Chapter 16.40


16.40.010    Title.

16.40.020    Application.

16.40.030    Purpose.

16.40.040    Authority.

16.40.050    Access standards.

16.40.060    Design of lots and blocks.

16.40.070    Utilities.

16.40.080    Survey requirements.

16.40.090    Preliminary plat and binding site plan requirements.

16.40.100    Final plat and binding site plan requirements.

16.40.110    Dedications.

16.40.010 Title.

This chapter shall be called “Survey and Design Standards.” (Ord. 1856 § 2 (Exh. B), 2018).

16.40.020 Application.

This chapter shall apply as follows:

A. Plats and binding site plans shall be subject to this chapter;

B. The design specifications identified in this chapter shall apply to the design and construction of streets, roads, drainage facilities, sidewalks and other improvements serving plats and binding site plans;

C. No plat or binding site plan shall be granted final approval unless the streets, roads, drainage facilities, sidewalks, and other improvements required by this chapter have been constructed, installed, or provided. (Ord. 1856 § 2 (Exh. B), 2018).

16.40.030 Purpose.

A. Ensure that plats and binding site plans include appropriate provisions for the public health, safety, and general welfare, for open spaces, drainage ways, streets or roads, alleys, other public ways, transit stops, potable water supplies, sanitary wastes, parks and recreation, playgrounds, schools and school grounds, sidewalks, and planning features that assure safe walking conditions for students traveling to and from school;

B. Establish uniform standards for the preparation of plats and binding site plans;

C. Ensure that plats and binding site plans are accurate and consistent with applicable laws and regulations;

D. Establish uniform design standards for the design and construction of streets, roads, drainage facilities, sidewalks, and other infrastructure or improvements within plats and binding site plans.

E. Ensure that streets, roads, drainage facilities, sidewalks, and other improvements serving plats and binding site plans are compatible with, and can be easily connected to, adjoining properties and developments, thereby creating a uniform and interconnected system of public improvements. (Ord. 1856 § 2 (Exh. B), 2018).

16.40.040 Authority.

This chapter is adopted pursuant to chapters 36.70, 36.70A, 36.70B, 58.17 RCW and other applicable laws and regulations. (Ord. 1856 § 2 (Exh. B), 2018).

16.40.050 Access standards.

The design standards in this section shall apply to the design and construction of all plats and binding site plans. Vehicle and pedestrian access shall be provided as follows:

A. General.

1. Plats and binding site plans shall be served by one or more streets providing adequate ingress and egress.

2. The alignment of streets within plats and binding site plans shall conform to the city’s street plan and allow streets adjoining the plat or binding site plan to be extended through the site.

3. Street intersections shall be as nearly at right angles as practicable and in no event shall the angle formed be less than 30 degrees.

4. Street networks shall conform to any applicable fire code requirements to ensure adequate access for emergency vehicles and equipment.

5. Unless warranted by special physical circumstances, the right-of-way for public streets shall be at least 60 feet wide.

6. Alleys shall be at least 16 feet wide plus such additional width as shall be necessary for an adequate turning radius.

7. Public streets, roads, alleys, and sidewalks shall conform to applicable standards identified in chapter 12.28 BMC.

8. Low impact development features such as bioretention areas, rain gardens, and permeable paving shall be incorporated into the design and construction of all streets unless demonstrated to be infeasible through an engineering analysis. In determining the feasibility of such low impact development features, an engineering analysis shall be submitted and reviewed by the city engineer. This analysis should consider site characteristics such as soil and ground water conditions, and anticipated traffic volumes. The analysis should be consistent with the Washington State Department of Ecology’s “Stormwater Manual for Western Washington” and the design and site evaluation guidance in the Puget Sound Partnership’s “Low Impact Development Technical Guidance Manual for Puget Sound.”

9. All streets, bridges, sidewalks, and pedestrian access facilities shall be designed and constructed in accordance with plans and specifications prepared or approved by the city engineer.

10. All dedicated streets shall be graded to their full width with adequate drainage provided prior to acceptance for public use. Grades shall be established by the city engineer and all streets shall be surfaced according to plans and specifications prepared or approved by the city engineer.

