Chapter 18.48


18.48.010    Traffic generation standards.

18.48.020    Required parking spaces.

18.48.025    Off-street parking in R3 zones.

18.48.030    Parking plan submittal.

18.48.040    Ingress and egress standards.

18.48.050    Grading and surfacing standards.

18.48.060    Loading and service space requirements.

18.48.070    Access to lot.

18.48.010 Traffic generation standards.

Uses likely to generate more than 25 auto trips per day per acre to and from the premises shall be permitted only if the lots containing these uses are directly serviced by a public street. (Ord. 84-335 § 9.01, 1984)

18.48.020 Required parking spaces.

Off-street parking in conjunction with any land or building uses established after the enactment of this title shall be provided according to the following table. No on-street parking shall be considered in fulfilling the requirements for any use:

Land Use

Number of Required Parking Spaces

Single-family residences

2 for each dwelling


2 for each dwelling unit


1.5 per bedroom

Food stores, markets and shopping centers having more than 2,000 square feet of gross floor area

1 for each 200 square feet gross floor area of building

Hotels and motels

1 for each rentable room or suite

Hospitals, nursing homes or rest homes

1 for each 5 regular beds plus 1 for each employee

Public assembly facilities providing for seated audiences (churches, theaters, etc.)

1 for each 3 seats

Business offices

1 for each 250 square feet of gross floor area

Restaurants and taverns

1 for each 100 square feet of gross floor space

All other general commercial activities

1 for each 100 square feet of gross floor space

Manufacturing uses

1 for each employee

(Ord. 03-627 § 4, 2003; Ord. 84-335 § 9.02, 1984)

18.48.025 Off-street parking in R3 zones.

In R3 zones, in considering apartments and duplexes as part of apartment complexes, the requirements of AMC 18.48.030 shall mean 1.5 off-street parking places for each dwelling unit; provided, however, that private garages shall only satisfy one space requirement per dwelling unit, no matter the size or number of spaces in the garage. It is the intention that at least some of the required off-street parking be in addition to the enclosed or private garage parking of any apartment complexes. (Ord. 06-699 § 1, 2006; Ord. 06-697 § 1, 2006)

18.48.030 Parking plan submittal.

Any party developing an off-street parking lot shall submit a plan of the proposed parking area showing adjacent streets and structures and proposed traffic circulation, drainage, lighting, landscaping, fencing and screening to the building official to review for compliance with this title. (Ord. 84-335 § 9.03, 1984)

18.48.040 Ingress and egress standards.

All ingress or egress to a public parking lot must be arranged such that no vehicle shall back onto a public street or otherwise cause or create unsafe or hazardous conditions for traffic on adjacent streets. All vehicles exiting a parking lot or area shall have clear vision of all traffic. (Ord. 84-335 § 9.04, 1984)

18.48.050 Grading and surfacing standards.

All required off-street parking areas shall be graded and surfaced to a standard comparable to the street or road which services the parking area. Such standards shall be determined by the building official. (Ord. 84-335 § 9.05, 1984)

18.48.060 Loading and service space requirements.

Each business building requiring service vehicles for deliveries or shipments shall have an off-street loading space with access to a public thoroughfare. The size of the space shall be large enough to accommodate all servicing vehicles. No servicing vehicle shall extend into the public thoroughfare when using the loading space. (Ord. 84-335 § 9.06, 1984)

18.48.070 Access to lot.

All buildings hereafter erected or moved shall be on a lot adjacent to a public street. All buildings shall also be located on the lot to provide safe and convenient access for servicing, fire protection and required off-street parking. (Ord. 84-335 § 9.07, 1984)