Chapter 17.20


17.20.010    Generally.

17.20.020    Preliminary plat.

17.20.030    Improvement requirements.

17.20.040    Final plat.

17.20.010 Generally.

Subdivisions to which this title is applicable in accordance with AMC 17.04.030 and which contains five or more lots and/or a dedication of land shall be known as long plats and shall be governed by this section. (Ord. 85-342 § 5(A), 1985)

17.20.020 Preliminary plat.

A. The applicant or his representative shall consult with city officials as necessary to determine subdivision, zoning and comprehensive plan requirements.

B. Application fee shall be made to clerk-treasurer together with a fee of $570.00 plus $70.00 for each lot over four or as hereafter amended by resolution of the city council. All applications shall be reasonably complete with the following information or be rejected by the clerk-treasurer prior to acceptance of fee:

1. Four copies of an accurately scaled and dimensioned map of the plat by a registered land surveyor or civil engineer showing the following:

a. Name of proposed plat;

b. Date and north point;

c. Scale of 100 feet or less to the inch;

d. Name, address and phone numbers of subdivider and representative;

e. Legal description;

f. Lines of property to be platted and lots and block with numbers;

g. Existing monuments of record;

h. Location, name and width of all existing or proposed streets, sidewalks, easements and rights-of-way within or adjacent to the proposed plat;

i. Location of significant physical features such as buildings, water bodies, power lines and section lines within or adjacent to the proposed plat;

j. Location and description of existing and proposed drainage, sewer and water facilities within or adjacent to the proposed plat;

k. Contours with intervals of five feet or less;

l. Proposed parks and open space;

m. Lot lines of adjoining properties;

n. Vicinity map at smaller scale;

2. Names and addresses of fee simple owners of all land owners within 400 feet of the perimeter of the proposed plat;

3. Copies of any proposed covenants or restrictions;

4. Environmental checklist;

5. Other information deemed necessary by the decision-making body.

C. The clerk-treasurer shall then:

1. Prepare a file;

2. Coordinate the input from those persons whose expertise is needed in reviewing the short plat, such as fire chief, engineer, superintendent of public works, mayor, police chief, county health department and State Highway Department;

3. Schedule consideration before the planning commission;

4. Cause notice of public hearing to be published at least 10 days before hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in the area. Additional notice shall be given by mailing to owners within 400 feet;

5. Schedule review of the environmental checklist by the appropriate body for determination whether an environmental impact statement is needed.

D. The planning commission shall:

1. Conduct the public hearing;

2. Review the preliminary plat for conformance with Chapter 17.24 AMC, Minimum Standards;

3. Recommend approval, approval on condition, disapproval, or cause the public hearing to be continued in accordance with the time limitation imposed by RCW 58.17.140.

E. The final recommendation of the planning commission shall be forwarded to the city council at its following meeting, which body shall approve, approve on condition, disapprove or continue consideration of the preliminary plat; provided, that if substantial revisions are required the revised preliminary plat must first be subject to another public hearing.

F. Preliminary plat approval shall become void if a final plat is not submitted within three years, unless extended by the city council. (Res. 19-653, 2019; Res. 2019-651, 2019; Ord. 99-560 § 1, 1999; Ord. 98-541 § 1, 1998; Ord. 85-342 § 5(B), 1985)

17.20.030 Improvement requirements.

Following preliminary plat approval the subdivider shall:

A. Prepare construction plan and specifications in accordance with generally accepted engineering standards and then submit them to the city’s engineer or such other engineer appointed by the mayor to act as city engineer for the purpose of the specific application for verification that they conform to Chapter 17.24 AMC, Minimum Standards; all expenses for engineering services performed pursuant to their section incurred by the city shall be reimbursed to the city prior to approval of final plat;

B. Complete improvements according to the approved plans and specifications or furnish the city with a bond or similar instrument in the amount of 120 percent of the cost as estimated by the acting city engineer. When improvements are completed they shall be inspected by the engineer for compliance with the plans and specification and council notified or bond released as the case may be;

C. Provide the city with “as built” plans acceptable to city’s engineer once construction is complete. (Ord. 99-560 § 2, 1999; Ord. 85-342 § 5(C), 1985)

17.20.040 Final plat.

A. Following completion of or preparation of bond for improvements and within the effective time period of preliminary plat approval application may be made to the clerk-treasurer for final plat approval. Application shall be reasonably complete with the following information or not be accepted:

1. A reproducible map with four copies prepared by a licensed engineer or land surveyor containing the following information:

a. North point and scale (no smaller than 100 feet to one inch);

b. Boundary lines with accurate bearings and distances of the plat and lots thereof;

c. Location, name and width of all public rights-of-way and other features of the plat, including monuments and adjacent streets;

d. Reference of source of legal description;

e. Plat name, lot and block numbers;

f. Centerline of all streets with bearings, distances and radii or curves;

g. Legal description;

h. Dedication and acknowledgement;

i. Forms for signature of approval by the mayor and the acting city engineer;

j. Surveyor’s certificate;

k. Form for county auditor’s filing;

2. Certificate from county treasurer that all taxes have been paid;

3. Street sections and profiles and other plans;

4. Current title certificate;

5. Bond for completion of improvements, if applicable;

6. Copy of private covenants, if applicable.

B. The clerk-treasurer shall then coordinate input as in AMC 17.20.020(C)(2) and schedule consideration before the city council.

C. The city council shall then review the final plat for conformance to the preliminary plat and any conditions attached thereto as well as adequacy of construction or bonding arrangements and other requirements of this chapter. Approval of final plat by the council shall be evidenced by signature of the mayor, before which all other signatures except that of the county auditor must be in place.

D. If approved, it shall be the responsibility of the applicant to have the final plat recorded by the county auditor and to return a copy with completed recording certificate. (Ord. 85-342 § 5(D), 1985)