Chapter 18.125


18.125.010    Off-street parking requirements – General.

18.125.011    Exceptions to off-street parking requirements.

18.125.020    Off-street parking lot layout, construction, and maintenance.

18.125.010 Off-street parking requirements – General.

In all districts there shall be provided, at any time any building or structure is erected or enlarged or increased in capacity, off-street parking spaces for automobiles in accordance with the following requirements:

(1) Off-street parking for other than residential use shall be either on the same lot, or within 400 feet of the building it is intended to serve, measured from the nearest point of the building to the nearest point of the off-street parking lot, along a public sidewalk and without crossing any major thoroughfares. Churches may establish joint parking facilities not to exceed 50 percent of the required spaces, with institutions and agencies that do not have a time conflict in parking demand.

(2) Residential off-street parking spaces shall consist of a parking lot, driveway, garage, or combination thereof, and shall be located on the lot they are intended to serve.

(3) For uses not specifically mentioned herein, off-street parking requirements shall be interpreted by the planning commission.

(4) Any area once designed as required off-street parking shall not be changed to any other use unless and until equal facilities are provided elsewhere.

(5) Off-street parking existing at effective date of these regulations in connection with the operation of an existing building or use, shall not be reduced to an amount less than hereinafter required for a similar new building or use.

(6) Two or more buildings or uses may collectively provide the required off-street parking, in which case the required number of parking spaces shall be not less than the sum of the requirements for the several individual uses computed separately.

(7) The required off-street parking shall be for occupants, employees, visitors, patrons, and shall be limited in use to motor vehicles. The storage of merchandise, motor vehicles for sale, or the repair of vehicles on such parking area is prohibited.

(8) Every company car, truck, tractor, and trailer normally stored at the plant site shall be provided with off-street parking space in an area reserved for the use as determined by the planning commission.

(9) In cases of dual functioning of off-street parking where operating hours do not overlap, the planning commission may grant an exception.

(10) The minimum number of off-street parking spaces shall be determined in accordance with the following:


Table of Parking Spaces Required 



Automobile wrecking, junk, or salvage yard which offers for sale to the public any new or used merchandise

One space for each two employees, plus one space for each 10,000 square feet of lot area, or two spaces for each 100 square feet of floor area, whichever is the greater.

Banks, business, or professional offices

One per 300 square feet of usable floor area, plus one per each three employees.

Barbershop or beauty parlor

Two per barber or beauty shop chair.

Boarding or rooming house

One space for the resident family. One space for each two guests.

Bowling alleys

Five per alley.


One per four seats, or one per 30 square feet of usable floor area of auditorium, whichever is greater.

Commercial recreation uses

One per three patrons, based on the design capacity of the facility.

Commercial or trade schools

One per three students plus two per three employees.

Country club

One per five members.

Dormitories, fraternity, or sorority

One per each three permanent residents.

Dwellings, single-family (attached, semi-attached, and detached)

One per dwelling unit.

Dwellings, two-family

One per dwelling unit.

Dwellings, multifamily and mixed-use buildings


Studio, efficiency

One per dwelling unit.

Two-bedroom unit

One and one-half per dwelling unit.

Three or more bedroom unit

Two per dwelling unit.

Guest Parking

For all multifamily uses and mixed-use buildings, one space per every 10 units is required for guest parking. Guest parking may be dual functioning for property management offices and on-site recreational facilities.

Establishments for sale and consumption on the premises of beverages, food, or refreshments

One per three employees, plus one per 100 square feet of usable floor space, or one per three fixed seats, whichever is the greater.

Gasoline service station

One parking space for each employee, plus two spaces for each service bay.

Governmental office building

One per 300 square feet of usable floor area, plus one per each three employees. Every governmental vehicle shall be provided with a reserved off-street parking space.

Group house

One space for each three individuals, plus one space for each supervisor, plus one space for each two employees.

Housing for elderly and/or physically handicapped

One for each two dwelling units per each unit actually housing elderly and/or physically handicapped and two spaces per dwelling unit housing individuals not elderly or handicapped.


One per three patient beds, exclusive of bassinets, plus one space for each two employees including nurses on the maximum working shift, plus adequate area for parking emergency vehicles.

Hotel, motel, etc.

One per each room or suite. When a restaurant is included that may serve the outside public, parking shall be calculated at the same rate as “Establishments for sale and consumption on the premises of beverages, food, or refreshments.”

For conference or meeting facilities, add one additional space for every four persons based on the design capacity of the conference or meeting area.

