Chapter 18.32


18.32.010    Purpose.

18.32.020    Permitted uses.

18.32.030    Conditional uses.

18.32.040    Lot area.

18.32.045    Minimum street frontage.

18.32.050    Front yard.

18.32.060    Side yard.

18.32.070    Rear yard.

18.32.080    Building height.

18.32.090    Lot coverage.

18.32.100    In-ground swimming pools.

18.32.010 Purpose.

The purpose of the low-intensity residential zone is to provide for residential housing on lots compatible with the current residential pattern of the city. (Ord. 84-335 § 5.01, 1984)

18.32.020 Permitted uses.

The following uses are permitted in an R2 zone subject to the general provisions and exceptions set forth in Chapters 18.48 through 18.64 AMC:

A. All uses first permitted in the R1 zone; provided, that there is compliance with the provisions pertaining to each use as defined in AMC 18.28.020 and 18.28.030; with the exception of livestock. No livestock are permitted in an R2 zone;

B. Two-family dwelling units (duplexes); provided, that:

1. Private garages shall conform to all requirements for any single-family home defined by this title;

2. The units shall conform to all requirements for any single-family home defined by this title.

C. Chickens.

1. Purpose. The intent of this subsection is to authorize and establish standards for keeping domesticated chickens on a noncommercial basis and in a manner which will not endanger the health, peace, and safety of the citizens of the city and which will assure that chicken coops are appropriately placed, maintained and managed.

2. Location. No more than eight hens may be kept per single-family residential lot containing a maximum of one residence and are restricted to the side yard or backyard area of the lot.

3. General Requirements.

a. Only the female gender (hen) of the species G. gallus domesticus will be allowed within the city limits. No males (roosters) are allowed. It shall be unlawful for any person for any reason to keep or harbor within the corporate limits of the city of Asotin any roosters, turkeys, geese, ducks, peacocks, peahens, pigeons, birds of prey, or game birds.

b. The maximum number of chickens allowed for any single-family residential lot is eight.

c. The primary flight feathers on the wings must be clipped to prevent flight.

d. A coop is required to house the chickens.

e. The coop must be fully contained within the property.

f. Chickens may not be allowed to run at large and shall be contained upon the owner’s property at all times.

g. Coops must be constructed and located so as not to allow stormwater or other drainage onto neighboring property, including public rights-of-way and drainage ways.

h. The chicken coop and surrounding area shall be kept clean, dry and odor-free. Chicken manure shall be managed so as not to create a nuisance.

i. No person shall slaughter, dress or butcher any fowl or animal so as to unreasonably expose such act or acts to the view of any person on public or private property.

4. Remedies. Property used in violation of the provisions in this chapter shall constitute a nuisance, in addition to or as an alternative to other remedies that are legally available for enforcing this chapter, institute injunction, abatement or other appropriate proceedings to prevent, enjoin temporarily or permanently, abate or remove the unlawful situation.

5. Penalty.

a. A violation of this section is declared a public nuisance and a civil infraction adverse to the public welfare.

b. Monetary penalties for violations of this chapter will be graduated as follows:

i. First violation: $100.00.

ii. Second violation: $200.00.

iii. Third and subsequent violations: $300.00. (Ord. 24-891 § 1, 2024; Ord. 88-396 § 8, 1988; Ord. 84-335 § 5.02, 1984)

18.32.030 Conditional uses.

The following uses require a conditional use permit from the planning commission as provided in Chapter 18.72 AMC:

A. Cemeteries;

B. Churches;

C. Nursery schools;

D. Golf course, public or private, including clubhouse and accessory driving range;

E. Home occupation;

F. Bed and breakfast;

G. Publicly owned and operated parks;

H. Public utility facilities;

I. Schools, elementary, junior high or high, public or parochial;

J. Multifamily dwelling unit; provided, that:

1. No more than four dwelling units shall be allowed on one lot;

2. The units shall conform to all requirements for any single-family home defined by this title. (Ord. 03-616 § 2, 2003; Ord. 84-335 § 5.03, 1984)

18.32.040 Lot area.

The minimum lot area in an R2 zone shall be 7,200 square feet. (Ord. 84-335 § 5.04, 1984)

18.32.045 Minimum street frontage.

Every lot shall have frontage upon a city street or other city-owned public right-of-way for a minimum length of 20 feet. (Ord. 06-703 § 3, 2006)

18.32.050 Front yard.

Every lot shall have a front yard with a minimum depth of 15 feet. (Ord. 84-335 § 5.05, 1984)

18.32.060 Side yard.

Every lot shall have a side yard on each side of the lot a minimum width of seven feet and the total width of both side yards shall be no less than a minimum of 17 feet, except that on a corner lot the side yard on the street side shall be a minimum of 15 feet. (Ord. 84-335 § 5.06, 1984)

18.32.070 Rear yard.

Every lot shall have a rear yard with a minimum depth of eight feet, except that on a public alley the rear yard shall be a minimum of five feet, for an accessory building. (Ord. 84-335 § 5.07, 1984)

18.32.080 Building height.

A. No structure in an R2 zone shall exceed 35 feet in height.

B. No detached structure from the main or primary use structure shall exceed 18 feet in height. Height over 18 feet shall be reviewed by building department, determination shall be made based on:

1. Topography of the lot.

2. Sight restrictions to neighbor’s property.

C. No accessory building, whether attached or unattached shall be any higher than the primary use structure.

D. The variances to exceed the terms of this section shall be available as set forth further in this title. (Ord. 18-829 § 1, 2018; Ord. 15-793 § 1, 2015; Ord. 95-506 § 4, 1995; Ord. 84-335 § 5.08, 1984)

18.32.090 Lot coverage.

All buildings including accessory buildings and structures but not including parking spaces or private swimming pools shall cover not more than 40 percent of the lot area. (Ord. 84-335 § 5.09, 1984)

18.32.100 In-ground swimming pools.

A. All in-ground swimming pools with a depth of 24 inches or more require a building permit from the city. In order to obtain the permit, you need to complete pool, plumbing, and mechanical permit applications (as applicable) and submit engineered drawings of the proposed pool. Underground pools can be constructed within the required setback areas; however, they cannot be constructed within easement areas. A site plan showing the proposed pool location and proposed access point for the installation must also be supplied.

B. Pool enclosures or overhead structures shall not encroach into the required yard setbacks.

C. All in-ground pools are required to be enclosed by a fence no less than four feet in height with a gate having a latch openable only from the pool side of the fence. Using covers to enclose or cover the pool shall not be used in lieu of the fencing requirements.

D. All other conditions are set forth in the governing codes in the International Swimming Pool and Spa Code of the International Code Council. (Ord. 19-844 § 1, 2019)