Chapter 10.10
10.10.030 Parking or blocking streets or highways.
10.10.040 Vehicle registration and plates.
10.10.060 Limited winter parking.
10.10.070 Special parking regulations.
10.10.010 Definitions.
(1) Definitions. As used in this title:
(a) “Commercial vehicle” means a vehicle in excess of one-ton capacity of whatever make or type used for commercial or agricultural purposes. The term “commercial vehicle” includes, without limitation, all so called “semi” truck tractors and “semi” truck trailers.
(b) “Trailer” means any truck trailer or other trailer designed or adapted primarily for the transportation of materials, debris or property of whatever kind, including, without limitation, boats, personal watercraft, snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles or motorcycles.
(c) “Truck” means any truck tractor, tractor trailers, panel truck, pickup or other truck in excess of three-fourths ton capacity. [Ord. 24-02 § 2.]
10.10.020 Unlawful parking.
(1) Parking at Curb. No motor vehicle shall be parked with the left side of the vehicle next to the curb, except on one-way streets. It shall be unlawful to stand or park any motor vehicle in a street other than parallel with the curb and with the two right wheels of the vehicle within 12 inches of the regularly established curb line, except on those streets which have been marked for angle parking; then vehicles shall be parked at the angle to the curb indicated by such marks.
(2) Loading Zone. When so posted, it shall be unlawful for the driver of a passenger vehicle to stand or park such vehicle for a period of time longer than is permitted by the posted sign for the loading or unloading of passengers, or for the driver to stand or park any freight carrying motor vehicle for a period of time longer than is necessary to load, unload and deliver materials in any place designated as a loading zone and marked as such.
(3) Parking Prohibited. It shall be unlawful for any person to park any motor vehicle on any street in violation of posted parking restrictions or any provisions of city code. This subsection shall not apply to physicians, nurses, emergency medical technicians, paramedics, fire fighters, law enforcement officers, or other government personnel responding to a bona fide emergency.
(4) Alleys. No person shall park a motor vehicle within an alley in such manner or under such conditions as to leave less than 10 feet of the width of the roadway or alley available for the free movement of vehicular traffic. No person shall stop, stand, or park a vehicle within an alley in such a position as to block the driveway entrance to any abutting property.
(5) Cab Stands – Bus Stands. No motor vehicle other than a designated public transportation vehicle or licensed taxicab shall be parked in any area designated by ordinance as a taxicab stand and no vehicle other than a bus shall stop, stand or park in a place so designated as a bus loading zone.
(6) Parking Prohibited.
(a) It shall be an infraction for any person to park or leave standing on any public road, street, alley or city property any motor vehicle, boat, trailer, motor home, or tractor for 48 or more consecutive hours, and which has not been moved a minimum of 400 feet prior to returning to the same location. Any vehicle so parked or left standing may be impounded or removed by law enforcement.
(b) It shall be an infraction for any person, for any length of time, to park or leave standing on any public road, street, alley, or city property any motor vehicle, boat, trailer, motor home, or tractor with damaged, faulty, or defective equipment which would render the vehicle unlawful to operate under state code or city ordinance. Any vehicle so parked or left standing may be impounded or removed by law enforcement.
(c) It is an infraction for any person to park any vehicle designed/constructed for the purpose of providing living accommodations (hereinafter “recreational vehicle”) on any public grounds and thereafter reside in said recreational vehicle for any length of time. For the purpose of this section, the term “public grounds” means any real property, including public streets, owned in whole or in part by the United States of America and its agencies, or the state of Utah or any of its political subdivisions, including Riverton City, upon which camping has not been authorized by the owner. It is unlawful for any person using or benefiting from the use of said recreational vehicle to fail to remove the same within 25 minutes after being requested to do so by any police officer. Any recreational vehicle so parked or left standing may be impounded or removed by law enforcement.
(d) No person shall park any:
(i) Commercial vehicle, agricultural vehicle, occupied or empty trailer, or truck on any public street adjacent to a lot or parcel containing a residential dwelling, or on any public street within a residential zone of the city for a period of time longer than two hours within any 24-hour period;
(ii) Agricultural vehicle, occupied or empty trailer, or truck within the front yard area of any residential zone of the city; or
(iii) Commercial vehicle on any lot or parcel within any residential zone of the city.
