Chapter 18.12
18.12.020 Accessory living quarters.
18.12.110 Automobile, boat, trailer and recreational vehicle sales area.
18.12.170 Business or commerce.
18.12.200 Commission, planning commission.
18.12.240 Dwelling, multifamily.
18.12.250 Dwelling, one-family.
18.12.260 Dwelling, two-family (duplex).
18.12.345 Hazardous waste treatment and storage.
18.12.380 Hospital or clinic, small-animal.
18.12.491 Manufactured home, class A.
18.12.492 Manufactured home, class B.
18.12.493 Manufactured home, class C.
18.12.540 Nonconforming buildings.
18.12.570 Parking lot, private.
18.12.580 Parking lot, public.
18.12.640 Recreational area, commercial.
18.12.650 Recreational vehicle.
18.12.660 Recreational vehicle park.
18.12.680 Rest home, convalescent home, guest home, home for the aged.
18.12.700 Schools, elementary, junior or high.
18.12.750 Structural alternatives.
18.12.760 Substantial improvement.
18.12.010 Accessory.
“Accessory” means a use, building or structure, part of a building or other structure which is subordinate to and the use of which is incidental to that of the main building, structure or use on the same lot, including a private garage. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.020 Accessory living quarters.
“Accessory living quarters” means living quarters within an accessory building for the sole use of the family or of persons employed on the premises or for the temporary use of guests of the occupants of the premises. These quarters are not designed for permanent living. Such quarters generally do not have kitchen facilities and are not rented or otherwise used as a separate dwelling unit. The term “accessory living quarters” includes “guest house.” (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.030 Alley.
“Alley” means a public thoroughfare or way which generally provides a secondary means of access to abutting property. In unusual or difficult site situations, an alley may provide a primary means of access to an abutting property. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.040 Alterations.
“Alterations” means a change or rearrangement of the structural parts or exit facilities, or an enlargement by extending the side or increasing the height or depth, or the moving from one location to another. In buildings for business, commercial or similar uses, the installation or rearrangement of partitions affecting more than one-third of a single floor area shall be considered an alteration unless the partitions are freestanding and not connected to the structural components of the building. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.050 Amendment.
“Amendment” means a change in the working, context or substance of this title; a change in the zone boundaries upon zoning maps adopted hereunder. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.060 Annexed property.
“Annexed property” means new areas of territory added to the city which will revise and expand the existing corporate city limits. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.070 Apartment.
“Apartment” means a room or suite of two or more rooms in a multifamily dwelling or in any other building not a single-family dwelling. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.080 Apartment house.
“Apartment house” means a building or a portion of a building, designed for occupancy by three or more families living independently of each other in three or more dwelling units. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.090 Area, site.
“Site area” means the total horizontal area within the property lines excluding external streets. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.100 Arterial.
“Arterial” means any street which has been designed to carry large volumes of traffic and designated as an arterial on the circulation plan of the comprehensive plan. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.110 Automobile, boat, trailer and recreational vehicle sales area.
“Automobile, boat, trailer and recreational vehicle sales area” means an open area, other than a street, used for the display, sale or rental of new or used automobiles, boats, trailers, or recreational vehicles, and where no repair work is done except minor incidental repair of automobile, boats, trailers or recreational vehicles to be sold, displayed or rented on the premises. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.115 Bed and breakfast.
“Bed and breakfast” means an owner occupied single-family dwelling in which not more than three bedrooms for not more than six guests total are rented for money or other consideration to the traveling public. The following minimum conditions apply:
A. Bed and breakfast facility shall meet all applicable health, fire, safety and building codes;
B. Meal service shall be limited to serving overnight guests of the establishment, a breakfast meal only. Kitchens shall not be allowed in individual guest rooms;
C. The owner shall operate the establishment and reside on the premises;
D. Bed and breakfast guest houses may be converted from existing residences or newly constructed, and shall exist only in the R-2 and R-3 zones as conditional uses;
E. One off-street parking space shall be provided for each room available for patrons, in addition to the off-street parking spaces required for the underlying district. Patron parking shall not be located within any required front yard or side yard or setback area. No on-street parking shall be allowed;
F. The establishment shall be operated in such a manner as to give no outward appearance nor manifest characteristics of a business that would be incompatible with the ability of the neighboring residents to enjoy the peaceful occupancy of their properties;
G. Outdoor activities shall be limited to the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. (Ord. 03-616 § 1, 2003)
