Chapter 17.80
17.80.010 Single-family and two-family dwelling standards.
Prior legislation: Ord. 97-76.
17.80.010 Single-family and two-family dwelling standards.
Any detached single-family or two-family dwellings located on an individual lot in Naples City must meet the following requirements:
(1) Must be located or constructed on a legally subdivided parcel of land which meets all of the requirements of the this title in force at the time of its creation and has been accepted along with any and all improvements by the Naples City council and has been recorded for record in the office of the Uintah County recorder.
(2) Shall be constructed using the most recently adopted edition of the International Residential Code (IRC) or if a manufactured home shall have affixed to it an insignia approved by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
(3) A used moved-in single-family or two-family dwelling, or a used manufactured home, shall be inspected by the Naples City building official and must comply with the requirements of the currently adopted (IRC) or if a manufactured home to the HUD standards and shall have affixed to it its original insignia issued by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
(4) Shall be attached to a permanent site-built footing and foundation as required for all new dwellings constructed under the most current edition of the International Residential Code (IRC) or by a licensed design specialist (engineer). Footings shall be designed to prevent uplift and shall extend to a minimum depth of 30 inches below finished grade. Footing and foundation shall enclose 100 percent of the perimeter of the building.
(5) Shall be taxed as real property and filed with Uintah County.
(6) Shall have a minimum of 720 square feet of habitable area per floor and shall be a minimum 24 feet deep measured perpendicular from the front to the rear wall lines at its narrowest point, excluding any second floor living area, garage, porches, decks, alcoves and other appendages which together do not exceed 25 percent of the dwelling. In the RA-1, RA-2 and A-1 zones, dwellings shall be a minimum 20 feet deep measured perpendicular from the front to the rear wall lines at the narrowest point, excluding any second floor living area, garage, porches, decks, alcoves and other appendages which together do not exceed 25 percent of the dwelling.
(7) Shall have a minimum roof pitch as allowed by the IRC which has been constructed to a minimum of 30 pounds per square foot roof snow load and a 115 mph (ultimate) wind load. The roof overhang must be a minimum of six inches, not counting rain gutters.
(8) Shall provide off-street parking as required in Chapter 17.185 NCC.
(9) Must be permanently connected to approved utilities: water, sewer or septic, gas and electric.
(10) The dwelling may have bay windows that encroach into any required setback from the property line a maximum of 24 inches from the home wall line without violation of the setback requirements.
Open-covered porch roofs over landings and steps may encroach up to five feet from the home wall line into the front yard without violating the front yard setback.
Attached or unattached, uncovered open patios have no setback requirements.
Attached covered patios may encroach into the rear setback, but must maintain a minimum setback of 20 feet from the rear lot line.
Attached decks may encroach into the rear setback but must maintain a minimum setback of 20 feet from the rear lot line.
Unattached decks shall have the same setbacks as accessory buildings in the applicable zone.
The single-family and two-family dwelling wall line shall be the foundation wall of the home.
(11) The city council may approve deviations from one or more of the developmental standards provided in subsections (6) through (8) and (10) of this section after receiving input and recommendation from the Naples City land use administrator, the Naples City planning commission, and the Naples City building official. [Ord. 19-219, 2019; Ord. 17-198 § 1, 2017. LUO § 02-18-001.]