11. Land divisions shall create, and contribute to, a fully connected network of streets. Unless explicitly waived by these requirements streets shall be extended to connect with adjacent streets and stubbed out to abutting properties to facilitate future access.

B. Private Streets. Vehicle and pedestrian access should be provided by public streets dedicated to the city. However, private streets and shared driveways may, at the city’s discretion, be authorized if all of the following criteria are met:

1. The goals of the zoning code to provide for adequate light, air and usable open space between structures would not be compromised; and

2. The dedication and improvement of a public street is not necessary to facilitate the provision of public utilities such as water, sanitary sewer, storm drainage; and

3. The dedication and improvement of a street is not necessary or desirable in order to provide on-street parking for overflow conditions; and

4. No potential safety hazards would result from multiple access points between existing and future developments onto a roadway without curbs and with limited sight lines; and

5. There is no potential for extending the street system to connect with existing streets, or to serve potential development sites adjacent to the plat or binding site plan; and

6. Private streets shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the applicable standards identified in chapter 17.85 BMC.

C. Sidewalks and Pedestrian Access.

1. Sidewalks and pedestrian access shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the applicable standards identified in chapter 17.85 BMC.

2. Sidewalks should be provided along both sides of streets unless this requirement is explicitly waived by the city’s adopted standards for public or private streets. (Ord. 1933 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023; Ord. 1856 § 2 (Exh. B), 2018).

16.40.060 Design of lots and blocks.

A. Blocks. To implement the comprehensive plan, minimize travel distances, and create a fully interconnected street network, developments must produce complete blocks bounded by a connecting network of streets in accordance with the following standards:

1. Blocks shall be designed and arranged to provide for the safe and efficient movement of vehicles and pedestrians.

2. Blocks shall be identified on the face of the plat or binding site plan by letters or numbers.

3. Design standards for blocks in areas zoned RD, RA, MUR, or MUC-1:

a. Maximum block length: 600 feet.

b. Maximum block perimeter: 1,600 feet.

4. Design standard for blocks in areas zoned MUC-2, CI-1, or PFT-1:

a. Maximum block length: 600 feet.

b. Maximum block perimeter: 2,000 feet.

5. Design standards for blocks in areas zoned CI-2 or PFT-2: None.

6. Design standards for blocks in areas zoned PC: None.

7. General Exceptions. An exception may be granted to standards for maximum block length or perimeter as minimally necessary due to severe topography, the presence of wetlands, or other significant critical area constraints, or for small sites. Exceptions may also be granted when street connections or stubs cannot feasibly be provided based on one or more of the factors listed in subsection (C)(2) of this section. In such cases mid-block pedestrian paths may be required in order to provide adequate pedestrian circulation.

8. Partial Blocks. Exceptions may be granted to the maximum permitted block perimeter in order to allow for the establishment of partial blocks bounded on one or more sides by a street(s) stubbed out to the site boundaries. When authorized, partial blocks shall comply with the applicable standard for block length and streets stubbed out to the site boundaries shall not be more than 150 feet in length, as measured from the nearest intersection.

B. Lots.

1. Lots shall either adjoin a street, or be served by a private access easement if permitted by this chapter and chapter 17.85 BMC.

2. Lots shall be numbered with reference to blocks.

3. The creation of through lots is prohibited in areas zoned RD.

C. Street Connections.

1. Street connections shall be provided to all streets and street stub-ends that abut the boundary of the land division.

2. Streets shall be extended to the boundaries of the land division and stub-ends shall be provided to allow for future connections. Exceptions may be granted to this requirement as follows:

a. Where the abutting property is fully developed and there is little or no possibility of redevelopment occurring.

b. Where the abutting property is zoned PFT or PC.

c. Where the abutting property is located in unincorporated Skagit County and is zoned Ag-NRL.

d. Where the presence of significant critical area constraints make future street extensions infeasible.

e. Where the property abuts a railroad or limited access highway right-of-way that makes future street extensions infeasible. (Ord. 1933 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023; Ord. 1856 § 2 (Exh. B), 2018).

16.40.070 Utilities.

A. Easements shall be provided for all utilities including storm water facilities.

B. All utility easements shall be designed and configured to allow access for inspection, maintenance, and repair purposes.