Industrial establishments

One per two employees on the combined two largest successive shifts, plus adequate parking space for customer and visitor vehicles as determined by the planning commission.


One for each 400 square feet of floor space.

Manufactured home

Two spaces per stand or lot.

Medical clinics

Three patient parking spaces per staff doctor, plus one per staff doctor, plus two per three other employees.

Mortuaries or funeral parlors

Five spaces per parlor or chapel unit, or one per four seats, whichever is greater.

Private clubs, lodge, or union headquarters

One per three members based on the design capacity of the facility.

Retail stores, supermarkets, department stores, and personal service establishments except as otherwise specified herein

One per 100 square feet of retail floor space.

Schools shall be provided with parking spaces per the following schedule:

Elementary, junior high, and the equivalent private or parochial schools

Two spaces per three teachers and employees normally engaged in or about the building or grounds, plus one space for each 150 square feet of seating area, including aisles, in any auditorium.

Senior high schools and the equivalent private or parochial schools

Two spaces per three teachers and employees normally engaged in or about the building or grounds, plus one space per five students or one space for each 150 square feet of seating area, including aisles, in any auditorium, gymnasium, or cafeteria intended to be used as an auditorium, whichever is the greater.

Kindergartens, day schools, and the equivalent private or parochial schools

Two parking spaces per three teachers and employees normally engaged in or about the building or grounds plus one off-street loading space per eight pupils.

Shopping centers

Five and one-half parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross leasable area; provided, however, that if more than two-thirds of the gross retail and customer service area for all business establishments is devoted to or occupied by retail food stores and department stores, the parking requirements shall be as provided for supermarkets and department stores. Hardware and furniture stores and all other retail and personal service establishments except as otherwise provided: one space for each 200 square feet of retail space.

Special care facility

One space for each four patient beds plus one space for each staff doctor plus one space for each two employees including nurses.

Stadiums and sports arenas

One per eight seats or 12 feet of benches.

Supermarkets and department stores

One parking space for each 100 square feet of floor area used for retail sales for the first 5,000 square feet and one space for each 200 square feet of retail area above 5,000 square feet.

Swimming pools

One per 30 square feet of water area.

Theaters, auditoriums, and places of assembly without fixed seats

One per three people based on the design capacity of the structure.

Wholesale establishments and business services

One for every 50 square feet of customer service area, plus two per three employees based on the design capacity of the largest shift.

(Ord. 2024-33; Ord. 2019-15; Ord. 2017-10; Ord. 2009-12; Ord. 2004-23. Zoning ordinance Art. 5, § 5).

18.125.011 Exceptions to off-street parking requirements.

The requirements of SCC 18.125.010 shall not be applicable to the following:

(1) Any lot or parcel in the core business district, beginning at the intersection of Baldwin Street and Lewis Street, thence with Baldwin Street to Central Avenue, thence with the line (center line) of existing Baldwin Street to New Street, thence with New Street to Frederick Street, thence with Frederick Street to Coalter Street, thence with Coalter Street to its intersection with the C&O Railroad, thence with the C&O Railroad to its intersection with Middlebrook Avenue, thence with Middlebrook Avenue to its intersection with Lewis Street, thence with Lewis Street to Baldwin Street to the point of beginning.

(2) All that certain lot of parcel of land, with all improvements thereon and appurtenances thereto belonging, situate in the city of Staunton, Virginia, known by present house numbering as 300 Church Street and described as containing 1.435 acres and being in all respects the same property shown on plat entitled “Plat Showing Smith Fuel Company Lands, Church Street, Staunton, Virginia,” dated January 20, 1970, made by Higgs and Shumate, Engineers – Surveyors, said plat being recorded in the clerk’s office of the circuit court of the city of Staunton, Virginia, in Deed Book 173, page 225, less however, that portion containing 0.002 acre, more or less, which was conveyed to the commonwealth of Virginia by deed dated October 13, 1988, recorded in Deed Book 290, page 512.

(3) All those two certain lots or parcels of land, together with all improvements thereon, and all rights, privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, situate in the city of Staunton, Virginia, more particularly described as Lot 6 (PIN 1611) and Lot 7 (PIN 1612), Block ZZ and designated by present street numbering as 220 and 222 S. Washington Street, Staunton, Virginia.

