compliance with applicable laws and best practices. [10/9/24 Policy § 11.]