Chapter 14.20


14.20.010    Declaration of purpose.

14.20.020    Scope and construction of terms.

14.20.030    Definitions.

14.20.040    Emergency load limitations.

14.20.050    Special allowances for authorized vehicles.

14.20.060    Special permits for authorized vehicles.

14.20.070    Vehicle combinations.

14.20.080    Maximum speed permitted on posted roads.

14.20.090    Penalty.

14.20.100    Action for damage.

14.20.010 Declaration of purpose.

It is the policy of the city council, recognizing the close relation between climatic and other conditions and damage or destruction to city streets, to establish emergency load limitations upon city streets to become effective during such periods of inclement weather, and to establish special load limitations for school buses, motor trucks transporting perishable commodities or commodities necessary to the health and welfare of city residents, and motor vehicles providing services necessary to the health and welfare of city residents when such emergency load limitations are in effect. (Ord. 1848 § 93, 1995: Ord. 1543 § 1, 1983).

14.20.020 Scope and construction of terms.

Terms used in this chapter shall have that meaning given to them in CMC 14.20.030 and where not defined herein shall have that meaning clearly indicated by the context in which such terms are used. (Ord. 1543 § 2, 1983).

14.20.030 Definitions.

As used in this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:

A.    “Authorized emergency vehicle” means any vehicle of any fire department, police department, sheriff’s office, coroner, prosecuting attorney, Washington State Patrol, ambulance service, public or private, which need not be classified, registered, or authorized by the State Commission on Equipment, including any other vehicle authorized in writing by the State Commission on Equipment, or deemed by the above named departments, offices and agencies as necessary to assist in the handling of any such emergency.

B.    “City street” means every public street or part thereof, maintained by the city, lying inside the limits of Centralia, and which has not been designated as a state highway as that term is defined in RCW 47.04.010(34) as now or hereafter amended.

C.    “Commodity necessary for health and welfare” means a product of agriculture or manufacture which is necessary to provide essential shelter, food and fuel to people and animals.

D.    “Gross weight” means the total vehicle weight including load.

E.    “Motor truck” means any motor vehicle designed or used for the transportation of commodities, merchandise, produce, freight, animals, or other materials.

F.    “Motor vehicle” means every vehicle or vehicle combination which is self-propelled.

G.    “Perishable commodity” means a product of agriculture, aquaculture, or manufacture which by its nature is subject to destruction, decay, deterioration or spoilage except under proper conditions.

H.    “Person” means every natural person, firm, copartnership, corporation, association, or organization.

I.    “Pneumatic tire” means every tire of rubber or other resilient material designed to be inflated with compressed air to support the load thereon.

J.    “School bus” means every motor vehicle used regularly to transport children to and from school which is subject to the requirements set forth in the most recent edition of Specifications for School Buses published by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, but does not include buses operated by common carriers in urban transportation of school children.

K.    “Service necessary to the health and welfare” means any service provided to the public which is necessary to maintain essential power, gas, communications, garbage, sewer, and water services for the community at large.

L.    Tire Width. The width of tires in case of pneumatic tires shall be the maximum overall normal inflated width as stipulated by the manufacturer when inflated to the pressure specified and without load thereon.

M.    “Vehicle” means every device capable of being moved upon a public highway, and in, upon or by which any persons or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a public highway. (Ord. 1848 § 94, 1995; Ord. 1543 § 3, 1983).

14.20.040 Emergency load limitations.

A.    When in the opinion of the city engineer any city street will be seriously damaged or destroyed by reason of freeze and thawing conditions, or other inclement weather unless the operation of vehicles thereon be restricted or the permissible weight thereof be reduced, no person shall operate upon any city street, any vehicle, except an authorized emergency vehicle, with a gross weight upon any tire concentrated upon the surface of city street in excess of the following load limitations.


Conventional Tires

Tubeless or Special With .5 Marking

Size Tire Width

Gross Load Each Tire

Size Tire Width

Gross Load Each Tire


1800 pounds


1800 pounds


1800 pounds


1900 pounds


1900 pounds


2250 pounds


2250 pounds


2750 pounds


2750 pounds


2750 pounds


3000 pounds


3000 pounds

* And under

** And over




B.    The emergency load limitations imposed by this section shall become effective upon the erection and maintenance by city forces of signs designating such limitations at each end of the affected portion of city street and shall remain in full force until such signs are removed by city forces at the direction of the city engineer. (Ord. 1543 § 4, 1983).

14.20.050 Special allowances for authorized vehicles.

When any emergency load limitation as defined in this chapter is in effect as to any city streets, school buses, motor trucks transporting perishable commodities or commodities necessary to the health and welfare of city residents are permitted to exceed the emergency load limitation; provided, that the gross weight of such vehicle shall not exceed that amount determined by multiplying the total number of tires concentrated upon the surface of the road times the maximum allowable gross weight per tire as follows:


Conventional Tires

Tubeless or Special With .5 Marking

Size Tire Width

Gross Load Each Tire

Size Tire Width

Gross Load Each Tire


1800 pounds


1800 pounds


2000 pounds


2200 pounds


2200 pounds


2600 pounds


2600 pounds


3200 pounds


3200 pounds


3200 pounds


3600 pounds


3600 pounds

* And under

** And over




Providing further, that where circumstances concerning a proposed move would constitute an undue hardship, the city engineer or his designee is authorized to issue special permits allowing such vehicle to exceed the gross weight limits of this section; such permit to specify, but not be limited to, time of movement and specific route information consistent with protecting the city streets from serious damage. (Ord. 1543 § 5, 1983).

14.20.060 Special permits for authorized vehicles.

The city engineer or his designee is authorized to issue special permits allowing motor vehicles providing services necessary to the health and welfare of city residents to exceed the posted emergency load limitations; provided, that such permits, specify, but not be limited to, time of movement, and specific route information consistent with protecting the city streets from serious damage and be issued only in those instances where an immediate threat to the public health and welfare exists. (Ord. 1543 § 6, 1983).

14.20.070 Vehicle combinations.

When computing the maximum allowable gross weight of motor vehicles during periods of emergency load limitations as provided for in CMC 14.20.050, each vehicle, whether solo or part of a vehicle combination, shall be considered separately except for semi and pole trailers which may be considered as part of the towing vehicle if the load being carried by such a combination is supported equally, plus or minus ten percent by both the trailer and towing vehicle. (Ord. 1543 § 7, 1983).

14.20.080 Maximum speed permitted on posted roads.

Except where applicable law or regulation specifies a lower speed, no person shall operate any vehicle at a speed in excess of twenty-five miles per hour upon any city street posted as to its emergency load limitation. (Ord. 1543 § 8, 1983).

14.20.090 Penalty.

Operation of any motor vehicle in violation of this chapter shall be a traffic infraction and shall be subject to assessment of such monetary penalty not exceeding two hundred fifty dollars as is now or hereafter established by appropriate schedule by the Supreme Court of the state of Washington. (Ord. 1543 § 9, 1983).

14.20.100 Action for damage.

Any person operating a motor vehicle upon any city street in violation of any provision of this chapter shall be liable in a civil action instituted in the name of the city, for any damage occasioned to any city street as the result of disregarding any load limitation and using such city street, or portion thereof, with any vehicle or any class of vehicle to which the same is closed. (Ord. 1543 § 10, 1983).