(4) Any lot or parcel, in addition to that permitted in subsections (1), (2), (3) of this section, with existing commercial buildings and zoned B-1, B-2, B-3, or P-1, with new or continuing business uses, where any of the following conditions already exist exclusive of adjacent unaccepted alleyways and/or streets:

(a) Slopes greater than 15 percent;

(b) Front yard less than 25 feet, side yard(s) less than 40 feet and a rear yard less than 40 feet; or

(c) The new or continuing business use occupies only the existing structure(s) without any additions or conversion of unfinished space for business use. Existing parking lots shall be maintained and not be reduced except in conformance with this chapter.

(5) For lots platted before January 1, 2023, any single-family dwelling constructed on a street where more than 50 percent of the existing single-family dwellings located on the same side of the street between two intersecting streets do not have off-street parking. (Ord. 2023-11; Ord. 2019-15; Ord. 2009-12).

18.125.020 Off-street parking lot layout, construction, and maintenance.

Where the required off-street parking requires the building of a parking lot, and wherever a parking lot is built, such parking shall be laid out, constructed, and maintained in accordance with the following regulations:

(1) Except for parcels of land devoted to one- and two-family uses, all areas devoted to off-street parking shall be so designed, constructed, and be of such size that no vehicle is required to back into a public street to obtain egress.

(2) Each parking space shall be not less than nine feet in width and 18 feet in length and shall be a specifically designated stall.

(3) In any determination of parking requirements as set forth in this chapter, where the resultant figure contains a fraction, any fraction less than one-half or more shall be counted as one parking space.

(4) Clearly defined driveways used for ingress and egress shall be designed in general conformance with the standards of the Virginia Department of Transportation.

(5) All areas devoted to permanent off-street parking as required under this chapter shall be of a sealed-surface construction, and maintained in such a manner that no dust will result from continuous use and no loose materials shall wash, erode, or in any other way be deposited onto the public-right-of-way.

(a) For lots platted before January 1, 2023, in cases where a single-family dwelling is constructed on a street in which the majority of lots fronting on the same side of the street between two intersecting streets have already been developed, if more than 50 percent of the existing required parking for each dwelling is not sealed-surface, any new dwelling shall not be required to have sealed-surface parking. A nonsealed surface shall consist of 21A stone that is properly compacted. Alternate, but equivalent, materials and methods may be approved at the discretion of the zoning administrator. All nonsealed surface parking shall be maintained in such a manner as to prevent loose materials from washing, eroding, or in any other way being deposited onto the public right-of-way.

(b) In cases where a business use would require intermittent parking, the zoning administrator may approve surfaces which are not sealed. Such surfaces shall include, but not be limited to, structured turf, gravel or crush and run, asphalt millings or recycled asphalt.

(i) All spaces located on gravel or other nonsealed parking areas, except structured turf parking, shall be marked with concrete parking blocks, landscaped timbers, railroad ties or similar devices. Spray paint on gravel or nonsealed surfaces does not constitute the marking of parking spaces and is prohibited.

(ii) The parking area shall be maintained so that there are no ruts, potholes, mud, and also so there is no erosion of gravel, dust, or mud into the public right-of-way.

(iii) In cases where the unsealed parking area has direct access from the public right-of-way, there shall be a sealed surface drive which gives access to the unsealed parking area. The drive shall be a minimum of 30 feet in length.

(iv) The parking area shall be landscaped and screened in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.175 SCC, Landscape and Screening.

(v) This exception to the sealed surface requirement shall not apply to shared parking arrangements or to cases where the parking is not provided on the same lot as the use that it serves.

For the purposes of this section “intermittent parking” shall be defined as parking which does not occur on a year-round weekly basis.

(c) Businesses conducting agritourism activities, as defined in Section 3.2-6400 of the Code of Virginia, shall be exempt from the sealed surface requirement of the chapter.

(6) The parking lot shall be drained to eliminate surface water.

(7) For any parking lot, except on parcels of land devoted to single-family dwellings or no more than one two-family dwelling, there shall be a minimum setback of five feet from any property line. The minimum setback may be greater in cases where Chapter 18.175 SCC requires a larger planting or screening area. In cases of shared parking or where parking lots are connected, side and rear setbacks may be reduced or eliminated at the discretion of the zoning administrator.

(8) Plans for the layout of a parking lot must be approved by the zoning administrator, based on the Infrastructure Design and Construction Standards of the City of Staunton, maintained in the office of the city engineer. (Ord. 2023-11; Ord. 2022-09; Ord. 2018-01. Zoning ordinance Art. 5, § 5).