Chapter 7.09


7.09.010    License required.

7.09.020    License procedure.

7.09.030    Operation and facility requirements.

7.09.010 License required.

A.    Grooming parlors shall be licensed annually before or during the month of January, or within thirty days of commencement of operation.

B.    Grooming parlor licenses shall expire December 31st.

C.    The license fee shall be in accordance with Chapter 5.01 CMC.

D.    On commencement of operation the initial license fee shall be prorated according to the number of months remaining in the license year, if the license is obtained within thirty days of commencing operation. (Ord. 2151 § 1 (part), 2005: Ord. 1683 § 5 (part), 1989).

7.09.020 License procedure.

A.    An application for a grooming parlor license shall be made to the city clerk or authorized agent.

B.    The application shall contain the following: name, address and telephone number of the owner or operator of the facility; the name and address of the facility; a brief description of the magnitude and nature of the operation; and satisfactory proof that the operation conforms to the city’s zoning code.

C.    The city clerk or authorized agent shall issue the license or renewal if the license fee is paid, if the application is completed, and an inspection shows that the facility will meet operation requirements. The license shall contain the date of expiration.

D.    The license shall be prominently displayed at the facility. (Ord. 2151 § 1 (part), 2005: Ord. 1683 § 5 (part), 1989).

7.09.030 Operation and facility requirements.

Grooming parlors shall:

A.    Not board animals;

B.    Provide restraining straps for animals to prevent injury to animals during grooming;

C.    Sterilize grooming equipment after each use;

D.    Not leave animals unattended while drying before a dryer;

E.    Not prescribe or administer treatment or medicine or otherwise engage in veterinary practice as defined by RCW 18.92.010;

F.    Not cage animals in the same cage unless requested by the owner or keeper of the animals;

G.    Be structurally sound and in good repair;

H.    Have grooming areas with walls, ceiling and floors which are sealed and resistant to absorption of moisture and odors;

I.    Be cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis. (Ord. 2151 § 1 (part), 2005: Ord. 1683 § 5 (part), 1989).