Chapter 2.15
2.15.010 Use of personal automobiles.
2.15.010 Use of personal automobiles.
Town of Beaux Arts Village officials and employees driving their own automobile for town purposes duly authorized and budgeted shall be reimbursed, at a rate to be determined by the town council, for such town purposes. [Ord. 138 § 1, 1979]
2.15.020 Other expenses.
Town of Beaux Arts Village officials and employees shall be reimbursed expenses, while on town business, upon prior authorization by the town council. [Ord. 138 § 2, 1979]
2.15.030 Claims.
Such personal expenses as outlined in BAVMC 2.15.010 and 2.15.020 shall be listed on appropriate claim forms to be furnished by the town clerk, and the actual expenses in BAVMC 2.15.020 shall be substantiated by receipts or vouchers. The town council shall authorize and approve such expenditures. [Ord. 138 § 3, 1979]