Chapter 5.10


Article I. In General

5.10.010    Violations of chapter.

5.10.020    Approval of location for circuses, amusement rides, etc.

Article II. Public Dance Hall

5.10.030    Defined.

5.10.040    License and registration permit – Required – Registration fee.

5.10.050    Same – Consent of council prerequisite to issuance.

5.10.060    Same – Revocation.

5.10.070    Council rules and regulations.

Article III. Poolrooms and Bowling Alleys

5.10.080    Permit – Required – Application.

5.10.090    Same – Issuance or refusal.

5.10.100    Same – Revocation.

5.10.110    Orderly operation – To be closed during certain hours.

*Cross reference – Parks and recreation, Ch. 2.80 SCC.

Article I. In General

5.10.010 Violations of chapter.

Unless otherwise specifically provided, a violation of any provision of this chapter shall constitute a Class 3 misdemeanor. (Code 1985, § 5-1).

Cross reference – Penalty for Class 3 misdemeanor, SCC 1.05.100.

5.10.020 Approval of location for circuses, amusement rides, etc.

It shall be unlawful for any person to make exhibition of a circus or menagerie or conduct a merry-go-round or hobbyhorse or show of any kind, other than shows held in a permanent building, at any place within the city, unless the location thereof shall have been first approved by the city manager. (Code 1964, § 5-1; Code 1985, § 5-2).

Article II. Public Dance Hall*

*State law reference – Authority of city to regulate public dance halls, Code of Virginia, § 18.2-433.

5.10.030 Defined.

A “public dance hall,” within the meaning of this article, is any place open to the general public where dancing is permitted; provided, however, that a restaurant located in the city and licensed under Sections 4-98.1 and 4-98.2 of the Code of Virginia to serve food and beverages, having a dance floor with an area not exceeding 10 percent of the total floor area of the establishment, shall not be considered a public dance hall. (Code 1985, § 5-13).

State law reference – Similar provisions, Code of Virginia, § 18.2-433.

5.10.040 License and registration permit – Required – Registration fee.

No person shall conduct a public dance hall in the city, where an admission fee is charged or a charge is made for participating in dancing, without first obtaining a license and paying the applicable license tax under the city’s license tax ordinance. Where there is no admission fee or there is no charge made for participating in dancing, a person conducting the public dance hall in the city shall register such dance hall with the city official designated by the council and shall obtain a registration permit. He shall also pay a registration fee of $50.00. (Code 1964, § 5-2; Code 1985, § 5-14).

State law reference – Dance hall ordinance to provide for license tax and permit, Code of Virginia, § 18.2-433.

5.10.050 Same – Consent of council prerequisite to issuance.

No license for a public dance hall, as required in the license tax ordinance of the city, or registration permit, as required by SCC 5.10.040, shall be granted until the applicant has secured the consent of the city council, conditioned upon the fact that the applicant is a proper person to conduct such dance hall and that the location is suitable for such purpose. (Code 1964, § 5-2; Code 1985, § 5-15).

5.10.060 Same – Revocation.

The license and registration permit referred to in SCC 5.10.040 shall be revocable at the pleasure of the council. (Code 1964, § 5-2; Code 1985, § 5-16).

5.10.070 Council rules and regulations.

All public dance halls in the city shall be subject to such rules and regulations as are now or may hereafter be prescribed by the city council. (Code 1964, § 5-2; Code 1985, § 5-17).

Article III. Poolrooms and Bowling Alleys

5.10.080 Permit – Required – Application.

No person shall operate any bowling alley or poolroom within the city without first securing a permit for the construction and operation thereof from the city council. An application for such permit shall set forth the name of the proprietor proposing to construct and operate the bowling alley or poolroom, the location where the same is to be operated and such other matters as the council may, from time to time, prescribe. (Code 1964, §§ 5-7, 5-8; Code 1985, § 5-28).

5.10.090 Same – Issuance or refusal.

Upon favorable action by the council on an application for a permit required by SCC 5.10.080, the permit shall be issued. The council shall have the right to determine whether or not the proposed location is a proper one for the operation of a bowling alley or poolroom and if, in its judgment, it deems it an improper place or the person operating the same an improper person to operate such alley or poolroom, it may decline to grant such permit. (Code 1964, § 5-3; Code 1985, § 5-29).

5.10.100 Same – Revocation.

The city council shall have the right, at any time, to revoke any permit for the operation of bowling alley or poolroom, if in the opinion of the council, the operation of the bowling alley or poolroom in question is harmful to the public interests. In case of the revocation of the permit by the council, any license tax paid by the operator under the provisions of the license tax ordinance shall not be prorated or refunded. (Code 1964, § 5-9; Code 1985, § 5-30).

5.10.110 Orderly operation – To be closed during certain hours.

Poolrooms and bowling alleys located in the city shall be operated in an orderly manner and shall be closed every night during the week not later than 12:00 p.m. and shall remain closed until 7:00 a.m. the following morning. (Code 1964, § 5-5; Code 1985, § 5-31).