C. The design and configuration of easements for storm water and sanitary sewer facilities shall be reviewed and approved by the city engineer.

D. Low impact development techniques shall be incorporated into the design and construction of all plats and binding site plans in accordance with the provisions of chapter 17.70 BMC.

E. All storm water facilities shall be approved by the city engineer and shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the applicable standards identified in BMC Title 14.

F. Above ground utility installations, such as power and telephone lines, shall not be permitted unless the city engineer determines that topographic or geologic conditions make below ground installation infeasible.

G. Each lot in a plat or binding site plan shall be provided with a connection to a public water supply system. Lots used for nonbuilding purposes shall be exempt from this requirement provided a note is included on the face of the plat restricting the use of the lot to nonbuilding purposes.

H. Public water supply systems and connections shall be designed and constructed in accordance with any standards adopted by the Skagit Public Utility District.

I. Each lot in a plat or binding site plan shall be provided with a connection to the city’s sanitary sewer system. Lots used for nonbuilding purposes shall be exempt from this requirement provided a note is included on the face of the plat restricting the use of the lot to nonbuilding purposes.

J. Sewer system components and connections shall be designed and constructed in accordance with any applicable standards adopted by the city of Burlington and shall be approved by the city engineer.

K. Service Mains and Fire Hydrants. Service mains and fire hydrants shall be installed and inspected by the city engineer and fire marshal prior to final approval of plats and binding site plans. The design and construction of service mains and fire hydrants shall be consistent with all applicable standards and regulations, and all plans shall be approved by the city engineer and fire marshal. (Ord. 1856 § 2 (Exh. B), 2018).

16.40.080 Survey requirements.

Plats and binding site plans shall be based on a thorough survey and shall be prepared by a land surveyor licensed in the state of Washington. Plats and binding site plans shall be consistent with the following requirements:

A. The surveyor shall furnish the city engineer with a full set of survey notes which include:

1. The ties to each permanent monument;

2. At least three durable, distinctive reference points or monuments;

3. Sufficient data to determine readily the bearing and length of each line;

4. The base meridian referred to.

B. A traverse of the boundaries of the subdivision, short subdivision, or binding site plan and all lots and blocks shall close within one foot in 5,000 feet, as required by chapter 332-130 WAC.

C. Primary survey control points shall be referenced to section corners and monuments, and the corners of adjoining plats or binding site plans, or portions of plats or binding site plans, shall be identified and ties shown.

D. Prior to final plat or binding site plan approval, permanent control monuments shall be established at:

1. All controlling comers on the boundaries of the plat or binding site plan;

2. The intersections of centerlines of roads within the plat or binding site plan;

3. The beginning and ends of curves on centerlines;

4. All block corners.

E. Permanent control monuments may be placed on the offset lines. The position and type of every permanent monument shall be noted on all plats and binding site plans. Permanent control monuments shall be of a type approved by the city engineer.

F. Permanent control monuments within the streets shall be set after the streets are graded.

G. Each lot corner shall be marked by a three-quarter-inch galvanized iron pipe, 24 inches in length, or approved equivalent, driven into the ground, set with C cap per the requirements of RCW 58.19.120.

H. Prior to final plat or binding site plan approval the city engineer shall verify the required permanent control monuments and lot corner markers have been installed in accordance with the requirements of this chapter.

I. Property contiguous to water. If any land in a plat or binding site plan is contiguous to a body of water, a meander line shall be established along the shore at a safe distance back from the ordinary high water mark. Property lying below and beyond the meander line shall be defined by distance along the side property lines extended from the meander line. If the thread of a stream lies within a plat or binding site plan or forms the boundary of a plat or binding site plan, such thread shall be defined by bearings and distances as it exists at the time of the survey. (Ord. 1856 § 2 (Exh. B), 2018).

