Chapter 10.18


10.18.010    Statutes adopted by reference.

10.18.020    Inhaling toxic fumes.

10.18.030    Poisons.

10.18.040    Legend and prescription drugs.

10.18.080    Precursor drugs.

10.18.100    Medical cannabis (formerly medical marijuana).

10.18.010 Statutes adopted by reference.

The following state statutes, as presently constituted or as may be subsequently amended, are adopted by reference and are applicable within the city:




69.50.101    Definitions.


69.50.102    Drug paraphernalia—Definitions.


69.50.202    Nomenclature.


69.50.309    Containers.


69.50.369    Marijuana producers, processors, retailers—Advertisements—Penalty.


69.50.401    Prohibited acts: A—Penalties.


69.50.4013    Possession of controlled substance—Penalty—Possession of useable marijuana or marijuana-infused products.


69.50.4014    Possession of forty grams or less of marihuana—Penalty.


69.50.4015    Involving a person under eighteen in unlawful controlled substance transaction—Penalty.


69.50.4016    Provisions not applicable to offenses under RCW 69.50.410.


69.50.404    Penalties under other laws.


69.50.405    Bar to prosecution.


69.50.412    Prohibited acts: E—Penalties.


69.50.4121    Drug paraphernalia—Selling or giving—Penalty.


69.50.420    Violations—Juvenile driving privileges.


69.50.425    Misdemeanor violations—Minimum penalties.


69.50.445    Opening or consuming package containing marijuana, useable marijuana, or marijuana-infused product in view of general public—Penalty.


69.50.505    Seizure and forfeiture.


69.50.506    Burden of proof; liabilities.


69.50.509    Search and seizure of controlled substances.


69.50.510    Search and seizure at rental premises—Notification of landlord.

(Ord. 2320 § 1 (part), 2014).

10.18.020 Inhaling toxic fumes.

The following state statutes, as presently constituted or as may be subsequently amended, are adopted by reference and are applicable within the city:




9.47A.010    Definition.


9.47A.020    Unlawful inhalation—Exception.


9.47A.030    Possession of certain substances prohibited, when.


9.47A.040    Sale of certain substances prohibited, when.


9.47A.050    Penalty.

(Ord. 2320 § 1 (part), 2014).

10.18.030 Poisons.

The following state statutes, as presently constituted or as may be subsequently amended, are adopted by reference and are applicable within the city:




69.38.010    “Poison” defined.


69.38.020    Exemptions from chapter.


69.38.030    Poison register—Identification of purchaser.


69.38.040    Inspection of poison register—Penalty for failure to maintain register.


69.38.050    False representation—Penalty.


69.38.060    Manufacturers and sellers of poisons—License required—Penalty.

(Ord. 2320 § 1 (part), 2014).

10.18.040 Legend and prescription drugs.

The following state statutes, as presently constituted or as may be subsequently amended, are adopted by reference and are applicable within the city:




69.41.010    Definitions.


69.41.020    Prohibited acts—Information not privileged communication.


69.41.030    Sale, delivery, or possession of legend drug without prescription or order prohibited—Exceptions.


69.41.032    Prescription of legend drugs by dialysis programs.


69.41.040    Prescription requirements.


69.41.042    Record requirements.


69.41.044    Confidentiality.


69.41.050    Labeling requirements.


69.41.060    Search and seizure.


69.41.062    Search and seizure at rental premises—Notification of landlord.


69.41.065    Violations—Juvenile driving privileges.


69.41.072    Violations of chapter 69.50 RCW not to be charged under chapter 69.41 RCW—Exception.


69.41.075    Rules—Availability of lists of drugs.


69.41.080    Animal control—Rules for possession and use of legend drugs.


69.41.300    Definitions.


69.41.320    Practitioners—Restricted use—Medical records.


69.41.350    Penalties.

(Ord. 2320 § 1 (part), 2014).

10.18.080 Precursor drugs.

The following state statutes, as presently constituted or as may be subsequently amended, are adopted by reference and applicable within the city:




69.43.010    Report to state board of pharmacy—List of substances—Modification of list—Identification of purchasers—Report of transactions—Penalties.


69.43.020    Receipt of substance from source outside state—Report—Penalty.


69.43.030    Exemptions.


69.43.035    Suspicious transactions—Report—Penalty.


69.43.043    Recordkeeping requirements—Penalty.


69.43.090    Permit to sell, transfer, furnish or receive substance—Exemptions—Application for permit—Fee—Renewal—Penalty.


69.43.105    Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, phenylpropanolamine—Sales restrictions—Record of transaction—Exceptions—Penalty.


69.43.110    Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, phenylpropanolamine—Sales restrictions—Penalty.


69.43.120    Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, phenylpropanolamine—Possession of more than fifteen grams—Penalty—Exceptions.


69.43.135    Iodine, methylsulfonylmethane—Sales restrictions—Recording of transactions—Penalties.


69.43.150    Application of chapter to local government.

(Ord. 2320 § 1 (part), 2014).

10.18.100 Medical cannabis (formerly medical marijuana).

The following state statutes, as presently constituted or as may be subsequently amended, are adopted by reference and applicable within the city:




69.51A.005    Purpose and intent.


69.51A.010    Definitions.


69.51A.020    Construction of chapter.


69.51A.025    Construction of chapter—Compliance with RCW 69.51A.040.


69.51A.030    Acts not constituting crimes or unprofessional conduct—Health care professionals not subject to penalties or liabilities.


69.51A.040    Compliance with chapter—Qualifying patients and designated providers not subject to penalties—Law enforcement not subject to liability.


69.51A.043    Failure to register—Affirmative defense.


69.51A.045    Possession of cannabis exceeding lawful amount—Affirmative defense.


69.51A.047    Failure to register or present valid documentation—Affirmative defense.


69.51A.055    Limitations of chapter—Persons under supervision.


69.51A.060    Crimes—Limitations of chapter.


69.51A.085    Collective gardens.


69.51A.090    Applicability of valid documentation definition.


69.51A.100    Qualifying patient’s designation of provider—Provider’s service as designated provider—Termination.


69.51A.130    State and municipalities—Not subject to liability.


69.51A.140    Counties, cities, towns—Authority to adopt and enforce requirements.

(Ord. 2320 § 1 (part), 2014).