Chapter 18.105


18.105.010    Purpose.

18.105.020    Permitted uses.

18.105.030    Conditional uses.

18.105.040    Area requirements.

18.105.050    Frontage requirements.

18.105.060    Building height, size, and setbacks.

18.105.070    Parking ratios.

18.105.080    Location of parking.

18.105.090    Landscaping.

18.105.100    Signs.

18.105.110    Maintenance of facilities.

18.105.010 Purpose.

The intent of the parks and open space (P‑OS) zone is to establish areas anywhere in the city where only open and generally undeveloped lands are to be encouraged. Development of a comprehensive network of permanent, multi-functional, publicly and privately owned open spaces shall be encouraged. The intent of this zone is to help provide areas for residential, commercial, and industrial uses where parks and open spaces can be integrated into them. [Ord. 5-20-97-2 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 12-295-005.]

18.105.020 Permitted uses.

The following uses are permitted in any zoning district:

(1) City-initiated parks, open spaces, trails, museums, cemeteries or other city-related activities.

(2) Forests and urban forests.

(3) Conservation areas including, but not limited to, wilderness areas, watershed areas, wildlife refuges, wetlands, and any lands under the Jordan River Parkway Authority. [Ord. 5-20-97-2 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 12-295-010.]

18.105.030 Conditional uses.

The following uses are conditional in any zoning district:

(1) Botanical and zoological gardens.

(2) Public and private parks and recreation areas including, but not limited to, playgrounds, athletic fields, golf courses, country clubs, tennis courts, and swimming pools. Accessory uses to the uses listed in this subsection such as, but not limited to, golf, tennis, swimming, the preparing and serving of food and beverages, and the sale of equipment and supplies in connection with the recreational activities engaged in upon the premises.

(3) Historic preservation and monument sites.

(4) Private open air theaters and meeting places.

(5) Privately owned cemetery. [Ord. 5-20-97-2 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 12-295-015.]

18.105.040 Area requirements.

Minimum area requirements are to be determined by the planning commission. [Ord. 5-20-97-2 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 12-295-020.]

18.105.050 Frontage requirements.

Any parcel used for parks and open space shall have a minimum frontage of 30 feet on a public street. [Ord. 5-20-97-2 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 12-295-025.]

18.105.060 Building height, size, and setbacks.

All building height, size and setback requirements shall be determined by the planning commission as part of the conditional use approval process. [Ord. 5-20-97-2 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 12-295-030.]

18.105.070 Parking ratios.

Refer to parking standards of Chapter 18.145 RCC. Any nondefined parking ratios shall be determined by the planning commission. [Ord. 5-20-97-2 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 12-295-035.]

18.105.080 Location of parking.

As determined by the Riverton City planning commission. [Ord. 5-20-97-2 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 12-295-040.]

18.105.090 Landscaping.

All areas not covered by buildings, pavement for roads and parking lots, or walkways shall be landscaped as required by the planning commission, which may include natural landscaping and/or xeriscaping. [Ord. 5-20-97-2 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 12-295-045.]

18.105.100 Signs.

The only signs permitted in this zone shall be monument signs, guide signs, directional signs, wall signs, and temporary promotional signs compatible with the general objectives of this zone. All signs except for temporary promotional signs must be approved by the planning commission, and will require adherence to Chapter 18.150 RCC, Sign Regulation Ordinance. Private signs will require a sign permit. [Ord. 5-20-97-2 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 12-295-050.]

18.105.110 Maintenance of facilities.

At the discretion of the planning commission, a legal submission may be required which sets forth a plan or manner of permanent care and maintenance of all open space and other facilities provided in the site plan. No such instrument shall be acceptable until approved by the city attorney as to legal form and effect, and the planning commission as to suitability for the proposed use of the open space and subject facilities.

In the event the open space and other facilities are not maintained in a manner consistent with the approved site plan, the city may at its option cause such maintenance to be performed and assess the costs to the affected property owner(s) or responsible association. [Ord. 5-20-97-2 § 1 (Exh. A). Code 1997 § 12-295-055.]