Chapter 11.10


11.10.010    Definitions.

11.10.020    Procedure.

11.10.030    Notification.

11.10.040    Model Traffic Ordinance—In effect.

11.10.010 Definitions.

The following definitions shall apply to the establishment, placement, removal or modification of regulatory signs and road and curb markings within the city of Centralia, Washington:

“Chief of police” means the duly authorized and acting chief of police of the city of Centralia or his or her designee, for the purposes of enactment and enforcement of this chapter.

“City engineer” means the duly authorized and acting city engineer of the city of Centralia, or his or her designee, for the purposes of enactment and enforcement of this chapter.

“Regulatory sign” means stop sign, speed limit sign, and/or other regulatory signs as defined in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices published by the United States Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, as modified by the Washington State Department of Transportation.

“Road and curb markings” means new crosswalks, curb painting, road markings and lane markings and curbing. (Ord. 2053 § 1 (part), 2000).

11.10.020 Procedure.

When a problem or issue related to a regulatory sign or road and curb marking or a possible need for a regulatory sign or road and curb marking or a need or possible need for a modification or change to an existing regulatory sign or road and curb marking is identified, the chief of police and the city engineer shall review information to the need or proposed need for change, and shall conduct an evaluation of associated information and factors related to any such need or problem. The information evaluated shall include, but not be limited to: physical characteristics of the location and site, traffic accident history, traffic volume history, type of street, intersection sign visibility, and type of problem(s). If, after the completion of the evaluation, the chief of police and city engineer have determined that the installation, removal, modification or change of a regulatory sign or road and curb marking will correct or improve the problem, the chief of police and city engineer shall authorize the posting of the necessary signage or road and curb marking as determined. (Ord. 2053 § 1 (part), 2000).

11.10.030 Notification.

When the installation, removal, modification, or change of a regulatory sign or road and curb marking has been determined to be required, the chief of police and city engineer shall notify the city manager and the city council of the action taken. (Ord. 2053 § 1 (part), 2000).

11.10.040 Model traffic ordinance—In effect.

With respect to all issues except the authority for, and aspects related to, regulatory signs as provided and established in this chapter, the Model Traffic Ordinance as previously adopted by the city of Centralia is in effect. If any portion of this chapter is held invalid for any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining portions of this chapter shall be unaffected thereby. (Ord. 2053 § 1 (part), 2000).