18.12.120 Buffer.
“Buffer” means a horizontal distance, measured perpendicularly from a property line, intended to provide attractive spaces to reduce the impacts of proposed uses on adjacent property or natural features. Buffers are required to maintain existing trees or natural vegetation, block or reduce noise, glare or other emissions, or maintain privacy. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.130 Building.
“Building” means any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.140 Building height.
“Building height” means that distance between the finished ground level floor and the highest exterior point. (Ord. 02-610 § 1, 2002; Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.150 Building, main.
“Main building” means the principal buildings or other structure on a lot or building site designed or used to accommodate the primary use to which the premises are devoted. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.160 Building official.
“Building official” means the person charged with the initial review of all applications and filing of complaints within the city pursuant to Chapters 18.20, 18.72, 18.76, 18.80 and 18.84 AMC. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.170 Business or commerce.
“Business” or “commerce” means the purchase, sale, offering for sale or other transaction involving the handling or disposition of any article, service, substance or commodity for livelihood or profit. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.180 Cemetery.
“Cemetery” means land used or intended to be used for the burial of the human dead and dedicated for cemetery purposes. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.190 Church.
“Church” means an establishment, the principal purpose of which is religious worship and for which the principal building or other structure contains the sanctuary or principal place of worship and including accessory uses in the main building or in separate buildings or structures, including Sunday school rooms and religious education classrooms, assembly rooms, kitchen, library room or reading room, recreational hall, a one-family dwelling unit and residences on the site for nuns and clergy, but excluding facilities for training of religious orders. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.200 Commission, planning commission.
“Commission” or “planning commission” means the Asotin planning commission. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.210 Conditional use.
“Conditional use” means a use specified as a conditional use in a zone and subject to conditions recommended by the planning commission during its review and requiring a conditional use permit. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.220 Day nursery.
“Day nursery” means a group child daycare facility, including nurseries, nursery schools, privately conducted kindergartens, and programs covering after school care for children. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.230 Dwelling.
“Dwelling” means a building designed exclusively for residential purposes. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.240 Dwelling, multifamily.
“Multifamily dwelling” means a building designed exclusively for occupancy by three or more families living independently of each other and containing three or more dwelling units. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.250 Dwelling, one-family.
“One-family dwelling” means a detached building designed exclusively for occupancy by one family and containing one dwelling unit. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.260 Dwelling, two-family (duplex).
“Two-family (duplex) dwelling” means a building designed exclusively for occupancy by two families living independently of each other and containing two dwelling units. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.270 Dwelling unit.
“Dwelling unit” means one or more rooms occupied by one family and containing kitchen facilities for use solely by one family. All rooms comprising a dwelling unit shall have access through an interior door to other parts of the dwelling unit. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.280 Family.
“Family” means an individual, or two or more persons related by blood or marriage, or a group of not more than five persons who are not related by blood or marriage. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.290 Fence.
“Fence” means a wall or barrier for the purpose of enclosing space or separating parcels of land. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.300 First permitted.
“First permitted” refers to the most restricted zone in which a particular use is indicated as a permitted use. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.310 Floor area.
“Floor area” means the sum of the gross horizontal areas of the floor of a building or buildings, measured from the exterior faces of exterior walls and from the centerline of division walls. Floor area shall include: basement space, elevator shafts and stairwells at each floor, mechanical equipment rooms or attic spaces with headroom of seven feet six inches or more, penthouse floors, interior balconies and mezzanines and enclosed porches. Accessory water tanks and cooling towers, mechanical equipment or attic spaces with headroom of less than seven feet six inches, exterior steps or stairs, terraces, breezeways and open spaces shall not be counted. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.320 Garage, private.