Exception: the prohibitions in this section shall not apply to vehicles actively being used in the servicing of adjacent properties or streets.
(e) The cost of impoundment and removal for any violation of this section shall be charged to the owner or any person who claims the impounded motor vehicle. [Ord. 24-02 § 1, 3, 4; Ord. 22-23 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 22-01 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 19-19 § 1 (Exh. A); amended during 2011 recodification; Ord. 8-26-03-1 § 1. Code 1997 § 11-3-25. Formerly 10.10.010.]
10.10.030 Parking or blocking streets or highways.
In addition to the parking provisions contained in the Motor Vehicle Act, as adopted by this city, it shall be a class C misdemeanor for any person to:
(1) Remain standing, lying or sitting on any street or highway in such a manner as to obstruct the free passage of vehicular or pedestrian traffic thereon.
(2) Willfully remain standing, lying or sitting on any street or highway in such manner for more than one minute after being requested to move by any police officer.
(3) Willfully remain on such street or highway in such manner as to obstruct the free passage of any person or vehicle into or out of any property abutting upon the street or highway or any property having access to such street or highway. [Ord. 24-02 § 1; Ord. 22-23 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 22-01 § 1 (Exh. A); amended during 2011 recodification. Code 1997 § 11-3-27. Formerly 10.10.020.]
10.10.040 Vehicle registration and plates.
Every vehicle, at all times while being parked upon the public highways, streets, alleys, or parking lots of Riverton City, shall:
(1) Be registered in the name of the owner thereof in accordance with the laws of Utah;
(2) Display in proper position two valid, unexpired license (registration) plates, one on the front and one on the rear of such vehicle; and
(3) When required, current validation or indicia of registration attached to the rear plate and in a manner complying with the laws of the state of Utah, and free from defacement, mutilation, and obscuring matter so as to be plainly visible. However, if such vehicle is not required to be registered in Utah, and the indicia of registration issued by another state, territory, possession or district of the United States, or of a foreign country, complies with the laws of Utah and substantially complies with the provisions hereof, such registration shall be considered as compliance with this section. [Ord. 24-02 § 1; Ord. 22-23 § 1 (Exh. A). Formerly 10.10.030.]
10.10.050 No parking.
Unless otherwise specified in this chapter, or in the Motor Vehicle Act, it shall be an infraction to park or leave standing at any time a motor vehicle, as defined in the Motor Vehicle Act as adopted by this city, in violation of any no parking sign. [Ord. 24-02 § 1; Ord. 22-01 § 1 (Exh. A); amended during 2011 recodification. Code 1997 § 11-3-43. Formerly 10.10.040.]
10.10.060 Limited winter parking.
(1) It shall be unlawful for any person or owner of any vehicle to park a motor vehicle, travel trailer, horse trailer, utility trailer, or other like vehicle on any street in Riverton City from the date of November 1st of each year until the date of March 1st of the following year during a snowstorm, or when snow has accumulated in lanes of travel on a city street.
(2) Notwithstanding the foregoing restriction, a person may park a motor vehicle on a street within Riverton City:
(a) For a period of time not longer than three minutes when loading or unloading passengers; and
(b) For a period of time not longer than 30 minutes when loading, unloading or delivering property.
(3) A violation of this section shall be punishable as an infraction, by impoundment and removal of the vehicle, or both. [Ord. 24-02 § 1; Ord. 22-01 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 17-06 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 11-06 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 11-3-45. Formerly 10.10.050.]
10.10.070 Special parking regulations.
No person shall park a vehicle upon any roadway for the principal purpose of:
(1) Greasing or repairing such vehicle, except repairs necessitated by an emergency; and
(2) The sale of foodstuffs or other merchandise on any public grounds except as described in Chapter 18.230 RCC. For the purpose of this section, the term “public grounds” means any real property owned in whole or in part by the United States of America and its agencies, or the state of Utah or any of its political subdivisions, including Riverton City.
Violations of this section shall be punishable as an infraction. [Ord. 24-02 § 1; Ord. 22-01 § 1 (Exh. A); Ord. 8-26-03-1 § 2; Ord. 9-16-97-3 § 2. Code 1997 § 11-3-47.1. Formerly 10.10.060.]
Cross-reference: Prohibited acts, RCC 10.05.110.