Chapter 11.08


11.08.010    Statutes adopted.

11.08.020    Traffic safety school.

11.08.030    Purpose.

11.08.040    Fee.

11.08.010 Statutes adopted.

Chapter 46.83 RCW, Traffic Schools, as now in force or hereafter amended, added to or deleted from is adopted by reference as part of this title. (Ord. 2271 § 1, 2011).

11.08.020 Traffic safety school.

A traffic safety school is hereby established in accordance with Chapter 46.83 RCW and authorized to be administered by the Centralia police department as a diversion program in cooperation with the Centralia municipal court. (Ord. 2271 § 2, 2011).

11.08.030 Purpose.

The purpose of the traffic safety school is to instruct, educate and inform all enrollees in the proper, lawful, and safe operation of motor vehicles, including but not limited to rules of the road and the limitations of persons, vehicles, and bicycles and roads, streets, and highways under varying conditions and circumstances. (Ord. 2271 § 3, 2011).

11.08.040 Fee.

The Centralia police department shall charge a fee to traffic safety school participants for the purpose of reimbursing some or all of the cost of administering the traffic safety school. The amount of the fee shall be as established or amended by the city council by resolution. Participants in the traffic safety school shall remit said fee to the city of Centralia in accordance with the procedures established by the Centralia police department. (Ord. 2271 § 4, 2011).