“Private garage” means an accessory building or an accessory portion of the main building designed for the shelter or storage of vehicles. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.330 Garage, public.
“Public garage” means a building used for the care, repair or storage of automobiles or where such vehicles are kept for remuneration, hire or sale. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.340 Grade.
“Grade” means the average of the finished ground level at the center of all exterior walls of a building. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.342 Hazardous waste.
“Hazardous waste” means and includes all dangerous and extremely hazardous waste. (Ord. 88-398 § 1, 1988)
18.12.345 Hazardous waste treatment and storage.
“Hazardous waste treatment and storage” means hazardous waste management facilities requiring a state dangerous waste permit under the provisions of Chapter 173-303 WAC. (Ord. 88-398 § 2, 1988)
18.12.350 Height.
See AMC 18.12.140, Building height. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.360 Home occupation.
“Home occupation” means an occupation or profession which is customarily incidental to or carried on in a dwelling place and not one in which the use of the premises as a dwelling place is largely incidental to the occupation carried on and which occupation is carried on by a member of the family residing within the dwelling place. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.370 Hospital.
“Hospital” means an institution specializing in providing clinical, temporary and emergency services of a medical or surgical nature to human patients and licensed by state law to provide facilities and services. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.380 Hospital or clinic, small-animal.
“Small animal hospital or clinic” means an establishment in which veterinary medical services, clipping, bathing and similar services are rendered to dogs, cats and other small domestic animals and pets. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.390 Hotel.
“Hotel” means a building in which there are five or more guest rooms where lodging with or without meals is provided for compensation, and where minor provisions for cooking may be provided in an individual room or suite and in which building may be included one apartment for use of the resident manager, but shall not include buildings where human beings are housed or detained under legal restraint. Buildings in which rooms and meals are offered for compensation are considered to be hotels. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.400 Junk yard.
“Junk yard” means an open area on any premises devoted wholly or in part to the storage, buying, selling, disassembling or handling of scrap iron and other metals, paper, rags, rubber tires, cans, bottles or other material commonly known as junk. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.410 Kennel.
“Kennel” means a place where four or more adult dogs or cats are kept as stated by the city dog regulations stated in AMC Title 6. An adult dog or cat is one of either sex, altered or unaltered, that has reached the age of four months. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.420 Kitchen.
“Kitchen” means any room or rooms, or portion of a room or rooms, used or intended to be designed to be used for cooking or for the preparation of food. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.430 Livestock.
“Livestock” means horse, bovine animals, sheep, goats, swine, donkeys and mules. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.440 Loading space.
“Loading space” means a space on the same site with the use served which provides for the temporary parking of a vehicle while loading or unloading merchandise, materials or passengers. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.450 Lot.
“Lot” means a building site that is described by reference to a recorded plat, by metes and bounds, or by section, township and range. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.460 Lot, corner.
“Corner lot” means a lot situated at the intersection of two or more streets, the street frontages of which form an angle not greater than 128 degrees and not less than 45 degrees. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.470 Lot, interior.
“Interior lot” means a lot other than a corner lot. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.480 Lot, through.
“Through lot” means a lot having frontage on two streets, including a lot at the intersection of two streets when the side streets of such lot form an internal angle of less than 45 degrees. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.490 Manufactured home.
