Chapter 14.12


14.12.010    Compliance with provisions.

14.12.020    Sidewalk specifications.

14.12.030    Penalty for violations.

14.12.010 Compliance with provisions.

Whenever any sidewalk along any street, square, alley or other public place in the city, which has heretofore been included within, or shall hereafter be included within, any improvement district for the purpose of grading streets or constructing sidewalks or paving streets shall be constructed or renewed it shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions of CMC 14.12.020. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to those districts which are or shall hereafter be, otherwise specially regulated by ordinance. (Ord. 254 § 1, 1911).

14.12.020 Sidewalk specifications.

Sidewalks within the district covered by this chapter shall be constructed of cement, sand and gravel in proper quantities and manner to make what is commonly called cement sidewalk, and shall be laid on a slope extending back and upward from the curb at the rate of one-fourth inch in elevation to each foot back from the curb. All such sidewalks shall be at least four feet in width and shall extend from a distance of one foot outside the property line, to a distance of six feet outside the property line; provided, however, that wider walks may be laid but when any walk is in excess of five feet in width it shall extend from the lot line to a distance of at least six feet therefrom. (Ord. 254 § 2, 1911).

14.12.030 Penalty for violations.

Any person violating the provisions of this chapter shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars and stand committed until the fine and costs are paid. (Ord. 254 § 3, 1911).