16.40.090 Preliminary plat and binding site plan requirements.

Preliminary plats and binding site plans shall be prepared by a land surveyor licensed in the state of Washington and shall include all of the following:

A. A complete survey of the parcel being divided;

B. The name of the proposed plat or binding site plan;

C. North point and scale;

D. The location of existing property lines, streets, buildings, watercourses, natural hazards, critical areas and critical area buffers, significant topographic features, and existing utilities;

E. A legal description of the land contained within the plat or binding site plan;

F. The names and addresses of all persons, firms and corporations holding interest in the lands, including easement rights and interest;

G. The proposed locations, dimensions, and names of streets, alleys, and roadways;

H. The location and dimensions of all proposed lots, lot lines, easements, common areas, storm water facilities, and dedications;

I. The locations, dimensions, and centerlines of all public and private streets, roadways, and access easements adjoining the proposed plat or binding site plan;

J. The approximate location of utilities adjoining the proposed plat or binding site plan;

K. The proposed location and routing of utilities necessary to serve lots within the proposed plat or binding site plan;

L. The names of adjoining plats or binding site plans;

M. The surveyor’s signature, license stamp, name, and contact information;

N. The date of the survey;

O. All existing monuments and markers located by the survey;

P. The zoning classification applicable to the land within the plat or binding site plan;

Q. The conditions of or the limitations on dedications, if any, including slope rights;

R. Contour intervals as required, based upon city datum;

S. Any other information required by Burlington Municipal Code or deemed necessary by the director for purposes of demonstrating compliance with regulatory requirements. (Ord. 1856 § 2 (Exh. B), 2018).

16.40.100 Final plat and binding site plan requirements.

Final plats and binding site plans shall be prepared by a land surveyor licensed in the state of Washington and shall include all of the following:

A.  A complete survey of the section or sections in which the plat, or replat, is located, or as many sections as may be necessary to properly orient the plat within the section or sections;

B. Complete field and computation notes as provided in BMC 16.40.080;

C. The final plat or binding site plan shall be printed on paper or other material acceptable to the Skagit County auditor and shall be 18 inches by 24 inches in size;

D. The accuracy and completeness of the final plat or binding site plan shall be the sole responsibility of the surveyor preparing the plat or binding site plan. The surveyor shall make field surveys and investigations as necessary to ensure the map is complete and accurate in every detail;

E. The final plat or binding site plan shall be presented at a scale not smaller than 100 feet to one inch;

F. The final plat or binding site plan shall include the following:

1. The name of the plat or binding site plan;

2. The lines, widths and names of all streets, avenues, places, parks or other public property, and the location of monuments marking the same;

3. The length and direction of all lot lines, also the angles made by the lot lines with the street lines;

4. The location of control points and monuments together with all ties;

5. The names of all adjoining plats and binding site plans;

6. The scale and north point;

7. The boundary of the tract as covered by the plat or binding site plan showing courses and distance on the plat;

8. The initial point;

9. All protective improvements and restrictions on uses;

10. All dedications and all conveyances to a homeowner’s nonprofit maintenance corporation in lieu of dedication;

11. Any notes, restrictions, or information required by Burlington Municipal Code or as a condition of preliminary plat or binding site plan approval;

12. Inscriptions or notes on the face of the plat or binding site plan setting forth all limitations and conditions for the use of land;

13. Inscription or notes on the face of the plat or binding site plan requiring that any development of the subject property be in conformance with the plat or binding site plan;

14. Tracts shall be individually identified by letters or numbers and notes shall be provided indicating the purpose, intended ownership, and permitted or prohibited uses for each tract.

G. Any additional information necessary to meet the standards for mapping set forth in chapter 332-130 WAC;

H. In the case of a plat alteration or binding site plan alteration, the lots, blocks, streets, alleys, easements and parks appearing on the original plat or binding site plan shall be shown by dotted lines in their proper position in relation to the new arrangement of the plat or binding site plan, and the new plat or binding site plan shall be shown clearly in solid lines to avoid ambiguity;

I. The following certificates and signature blocks shall be included on the face of the plat or binding site plan. The director may specify the specific content, or format, of the required signature blocks and certificates unless a specific format is prescribed by state law.