“Manufactured home” means a factory-assembled structure or structure equipped with the necessary service connection and made so as to be readily movable as a unit or units on their own running gear, and designed to be used as a long-term dwelling unit or units either with or without a permanent foundation. Such a structure is, or has been constructed such that it will or may be moved from time to time, but shall specifically not include modular homes. For the purpose of this title, all manufactured houses shall be considered to be single-family dwelling units. All manufactured homes must have a foundation base which shall provide adequate support for the placement of the home in accordance with WAC 296-150B-225 through 296-150B-255 as said sections now exist or are hereafter amended. (Ord. 88-396 § 1, 1988)
18.12.491 Manufactured home, class A.
“Class A manufactured home” means a manufactured home meeting the following standards:
A. Wearing a tag or seal of approval of the state or of the Department of Housing and Urban Development;
B. Be at least 24 feet wide at the narrowest part;
C. Roof pitch shall not be less than two inches rise for each 12 inches of horizontal run (2:12);
D. Have roofing materials which are generally acceptable for site-built housing;
E. Have any siding material which is generally acceptable for site-built housing. Any siding material may be used provided it has the appearance of wood, masonry or metal siding. Reflections from metal siding shall not be greater than that from siding coated with white gloss enamel;
F. Have the space between the wall of the home and the ground fully enclosed with a permanent concrete foundation, which provides adequate ventilation and access, and which shall be properly maintained;
G. Have hitch and tongue removed. (Ord. 96-507 § 1, 1996; Ord. 88-396 § 2, 1988)
18.12.492 Manufactured home, class B.
“Class B manufactured home” means a manufactured home wearing a tag or seal of approval of the state or of the Department of Housing and Urban Development but not meeting all of the criteria listed for a Class A home in AMC 18.12.491. (Ord. 88-396 § 3, 1988)
18.12.493 Manufactured home, class C.
“Class C manufactured home” means a manufactured home which does not wear a tag or seal or approval of the state or of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Class C homes are permitted only in a mobile home park. (Ord. 88-396 § 4, 1988)
18.12.500 Mobile home.
“Mobile home” means a trailer house not less than 29 feet in length designed for long-term occupancy and containing a flush toilet, a tub or shower bath and kitchen facilities, with water and sewage disposal connected to outside systems. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.510 Mobile home park.
“Mobile home park” means an approved site within which the individual lots or tracts are designed and intended for use as a mobile or manufactured home site exclusively. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.520 Modular home.
“Modular home” means a structure constructed of factory assembled parts or completely constructed at a factory that are transported to the building site and assembled and which is not intended to be moved from time to time. The complete structure is not mobile and should not be considered a manufactured home. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.530 Motel.
“Motel” means a group of attached or detached buildings containing individual sleeping units where a majority of such units open individually and directly to the outside, and are available to the public for rental. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.540 Nonconforming buildings.
“Nonconforming buildings” means a building or portion thereof which was lawfully erected and maintained prior to the ordinance codified in this title, but which does not conform to the regulations of this title. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.550 Nonconforming lot.
“Nonconforming lot” means a lot which at the time of adoption of the ordinance codified in this title does not comply with the minimum standards of this title. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.560 Nonconforming use.
“Nonconforming use” means a use which was lawfully established and maintained prior to the ordinance codified in this title but which does not conform to the regulation of the zone in which it is located as defined by this title. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.565 On-site.
“On-site” means the same, geographically contiguous or bordering property. On-site hazardous waste treatment and storage facilities treat and store wastes generated on the same property. (Ord. 88-398 § 3, 1988)
18.12.570 Parking lot, private.
“Private parking lot” means an open area other than street, alley or other public property, limited to the parking of automobiles of occupants or employees use to which these facilities are appurtenant. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.580 Parking lot, public.
“Public parking lot” means an open area other than a street or alley whether publicly or privately owned, which is used for the parking of more than four automobiles and is available to the public. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.590 Parcel.
“Parcel” means a tract or plat of land of any size which may or may not be subdivided or improved. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.600 Parking space.
“Parking space” means an area which is improved, maintained and used for the sole purpose of accommodating a motor vehicle. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.610 Permitted use.
“Permitted use” means a use which is specifically permitted in a zone and requires no conditional use permit. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.620 Principal use.
