Chapter 11.30


11.30.010    Definition—Prohibited in residential areas—Exceptions.

11.30.020    Parking of heavy vehicles prohibited.

11.30.025    Vesting.

11.30.030    Recreation vehicles—Parking restriction in residential areas.

11.30.040    Signs.

11.30.060    Penalty for violation.

11.30.070    Load and speed restrictions on certain streets—Penalty for violation.

Code revisor’s note: Ordinance 1404 § 7 repealed conflicting ordinances or parts thereof, including Ordinances 928, 1221 and 1272; however, none of this material has been specifically repealed.

Prior legislation: Ords. 1404, 1440, 1848 and 2005.

11.30.010 Definition—Prohibited in residential areas—Exceptions.

It is unlawful to drive or otherwise transport any “heavy motor vehicle,” defined to be any motor vehicle, except recreation vehicles, having a licensed gross weight in excess of twenty thousand pounds, on, over or across any city street or highway in the city within or abutting an area designated as residential (R1, R2, R3 and R4) on the official zoning map of the city as now shown or hereafter amended, provided, however, said heavy motor vehicles are not prohibited from utilizing arterial and/or collector streets located in residential areas, as such streets are designated on maps maintained in the office of the city engineer. For such transportation purposes, and, provided, further, that nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent such heavy motor vehicles from using residential streets (other than arterial and/or collector streets) for the limited purpose of local pickups, deliveries, service calls, vested parking on private property or municipal and other public services. (Ord. 2052 § 2 (part), 2000).

11.30.020 Parking of heavy vehicles prohibited.

No heavy motor vehicles as defined in this chapter shall be allowed to park on any streets, alleys or other thoroughfares, including unimproved parking strips, and residentially zoned properties within the city limits unless vested for such use on residentially zoned property.

Provided, however, nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the parking of said vehicles in the described residential areas for the limited purpose of local pickups, deliveries, service calls or municipal and other public purposes. (Ord. 2052 § 2 (part), 2000).

11.30.025 Vesting.

A.    Owner/operators or company hired drivers of heavy motor vehicles shall be considered vested and shall be allowed to park a single tractor or a decked tractor-trailer or tractor-trailer at their place of residence in any residential zone of the city if the following conditions are met:

1.    A business license is obtained and renewed annually, that authorizes business to be conducted within the city and appropriate fees are paid to the city clerk of the city of Centralia. Failure to renew/maintain a business license shall be cause for loss of vesting rights. Vesting rights shall not be transferable to another owner/operator or company hired driver or to another residential property.

2.    That the tractor or decked tractor-trailer is parked in legally conforming off-street parking on privately owned property. Requirements for off-street parking in residential areas is defined in CMC 20.72.020(E). Any damage that may occur as a result of driving the tractor over a curb cut or sidewalk shall be the responsibility of the owner to repair and replace in compliance with city standards and upon inspection of the city engineer or his designee.

3.    That a tractor-trailer shall be parked in a minimum space of ten foot by a maximum of seventy-five foot area in legally conforming off-street parking area on privately owned property. The tractor-trailer shall be parked in accordance with Chapter 20.72 CMC dependant on residential classification. In no case shall the tractor-trailer be parked in the front yard or the front yard setback. Any damage that may occur as a result of driving the tractor over a curb cut or sidewalk shall be the responsibility of the owner to repair and replace in compliance with city standards and upon inspection of the city engineer or his designee.

4.    That conditions set forth in subsections (A)(1) and (2) and/or (3) of this section shall be complied with within sixty days of the passage of the ordinance codified in this chapter. After the sixty-day period no new requests for heavy truck parking in residential zones will be permitted.

B.    Owner/operators and/or company hired drivers of heavy motor vehicles who fail to comply with this section shall be precluded from parking heavy motor vehicles within the city limits of Centralia.

C.    Vested rights shall not be applicable during times when road closures are in effect for freeze/ thaw as authorized under Chapter 14.20 CMC.

D.    Nothing in this chapter shall preclude truck/heavy vehicle parking on privately owned property zoned or vested for commercial or industrial purposes. (Ord. 2052 § 2 (part), 2000).

11.30.030 Recreation vehicles—Parking restriction in residential areas.

It is unlawful to park or otherwise leave on any street or highway, or public right-of-way relative thereto, in the city within or abutting an area designated as residential (R1, R2, R3 and R4) on the official zoning map of the city, as now shown or hereafter amended, any recreation vehicle, including but not limited to boat trailers, trailer homes and mobile homes, if such vehicle:

A.    Is so parked as to constitute a definite hazard or obstruction to the normal movement of traffic; and/or

B.    Has been parked or left standing on any public street, alley or right-of-way for any continuous period of time more than twenty-four hours. (Ord. 2052 § 2 (part), 2000).

11.30.040 Signs.

A.    It is not necessary that restricted parking or other traffic signs be erected for the purpose of enforcing this chapter.

B.    In the event signing appears to be desirable to fulfill the terms of this chapter, the city engineer with the assistance of the chief of police shall have the authority to place signage where appropriate. (Ord. 2052 § 2 (part), 2000).

11.30.060 Penalty for violation.

Any person violating or failing to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of an infraction with a penalty up to two hundred fifty dollars per infraction. If no driver is present in the tractor or heavy motor vehicle at the time of issuance of the infraction, the infraction shall be issued to the registered owner of the tractor or heavy motor vehicle by placing the notice of infraction on the windshield of the tractor or heavy motor vehicle. (Ord. 2052 § 2 (part), 2000).

11.30.070 Load and speed restrictions on certain streets—Penalty for violation.

A.    From and after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section, motor vehicles, including but not limited to trucks, except recreational vehicles, having a gross vehicle weight in excess of twenty thousand pounds, are prohibited from traveling upon the following roads between the hours of seven p.m. and six a.m.:

That portion of Johnson Road lying between Harrison Avenue and Reynolds Avenue;

That portion of First Street from Harrison Avenue to Pearl Street;

That portion of B Street between Sixth Street and Kearny Street;

That portion of Kearny Street between B Street and Central Boulevard;

That portion of Central Boulevard between Kearny Street and the north end of Central Boulevard;

Provided, however, such restriction shall not apply to duly authorized emergency vehicles, including but not limited to vehicles providing municipal services in any such emergency.

B.    Subsection (A) of this section shall not become effective unless and until appropriate signs have been erected in that area to so inform the motoring public of such restricted travel, with a minimum number of two signs required, located in such a way as to call such restrictions to the attention of those intending to use said streets for vehicular travel. The street department of the city is authorized and directed to erect such signs as soon as reasonably practicable and is further authorized to erect such additional signs as are necessary to fulfill the intent and purpose of subsection (A) of this section.

C.    From and after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section, the following speed limits will apply to the areas indicated as follows:

Motor vehicles having a gross vehicle weight in excess of twenty thousand pounds

Twenty miles per hour

All other vehicles

Twenty-five miles per hour

Provided, however, such speed limit shall have no application to duly designated school zones where the appropriate speed limit for such school zones shall apply in the event same is different from the speed limit in this section. (Ord. 2492 § 1, 2022; Ord. 2052 § 2 (part), 2000).