1. A dated surveyor’s certificate including the surveyor’s signature and license stamp;

2. A certificate giving a full and correct description of the lands divided as they appear on the plat or binding site plan, including a statement that the subdivision, short subdivision, or binding site plan has bean made with the free consent and in accordance with the desires of the owners. If the plat is subject to a dedication, the certificate or a separate written instrument shall also contain the dedication of all streets and other areas to the public, an individual or individuals, religious society or societies or to any corporation, public or private as shown on the plat and a waiver of all claims for damages against any governmental authority which may be occasioned to the adjacent land by the established construction, drainage and maintenance of the road. The certificate or instrument of dedication shall be signed and acknowledged before a notary public by all parties having any ownership interest in the land subdivided and recorded as part of the final plat;

3. A statement of approval from the city engineer as to the survey data, the layout of streets, alleys, and other rights-of-way, design of bridges, sewage and water systems, and other structures, and indicating the plat complies with BMC Titles 12, 13, and 14;

4. A statement of approval from the director indicating the plat or binding site plan complies with BMC Titles 15, 16, 17, and 18;

5. For subdivisions, a signature block indicating the city council’s approval;

6. Be acknowledged by the person filing the plat before the auditor of the county in which the land is located, or any other officer who is authorized by law to take acknowledgment of deeds, and a certificate of said acknowledgment shall be enclosed or annexed to such plat or binding site plan and recorded therewith;

7. A certification from the Skagit County treasurer that all taxes and delinquent assessments for which the property may be liable as of the date of certification have been duly paid, satisfied or discharged;

8. A certification from the city treasurer that all taxes and delinquent assessments for which the property may be liable as of the date of certification have been duly paid, satisfied or discharged;

9. Be acknowledged by the person filing the plat before the Skagit County auditor or any other officer who is authorized by law to take acknowledgment of deeds, and a certificate of the acknowledgment shall be enclosed or annexed to the plat or binding site plan and recorded with it;

10. For binding site plans where a condominium or condominium conversion is proposed, the final plan drawing shall include a statement indicating that the plan is either for a “condominium development” or a “condominium conversion.” (Ord. 1933 § 1 (Exh. A), 2023; Ord. 1856 § 2 (Exh. B), 2018).

16.40.110 Dedications.

A. All subdivisions and short subdivisions shall include adequate provisions for the dedication of drainage ways, streets, alleys, easements, critical areas, parks, and other public open space areas as may be required by Burlington Municipal Code, Washington State law, or other applicable regulatory requirements.

B. All dedications shall be clearly and precisely indicated on the face of plat or binding site plan along with the intended purpose of the dedication and any associated restrictions on its use.

C. Protective improvements and easements allowing access, inspection, and maintenance of such improvements shall be dedicated to the city in accordance with applicable municipal code requirements.

D. City-owned and operated storm water facilities, infiltration areas, and conveyance or collection systems, as well as easements allowing access, inspection, and maintenance of such features shall be dedicated to the city in accordance with applicable municipal code requirements.

E. Easements being dedicated, and their intended purpose, shall be shown on the face of the plat or binding site plan and included in the certificate of dedication.

F. Convenient pedestrian and vehicular access to every lot shall be provided by a dedicated street unless a private street is authorized pursuant to BMC 16.40.050(B).

G. If the city concludes that the public interest will be served the city may, in lieu of requiring the dedication to the public of land in a subdivision for protective improvements, drainage ways, streets, alleys, sidewalks, parks and other open space, allow the land to be conveyed to a homeowner’s nonprofit maintenance corporation. In such cases, prior to the time of filing a final plat or binding site plan for approval, articles of incorporation and bylaws of the grantee organization and evidence of the conveyance or of a binding commitment to convey shall be provided to the city. The articles of incorporation shall provide that membership in the corporation shall be conditioned upon ownership of land in the plat or binding site plan, that the corporation is empowered to assess the land for costs of construction and maintenance of the improvements and property owned by the corporation, and that the assessment shall be a lien upon the land. The city attorney shall review and approve the articles of incorporation and bylaws as to compliance with this provision. The city council may impose other conditions as it deems appropriate to assure that property and improvements owned by the corporation will be adequately constructed and maintained.

H. Any dedication, donation or grant as shown on the face of the plat or binding site plan shall be considered, to all intents and purposes, as a quitclaim deed to the grantee or grantees, for his, her or their use for the purpose intended by the donors or grantors. (Ord. 1856 § 2 (Exh. B), 2018).