“Principal use” means the primary or predominant use to which the property is or may be devoted and to which all other uses on the premises are accessory. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.630 Public utility.
“Public utility” means a private business organization such as a public service corporation performing some public service and subject to special governmental regulation or a governmental agency performing similar public services, the services by either of which are paid for directly by the recipients thereof. Such service shall include but are not limited to, water supply, electrical power, gas and transportation for persons and freight. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.640 Recreational area, commercial.
“Commercial recreational use” means an area operated for profit and devoted to facilities and equipment for recreational purposes. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.650 Recreational vehicle.
“Recreational vehicle” means any vehicle such as but not limited to a motor home or travel trailer designed for temporary transient overnight housing and which can be moved over the highways. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.660 Recreational vehicle park.
“Recreational vehicle park” means a lot or series of lots designed to provide safe and sanitary temporary housing or storage of recreational vehicles for limited periods of time but which are not intended for use as a manufactured housing park. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.670 Residence.
“Residence” means a building or structure or a portion thereof which is designed for and used to provide an abode for human beings. No single-family dwelling shall be constructed or used which consists of less than 1,000 square feet of living area on the main or primary floor (or floors if split level), exclusive of garages and other accessory uses. (Ord. 03-627 § 1, 2003; Ord. 97-521 § 1, 1997; Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.680 Rest home, convalescent home, guest home, home for the aged.
“Rest home,” “convalescent home,” “guest home” or “home for the aged” means a home operated similarly to a boarding house but not restricted to any number of guests to guest rooms and the operator of which is licensed by the state or county to give nursing, dietary and other personal services furnished to convalescents, invalids and aged persons but in which homes are kept no persons suffering from a mental illness, mental disease, disorder or ailment, or from a contagious or communicable disease and in which homes are performed no surgery, maternity or other primary treatments such as customarily performed in sanitariums or hospitals and in which no persons are kept or served who normally would be admittable to a mental hospital. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.690 Roof.
“Roof” means a structural overcovering over any portion of a building or structure, including the projections beyond the walls or supports of the building or structure. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.700 Schools, elementary, junior or high.
“Elementary, junior or high schools” means institutions of learning offering instruction in the several branches of learning and study required by the Educational Code of the State of Washington to be taught in the public and private schools. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.710 Screen.
“Screen” means a vertical barrier located in limited space intended to provide a buffering effect, particularly for noise reduction or visual separation. Screens may consist of existing or planted vegetation, attractive sight-obscuring fencing, hedges, walls or earth berms, or similar techniques. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.720 Street.
“Street” means a public or recorded private thoroughfare which affords primary means of access to abutting property. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.730 Street line.
“Street line” means the boundary line between a street and the abutting property. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.740 Structure.
“Structure” means anything constructed in the ground, or anything erected which requires location on the ground or water, or is attached to something having location on or in the ground, but not including fences less than six feet in height, or paved areas. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.750 Structural alternatives.
“Structural alternatives” means any change in the supporting members of a building or structure. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.760 Substantial improvement.
“Substantial improvement” means any repair, reconstruction or improvement of a structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds 50 percent of the actual cash value of the structure (A) before the improvement is started, or (B) if the structure has been damaged and is being restored, before the damage occurred. Substantial improvement is started when the first alteration of any structural part of the building commences. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.770 Use.
“Use” means the nature of the occupancy, the type of activity, or the character and form of improvements to which land is devoted or may be devoted. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.780 Variance.
“Variance” means an adjustment in the specific regulations of this title regarding a particular piece of property because it is deprived of the privileges commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same vicinity and zone. This adjustment remedies disparity in privileges. All variances require review by the city council. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.790 Yard.
“Yard” means the space between a building and the lot line and measured horizontally at right angles to the structure. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)
18.12.800 Zone.
“Zone” means an area accurately defined as to boundaries and location on an official map and within which area only certain types of land uses are permitted, and within which other types of land use are excluded. (Ord. 84-335 § 2, 1984)