Chapter 10.08
10.08.010 Speed limit established.
10.08.020 Specific exceptions.
10.08.030 Limitations on speed limit.
10.08.040 Violation – Penalty.
10.08.010 Speed limit established.
The maximum speed limit on city streets, roads and alleys shall be 25 mph unless otherwise provided in this chapter. CMC 10.04.010 adopts the Washington Model Traffic Ordinance (“MTO”). The MTO as adopted by the city is amended, in part, by this chapter. (Ord. 1304 § 1, 2021).
10.08.020 Specific exceptions.
The maximum speed limit on certain streets and roads within the city shall be the speed limit established in CMC 10.08.010, except as follows:
A. The 20 mph school zone speed limit on Pioneer Avenue shall apply to the 695 feet between the school zones for Vale Elementary School and Cashmere Middle School. (Ord. 1304 § 1, 2021).
10.08.030 Limitations on speed limit.
A. The speed limits set out in this chapter are subject to the provisions of RCW Title 46 as the same exist now or may hereafter be amended, related to speed limits at crosswalks, in school zones, and near playgrounds.
B. The speed limits established in this chapter are subject to the provisions in RCW Title 46 as the same exists now or may hereafter be amended, that limit speeds to speeds reasonable and prudent under the conditions, having regard for the actual potential hazards then existing and in accordance with temporary speed limits posted in construction zones. (Ord. 1304 § 1, 2021).
10.08.040 Violation – Penalty.
A. A violation of CMC 10.08.020(A) shall be an infraction subject to the monetary penalty for school zone speed limit violations set forth in the MTO.
B. Any speed limit violation other that those identified in subsection A of this section shall be an infraction subject to the monetary penalty set forth in the MTO. (Ord. 1304 § 1, 2021).